# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import struct
import subprocess
from mozpack.errors import errors

    0xfeedface,  # mach-o 32-bits big endian
    0xcefaedfe,  # mach-o 32-bits little endian
    0xfeedfacf,  # mach-o 64-bits big endian
    0xcffaedfe,  # mach-o 64-bits little endian

FAT_SIGNATURE = 0xcafebabe  # mach-o FAT binary

ELF_SIGNATURE = 0x7f454c46  # Elf binary

ELF = 2

def get_type(path):
    Check the signature of the give file and returns what kind of executable
    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
        signature = f.read(4)
        if len(signature) < 4:
            return UNKNOWN
        signature = struct.unpack('>L', signature)[0]
        if signature == ELF_SIGNATURE:
            return ELF
        if signature in MACHO_SIGNATURES:
            return MACHO
        if signature != FAT_SIGNATURE:
            return UNKNOWN
        # We have to sanity check the second four bytes, because Java class
        # files use the same magic number as Mach-O fat binaries.
        # This logic is adapted from file(1), which says that Mach-O uses
        # these bytes to count the number of architectures within, while
        # Java uses it for a version number. Conveniently, there are only
        # 18 labelled Mach-O architectures, and Java's first released
        # class format used the version 43.0.
        num = f.read(4)
        if len(num) < 4:
            return UNKNOWN
        num = struct.unpack('>L', num)[0]
        if num < 20:
            return MACHO
        return UNKNOWN

def is_executable(path):
    Return whether a given file path points to an executable or a library,
    where an executable or library is identified by:
        - the file extension on OS/2 and WINNT
        - the file signature on OS/X and ELF systems (GNU/Linux, Android, BSD,

    As this function is intended for use to choose between the ExecutableFile
    and File classes in FileFinder, and choosing ExecutableFile only matters
    on OS/2, OS/X, ELF and WINNT (in GCC build) systems, we don't bother
    detecting other kind of executables.
    from buildconfig import substs
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return False

    if substs['OS_ARCH'] == 'WINNT':
        return path.lower().endswith((substs['DLL_SUFFIX'],

    return get_type(path) != UNKNOWN

def may_strip(path):
    Return whether strip() should be called
    from buildconfig import substs
    return not substs['PKG_SKIP_STRIP']

def strip(path):
    Execute the STRIP command with STRIP_FLAGS on the given path.
    from buildconfig import substs
    strip = substs['STRIP']
    flags = substs['STRIP_FLAGS'].split() if 'STRIP_FLAGS' in substs else []
    cmd = [strip] + flags + [path]
    if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0:
        errors.fatal('Error executing ' + ' '.join(cmd))

def may_elfhack(path):
    Return whether elfhack() should be called
    # elfhack only supports libraries. We should check the ELF header for
    # the right flag, but checking the file extension works too.
    from buildconfig import substs
    return ('USE_ELF_HACK' in substs and substs['USE_ELF_HACK'] and
        path.endswith(substs['DLL_SUFFIX']) and
        'COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT' in substs and substs['COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT'])

def elfhack(path):
    Execute the elfhack command on the given path.
    from buildconfig import topobjdir
    cmd = [os.path.join(topobjdir, 'build/unix/elfhack/elfhack'), path]
    if 'ELF_HACK_FLAGS' in os.environ:
        cmd[1:0] = os.environ['ELF_HACK_FLAGS'].split()
    if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0:
        errors.fatal('Error executing ' + ' '.join(cmd))