// Test that URLs containing characters in the IDN blacklist are // always displayed as punycode const testcases = [ // Original Punycode or // normalized form // ["\u00BC", "xn--14-c6t"], ["\u00BD", "xn--12-c6t"], ["\u00BE", "xn--34-c6t"], ["\u01C3", "xn--ija"], ["\u02D0", "xn--6qa"], ["\u0337", "xn--4ta"], ["\u0338", "xn--5ta"], ["\u0589", "xn--3bb"], ["\u05C3", "xn--rdb"], ["\u05F4", "xn--5eb"], ["\u0609", "xn--rfb"], ["\u060A", "xn--sfb"], ["\u066A", "xn--jib"], ["\u06D4", "xn--klb"], ["\u0701", "xn--umb"], ["\u0702", "xn--vmb"], ["\u0703", "xn--wmb"], ["\u0704", "xn--xmb"], ["\u115F", "xn--osd"], ["\u1160", "xn--psd"], ["\u1735", "xn--d0e"], ["\u2027", "xn--svg"], ["\u2028", "xn--tvg"], ["\u2029", "xn--uvg"], ["\u2039", "xn--bwg"], ["\u203A", "xn--cwg"], ["\u2041", "xn--jwg"], ["\u2044", "xn--mwg"], ["\u2052", "xn--0wg"], ["\u2153", "xn--13-c6t"], ["\u2154", "xn--23-c6t"], ["\u2155", "xn--15-c6t"], ["\u2156", "xn--25-c6t"], ["\u2157", "xn--35-c6t"], ["\u2158", "xn--45-c6t"], ["\u2159", "xn--16-c6t"], ["\u215A", "xn--56-c6t"], ["\u215B", "xn--18-c6t"], ["\u215C", "xn--38-c6t"], ["\u215D", "xn--58-c6t"], ["\u215E", "xn--78-c6t"], ["\u215F", "xn--1-zjn"], ["\u2215", "xn--w9g"], ["\u2236", "xn--ubh"], ["\u23AE", "xn--lmh"], ["\u2571", "xn--hzh"], ["\u29F6", "xn--jxi"], ["\u29F8", "xn--lxi"], ["\u2AFB", "xn--z4i"], ["\u2AFD", "xn--14i"], ["\u2FF0", "xn--85j"], ["\u2FF1", "xn--95j"], ["\u2FF2", "xn--b6j"], ["\u2FF3", "xn--c6j"], ["\u2FF4", "xn--d6j"], ["\u2FF5", "xn--e6j"], ["\u2FF6", "xn--f6j"], ["\u2FF7", "xn--g6j"], ["\u2FF8", "xn--h6j"], ["\u2FF9", "xn--i6j"], ["\u2FFA", "xn--j6j"], ["\u2FFB", "xn--k6j"], ["\u3014", "xn--96j"], ["\u3015", "xn--b7j"], ["\u3033", "xn--57j"], ["\u3164", "xn--psd"], ["\u321D", "xn--()-357j35d"], ["\u321E", "xn--()-357jf36c"], ["\u33AE", "xn--rads-id9a"], ["\u33AF", "xn--rads2-4d6b"], ["\u33C6", "xn--ckg-tc2a"], ["\u33DF", "xn--am-6bv"], ["\uA789", "xn--058a"], ["\uFE3F", "xn--x6j"], ["\uFE5D", "xn--96j"], ["\uFE5E", "xn--b7j"], ["\uFFA0", "xn--psd"], ["\uFFF9", "xn--vn7c"], ["\uFFFA", "xn--wn7c"], ["\uFFFB", "xn--xn7c"], ["\uFFFC", "xn--yn7c"], ["\uFFFD", "xn--zn7c"], // Characters from the IDN blacklist that normalize to ASCII // If we start using STD3ASCIIRules these will be blocked (bug 316444) ["\u00A0", " "], ["\u2000", " "], ["\u2001", " "], ["\u2002", " "], ["\u2003", " "], ["\u2004", " "], ["\u2005", " "], ["\u2006", " "], ["\u2007", " "], ["\u2008", " "], ["\u2009", " "], ["\u200A", " "], ["\u2024", "."], ["\u202F", " "], ["\u205F", " "], ["\u3000", " "], ["\u3002", "."], ["\uFE14", ";"], ["\uFE15", "!"], ["\uFF0E", "."], ["\uFF0F", "/"], ["\uFF61", "."], // Characters from the IDN blacklist that are stripped by Nameprep ["\u200B", ""], ["\uFEFF", ""], ]; function run_test() { var pbi = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); var oldProfile = pbi.getCharPref("network.IDN.restriction_profile", "moderate"); var oldWhiteListCom; try { oldWhitelistCom = pbi.getBoolPref("network.IDN.whitelist.com"); } catch(e) { oldWhitelistCom = false; } var idnService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/idn-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIDNService); pbi.setCharPref("network.IDN.restriction_profile", "moderate"); pbi.setBoolPref("network.IDN.whitelist.com", false); for (var j = 0; j < testcases.length; ++j) { var test = testcases[j]; var URL = test[0] + ".com"; var punycodeURL = test[1] + ".com"; var isASCII = {}; var result; try { result = idnService.convertToDisplayIDN(URL, isASCII); } catch(e) { result = ".com"; } // If the punycode URL is equivalent to \ufffd.com (i.e. the // blacklisted character has been replaced by a unicode // REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, skip the test if (result != "xn--zn7c.com") { if (punycodeURL.substr(0, 4) == "xn--") { // test convertToDisplayIDN with a Unicode URL and with a // Punycode URL if we have one equal(escape(result), escape(punycodeURL)); result = idnService.convertToDisplayIDN(punycodeURL, isASCII); equal(escape(result), escape(punycodeURL)); } else { // The "punycode" URL isn't punycode. This happens in testcases // where the Unicode URL has become normalized to an ASCII URL, // so, even though expectedUnicode is true, the expected result // is equal to punycodeURL equal(escape(result), escape(punycodeURL)); } } } pbi.setBoolPref("network.IDN.whitelist.com", oldWhitelistCom); pbi.setCharPref("network.IDN.restriction_profile", oldProfile); }