/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsHtml5TreeOperation_h #define nsHtml5TreeOperation_h #include "nsHtml5DocumentMode.h" #include "nsHtml5HtmlAttributes.h" #include "nsXPCOMStrings.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FromParser.h" class nsIContent; class nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor; class nsHtml5DocumentBuilder; enum eHtml5TreeOperation { eTreeOpUninitialized, // main HTML5 ops eTreeOpAppend, eTreeOpDetach, eTreeOpAppendChildrenToNewParent, eTreeOpFosterParent, eTreeOpAppendToDocument, eTreeOpAddAttributes, eTreeOpDocumentMode, eTreeOpCreateHTMLElementNetwork, eTreeOpCreateHTMLElementNotNetwork, eTreeOpCreateSVGElementNetwork, eTreeOpCreateSVGElementNotNetwork, eTreeOpCreateMathMLElement, eTreeOpSetFormElement, eTreeOpAppendText, eTreeOpAppendIsindexPrompt, eTreeOpFosterParentText, eTreeOpAppendComment, eTreeOpAppendCommentToDocument, eTreeOpAppendDoctypeToDocument, eTreeOpGetDocumentFragmentForTemplate, eTreeOpGetFosterParent, // Gecko-specific on-pop ops eTreeOpMarkAsBroken, eTreeOpRunScript, eTreeOpRunScriptAsyncDefer, eTreeOpPreventScriptExecution, eTreeOpDoneAddingChildren, eTreeOpDoneCreatingElement, eTreeOpSetDocumentCharset, eTreeOpNeedsCharsetSwitchTo, eTreeOpUpdateStyleSheet, eTreeOpProcessMeta, eTreeOpProcessOfflineManifest, eTreeOpMarkMalformedIfScript, eTreeOpStreamEnded, eTreeOpSetStyleLineNumber, eTreeOpSetScriptLineNumberAndFreeze, eTreeOpSvgLoad, eTreeOpMaybeComplainAboutCharset, eTreeOpAddClass, eTreeOpAddViewSourceHref, eTreeOpAddViewSourceBase, eTreeOpAddError, eTreeOpAddLineNumberId, eTreeOpStartLayout }; class nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair { private: nsString mPublicId; nsString mSystemId; public: nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair(const nsAString& aPublicId, const nsAString& aSystemId) : mPublicId(aPublicId) , mSystemId(aSystemId) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair); } ~nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair); } inline void Get(nsAString& aPublicId, nsAString& aSystemId) { aPublicId.Assign(mPublicId); aSystemId.Assign(mSystemId); } }; class nsHtml5TreeOperation { public: /** * Atom is used inside the parser core are either static atoms that are * the same as Gecko-wide static atoms or they are dynamic atoms scoped by * both thread and parser to a particular nsHtml5AtomTable. In order to * such scoped atoms coming into contact with the rest of Gecko, atoms * that are about to exit the parser must go through this method which * reobtains dynamic atoms from the Gecko-global atom table. * * @param aAtom a potentially parser-scoped atom * @return an nsIAtom that's pointer comparable on the main thread with * other not-parser atoms. */ static inline already_AddRefed<nsIAtom> Reget(nsIAtom* aAtom) { if (!aAtom || aAtom->IsStaticAtom()) { return dont_AddRef(aAtom); } nsAutoString str; aAtom->ToString(str); return NS_AtomizeMainThread(str); } static nsresult AppendTextToTextNode(const char16_t* aBuffer, uint32_t aLength, nsIContent* aTextNode, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult AppendText(const char16_t* aBuffer, uint32_t aLength, nsIContent* aParent, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult Append(nsIContent* aNode, nsIContent* aParent, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult AppendToDocument(nsIContent* aNode, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static void Detach(nsIContent* aNode, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult AppendChildrenToNewParent(nsIContent* aNode, nsIContent* aParent, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult FosterParent(nsIContent* aNode, nsIContent* aParent, nsIContent* aTable, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static void SetHTMLElementAttributes(mozilla::dom::Element* aElement, nsIAtom* aName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes); static nsresult AddAttributes(nsIContent* aNode, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsIContent* CreateHTMLElement( nsIAtom* aName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes, mozilla::dom::FromParser aFromParser, nsNodeInfoManager* aNodeInfoManager, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder, mozilla::dom::HTMLContentCreatorFunction aCreator); static nsIContent* CreateSVGElement( nsIAtom* aName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes, mozilla::dom::FromParser aFromParser, nsNodeInfoManager* aNodeInfoManager, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder, mozilla::dom::SVGContentCreatorFunction aCreator); static nsIContent* CreateMathMLElement(nsIAtom* aName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes, nsNodeInfoManager* aNodeInfoManager, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static void SetFormElement(nsIContent* aNode, nsIContent* aParent); static nsresult AppendIsindexPrompt(nsIContent* parent, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult FosterParentText(nsIContent* aStackParent, char16_t* aBuffer, uint32_t aLength, nsIContent* aTable, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult AppendComment(nsIContent* aParent, char16_t* aBuffer, int32_t aLength, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult AppendCommentToDocument(char16_t* aBuffer, int32_t aLength, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsresult AppendDoctypeToDocument(nsIAtom* aName, const nsAString& aPublicId, const nsAString& aSystemId, nsHtml5DocumentBuilder* aBuilder); static nsIContent* GetDocumentFragmentForTemplate(nsIContent* aNode); static nsIContent* GetFosterParent(nsIContent* aTable, nsIContent* aStackParent); static void PreventScriptExecution(nsIContent* aNode); static void DoneAddingChildren(nsIContent* aNode); static void DoneCreatingElement(nsIContent* aNode); static void SvgLoad(nsIContent* aNode); static void MarkMalformedIfScript(nsIContent* aNode); nsHtml5TreeOperation(); ~nsHtml5TreeOperation(); inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); mOpCode = aOpCode; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, nsIContentHandle* aNode) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, nsIContentHandle* aNode, nsIContentHandle* aParent) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); NS_PRECONDITION(aParent, "Initialized tree op with null parent."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); mTwo.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aParent); } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, const nsACString& aString, int32_t aInt32) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); int32_t len = aString.Length(); char* str = new char[len + 1]; const char* start = aString.BeginReading(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { str[i] = start[i]; } str[len] = '\0'; mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.charPtr = str; mFour.integer = aInt32; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, const nsACString& aString, int32_t aInt32, int32_t aLineNumber) { Init(aOpCode, aString, aInt32); mTwo.integer = aLineNumber; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, nsIContentHandle* aNode, nsIContentHandle* aParent, nsIContentHandle* aTable) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); NS_PRECONDITION(aParent, "Initialized tree op with null parent."); NS_PRECONDITION(aTable, "Initialized tree op with null table."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); mTwo.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aParent); mThree.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aTable); } inline void Init(nsHtml5DocumentMode aMode) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); mOpCode = eTreeOpDocumentMode; mOne.mode = aMode; } inline void InitScript(nsIContentHandle* aNode) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); mOpCode = eTreeOpRunScript; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); mTwo.state = nullptr; } inline void Init(int32_t aNamespace, nsIAtom* aName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes, nsIContentHandle* aTarget, nsIContentHandle* aIntendedParent, bool aFromNetwork, nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction aCreator) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aName, "Initialized tree op with null name."); NS_PRECONDITION(aTarget, "Initialized tree op with null target node."); if (aNamespace == kNameSpaceID_XHTML) { mOpCode = aFromNetwork ? eTreeOpCreateHTMLElementNetwork : eTreeOpCreateHTMLElementNotNetwork; mFour.htmlCreator = aCreator.html; } else if (aNamespace == kNameSpaceID_SVG) { mOpCode = aFromNetwork ? eTreeOpCreateSVGElementNetwork : eTreeOpCreateSVGElementNotNetwork; mFour.svgCreator = aCreator.svg; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aNamespace == kNameSpaceID_MathML); mOpCode = eTreeOpCreateMathMLElement; } mFive.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aIntendedParent); mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aTarget); mTwo.atom = aName; if (aAttributes == nsHtml5HtmlAttributes::EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES) { mThree.attributes = nullptr; } else { mThree.attributes = aAttributes; } } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, char16_t* aBuffer, int32_t aLength, nsIContentHandle* aStackParent, nsIContentHandle* aTable) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aBuffer, "Initialized tree op with null buffer."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aStackParent); mTwo.unicharPtr = aBuffer; mThree.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aTable); mFour.integer = aLength; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, char16_t* aBuffer, int32_t aLength, nsIContentHandle* aParent) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aBuffer, "Initialized tree op with null buffer."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aParent); mTwo.unicharPtr = aBuffer; mFour.integer = aLength; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, char16_t* aBuffer, int32_t aLength) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aBuffer, "Initialized tree op with null buffer."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mTwo.unicharPtr = aBuffer; mFour.integer = aLength; } inline void Init(nsIContentHandle* aElement, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* aAttributes) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aElement, "Initialized tree op with null element."); mOpCode = eTreeOpAddAttributes; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aElement); mTwo.attributes = aAttributes; } inline void Init(nsIAtom* aName, const nsAString& aPublicId, const nsAString& aSystemId) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); mOpCode = eTreeOpAppendDoctypeToDocument; mOne.atom = aName; mTwo.stringPair = new nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair(aPublicId, aSystemId); } inline void Init(nsIContentHandle* aElement, const char* aMsgId, nsIAtom* aAtom, nsIAtom* aOtherAtom) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); mOpCode = eTreeOpAddError; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aElement); mTwo.charPtr = (char*)aMsgId; mThree.atom = aAtom; mFour.atom = aOtherAtom; } inline void Init(nsIContentHandle* aElement, const char* aMsgId, nsIAtom* aAtom) { Init(aElement, aMsgId, aAtom, nullptr); } inline void Init(nsIContentHandle* aElement, const char* aMsgId) { Init(aElement, aMsgId, nullptr, nullptr); } inline void Init(const char* aMsgId, bool aError, int32_t aLineNumber) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); mOpCode = eTreeOpMaybeComplainAboutCharset; mOne.charPtr = const_cast<char*>(aMsgId); mTwo.integer = aError; mThree.integer = aLineNumber; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, const nsAString& aString) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); char16_t* str = NS_StringCloneData(aString); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.unicharPtr = str; } inline void Init(eHtml5TreeOperation aOpCode, nsIContentHandle* aNode, int32_t aInt) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); mOpCode = aOpCode; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); mFour.integer = aInt; } inline void Init(nsresult aRv) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(NS_FAILED(aRv), "Initialized tree op with non-failure."); mOpCode = eTreeOpMarkAsBroken; mOne.result = aRv; } inline void InitAddClass(nsIContentHandle* aNode, const char16_t* aClass) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); NS_PRECONDITION(aClass, "Initialized tree op with null string."); // aClass must be a literal string that does not need freeing mOpCode = eTreeOpAddClass; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); mTwo.unicharPtr = (char16_t*)aClass; } inline void InitAddLineNumberId(nsIContentHandle* aNode, const int32_t aLineNumber) { NS_PRECONDITION(mOpCode == eTreeOpUninitialized, "Op code must be uninitialized when initializing."); NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Initialized tree op with null node."); NS_PRECONDITION(aLineNumber > 0, "Initialized tree op with line number."); // aClass must be a literal string that does not need freeing mOpCode = eTreeOpAddLineNumberId; mOne.node = static_cast<nsIContent**>(aNode); mFour.integer = aLineNumber; } inline bool IsRunScript() { return mOpCode == eTreeOpRunScript; } inline bool IsMarkAsBroken() { return mOpCode == eTreeOpMarkAsBroken; } inline void SetSnapshot(nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState* aSnapshot, int32_t aLine) { NS_ASSERTION(IsRunScript(), "Setting a snapshot for a tree operation other than eTreeOpRunScript!"); NS_PRECONDITION(aSnapshot, "Initialized tree op with null snapshot."); mTwo.state = aSnapshot; mFour.integer = aLine; } nsresult Perform(nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor* aBuilder, nsIContent** aScriptElement); private: // possible optimization: // Make the queue take items the size of pointer and make the op code // decide how many operands it dequeues after it. eHtml5TreeOperation mOpCode; union { nsIContent** node; nsIAtom* atom; nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes; nsHtml5DocumentMode mode; char16_t* unicharPtr; char* charPtr; nsHtml5TreeOperationStringPair* stringPair; nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState* state; int32_t integer; nsresult result; mozilla::dom::HTMLContentCreatorFunction htmlCreator; mozilla::dom::SVGContentCreatorFunction svgCreator; } mOne, mTwo, mThree, mFour, mFive; }; #endif // nsHtml5TreeOperation_h