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#include "nsISupports.idl"

 * nsIWebSocketListener: passed to nsIWebSocketChannel::AsyncOpen. Receives
 * websocket traffic events as they arrive.
[scriptable, uuid(d74c96b2-65b3-4e39-9e39-c577de5d7a73)]
interface nsIWebSocketListener : nsISupports
     * Called to signify the establishment of the message stream.
     * Unlike most other networking channels (which use nsIRequestObserver
     * instead of this class), we do not guarantee that OnStart is always
     * called: OnStop is called without calling this function if errors occur
     * during connection setup.  If the websocket connection is successful,
     * OnStart will be called before any other calls to this API.
     * @param aContext user defined context
    void onStart(in nsISupports aContext);

     * Called to signify the completion of the message stream.
     * OnStop is the final notification the listener will receive and it
     * completes the WebSocket connection: after it returns the
     * nsIWebSocketChannel will release its reference to the listener.
     * Note: this event can be received in error cases even if
     * nsIWebSocketChannel::Close() has not been called.
     * @param aContext user defined context
     * @param aStatusCode reason for stopping (NS_OK if completed successfully)
    void onStop(in nsISupports aContext,
                in nsresult aStatusCode);

     * Called to deliver text message.
     * @param aContext user defined context
     * @param aMsg the message data
    void onMessageAvailable(in nsISupports aContext,
                            in AUTF8String aMsg);

     * Called to deliver binary message.
     * @param aContext user defined context
     * @param aMsg the message data
    void onBinaryMessageAvailable(in nsISupports aContext,
                                  in ACString aMsg);

     * Called to acknowledge message sent via sendMsg() or sendBinaryMsg.
     * @param aContext user defined context
     * @param aSize number of bytes placed in OS send buffer
    void onAcknowledge(in nsISupports aContext, in uint32_t aSize);

     * Called to inform receipt of WebSocket Close message from server.
     * In the case of errors onStop() can be called without ever
     * receiving server close.
     * No additional messages through onMessageAvailable(),
     * onBinaryMessageAvailable() or onAcknowledge() will be delievered
     * to the listener after onServerClose(), though outgoing messages can still
     * be sent through the nsIWebSocketChannel connection.
     * @param aContext user defined context
     * @param aCode the websocket closing handshake close code.
     * @param aReason the websocket closing handshake close reason

    void onServerClose(in nsISupports aContext, in unsigned short aCode,
                       in AUTF8String aReason);