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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
interface nsIURI;

#include "nsISupports.idl"

#define MEDIASTREAM_FRAMETYPE_NORMAL          0x00000001

 * Metadata of the media stream.
interface nsIStreamingProtocolMetaData : nsISupports
     * Frame type.
    attribute uint32_t frameType;

     * The total tracks for the given media stream session.
    attribute uint32_t totalTracks;

     * The mime type of the track.
    attribute ACString mimeType;

     * The width of the resolution.
    attribute unsigned long width;

     * The height of the resolution.
    attribute unsigned long height;

     * The duration of the media stream in units of microseconds.
    attribute unsigned long long duration;

     * The sample rate of the media stream.
    attribute unsigned long sampleRate;

     * The timestamp indicates the stream absolute position
     * relative to the beginning of the presentation.
    attribute unsigned long long timeStamp;

     * The total number of audio channels in the media stream.
    attribute unsigned long channelCount;

     * The AAC audio codec specific data.
    attribute ACString esdsData;

     * The AVCC format extradata of H.264 stream.
    attribute ACString avccData;

 * nsIStreamingProtocolListener
[scriptable, uuid(c4f6b660-892e-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66)]
interface nsIStreamingProtocolListener : nsISupports
     * Called when the data may be read without blocking the calling thread.
     * @param index The track number of the media stream.
     * @param data Raw data of the media stream on given track number.
     * @param length The length of the raw data.
     * @param offset The offset in the data stream from the start of the media
     *               presentation in bytes.
     * @param meta The meta data of the frame.
    void onMediaDataAvailable(in uint8_t index,
                              in ACString data,
                              in uint32_t length,
                              in uint32_t offset,
                              in nsIStreamingProtocolMetaData meta);

     * Called when the meta data for a given session is available.
     * @param index The track number of the media stream.
     * @param meta The meta data of the media stream.
    void onConnected(in uint8_t index, in nsIStreamingProtocolMetaData meta);

     * Called when the Rtsp session is closed.
     * @param index Track number of the media stream.
     * @param reason The reason of disconnection.
    void onDisconnected(in uint8_t index, in nsresult reason);

 * Media stream controller API: control and retrieve meta data from media stream.
interface nsIStreamingProtocolController : nsISupports
     * Preprare the URI before we can start the connection.
     * @param aUri The URI of the media stream.
    void init(in nsIURI aUri);

     * Asynchronously open this controller.  Data is fed to the specified
     * media stream listener as it becomes available. If asyncOpen returns
     * successfully, the controller is responsible for keeping itself alive
     * until it has called onStopRequest on aListener.
     * @param aListener The nsIStreamingProtocolListener implementation
    void asyncOpen(in nsIStreamingProtocolListener aListener);

     * Get the metadata of a track.
     * @param index Index of a track.
     * @return A nsIStreamingProtocolMetaData.
    nsIStreamingProtocolMetaData getTrackMetaData(in octet index);

     * Tell the streaming server to start sending media data.
    void play();

     * Tell the streaming server to pause sending media data.
    void pause();

     * Tell the streaming server to resume the suspended media stream.
    void resume();

     * Tell the streaming server to suspend the media stream.
    void suspend();

     * Tell the streaming server to send media data in specific time.
     * @param seekTimeUs Start time of the media stream in microseconds.
    void seek(in unsigned long long seekTimeUs);

     * Tell the streaming server to stop the
     * media stream and close the connection.
    void stop();

     * Notify the streaming controller that the playback has ended.
     * The controller might have to perform certain internal state transition.
    void playbackEnded();

     * Total number of audio/video tracks.
    readonly attribute octet totalTracks;