"use strict"; function check_ip(s, v, ip) { let sslStatus = new FakeSSLStatus(); ok(!s.isSecureHost(Ci.nsISiteSecurityService.HEADER_HSTS, ip, 0)); let str = "https://"; if (v == 6) { str += "["; } str += ip; if (v == 6) { str += "]"; } str += "/"; let uri = Services.io.newURI(str, null, null); let parsedMaxAge = {}; let parsedIncludeSubdomains = {}; s.processHeader(Ci.nsISiteSecurityService.HEADER_HSTS, uri, "max-age=1000;includeSubdomains", sslStatus, 0, parsedMaxAge, parsedIncludeSubdomains); /* Test that processHeader will ignore headers for an uri, if the uri * contains an IP address not a hostname. * If processHeader indeed ignore the header, then the output parameters will * remain empty, and we shouldn't see the values passed as the header. */ notEqual(parsedMaxAge.value, 1000); notEqual(parsedIncludeSubdomains.value, true); } function run_test() { let SSService = Cc["@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISiteSecurityService); check_ip(SSService, 4, ""); check_ip(SSService, 4, ""); check_ip(SSService, 6, "2001:db8::1"); check_ip(SSService, 6, "1080::8:800:200C:417A"); }