# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import hashlib import os import re import subprocess import sys import urllib2 from distutils.version import LooseVersion NO_MERCURIAL = ''' Could not find Mercurial (hg) in the current shell's path. Try starting a new shell and running the bootstrapper again. ''' MERCURIAL_UNABLE_UPGRADE = ''' You are currently running Mercurial %s. Running %s or newer is recommended for performance and stability reasons. Unfortunately, this bootstrapper currently does not know how to automatically upgrade Mercurial on your machine. You can usually install Mercurial through your package manager or by downloading a package from http://mercurial.selenic.com/. ''' MERCURIAL_UPGRADE_FAILED = ''' We attempted to upgrade Mercurial to a modern version (%s or newer). However, you appear to have version %s still. It's possible your package manager doesn't support a modern version of Mercurial. It's also possible Mercurial is not being installed in the search path for this shell. Try creating a new shell and run this bootstrapper again. If it continues to fail, consider installing Mercurial by following the instructions at http://mercurial.selenic.com/. ''' PYTHON_UNABLE_UPGRADE = ''' You are currently running Python %s. Running %s or newer (but not 3.x) is required. Unfortunately, this bootstrapper does not currently know how to automatically upgrade Python on your machine. Please search the Internet for how to upgrade your Python and try running this bootstrapper again to ensure your machine is up to date. ''' PYTHON_UPGRADE_FAILED = ''' We attempted to upgrade Python to a modern version (%s or newer). However, you appear to still have version %s. It's possible your package manager doesn't yet expose a modern version of Python. It's also possible Python is not being installed in the search path for this shell. Try creating a new shell and run this bootstrapper again. If this continues to fail and you are sure you have a modern Python on your system, ensure it is on the $PATH and try again. If that fails, you'll need to install Python manually and ensure the path with the python binary is listed in the $PATH environment variable. We recommend the following tools for installing Python: pyenv -- https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv) pythonz -- https://github.com/saghul/pythonz official installers -- http://www.python.org/ ''' BROWSER_ARTIFACT_MODE_MOZCONFIG = ''' Paste the lines between the chevrons (>>> and <<<) into your mozconfig file: <<< # Automatically download and use compiled C++ components: ac_add_options --enable-artifact-builds >>> ''' # Upgrade Mercurial older than this. # This should match OLDEST_NON_LEGACY_VERSION from # the hg setup wizard in version-control-tools. MODERN_MERCURIAL_VERSION = LooseVersion('3.7.3') # Upgrade Python older than this. MODERN_PYTHON_VERSION = LooseVersion('2.7.3') class BaseBootstrapper(object): """Base class for system bootstrappers.""" def __init__(self, no_interactive=False): self.package_manager_updated = False self.no_interactive = no_interactive def install_system_packages(self): ''' Install packages shared by all applications. These are usually packages required by the development (like mercurial) or the build system (like autoconf). ''' raise NotImplementedError('%s must implement install_system_packages()' % __name__) def install_browser_packages(self): ''' Install packages required to build Firefox for Desktop (application 'browser'). ''' raise NotImplementedError('Cannot bootstrap Firefox for Desktop: ' '%s does not yet implement install_browser_packages()' % __name__) def suggest_browser_mozconfig(self): ''' Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig should contain. Firefox for Desktop can in simple cases determine its build environment entirely from configure. ''' pass def install_browser_artifact_mode_packages(self): ''' Install packages required to build Firefox for Desktop (application 'browser') in Artifact Mode. ''' raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot bootstrap Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode: ' '%s does not yet implement install_browser_artifact_mode_packages()' % __name__) def suggest_browser_artifact_mode_mozconfig(self): ''' Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig should contain. Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode needs to enable artifact builds and a path where the build artifacts will be written to. ''' print(BROWSER_ARTIFACT_MODE_MOZCONFIG) def install_mobile_android_packages(self): ''' Install packages required to build Firefox for Android (application 'mobile/android', also known as Fennec). ''' raise NotImplementedError('Cannot bootstrap Firefox for Android: ' '%s does not yet implement install_mobile_android_packages()' % __name__) def suggest_mobile_android_mozconfig(self): ''' Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig should contain. Firefox for Android needs an application and an ABI set, and it needs paths to the Android SDK and NDK. ''' raise NotImplementedError('%s does not yet implement suggest_mobile_android_mozconfig()' % __name__) def install_mobile_android_artifact_mode_packages(self): ''' Install packages required to build Firefox for Android (application 'mobile/android', also known as Fennec) in Artifact Mode. ''' raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot bootstrap Firefox for Android Artifact Mode: ' '%s does not yet implement install_mobile_android_artifact_mode_packages()' % __name__) def suggest_mobile_android_artifact_mode_mozconfig(self): ''' Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig should contain. Firefox for Android Artifact Mode needs an application and an ABI set, and it needs paths to the Android SDK. ''' raise NotImplementedError( '%s does not yet implement suggest_mobile_android_artifact_mode_mozconfig()' % __name__) def which(self, name): """Python implementation of which. It returns the path of an executable or None if it couldn't be found. """ for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): test = os.path.join(path, name) if os.path.exists(test) and os.access(test, os.X_OK): return test return None def run_as_root(self, command): if os.geteuid() != 0: if self.which('sudo'): command.insert(0, 'sudo') else: command = ['su', 'root', '-c', ' '.join(command)] print('Executing as root:', subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) subprocess.check_call(command, stdin=sys.stdin) def dnf_install(self, *packages): if self.which('dnf'): command = ['dnf', 'install'] else: command = ['yum', 'install'] if self.no_interactive: command.append('-y') command.extend(packages) self.run_as_root(command) def dnf_groupinstall(self, *packages): if self.which('dnf'): command = ['dnf', 'groupinstall'] else: command = ['yum', 'groupinstall'] if self.no_interactive: command.append('-y') command.extend(packages) self.run_as_root(command) def dnf_update(self, *packages): if self.which('dnf'): command = ['dnf', 'update'] else: command = ['yum', 'update'] if self.no_interactive: command.append('-y') command.extend(packages) self.run_as_root(command) def apt_install(self, *packages): command = ['apt-get', 'install'] if self.no_interactive: command.append('-y') command.extend(packages) self.run_as_root(command) def apt_update(self): command = ['apt-get', 'update'] if self.no_interactive: command.append('-y') self.run_as_root(command) def apt_add_architecture(self, arch): command = ['dpkg', '--add-architecture'] command.extend(arch) self.run_as_root(command) def check_output(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run subprocess.check_output even if Python doesn't provide it.""" fn = getattr(subprocess, 'check_output', BaseBootstrapper._check_output) return fn(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _check_output(*args, **kwargs): """Python 2.6 compatible implementation of subprocess.check_output.""" proc = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *args, **kwargs) output, unused_err = proc.communicate() retcode = proc.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get('args', args[0]) e = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) e.output = output raise e return output def prompt_int(self, prompt, low, high, limit=5): ''' Prompts the user with prompt and requires an integer between low and high. ''' valid = False while not valid and limit > 0: try: choice = int(raw_input(prompt)) if not low <= choice <= high: print("ERROR! Please enter a valid option!") limit -= 1 else: valid = True except ValueError: print("ERROR! Please enter a valid option!") limit -= 1 if limit > 0: return choice else: raise Exception("Error! Reached max attempts of entering option.") def _ensure_package_manager_updated(self): if self.package_manager_updated: return self._update_package_manager() self.package_manager_updated = True def _update_package_manager(self): """Updates the package manager's manifests/package list. This should be defined in child classes. """ def _hgplain_env(self): """ Returns a copy of the current environment updated with the HGPLAIN environment variable. HGPLAIN prevents Mercurial from applying locale variations to the output making it suitable for use in scripts. """ env = os.environ.copy() env[b'HGPLAIN'] = b'1' return env def is_mercurial_modern(self): hg = self.which('hg') if not hg: print(NO_MERCURIAL) return False, False, None info = self.check_output([hg, '--version'], env=self._hgplain_env()).splitlines()[0] match = re.search('version ([^\+\)]+)', info) if not match: print('ERROR: Unable to identify Mercurial version.') return True, False, None our = LooseVersion(match.group(1)) return True, our >= MODERN_MERCURIAL_VERSION, our def ensure_mercurial_modern(self): installed, modern, version = self.is_mercurial_modern() if modern: print('Your version of Mercurial (%s) is sufficiently modern.' % version) return installed, modern self._ensure_package_manager_updated() if installed: print('Your version of Mercurial (%s) is not modern enough.' % version) print('(Older versions of Mercurial have known security vulnerabilities. ' 'Unless you are running a patched Mercurial version, you may be ' 'vulnerable.') else: print('You do not have Mercurial installed') if self.upgrade_mercurial(version) is False: return installed, modern installed, modern, after = self.is_mercurial_modern() if installed and not modern: print(MERCURIAL_UPGRADE_FAILED % (MODERN_MERCURIAL_VERSION, after)) return installed, modern def upgrade_mercurial(self, current): """Upgrade Mercurial. Child classes should reimplement this. Return False to not perform a version check after the upgrade is performed. """ print(MERCURIAL_UNABLE_UPGRADE % (current, MODERN_MERCURIAL_VERSION)) def is_python_modern(self): python = None for test in ['python2.7', 'python']: python = self.which(test) if python: break assert python info = self.check_output([python, '--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) match = re.search('Python ([a-z0-9\.]+)', info) if not match: print('ERROR Unable to identify Python version.') return False, None our = LooseVersion(match.group(1)) return our >= MODERN_PYTHON_VERSION, our def ensure_python_modern(self): modern, version = self.is_python_modern() if modern: print('Your version of Python (%s) is new enough.' % version) return print('Your version of Python (%s) is too old. Will try to upgrade.' % version) self._ensure_package_manager_updated() self.upgrade_python(version) modern, after = self.is_python_modern() if not modern: print(PYTHON_UPGRADE_FAILED % (MODERN_PYTHON_VERSION, after)) sys.exit(1) def upgrade_python(self, current): """Upgrade Python. Child classes should reimplement this. """ print(PYTHON_UNABLE_UPGRADE % (current, MODERN_PYTHON_VERSION)) def http_download_and_save(self, url, dest, sha256hexhash): f = urllib2.urlopen(url) h = hashlib.sha256() with open(dest, 'wb') as out: while True: data = f.read(4096) if data: out.write(data) h.update(data) else: break if h.hexdigest() != sha256hexhash: os.remove(dest) raise ValueError('Hash of downloaded file does not match expected hash')