1 function with some indirect sub-type change: [C]'function SECStatus SSL_GetPreliminaryChannelInfo(PRFileDesc*, SSLPreliminaryChannelInfo*, PRUintn)' at sslinfo.c:113:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'SSLPreliminaryChannelInfo*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef SSLPreliminaryChannelInfo' at sslt.h:424:1: underlying type 'struct SSLPreliminaryChannelInfoStr' at sslt.h:373:1 changed: type size changed from 192 to 288 (in bits) 3 data member insertions: 'PRBool SSLPreliminaryChannelInfoStr::peerDelegCred', at offset 192 (in bits) at sslt.h:418:1 'PRUint32 SSLPreliminaryChannelInfoStr::authKeyBits', at offset 224 (in bits) at sslt.h:419:1 'SSLSignatureScheme SSLPreliminaryChannelInfoStr::signatureScheme', at offset 256 (in bits) at sslt.h:420:1