/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "nss.h" #include "pk11pub.h" #include "sechash.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "scoped_ptrs.h" #include "pk11_ecdsa_vectors.h" #include "pk11_signature_test.h" namespace nss_test { class Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase : public Pk11SignatureTest { protected: Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase(SECOidTag hash_oid) : Pk11SignatureTest(CKM_ECDSA, hash_oid) {} }; struct Pkcs11EcdsaTestParams { SECOidTag hash_oid_; Pkcs11SignatureTestParams sig_params_; }; class Pkcs11EcdsaTest : public Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase, public ::testing::WithParamInterface { public: Pkcs11EcdsaTest() : Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase(GetParam().hash_oid_) {} }; TEST_P(Pkcs11EcdsaTest, Verify) { Verify(GetParam().sig_params_); } TEST_P(Pkcs11EcdsaTest, SignAndVerify) { SignAndVerify(GetParam().sig_params_); } static const Pkcs11EcdsaTestParams kEcdsaVectors[] = { {SEC_OID_SHA256, {DataBuffer(kP256Pkcs8, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8)), DataBuffer(kP256Spki, sizeof(kP256Spki)), DataBuffer(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data)), DataBuffer(kP256Signature, sizeof(kP256Signature))}}, {SEC_OID_SHA384, {DataBuffer(kP384Pkcs8, sizeof(kP384Pkcs8)), DataBuffer(kP384Spki, sizeof(kP384Spki)), DataBuffer(kP384Data, sizeof(kP384Data)), DataBuffer(kP384Signature, sizeof(kP384Signature))}}, {SEC_OID_SHA512, {DataBuffer(kP521Pkcs8, sizeof(kP521Pkcs8)), DataBuffer(kP521Spki, sizeof(kP521Spki)), DataBuffer(kP521Data, sizeof(kP521Data)), DataBuffer(kP521Signature, sizeof(kP521Signature))}}}; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(EcdsaSignVerify, Pkcs11EcdsaTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(kEcdsaVectors)); class Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test : public Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase { public: Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test() : Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase(SEC_OID_SHA256) {} }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when the outer AlgID // struct contains neither id-ecPublicKey nor a namedCurve parameter. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportNoCurveOIDOrAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8NoCurveOIDOrAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8NoCurveOIDOrAlgorithmParams)); EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must succeed when only the outer // AlgID struct contains the namedCurve parameters. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportOnlyAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8OnlyAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8OnlyAlgorithmParams)); DataBuffer data(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data)); DataBuffer sig; EXPECT_TRUE(ImportPrivateKeyAndSignHashedData(k, data, &sig)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must succeed when the outer AlgID // struct and the inner ECPrivateKey contain the same namedCurve parameters. // The inner curveOID is always ignored, so only the outer one will be used. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportMatchingCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8MatchingCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8MatchingCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams)); DataBuffer data(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data)); DataBuffer sig; EXPECT_TRUE(ImportPrivateKeyAndSignHashedData(k, data, &sig)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must succeed when the outer AlgID // struct and the inner ECPrivateKey contain dissimilar namedCurve parameters. // The inner curveOID is always ignored, so only the outer one will be used. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportDissimilarCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8DissimilarCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8DissimilarCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams)); DataBuffer data(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data)); DataBuffer sig; EXPECT_TRUE(ImportPrivateKeyAndSignHashedData(k, data, &sig)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when the outer ASN.1 // AlgorithmID struct contains only id-ecPublicKey but no namedCurve parameter. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportNoAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8NoAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8NoAlgorithmParams)); EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when id-ecPublicKey is // given (so we know it's an EC key) but the namedCurve parameter is unknown. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportInvalidAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8InvalidAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8InvalidAlgorithmParams)); EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format with a point not on the curve will // succeed. Using the contained public key however will fail when trying to // import it before using it for any operation. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportPointNotOnCurve) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8PointNotOnCurve, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8PointNotOnCurve)); ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey privKey(ImportPrivateKey(k)); ASSERT_TRUE(privKey); ScopedSECKEYPublicKey pubKey(SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey(privKey.get())); ASSERT_TRUE(pubKey); ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalSlot()); ASSERT_TRUE(slot); auto handle = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot.get(), pubKey.get(), false); EXPECT_EQ(handle, static_cast(CK_INVALID_HANDLE)); }; // Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when no point is given. // PK11 currently offers no APIs to derive raw public keys from private values. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportNoPublicKey) { DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8NoPublicKey, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8NoPublicKey)); EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k)); }; // Importing a public key in SPKI format must fail when id-ecPublicKey is // given (so we know it's an EC key) but the namedCurve parameter is missing. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportSpkiNoAlgorithmParams) { DataBuffer k(kP256SpkiNoAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256SpkiNoAlgorithmParams)); EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPublicKey(k)); } // Importing a public key in SPKI format with a point not on the curve will // succeed. Using the public key however will fail when trying to import // it before using it for any operation. TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportSpkiPointNotOnCurve) { DataBuffer k(kP256SpkiPointNotOnCurve, sizeof(kP256SpkiPointNotOnCurve)); ScopedSECKEYPublicKey pubKey(ImportPublicKey(k)); ASSERT_TRUE(pubKey); ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalSlot()); ASSERT_TRUE(slot); auto handle = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot.get(), pubKey.get(), false); EXPECT_EQ(handle, static_cast(CK_INVALID_HANDLE)); } } // namespace nss_test