<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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00-00-0000  00:00:00                  763 README
00-00-0000  00:00:00       <DIR>          bin
00-00-0000  00:00:00       <DIR>          etc
00-00-0000  00:00:00                    0 ls-lR
00-00-0000  00:00:00                    3 ls-lR.Z
00-00-0000  00:00:00       <DIR>          pub
00-00-0000  00:00:00       <DIR>          usr
00-00-0000  00:00:00       <JUNCTION>     morgan -> ../real/morgan
00-00-0000  00:00:00                79215 TIMIT.mostlikely.Z
02-03-2002  18:21:00                  763 README
04-28-1994  00:00:00       <DIR>          bin
07-11-2002  21:04:00       <DIR>          etc
08-06-2001  17:14:00                    0 ls-lR
09-05-1994  00:00:00                    3 ls-lR.Z
07-11-2002  21:04:00       <DIR>          pub
09-07-2001  09:39:00       <DIR>          usr
04-18-2002  09:39:00       <JUNCTION>     morgan -> ../real/morgan
01-04-2002  06:45:00                79215 TIMIT.mostlikely.Z