If this is your first time building the HTML5 parser, you need to execute the following commands (from this directory) to accomplish the translation: make translate # perform the Java-to-C++ translation from the remote # sources make named_characters # Generate tables for named character tokenization If you make changes to the translator or the javaparser, you can rebuild by retyping 'make' in this directory. If you make changes to the HTML5 Java implementation, you can retranslate the Java sources from the htmlparser repository by retyping 'make translate' in this directory. The makefile supports the following targets: javaparser: Builds the javaparser library retrieved earlier by sync_javaparser. translator: Runs the javaparser target and then builds the Java to C++ translator from sources. libs: The default target. Alias for translator translate: Runs the translator target and then translates the HTML parser sources and copys the parser impl java sources to ../javasrc. translate-javasrc: Runs the translator target and then translates the HTML parser sources stored in ../javasrc. (Depercated) named-characters: Generates data tables for named character tokenization. clean_-avaparser: Removes the build products of the javaparser target. clean-htmlparser: Removes the build products of the translator target. clean-javasrc: Removes the javasrc snapshot code in ../javasrc clean: Runs clean-javaparser, clean-htmlparser, and clean-javasrc. ## How to add an attribute # starting from the root of a UXP checkout cd parser/html/java/htmlparser/src/ $EDITOR nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/AttributeName.java # Search for the word "uncomment" and uncomment stuff according to the comments that talk about uncommenting # Duplicate the declaration a normal attribute (nothings special in SVG mode, etc.). Let's use "alt", since it's the first one. # In the duplicate, replace ALT with the new name in all caps and "alt" with the new name in quotes in lower case. # Search for "ALT,", duplicate that line and change the duplicate to say the new name in all caps followed by comma. # Save. javac nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/AttributeName.java java nu.validator.htmlparser.impl.AttributeName # Copy and paste the output into nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/AttributeName.java replacing the text below the comment "START GENERATED CODE" and above the very last "}". # Recomment the bits that you uncommented earlier. # Save. cd ../.. # Back to parser/html/java/ make translate ## How to add an element # First, add an entry to parser/htmlparser/nsHTMLTagList.h or dom/svg/SVGTagList.h! # Then, starting from the root of a UXP checkout cd parser/html/java/htmlparser/src/ $EDITOR nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/ElementName.java # Search for the word "uncomment" and uncomment stuff according to the comments that talk about uncommenting # Duplicate the declaration a normal element. Let's use "bdo", since it's the first normal one. # In the duplicate, replace BDO with the new name in all caps and "bdo" with the new name in quotes in lower case (twice). # Search for "BDO,", duplicate that line and change the duplicate to say the new name in all caps followed by comma. # Save. javac nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/ElementName.java java nu.validator.htmlparser.impl.ElementName ../../../../../parser/htmlparser/nsHTMLTagList.h ../../../../../dom/svg/SVGTagList.h # Copy and paste the output into nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/ElementName.java replacing the text below the comment "START GENERATED CODE" and above the very last "}". # Recomment the bits that you uncommented earlier. # Save. cd ../.. # Back to parser/html/java/ make translate Ben Newman (23 September 2009) Henri Sivonen (11 August 2016) Matt A. Tobin (16 January 2020)