# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
# vim: set filetype=python:
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if CONFIG['CC_TYPE'] in ('clang', 'gcc'):
    CXXFLAGS += [

if CONFIG['CC_TYPE'] == 'clang':
    CXXFLAGS += [

if CONFIG['CC_TYPE'] in ('msvc', 'clang-cl'):
    CXXFLAGS += [
        '-wd4146', # unary minus operator applied to unsigned type
        '-wd4305', # truncation from 'double' to 'const float'
        '-wd4723', # potential divide by 0
        '-wd4756', # overflow in constant arithmetic

if CONFIG['CC_TYPE'] == 'msvc':
    CXXFLAGS += [
        '-wd4018', # signed/unsigned mismatch

if CONFIG['CC_TYPE'] == 'clang-cl':
    CXXFLAGS += [
        '-Wno-sign-compare', # signed/unsigned mismatch
