/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsSiteSecurityService.h" #include "mozilla/LinkedList.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/Base64.h" #include "base64.h" #include "CertVerifier.h" #include "nsCRTGlue.h" #include "nsISSLStatus.h" #include "nsISocketProvider.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsIX509Cert.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsNSSComponent.h" #include "nsSecurityHeaderParser.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" #include "pkix/pkixtypes.h" #include "plstr.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "prnetdb.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "ScopedNSSTypes.h" #include "SharedCertVerifier.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::psm; static LazyLogModule gSSSLog("nsSSService"); #define SSSLOG(args) MOZ_LOG(gSSSLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SiteHSTSState::SiteHSTSState(nsCString& aStateString) : mHSTSExpireTime(0) , mHSTSState(SecurityPropertyUnset) , mHSTSIncludeSubdomains(false) { uint32_t hstsState = 0; uint32_t hstsIncludeSubdomains = 0; // PR_sscanf doesn't handle bools. int32_t matches = PR_sscanf(aStateString.get(), "%lld,%lu,%lu", &mHSTSExpireTime, &hstsState, &hstsIncludeSubdomains); bool valid = (matches == 3 && (hstsIncludeSubdomains == 0 || hstsIncludeSubdomains == 1) && ((SecurityPropertyState)hstsState == SecurityPropertyUnset || (SecurityPropertyState)hstsState == SecurityPropertySet || (SecurityPropertyState)hstsState == SecurityPropertyKnockout || (SecurityPropertyState)hstsState == SecurityPropertyNegative)); if (valid) { mHSTSState = (SecurityPropertyState)hstsState; mHSTSIncludeSubdomains = (hstsIncludeSubdomains == 1); } else { SSSLOG(("%s is not a valid SiteHSTSState", aStateString.get())); mHSTSExpireTime = 0; mHSTSState = SecurityPropertyUnset; mHSTSIncludeSubdomains = false; } } SiteHSTSState::SiteHSTSState(PRTime aHSTSExpireTime, SecurityPropertyState aHSTSState, bool aHSTSIncludeSubdomains) : mHSTSExpireTime(aHSTSExpireTime) , mHSTSState(aHSTSState) , mHSTSIncludeSubdomains(aHSTSIncludeSubdomains) { } void SiteHSTSState::ToString(nsCString& aString) { aString.Truncate(); aString.AppendInt(mHSTSExpireTime); aString.Append(','); aString.AppendInt(mHSTSState); aString.Append(','); aString.AppendInt(static_cast<uint32_t>(mHSTSIncludeSubdomains)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const uint64_t kSixtyDaysInSeconds = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60; static bool HostIsIPAddress(const char *hostname) { PRNetAddr hostAddr; return (PR_StringToNetAddr(hostname, &hostAddr) == PR_SUCCESS); } nsAutoCString CanonicalizeHostname(const char* hostname) { nsAutoCString canonicalizedHostname(hostname); ToLowerCase(canonicalizedHostname); while (canonicalizedHostname.Length() > 0 && canonicalizedHostname.Last() == '.') { canonicalizedHostname.Truncate(canonicalizedHostname.Length() - 1); } return canonicalizedHostname; } nsSiteSecurityService::nsSiteSecurityService() : mUseStsService(true) , mPreloadListTimeOffset(0) { } nsSiteSecurityService::~nsSiteSecurityService() { } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsSiteSecurityService, nsIObserver, nsISiteSecurityService) nsresult nsSiteSecurityService::Init() { // Don't access Preferences off the main thread. if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { NS_NOTREACHED("nsSiteSecurityService initialized off main thread"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } mUseStsService = mozilla::Preferences::GetBool( "network.stricttransportsecurity.enabled", true); mozilla::Preferences::AddStrongObserver(this, "network.stricttransportsecurity.enabled"); mPreloadListTimeOffset = mozilla::Preferences::GetInt( "test.currentTimeOffsetSeconds", 0); mozilla::Preferences::AddStrongObserver(this, "test.currentTimeOffsetSeconds"); mSiteStateStorage = mozilla::DataStorage::Get(NS_LITERAL_STRING("SiteSecurityServiceState.txt")); bool storageWillPersist = false; nsresult rv = mSiteStateStorage->Init(storageWillPersist); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } // This is not fatal. There are some cases where there won't be a // profile directory (e.g. running xpcshell). There isn't the // expectation that site information will be presisted in those cases. if (!storageWillPersist) { NS_WARNING("site security information will not be persisted"); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsSiteSecurityService::GetHost(nsIURI* aURI, nsACString& aResult) { nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> innerURI = NS_GetInnermostURI(aURI); if (!innerURI) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsAutoCString host; nsresult rv = innerURI->GetAsciiHost(host); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } aResult.Assign(CanonicalizeHostname(host.get())); if (aResult.IsEmpty()) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return NS_OK; } static void SetStorageKey(nsAutoCString& storageKey, nsCString& hostname, uint32_t aType) { storageKey = hostname; switch (aType) { case nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS: storageKey.AppendLiteral(":HSTS"); break; default: NS_ASSERTION(false, "SSS:SetStorageKey got invalid type"); } } // Expire times are in millis. Since Headers max-age is in seconds, and // PR_Now() is in micros, normalize the units at milliseconds. static int64_t ExpireTimeFromMaxAge(uint64_t maxAge) { return (PR_Now() / PR_USEC_PER_MSEC) + ((int64_t)maxAge * PR_MSEC_PER_SEC); } nsresult nsSiteSecurityService::SetHSTSState(uint32_t aType, nsIURI* aSourceURI, int64_t maxage, bool includeSubdomains, uint32_t flags, SecurityPropertyState aHSTSState) { // Exit early if STS not enabled if (!mUseStsService) { return NS_OK; } // If max-age is zero, the host is no longer considered HSTS. if (maxage == 0) { return RemoveState(aType, aSourceURI, flags); } MOZ_ASSERT((aHSTSState == SecurityPropertySet || aHSTSState == SecurityPropertyNegative), "HSTS State must be SecurityPropertySet or SecurityPropertyNegative"); int64_t expiretime = ExpireTimeFromMaxAge(maxage); SiteHSTSState siteState(expiretime, aHSTSState, includeSubdomains); nsAutoCString stateString; siteState.ToString(stateString); nsAutoCString hostname; nsresult rv = GetHost(aSourceURI, hostname); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); SSSLOG(("SSS: setting state for %s", hostname.get())); bool isPrivate = flags & nsISocketProvider::NO_PERMANENT_STORAGE; mozilla::DataStorageType storageType = isPrivate ? mozilla::DataStorage_Private : mozilla::DataStorage_Persistent; nsAutoCString storageKey; SetStorageKey(storageKey, hostname, aType); rv = mSiteStateStorage->Put(storageKey, stateString, storageType); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::RemoveState(uint32_t aType, nsIURI* aURI, uint32_t aFlags) { // Child processes are not allowed direct access to this. if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { MOZ_CRASH("Child process: no direct access to nsISiteSecurityService::RemoveState"); } // Only HSTS is supported at the moment. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS, NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); nsAutoCString hostname; nsresult rv = GetHost(aURI, hostname); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool isPrivate = aFlags & nsISocketProvider::NO_PERMANENT_STORAGE; mozilla::DataStorageType storageType = isPrivate ? mozilla::DataStorage_Private : mozilla::DataStorage_Persistent; SSSLOG(("SSS: removing entry for %s", hostname.get())); nsAutoCString storageKey; SetStorageKey(storageKey, hostname, aType); mSiteStateStorage->Remove(storageKey, storageType); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::ProcessHeader(uint32_t aType, nsIURI* aSourceURI, const char* aHeader, nsISSLStatus* aSSLStatus, uint32_t aFlags, uint64_t* aMaxAge, bool* aIncludeSubdomains, uint32_t* aFailureResult) { if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_UNKNOWN; } NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS || aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HPKP, NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aSSLStatus); return ProcessHeaderInternal(aType, aSourceURI, aHeader, aSSLStatus, aFlags, aMaxAge, aIncludeSubdomains, aFailureResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::UnsafeProcessHeader(uint32_t aType, nsIURI* aSourceURI, const char* aHeader, uint32_t aFlags, uint64_t* aMaxAge, bool* aIncludeSubdomains, uint32_t* aFailureResult) { return ProcessHeaderInternal(aType, aSourceURI, aHeader, nullptr, aFlags, aMaxAge, aIncludeSubdomains, aFailureResult); } nsresult nsSiteSecurityService::ProcessHeaderInternal(uint32_t aType, nsIURI* aSourceURI, const char* aHeader, nsISSLStatus* aSSLStatus, uint32_t aFlags, uint64_t* aMaxAge, bool* aIncludeSubdomains, uint32_t* aFailureResult) { if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_UNKNOWN; } // Only HSTS is supported at the moment. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS, NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (aMaxAge != nullptr) { *aMaxAge = 0; } if (aIncludeSubdomains != nullptr) { *aIncludeSubdomains = false; } if (aSSLStatus) { bool tlsIsBroken = false; bool trustcheck; nsresult rv; rv = aSSLStatus->GetIsDomainMismatch(&trustcheck); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); tlsIsBroken = tlsIsBroken || trustcheck; rv = aSSLStatus->GetIsNotValidAtThisTime(&trustcheck); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); tlsIsBroken = tlsIsBroken || trustcheck; rv = aSSLStatus->GetIsUntrusted(&trustcheck); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); tlsIsBroken = tlsIsBroken || trustcheck; if (tlsIsBroken) { SSSLOG(("SSS: discarding header from untrustworthy connection")); if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_UNTRUSTWORTHY_CONNECTION; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } nsAutoCString host; nsresult rv = GetHost(aSourceURI, host); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (HostIsIPAddress(host.get())) { /* Don't process headers if a site is accessed by IP address. */ return NS_OK; } switch (aType) { case nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS: rv = ProcessSTSHeader(aSourceURI, aHeader, aFlags, aMaxAge, aIncludeSubdomains, aFailureResult); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected header type"); } return rv; } static uint32_t ParseSSSHeaders(uint32_t aType, const char* aHeader, bool& foundIncludeSubdomains, bool& foundMaxAge, bool& foundUnrecognizedDirective, uint64_t& maxAge, nsTArray<nsCString>& sha256keys) { // "Strict-Transport-Security" ":" OWS // STS-d *( OWS ";" OWS STS-d OWS) // // ; STS directive // STS-d = maxAge / includeSubDomains // // maxAge = "max-age" "=" delta-seconds v-ext // // includeSubDomains = [ "includeSubDomains" ] // // All directives must appear only once. // Directive names are case-insensitive. // The entire header is invalid if a directive not conforming to the // syntax is encountered. // Unrecognized directives (that are otherwise syntactically valid) are // ignored, and the rest of the header is parsed as normal. bool foundReportURI = false; NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(max_age_var, "max-age"); NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(include_subd_var, "includesubdomains"); nsSecurityHeaderParser parser(aHeader); nsresult rv = parser.Parse(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { SSSLOG(("SSS: could not parse header")); return nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE_HEADER; } mozilla::LinkedList<nsSecurityHeaderDirective>* directives = parser.GetDirectives(); for (nsSecurityHeaderDirective* directive = directives->getFirst(); directive != nullptr; directive = directive->getNext()) { SSSLOG(("SSS: found directive %s\n", directive->mName.get())); if (directive->mName.Length() == max_age_var.Length() && directive->mName.EqualsIgnoreCase(max_age_var.get(), max_age_var.Length())) { if (foundMaxAge) { SSSLOG(("SSS: found two max-age directives")); return nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_MAX_AGES; } SSSLOG(("SSS: found max-age directive")); foundMaxAge = true; size_t len = directive->mValue.Length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { char chr = directive->mValue.CharAt(i); if (chr < '0' || chr > '9') { SSSLOG(("SSS: invalid value for max-age directive")); return nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_MAX_AGE; } } if (PR_sscanf(directive->mValue.get(), "%llu", &maxAge) != 1) { SSSLOG(("SSS: could not parse delta-seconds")); return nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_MAX_AGE; } SSSLOG(("SSS: parsed delta-seconds: %llu", maxAge)); } else if (directive->mName.Length() == include_subd_var.Length() && directive->mName.EqualsIgnoreCase(include_subd_var.get(), include_subd_var.Length())) { if (foundIncludeSubdomains) { SSSLOG(("SSS: found two includeSubdomains directives")); return nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS; } SSSLOG(("SSS: found includeSubdomains directive")); foundIncludeSubdomains = true; if (directive->mValue.Length() != 0) { SSSLOG(("SSS: includeSubdomains directive unexpectedly had value '%s'", directive->mValue.get())); return nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS; } } else { SSSLOG(("SSS: ignoring unrecognized directive '%s'", directive->mName.get())); foundUnrecognizedDirective = true; } } return nsISiteSecurityService::Success; } nsresult nsSiteSecurityService::ProcessSTSHeader(nsIURI* aSourceURI, const char* aHeader, uint32_t aFlags, uint64_t* aMaxAge, bool* aIncludeSubdomains, uint32_t* aFailureResult) { if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_UNKNOWN; } SSSLOG(("SSS: processing HSTS header '%s'", aHeader)); const uint32_t aType = nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS; bool foundMaxAge = false; bool foundIncludeSubdomains = false; bool foundUnrecognizedDirective = false; uint64_t maxAge = 0; nsTArray<nsCString> unusedSHA256keys; // Required for sane internal interface uint32_t sssrv = ParseSSSHeaders(aType, aHeader, foundIncludeSubdomains, foundMaxAge, foundUnrecognizedDirective, maxAge, unusedSHA256keys); if (sssrv != nsISiteSecurityService::Success) { if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = sssrv; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // after processing all the directives, make sure we came across max-age // somewhere. if (!foundMaxAge) { SSSLOG(("SSS: did not encounter required max-age directive")); if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_NO_MAX_AGE; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // record the successfully parsed header data. nsresult rv = SetHSTSState(aType, aSourceURI, maxAge, foundIncludeSubdomains, aFlags, SecurityPropertySet); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { SSSLOG(("SSS: failed to set STS state")); if (aFailureResult) { *aFailureResult = nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE_STATE; } return rv; } if (aMaxAge != nullptr) { *aMaxAge = maxAge; } if (aIncludeSubdomains != nullptr) { *aIncludeSubdomains = foundIncludeSubdomains; } return foundUnrecognizedDirective ? NS_SUCCESS_LOSS_OF_INSIGNIFICANT_DATA : NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::IsSecureURI(uint32_t aType, nsIURI* aURI, uint32_t aFlags, bool* aCached, bool* aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aURI); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aResult); // Only HSTS is supported at the moment. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS, NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); nsAutoCString hostname; nsresult rv = GetHost(aURI, hostname); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Exit early if STS not enabled if (!mUseStsService) { *aResult = false; return NS_OK; } /* An IP address never qualifies as a secure URI. */ if (HostIsIPAddress(hostname.get())) { *aResult = false; return NS_OK; } return IsSecureHost(aType, hostname.get(), aFlags, aCached, aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::IsSecureHost(uint32_t aType, const char* aHost, uint32_t aFlags, bool* aCached, bool* aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aHost); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aResult); // Only HSTS is supported at the moment. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS, NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); // set default in case if we can't find any STS information *aResult = false; if (aCached) { *aCached = false; } // Exit early if checking HSTS and STS not enabled if (!mUseStsService && aType == nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS) { return NS_OK; } // An IP address never qualifies as a secure URI. if (HostIsIPAddress(aHost)) { return NS_OK; } // Canonicalize the passed host name nsAutoCString host(CanonicalizeHostname(aHost)); // First check the exact host. This involves first checking for an entry in // site security storage. If that entry exists, we don't want to check // in the preload list. We only want to use the stored value if it is not a // knockout entry, however. // Additionally, if it is a knockout entry, we want to stop looking for data // on the host, because the knockout entry indicates "we have no information // regarding the security status of this host". bool isPrivate = aFlags & nsISocketProvider::NO_PERMANENT_STORAGE; mozilla::DataStorageType storageType = isPrivate ? mozilla::DataStorage_Private : mozilla::DataStorage_Persistent; nsAutoCString storageKey; SetStorageKey(storageKey, host, aType); nsCString value = mSiteStateStorage->Get(storageKey, storageType); SiteHSTSState siteState(value); if (siteState.mHSTSState != SecurityPropertyUnset) { SSSLOG(("Found entry for %s", host.get())); bool expired = siteState.IsExpired(aType); if (!expired) { if (aCached) { *aCached = true; } if (siteState.mHSTSState == SecurityPropertySet) { *aResult = true; return NS_OK; } else if (siteState.mHSTSState == SecurityPropertyNegative) { *aResult = false; return NS_OK; } } // If the entry is expired we can remove it. if (expired) { mSiteStateStorage->Remove(storageKey, storageType); } } SSSLOG(("no HSTS data for %s found, walking up domain", host.get())); const char *subdomain; uint32_t offset = 0; for (offset = host.FindChar('.', offset) + 1; offset > 0; offset = host.FindChar('.', offset) + 1) { subdomain = host.get() + offset; // If we get an empty string, don't continue. if (strlen(subdomain) < 1) { break; } // Do the same thing as with the exact host, except now we're looking at // ancestor domains of the original host. So, we have to look at the // include subdomains flag (although we still have to check for a // SecurityPropertySet flag first to check that this is a secure host and // not a knockout entry - and again, if it is a knockout entry, we stop // looking for data on it and skip to the next higher up ancestor domain). nsCString subdomainString(subdomain); nsAutoCString storageKey; SetStorageKey(storageKey, subdomainString, aType); value = mSiteStateStorage->Get(storageKey, storageType); SiteHSTSState siteState(value); if (siteState.mHSTSState != SecurityPropertyUnset) { SSSLOG(("Found entry for %s", subdomain)); bool expired = siteState.IsExpired(aType); if (!expired) { if (aCached) { *aCached = true; } if (siteState.mHSTSState == SecurityPropertySet) { *aResult = siteState.mHSTSIncludeSubdomains; break; } else if (siteState.mHSTSState == SecurityPropertyNegative) { *aResult = false; break; } } // If the entry is expired we can remove it. if (expired) { mSiteStateStorage->Remove(storageKey, storageType); } } SSSLOG(("no HSTS data for %s found, walking up domain", subdomain)); } // Use whatever we ended up with, which defaults to false. return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::ClearAll() { return mSiteStateStorage->Clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // nsSiteSecurityService::nsIObserver //------------------------------------------------------------ NS_IMETHODIMP nsSiteSecurityService::Observe(nsISupports *subject, const char *topic, const char16_t *data) { // Don't access Preferences off the main thread. if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { NS_NOTREACHED("Preferences accessed off main thread"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } if (strcmp(topic, NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID) == 0) { mUseStsService = mozilla::Preferences::GetBool( "network.stricttransportsecurity.enabled", true); mPreloadListTimeOffset = mozilla::Preferences::GetInt("test.currentTimeOffsetSeconds", 0); } return NS_OK; }