Release history
- Stabilize the order of elements in dot file exports,
patch from bitbucket user ‘pombredanne’.
- Tweak file to remove dependency on distribute (but
keep the dependency on setuptools)
- There where no classifiers in the package metadata due to a bug
This is a bugfix release
Bug fixes:
Issue #3: The source archive contains a README.txt
while the setup file refers to ReadMe.txt.
This is caused by a misfeature in distutils, as a
workaround I’ve renamed ReadMe.txt to README.txt
in the source tree and setup file.
This is a minor feature release
Do not use “2to3” to support Python 3.
As a side effect of this altgraph now supports
Python 2.6 and later, and no longer supports
earlier releases of Python.
The order of attributes in the Dot output
is now always alphabetical.
With this change the output will be consistent
between runs and Python versions.
This is a minor bugfix release
- Added altgraph.ObjectGraph.ObjectGraph.nodes, a method
yielding all nodes in an object graph.
- The 0.8 release didn’t work with py2app when using
python 3.x.
This is a minor feature release. The major new feature
is a extensive set of unittests, which explains almost
all other changes in this release.
- Installing failed with Python 2.5 due to using a distutils
class that isn’t available in that version of Python
(issue #1 on the issue tracker)
- altgraph.GraphStat.degree_dist now actually works
- altgraph.Graph.add_edge(a, b, create_nodes=False) will
no longer create the edge when one of the nodes doesn’t
- altgraph.Graph.forw_topo_sort failed for some sparse graphs.
- altgraph.Graph.back_topo_sort was completely broken in
previous releases.
- altgraph.Graph.forw_bfs_subgraph now actually works.
- altgraph.Graph.back_bfs_subgraph now actually works.
- altgraph.Graph.iterdfs now returns the correct result
when the forward argument is False.
- altgraph.Graph.iterdata now returns the correct result
when the forward argument is False.
- The altgraph.Graph constructor now accepts an argument
that contains 2- and 3-tuples instead of requireing that
all items have the same size. The (optional) argument can now
also be any iterator.
- altgraph.Graph.Graph.add_node has no effect when you
add a hidden node.
- The private method altgraph.Graph._bfs is no longer
- The private method altgraph.Graph._dfs is no longer
- altgraph.ObjectGraph now has a __contains__ methods,
which means you can use the in operator to check if a
node is part of a graph.
- altgraph.GraphUtil.generate_random_graph will raise
GraphError instead of looping forever when it is
impossible to create the requested graph.
- altgraph.Dot.edge_style raises GraphError when
one of the nodes is not present in the graph. The method
silently added the tail in the past, but without ensuring
a consistent graph state.
- altgraph.Dot.save_img now works when the mode is
This is a minor bugfix release
- distutils didn’t include the documentation subtree
This is a minor feature release
- Documentation is now generated using sphinx
and can be viewed at <>.
- The repository has moved to bitbucket
- altgraph.GraphStat.avg_hops is no longer present, the function had no
implementation and no specified behaviour.
- the module altgraph.compat is gone, which means altgraph will no
longer work with Python 2.3.
This is a minor feature release.