/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=2 ts=8 et tw=80 : */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "HttpLog.h" #include "AlternateServices.h" #include "LoadInfo.h" #include "nsEscape.h" #include "nsHttpConnectionInfo.h" #include "nsHttpChannel.h" #include "nsHttpHandler.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsHttpTransaction.h" #include "NullHttpTransaction.h" #include "nsISSLStatusProvider.h" #include "nsISSLStatus.h" #include "nsISSLSocketControl.h" #include "nsIWellKnownOpportunisticUtils.h" /* RFC 7838 Alternative Services http://httpwg.org/http-extensions/opsec.html note that connections currently do not do mixed-scheme (the I attribute in the ConnectionInfo prevents it) but could, do not honor tls-commit and should not, and always require authentication */ namespace mozilla { namespace net { // function places true in outIsHTTPS if scheme is https, false if // http, and returns an error if neither. originScheme passed into // alternate service should already be normalized to those lower case // strings by the URI parser (and so there is an assert)- this is an extra check. static nsresult SchemeIsHTTPS(const nsACString &originScheme, bool &outIsHTTPS) { outIsHTTPS = originScheme.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https")); if (!outIsHTTPS && !originScheme.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http"))) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unexpected scheme"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return NS_OK; } void AltSvcMapping::ProcessHeader(const nsCString &buf, const nsCString &originScheme, const nsCString &originHost, int32_t originPort, const nsACString &username, bool privateBrowsing, nsIInterfaceRequestor *callbacks, nsProxyInfo *proxyInfo, uint32_t caps, const NeckoOriginAttributes &originAttributes) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); LOG(("AltSvcMapping::ProcessHeader: %s\n", buf.get())); if (!callbacks) { return; } if (proxyInfo && !proxyInfo->IsDirect()) { LOG(("AltSvcMapping::ProcessHeader ignoring due to proxy\n")); return; } bool isHTTPS; if (NS_FAILED(SchemeIsHTTPS(originScheme, isHTTPS))) { return; } if (!isHTTPS && !gHttpHandler->AllowAltSvcOE()) { LOG(("Alt-Svc Response Header for http:// origin but OE disabled\n")); return; } LOG(("Alt-Svc Response Header %s\n", buf.get())); ParsedHeaderValueListList parsedAltSvc(buf); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < parsedAltSvc.mValues.Length(); ++index) { uint32_t maxage = 86400; // default nsAutoCString hostname; nsAutoCString npnToken; int32_t portno = originPort; bool clearEntry = false; for (uint32_t pairIndex = 0; pairIndex < parsedAltSvc.mValues[index].mValues.Length(); ++pairIndex) { nsDependentCSubstring ¤tName = parsedAltSvc.mValues[index].mValues[pairIndex].mName; nsDependentCSubstring ¤tValue = parsedAltSvc.mValues[index].mValues[pairIndex].mValue; if (!pairIndex) { if (currentName.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("clear"))) { clearEntry = true; break; } // h2=[hostname]:443 npnToken = currentName; int32_t colonIndex = currentValue.FindChar(':'); if (colonIndex >= 0) { portno = atoi(PromiseFlatCString(currentValue).get() + colonIndex + 1); } else { colonIndex = 0; } hostname.Assign(currentValue.BeginReading(), colonIndex); } else if (currentName.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("ma"))) { maxage = atoi(PromiseFlatCString(currentValue).get()); break; } else { LOG(("Alt Svc ignoring parameter %s", currentName.BeginReading())); } } if (clearEntry) { LOG(("Alt Svc clearing mapping for %s:%d", originHost.get(), originPort)); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->ClearHostMapping(originHost, originPort); continue; } // unescape modifies a c string in place, so afterwards // update nsCString length nsUnescape(npnToken.BeginWriting()); npnToken.SetLength(strlen(npnToken.BeginReading())); uint32_t spdyIndex; SpdyInformation *spdyInfo = gHttpHandler->SpdyInfo(); if (!(NS_SUCCEEDED(spdyInfo->GetNPNIndex(npnToken, &spdyIndex)) && spdyInfo->ProtocolEnabled(spdyIndex))) { LOG(("Alt Svc unknown protocol %s, ignoring", npnToken.get())); continue; } RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> mapping = new AltSvcMapping(gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->GetStoragePtr(), gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->StorageEpoch(), originScheme, originHost, originPort, username, privateBrowsing, NowInSeconds() + maxage, hostname, portno, npnToken); if (mapping->TTL() <= 0) { LOG(("Alt Svc invalid map")); mapping = nullptr; // since this isn't a parse error, let's clear any existing mapping // as that would have happened if we had accepted the parameters. gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->ClearHostMapping(originHost, originPort); } else { gHttpHandler->UpdateAltServiceMapping(mapping, proxyInfo, callbacks, caps, originAttributes); } } } AltSvcMapping::AltSvcMapping(DataStorage *storage, int32_t epoch, const nsACString &originScheme, const nsACString &originHost, int32_t originPort, const nsACString &username, bool privateBrowsing, uint32_t expiresAt, const nsACString &alternateHost, int32_t alternatePort, const nsACString &npnToken) : mStorage(storage) , mStorageEpoch(epoch) , mAlternateHost(alternateHost) , mAlternatePort(alternatePort) , mOriginHost(originHost) , mOriginPort(originPort) , mUsername(username) , mPrivate(privateBrowsing) , mExpiresAt(expiresAt) , mValidated(false) , mMixedScheme(false) , mNPNToken(npnToken) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (NS_FAILED(SchemeIsHTTPS(originScheme, mHttps))) { LOG(("AltSvcMapping ctor %p invalid scheme\n", this)); mExpiresAt = 0; // invalid } if (mAlternatePort == -1) { mAlternatePort = mHttps ? NS_HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT : NS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } if (mOriginPort == -1) { mOriginPort = mHttps ? NS_HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT : NS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } LOG(("AltSvcMapping ctor %p %s://%s:%d to %s:%d\n", this, nsCString(originScheme).get(), mOriginHost.get(), mOriginPort, mAlternateHost.get(), mAlternatePort)); if (mAlternateHost.IsEmpty()) { mAlternateHost = mOriginHost; } if ((mAlternatePort == mOriginPort) && mAlternateHost.EqualsIgnoreCase(mOriginHost.get())) { LOG(("Alt Svc is also origin Svc - ignoring\n")); mExpiresAt = 0; // invalid } if (mExpiresAt) { MakeHashKey(mHashKey, originScheme, mOriginHost, mOriginPort, mPrivate); } } void AltSvcMapping::MakeHashKey(nsCString &outKey, const nsACString &originScheme, const nsACString &originHost, int32_t originPort, bool privateBrowsing) { outKey.Truncate(); if (originPort == -1) { bool isHttps = originScheme.Equals("https"); originPort = isHttps ? NS_HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT : NS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } outKey.Append(originScheme); outKey.Append(':'); outKey.Append(originHost); outKey.Append(':'); outKey.AppendInt(originPort); outKey.Append(':'); outKey.Append(privateBrowsing ? 'P' : '.'); } int32_t AltSvcMapping::TTL() { return mExpiresAt - NowInSeconds(); } void AltSvcMapping::SyncString(nsCString str) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); mStorage->Put(HashKey(), str, mPrivate ? DataStorage_Private : DataStorage_Persistent); } void AltSvcMapping::Sync() { if (!mStorage) { return; } nsCString value; Serialize(value); if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> r; r = NewRunnableMethod<nsCString>(this, &AltSvcMapping::SyncString, value); NS_DispatchToMainThread(r, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); return; } mStorage->Put(HashKey(), value, mPrivate ? DataStorage_Private : DataStorage_Persistent); } void AltSvcMapping::SetValidated(bool val) { mValidated = val; Sync(); } void AltSvcMapping::SetMixedScheme(bool val) { mMixedScheme = val; Sync(); } void AltSvcMapping::SetExpiresAt(int32_t val) { mExpiresAt = val; Sync(); } void AltSvcMapping::SetExpired() { LOG(("AltSvcMapping SetExpired %p origin %s alternate %s\n", this, mOriginHost.get(), mAlternateHost.get())); mExpiresAt = NowInSeconds() - 1; Sync(); } bool AltSvcMapping::RouteEquals(AltSvcMapping *map) { MOZ_ASSERT(map->mHashKey.Equals(mHashKey)); return mAlternateHost.Equals(map->mAlternateHost) && (mAlternatePort == map->mAlternatePort) && mNPNToken.Equals(map->mNPNToken); } void AltSvcMapping::GetConnectionInfo(nsHttpConnectionInfo **outCI, nsProxyInfo *pi, const NeckoOriginAttributes &originAttributes) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> ci = new nsHttpConnectionInfo(mOriginHost, mOriginPort, mNPNToken, mUsername, pi, originAttributes, mAlternateHost, mAlternatePort); // http:// without the mixed-scheme attribute needs to be segmented in the // connection manager connection information hash with this attribute if (!mHttps && !mMixedScheme) { ci->SetInsecureScheme(true); } ci->SetPrivate(mPrivate); ci.forget(outCI); } void AltSvcMapping::Serialize(nsCString &out) { out = mHttps ? NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https:") : NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http:"); out.Append(mOriginHost); out.Append(':'); out.AppendInt(mOriginPort); out.Append(':'); out.Append(mAlternateHost); out.Append(':'); out.AppendInt(mAlternatePort); out.Append(':'); out.Append(mUsername); out.Append(':'); out.Append(mPrivate ? 'y' : 'n'); out.Append(':'); out.AppendInt(mExpiresAt); out.Append(':'); out.Append(mNPNToken); out.Append(':'); out.Append(mValidated ? 'y' : 'n'); out.Append(':'); out.AppendInt(mStorageEpoch); out.Append(':'); out.Append(mMixedScheme ? 'y' : 'n'); out.Append(':'); } AltSvcMapping::AltSvcMapping(DataStorage *storage, int32_t epoch, const nsCString &str) : mStorage(storage) , mStorageEpoch(epoch) { mValidated = false; nsresult code; // The the do {} while(0) loop acts like try/catch(e){} with the break in _NS_NEXT_TOKEN do { #ifdef _NS_NEXT_TOKEN COMPILER ERROR #endif #define _NS_NEXT_TOKEN start = idx + 1; idx = str.FindChar(':', start); if (idx < 0) break; int32_t start = 0; int32_t idx; idx = str.FindChar(':', start); if (idx < 0) break; mHttps = Substring(str, start, idx - start).Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https")); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mOriginHost = Substring(str, start, idx - start); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mOriginPort = nsCString(Substring(str, start, idx - start)).ToInteger(&code); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mAlternateHost = Substring(str, start, idx - start); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mAlternatePort = nsCString(Substring(str, start, idx - start)).ToInteger(&code); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mUsername = Substring(str, start, idx - start); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mPrivate = Substring(str, start, idx - start).Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("y")); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mExpiresAt = nsCString(Substring(str, start, idx - start)).ToInteger(&code); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mNPNToken = Substring(str, start, idx - start); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mValidated = Substring(str, start, idx - start).Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("y")); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mStorageEpoch = nsCString(Substring(str, start, idx - start)).ToInteger(&code); _NS_NEXT_TOKEN; mMixedScheme = Substring(str, start, idx - start).Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("y")); #undef _NS_NEXT_TOKEN MakeHashKey(mHashKey, mHttps ? NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https") : NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http"), mOriginHost, mOriginPort, mPrivate); } while (false); } // This is the asynchronous null transaction used to validate // an alt-svc advertisement only for https:// class AltSvcTransaction final : public NullHttpTransaction { public: AltSvcTransaction(AltSvcMapping *map, nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, nsIInterfaceRequestor *callbacks, uint32_t caps) : NullHttpTransaction(ci, callbacks, caps & ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE) , mMapping(map) , mRunning(true) , mTriedToValidate(false) , mTriedToWrite(false) { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction ctor %p map %p [%s -> %s]", this, map, map->OriginHost().get(), map->AlternateHost().get())); MOZ_ASSERT(mMapping); MOZ_ASSERT(mMapping->HTTPS()); } ~AltSvcTransaction() override { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction dtor %p map %p running %d", this, mMapping.get(), mRunning)); if (mRunning) { MaybeValidate(NS_OK); } if (!mMapping->Validated()) { // try again later mMapping->SetExpiresAt(NowInSeconds() + 2); } LOG(("AltSvcTransaction dtor %p map %p validated %d [%s]", this, mMapping.get(), mMapping->Validated(), mMapping->HashKey().get())); } private: // check on alternate route. // also evaluate 'reasonable assurances' for opportunistic security void MaybeValidate(nsresult reason) { MOZ_ASSERT(mMapping->HTTPS()); // http:// uses the .wk path if (mTriedToValidate) { return; } mTriedToValidate = true; LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate() %p reason=%x running=%d conn=%p write=%d", this, reason, mRunning, mConnection.get(), mTriedToWrite)); if (mTriedToWrite && reason == NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) { // The normal course of events is to cause the transaction to fail with CLOSED // on a write - so that's a success that means the HTTP/2 session is setup. reason = NS_OK; } if (NS_FAILED(reason) || !mRunning || !mConnection) { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate %p Failed due to precondition", this)); return; } // insist on >= http/2 uint32_t version = mConnection->Version(); LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate() %p version %d\n", this, version)); if (version != HTTP_VERSION_2) { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate %p Failed due to protocol version", this)); return; } nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> secInfo; mConnection->GetSecurityInfo(getter_AddRefs(secInfo)); nsCOMPtr<nsISSLSocketControl> socketControl = do_QueryInterface(secInfo); LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate() %p socketControl=%p\n", this, socketControl.get())); if (socketControl->GetFailedVerification()) { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate() %p " "not validated due to auth error", this)); return; } LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::MaybeValidate() %p " "validating alternate service with successful auth check", this)); mMapping->SetValidated(true); } public: void Close(nsresult reason) override { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::Close() %p reason=%x running %d", this, reason, mRunning)); MaybeValidate(reason); if (!mMapping->Validated() && mConnection) { mConnection->DontReuse(); } NullHttpTransaction::Close(reason); } nsresult ReadSegments(nsAHttpSegmentReader *reader, uint32_t count, uint32_t *countRead) override { LOG(("AltSvcTransaction::ReadSegements() %p\n")); mTriedToWrite = true; return NullHttpTransaction::ReadSegments(reader, count, countRead); } private: RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> mMapping; uint32_t mRunning : 1; uint32_t mTriedToValidate : 1; uint32_t mTriedToWrite : 1; }; class WellKnownChecker { public: WellKnownChecker(nsIURI *uri, const nsCString &origin, uint32_t caps, nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, AltSvcMapping *mapping) : mWaiting(2) // waiting for 2 channels (default and alternate) to complete , mOrigin(origin) , mAlternatePort(ci->RoutedPort()) , mMapping(mapping) , mCI(ci) , mURI(uri) , mCaps(caps) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker ctor %p\n", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(!mMapping->HTTPS()); } nsresult Start() { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Start %p\n", this)); nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = new LoadInfo(nsContentUtils::GetSystemPrincipal(), nullptr, nullptr, nsILoadInfo::SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_DATA_IS_NULL, nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER); loadInfo->SetOriginAttributes(mCI->GetOriginAttributes()); RefPtr<nsHttpChannel> chan = new nsHttpChannel(); nsresult rv; mTransactionAlternate = new TransactionObserver(chan, this); RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> newCI = mCI->Clone(); rv = MakeChannel(chan, mTransactionAlternate, newCI, mURI, mCaps, loadInfo); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } chan = new nsHttpChannel(); mTransactionOrigin = new TransactionObserver(chan, this); newCI = nullptr; return MakeChannel(chan, mTransactionOrigin, newCI, mURI, mCaps, loadInfo); } void Done(TransactionObserver *finished) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p waiting for %d\n", this, mWaiting)); mWaiting--; // another channel is complete if (!mWaiting) { // there are all complete! nsAutoCString mAlternateCT, mOriginCT; mTransactionOrigin->mChannel->GetContentType(mOriginCT); mTransactionAlternate->mChannel->GetContentType(mAlternateCT); nsCOMPtr<nsIWellKnownOpportunisticUtils> uu = do_CreateInstance(NS_WELLKNOWNOPPORTUNISTICUTILS_CONTRACTID); bool accepted = false; if (!mTransactionOrigin->mStatusOK) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p origin was not 200 response code\n", this)); } else if (!mTransactionAlternate->mAuthOK) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p alternate was not TLS authenticated\n", this)); } else if (!mTransactionAlternate->mStatusOK) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p alternate was not 200 response code\n", this)); } else if (!mTransactionAlternate->mVersionOK) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p alternate was not at least h2\n", this)); } else if (!mTransactionAlternate->mWKResponse.Equals(mTransactionOrigin->mWKResponse)) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p alternate and origin " ".wk representations don't match\norigin: %s\alternate:%s\n", this, mTransactionOrigin->mWKResponse.get(), mTransactionAlternate->mWKResponse.get())); } else if (!mAlternateCT.Equals(mOriginCT)) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p alternate and origin content types dont match\n", this)); } else if (!mAlternateCT.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("application/json"))) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p .wk content type is %s\n", this, mAlternateCT.get())); } else if (!uu) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p json parser service unavailable\n", this)); } else { accepted = true; } if (accepted) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mMapping->HTTPS()); // https:// does not use .wk nsresult rv = uu->Verify(mTransactionAlternate->mWKResponse, mOrigin, mAlternatePort); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { bool validWK = false; bool mixedScheme = false; int32_t lifetime = 0; uu->GetValid(&validWK); uu->GetLifetime(&lifetime); uu->GetMixed(&mixedScheme); if (!validWK) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p json parser declares invalid\n%s\n", this, mTransactionAlternate->mWKResponse.get())); accepted = false; } if (accepted && (lifetime > 0)) { if (mMapping->TTL() > lifetime) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p atl-svc lifetime reduced by .wk\n", this)); mMapping->SetExpiresAt(NowInSeconds() + lifetime); } else { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p .wk lifetime exceeded alt-svc ma so ignored\n", this)); } } if (accepted && mixedScheme) { mMapping->SetMixedScheme(true); LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p atl-svc .wk allows mixed scheme\n", this)); } } else { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p .wk jason eval failed to run\n", this)); accepted = false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(!mMapping->Validated()); if (accepted) { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p Alternate for %s ACCEPTED\n", this, mOrigin.get())); mMapping->SetValidated(true); } else { LOG(("WellKnownChecker::Done %p Alternate for %s FAILED\n", this, mOrigin.get())); // try again soon mMapping->SetExpiresAt(NowInSeconds() + 2); } delete this; } } ~WellKnownChecker() { LOG(("WellKnownChecker dtor %p\n", this)); } private: nsresult MakeChannel(nsHttpChannel *chan, TransactionObserver *obs, nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, nsIURI *uri, uint32_t caps, nsILoadInfo *loadInfo) { nsID channelId; nsLoadFlags flags; nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = loadInfo ? loadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() : nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER; if (NS_FAILED(gHttpHandler->NewChannelId(&channelId)) || NS_FAILED(chan->Init(uri, caps, nullptr, 0, nullptr, channelId, contentPolicyType)) || NS_FAILED(chan->SetAllowAltSvc(false)) || NS_FAILED(chan->SetRedirectMode(nsIHttpChannelInternal::REDIRECT_MODE_ERROR)) || NS_FAILED(chan->SetLoadInfo(loadInfo)) || NS_FAILED(chan->GetLoadFlags(&flags))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } flags |= HttpBaseChannel::LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE; if (NS_FAILED(chan->SetLoadFlags(flags))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } chan->SetTransactionObserver(obs); chan->SetConnectionInfo(ci); return chan->AsyncOpen2(obs); } RefPtr<TransactionObserver> mTransactionAlternate; RefPtr<TransactionObserver> mTransactionOrigin; uint32_t mWaiting; // semaphore nsCString mOrigin; int32_t mAlternatePort; RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> mMapping; RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> mCI; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mURI; uint32_t mCaps; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(TransactionObserver, nsIStreamListener) TransactionObserver::TransactionObserver(nsHttpChannel *channel, WellKnownChecker *checker) : mChannel(channel) , mChecker(checker) , mRanOnce(false) , mAuthOK(false) , mVersionOK(false) , mStatusOK(false) { LOG(("TransactionObserver ctor %p channel %p checker %p\n", this, channel, checker)); mChannelRef = do_QueryInterface((nsIHttpChannel *)channel); } void TransactionObserver::Complete(nsHttpTransaction *aTrans, nsresult reason) { // socket thread MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); if (mRanOnce) { return; } mRanOnce = true; RefPtr<nsAHttpConnection> conn = aTrans->GetConnectionReference(); LOG(("TransactionObserver::Complete %p aTrans %p reason %x conn %p\n", this, aTrans, reason, conn.get())); if (!conn) { return; } uint32_t version = conn->Version(); mVersionOK = (((reason == NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) || (reason == NS_OK)) && conn->Version() == HTTP_VERSION_2); nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> secInfo; conn->GetSecurityInfo(getter_AddRefs(secInfo)); nsCOMPtr<nsISSLSocketControl> socketControl = do_QueryInterface(secInfo); LOG(("TransactionObserver::Complete version %u socketControl %p\n", version, socketControl.get())); if (!socketControl) { return; } mAuthOK = !socketControl->GetFailedVerification(); LOG(("TransactionObserve::Complete %p trans %p authOK %d versionOK %d\n", this, aTrans, mAuthOK, mVersionOK)); } #define MAX_WK 32768 NS_IMETHODIMP TransactionObserver::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // only consider the first 32KB.. because really. mWKResponse.SetCapacity(MAX_WK); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP TransactionObserver::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext, nsIInputStream *aStream, uint64_t aOffset, uint32_t aCount) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); uint64_t newLen = aCount + mWKResponse.Length(); if (newLen < MAX_WK) { char *startByte = reinterpret_cast<char *>(mWKResponse.BeginWriting()) + mWKResponse.Length(); uint32_t amtRead; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aStream->Read(startByte, aCount, &amtRead))) { MOZ_ASSERT(mWKResponse.Length() + amtRead < MAX_WK); mWKResponse.SetLength(mWKResponse.Length() + amtRead); LOG(("TransactionObserver onDataAvailable %p read %d of .wk [%d]\n", this, amtRead, mWKResponse.Length())); } else { LOG(("TransactionObserver onDataAvailable %p read error\n", this)); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP TransactionObserver::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext, nsresult code) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); LOG(("TransactionObserver onStopRequest %p code %x\n", this, code)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(code)) { nsHttpResponseHead *hdrs = mChannel->GetResponseHead(); LOG(("TransactionObserver onStopRequest %p http resp %d\n", this, hdrs ? hdrs->Status() : -1)); mStatusOK = hdrs && (hdrs->Status() == 200); } if (mChecker) { mChecker->Done(this); } return NS_OK; } already_AddRefed<AltSvcMapping> AltSvcCache::LookupMapping(const nsCString &key, bool privateBrowsing) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::LookupMapping %p %s\n", this, key.get())); if (!mStorage) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::LookupMapping %p no backing store\n", this)); return nullptr; } nsCString val(mStorage->Get(key, privateBrowsing ? DataStorage_Private : DataStorage_Persistent)); if (val.IsEmpty()) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::LookupMapping %p MISS\n", this)); return nullptr; } RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> rv = new AltSvcMapping(mStorage, mStorageEpoch, val); if (!rv->Validated() && (rv->StorageEpoch() != mStorageEpoch)) { // this was an in progress validation abandoned in a different session // rare edge case will not detect session change - that's ok as only impact // will be loss of alt-svc to this origin for this session. LOG(("AltSvcCache::LookupMapping %p invalid hit - MISS\n", this)); mStorage->Remove(key, rv->Private() ? DataStorage_Private : DataStorage_Persistent); return nullptr; } if (rv->TTL() <= 0) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::LookupMapping %p expired hit - MISS\n", this)); mStorage->Remove(key, rv->Private() ? DataStorage_Private : DataStorage_Persistent); return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(rv->Private() == privateBrowsing); LOG(("AltSvcCache::LookupMapping %p HIT %p\n", this, rv.get())); return rv.forget(); } void AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping(AltSvcMapping *map, nsProxyInfo *pi, nsIInterfaceRequestor *aCallbacks, uint32_t caps, const NeckoOriginAttributes &originAttributes) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!mStorage) { return; } RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> existing = LookupMapping(map->HashKey(), map->Private()); LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p map %p existing %p %s validated=%d", this, map, existing.get(), map->AlternateHost().get(), existing ? existing->Validated() : 0)); if (existing && existing->Validated()) { if (existing->RouteEquals(map)){ // update expires in storage // if this is http:// then a ttl can only be extended via .wk, so ignore this // header path unless it is making things shorter if (existing->HTTPS()) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p map %p updates ttl of %p\n", this, map, existing.get())); existing->SetExpiresAt(map->GetExpiresAt()); } else { if (map->GetExpiresAt() < existing->GetExpiresAt()) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p map %p reduces ttl of %p\n", this, map, existing.get())); existing->SetExpiresAt(map->GetExpiresAt()); } else { LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p map %p tries to extend %p but" " cannot as without .wk\n", this, map, existing.get())); } } return; } // new alternate. remove old entry and start new validation LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p map %p overwrites %p\n", this, map, existing.get())); existing = nullptr; mStorage->Remove(map->HashKey(), map->Private() ? DataStorage_Private : DataStorage_Persistent); } if (existing && !existing->Validated()) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p map %p ignored because %p " "still in progress\n", this, map, existing.get())); return; } // start new validation MOZ_ASSERT(!map->Validated()); map->Sync(); RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> ci; map->GetConnectionInfo(getter_AddRefs(ci), pi, originAttributes); caps |= ci->GetAnonymous() ? NS_HTTP_LOAD_ANONYMOUS : 0; caps |= NS_HTTP_ERROR_SOFTLY; if (map->HTTPS()) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p validation via " "speculative connect started\n", this)); // for https resources we only establish a connection nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks = new AltSvcOverride(aCallbacks); RefPtr<AltSvcTransaction> nullTransaction = new AltSvcTransaction(map, ci, aCallbacks, caps); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->SpeculativeConnect(ci, callbacks, caps, nullTransaction); } else { // for http:// resources we fetch .well-known too nsAutoCString origin (NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http://") + map->OriginHost()); if (map->OriginPort() != NS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT) { origin.Append(':'); origin.AppendInt(map->OriginPort()); } nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> wellKnown; nsAutoCString uri(origin); uri.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/.well-known/http-opportunistic")); NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(wellKnown), uri); auto *checker = new WellKnownChecker(wellKnown, origin, caps, ci, map); if (NS_FAILED(checker->Start())) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p .wk checker failed to start\n", this)); map->SetExpired(); delete checker; checker = nullptr; } else { // object deletes itself when done if started LOG(("AltSvcCache::UpdateAltServiceMapping %p .wk checker started %p\n", this, checker)); } } } already_AddRefed<AltSvcMapping> AltSvcCache::GetAltServiceMapping(const nsACString &scheme, const nsACString &host, int32_t port, bool privateBrowsing) { bool isHTTPS; MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!mStorage) { // DataStorage gives synchronous access to a memory based hash table // that is backed by disk where those writes are done asynchronously // on another thread mStorage = DataStorage::Get(NS_LITERAL_STRING("AlternateServices.txt")); if (mStorage) { bool storageWillPersist = false; if (NS_FAILED(mStorage->Init(storageWillPersist))) { mStorage = nullptr; } } if (!mStorage) { LOG(("AltSvcCache::GetAltServiceMapping WARN NO STORAGE\n")); } mStorageEpoch = NowInSeconds(); } if (NS_FAILED(SchemeIsHTTPS(scheme, isHTTPS))) { return nullptr; } if (!gHttpHandler->AllowAltSvc()) { return nullptr; } if (!gHttpHandler->AllowAltSvcOE() && !isHTTPS) { return nullptr; } nsAutoCString key; AltSvcMapping::MakeHashKey(key, scheme, host, port, privateBrowsing); RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> existing = LookupMapping(key, privateBrowsing); LOG(("AltSvcCache::GetAltServiceMapping %p key=%s " "existing=%p validated=%d ttl=%d", this, key.get(), existing.get(), existing ? existing->Validated() : 0, existing ? existing->TTL() : 0)); if (existing && !existing->Validated()) { existing = nullptr; } return existing.forget(); } class ProxyClearHostMapping : public Runnable { public: explicit ProxyClearHostMapping(const nsACString &host, int32_t port) : mHost(host) , mPort(port) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->ClearHostMapping(mHost, mPort); return NS_OK; } private: nsCString mHost; int32_t mPort; }; void AltSvcCache::ClearHostMapping(const nsACString &host, int32_t port) { if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new ProxyClearHostMapping(host, port); if (event) { NS_DispatchToMainThread(event); } return; } nsAutoCString key; AltSvcMapping::MakeHashKey(key, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http"), host, port, true); RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> existing = LookupMapping(key, true); if (existing) { existing->SetExpired(); } AltSvcMapping::MakeHashKey(key, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https"), host, port, true); existing = LookupMapping(key, true); if (existing) { existing->SetExpired(); } AltSvcMapping::MakeHashKey(key, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http"), host, port, false); existing = LookupMapping(key, false); if (existing) { existing->SetExpired(); } AltSvcMapping::MakeHashKey(key, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https"), host, port, false); existing = LookupMapping(key, false); if (existing) { existing->SetExpired(); } } void AltSvcCache::ClearHostMapping(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci) { if (!ci->GetOrigin().IsEmpty()) { ClearHostMapping(ci->GetOrigin(), ci->OriginPort()); } } void AltSvcCache::ClearAltServiceMappings() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (mStorage) { mStorage->Clear(); } } NS_IMETHODIMP AltSvcOverride::GetInterface(const nsIID &iid, void **result) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(QueryInterface(iid, result)) && *result) { return NS_OK; } return mCallbacks->GetInterface(iid, result); } NS_IMETHODIMP AltSvcOverride::GetIgnoreIdle(bool *ignoreIdle) { *ignoreIdle = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP AltSvcOverride::GetParallelSpeculativeConnectLimit( uint32_t *parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit) { *parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit = 32; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP AltSvcOverride::GetIsFromPredictor(bool *isFromPredictor) { *isFromPredictor = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP AltSvcOverride::GetAllow1918(bool *allow) { // normally we don't do speculative connects to 1918.. and we use // speculative connects for the mapping validation, so override // that default here for alt-svc *allow = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AltSvcOverride, nsIInterfaceRequestor, nsISpeculativeConnectionOverrider) } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla