/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsIStreamListener.idl"

interface nsIOutputStream;
interface nsIRequestObserver;
interface nsIEventTarget;

 * As data "flows" into a stream listener tee, it is copied to the output stream
 * and then forwarded to the real listener.
[scriptable, uuid(62b27fc1-6e8c-4225-8ad0-b9d44252973a)]
interface nsIStreamListenerTee : nsIStreamListener
     * Initalize the tee.
     * @param listener
     *    the original listener the tee will propagate onStartRequest,
     *    onDataAvailable and onStopRequest notifications to, exceptions from 
     *    the listener will be propagated back to the channel
     * @param sink
     *    the stream the data coming from the channel will be written to,
     *    should be blocking
     * @param requestObserver
     *    optional parameter, listener that gets only onStartRequest and
     *    onStopRequest notifications; exceptions threw within this optional
     *    observer are also propagated to the channel, but exceptions from
     *    the original listener (listener parameter) are privileged 
    void init(in nsIStreamListener listener,
              in nsIOutputStream sink,
              [optional] in nsIRequestObserver requestObserver);

     * Initalize the tee like above, but with the extra parameter to make it
     * possible to copy the output asynchronously
     * @param anEventTarget
     *    if set, this event-target is used to copy data to the output stream,
     *    giving an asynchronous tee
    void initAsync(in nsIStreamListener listener,
                   in nsIEventTarget eventTarget,
                   in nsIOutputStream sink,
                   [optional] in nsIRequestObserver requestObserver);