/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // IWYU pragma: private, include "nsHTMLTags.h" /****** This file contains the list of all HTML tags. See nsHTMLTags.h for access to the enum values for tags. It is designed to be used as input to various places that will define the HTML_TAG macro in useful ways through the magic of C preprocessing. Additionally, it is consumed by the self-regeneration code in ElementName.java from which nsHtml5ElementName.cpp/h is translated. See parser/html/java/README.txt. If you edit this list, you need to re-run ElementName.java self-regeneration and the HTML parser Java to C++ translation. All entries must be enclosed in the macro HTML_TAG which will have cruel and unusual things done to it. It is recommended (but not strictly necessary) to keep all entries in alphabetical order. The first argument to HTML_TAG is the tag name. The second argument is the "creator" method of the form NS_New$TAGNAMEElement, that will be used by nsHTMLContentSink.cpp to create a content object for a tag of that type. Use NOTUSED, if the particular tag has a non-standard creator. The third argument is the interface name specified for this element in the HTML specification. It can be empty if the relevant interface name is "HTMLElement". The HTML_OTHER macro is for values in the nsHTMLTag enum that are not strictly tags. Entries *must* use only lowercase characters. Don't forget to update /editor/libeditor/HTMLEditUtils.cpp as well. ** Break these invariants and bad things will happen. ** ******/ #define HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(_tag) HTML_TAG(_tag, , ) HTML_TAG(a, Anchor, Anchor) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(abbr) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(acronym) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(address) HTML_TAG(applet, SharedObject, Applet) HTML_TAG(area, Area, Area) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(article) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(aside) HTML_TAG(audio, Audio, Audio) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(b) HTML_TAG(base, Shared, Base) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(basefont) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(bdo) HTML_TAG(bgsound, Unknown, Unknown) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(big) HTML_TAG(blockquote, Shared, Quote) HTML_TAG(body, Body, Body) HTML_TAG(br, BR, BR) HTML_TAG(button, Button, Button) HTML_TAG(canvas, Canvas, Canvas) HTML_TAG(caption, TableCaption, TableCaption) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(center) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(cite) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(code) HTML_TAG(col, TableCol, TableCol) HTML_TAG(colgroup, TableCol, TableCol) HTML_TAG(content, Content, Content) HTML_TAG(data, Data, Data) HTML_TAG(datalist, DataList, DataList) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(dd) HTML_TAG(del, Mod, Mod) HTML_TAG(details, Details, Details) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(dfn) HTML_TAG(dialog, Dialog, Dialog) HTML_TAG(dir, Shared, Directory) HTML_TAG(div, Div, Div) HTML_TAG(dl, SharedList, DList) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(dt) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(em) HTML_TAG(embed, SharedObject, Embed) HTML_TAG(fieldset, FieldSet, FieldSet) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(figcaption) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(figure) HTML_TAG(font, Font, Font) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(footer) HTML_TAG(form, Form, Form) HTML_TAG(frame, Frame, Frame) HTML_TAG(frameset, FrameSet, FrameSet) HTML_TAG(h1, Heading, Heading) HTML_TAG(h2, Heading, Heading) HTML_TAG(h3, Heading, Heading) HTML_TAG(h4, Heading, Heading) HTML_TAG(h5, Heading, Heading) HTML_TAG(h6, Heading, Heading) HTML_TAG(head, Shared, Head) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(header) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(hgroup) HTML_TAG(hr, HR, HR) HTML_TAG(html, Shared, Html) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(i) HTML_TAG(iframe, IFrame, IFrame) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(image) HTML_TAG(img, Image, Image) HTML_TAG(input, Input, Input) HTML_TAG(ins, Mod, Mod) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(kbd) HTML_TAG(keygen, Span, Span) HTML_TAG(label, Label, Label) HTML_TAG(legend, Legend, Legend) HTML_TAG(li, LI, LI) HTML_TAG(link, Link, Link) HTML_TAG(listing, Pre, Pre) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(main) HTML_TAG(map, Map, Map) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(mark) HTML_TAG(marquee, Div, Div) HTML_TAG(menu, Menu, Menu) HTML_TAG(menuitem, MenuItem, MenuItem) HTML_TAG(meta, Meta, Meta) HTML_TAG(meter, Meter, Meter) HTML_TAG(multicol, Unknown, Unknown) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(nav) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(nobr) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(noembed) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(noframes) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(noscript) HTML_TAG(object, Object, Object) HTML_TAG(ol, SharedList, OList) HTML_TAG(optgroup, OptGroup, OptGroup) HTML_TAG(option, Option, Option) HTML_TAG(output, Output, Output) HTML_TAG(p, Paragraph, Paragraph) HTML_TAG(param, Shared, Param) HTML_TAG(picture, Picture, Picture) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(plaintext) HTML_TAG(pre, Pre, Pre) HTML_TAG(progress, Progress, Progress) HTML_TAG(q, Shared, Quote) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(rb) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(rp) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(rt) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(rtc) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(ruby) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(s) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(samp) HTML_TAG(script, Script, Script) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(section) HTML_TAG(select, Select, Select) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(small) HTML_TAG(source, Source, Source) HTML_TAG(span, Span, Span) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(strike) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(strong) HTML_TAG(style, Style, Style) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(sub) HTML_TAG(summary, Summary, ) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(sup) HTML_TAG(table, Table, Table) HTML_TAG(tbody, TableSection, TableSection) HTML_TAG(td, TableCell, TableCell) HTML_TAG(textarea, TextArea, TextArea) HTML_TAG(tfoot, TableSection, TableSection) HTML_TAG(th, TableCell, TableCell) HTML_TAG(thead, TableSection, TableSection) HTML_TAG(template, Template, Template) HTML_TAG(time, Time, Time) HTML_TAG(title, Title, Title) HTML_TAG(tr, TableRow, TableRow) HTML_TAG(track, Track, Track) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(tt) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(u) HTML_TAG(ul, SharedList, UList) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(var) HTML_TAG(video, Video, Video) HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(wbr) HTML_TAG(xmp, Pre, Pre) /* These are not for tags. But they will be included in the nsHTMLTag enum anyway */ HTML_OTHER(text) HTML_OTHER(whitespace) HTML_OTHER(newline) HTML_OTHER(comment) HTML_OTHER(entity) HTML_OTHER(doctypeDecl) HTML_OTHER(markupDecl) HTML_OTHER(instruction) #undef HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG