Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/LoadContextInfo.jsm'); function gen_200k() { var i; var data="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJLKMNO"; for (i=0; i<13; i++) data+=data; return data; } // Keep the output stream of the first entry in a global variable, so the // CacheFile and its buffer isn't released before we write the data to the // second entry. var oStr; function run_test() { do_get_profile(); if (!newCacheBackEndUsed()) { do_check_true(true, "This test doesn't run when the old cache back end is used since the behavior is different"); return; } var prefBranch = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); // set max chunks memory so that only one full chunk fits within the limit prefBranch.setIntPref("browser.cache.disk.max_chunks_memory_usage", 300); asyncOpenCacheEntry("http://a/", "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_NORMALLY, null, function(status, entry) { do_check_eq(status, Cr.NS_OK); oStr = entry.openOutputStream(0); var data = gen_200k(); do_check_eq(data.length, oStr.write(data, data.length)); asyncOpenCacheEntry("http://b/", "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_NORMALLY, null, function(status, entry) { do_check_eq(status, Cr.NS_OK); var oStr2 = entry.openOutputStream(0); do_check_throws_nsIException(() => oStr2.write(data, data.length), 'NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY'); finish_cache2_test(); } ); } ); do_test_pending(); }