Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/LoadContextInfo.jsm'); function run_test() { do_get_profile(); if (!newCacheBackEndUsed()) { do_check_true(true, "This test checks only cache2 specific behavior."); return; } var mc = new MultipleCallbacks(2, function() { finish_cache2_test(); }); asyncOpenCacheEntry("http://m1/", "memory", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_NORMALLY, LoadContextInfo.default, new OpenCallback(NEW, "meta", "data", function(entry) { // Check the default equal(entry.isForcedValid, false); // Forced valid and confirm entry.forceValidFor(2); do_timeout(1000, function() { equal(entry.isForcedValid, true); mc.fired(); }); // Confirm the timeout occurs do_timeout(3000, function() { equal(entry.isForcedValid, false); mc.fired(); }); }) ); do_test_pending(); }