/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.gecko.background.fxa; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.mozilla.gecko.background.common.log.Logger; import org.mozilla.gecko.background.fxa.FxAccountClientException.FxAccountClientMalformedResponseException; import org.mozilla.gecko.background.fxa.FxAccountClientException.FxAccountClientRemoteException; import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.FxAccountConstants; import org.mozilla.gecko.Locales; import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.FxAccountDevice; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.ExtendedJSONObject; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.Utils; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.crypto.HKDF; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.AuthHeaderProvider; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.BaseResource; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.BaseResourceDelegate; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.HawkAuthHeaderProvider; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.Resource; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.SyncResponse; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.SyncStorageResponse; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import javax.crypto.Mac; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpEntity; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpHeaders; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpResponse; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.client.ClientProtocolException; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; /** * An HTTP client for talking to an FxAccount server. *


* The delegate structure used is a little different from the rest of the code * base. We add a RequestDelegate layer that processes a typed * value extracted from the body of a successful response. */ public class FxAccountClient20 implements FxAccountClient { protected static final String LOG_TAG = FxAccountClient20.class.getSimpleName(); protected static final String ACCEPT_HEADER = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; public static final String JSON_KEY_EMAIL = "email"; public static final String JSON_KEY_KEYFETCHTOKEN = "keyFetchToken"; public static final String JSON_KEY_SESSIONTOKEN = "sessionToken"; public static final String JSON_KEY_UID = "uid"; public static final String JSON_KEY_VERIFIED = "verified"; public static final String JSON_KEY_ERROR = "error"; public static final String JSON_KEY_MESSAGE = "message"; public static final String JSON_KEY_INFO = "info"; public static final String JSON_KEY_CODE = "code"; public static final String JSON_KEY_ERRNO = "errno"; public static final String JSON_KEY_EXISTS = "exists"; protected static final String[] requiredErrorStringFields = { JSON_KEY_ERROR, JSON_KEY_MESSAGE, JSON_KEY_INFO }; protected static final String[] requiredErrorLongFields = { JSON_KEY_CODE, JSON_KEY_ERRNO }; /** * The server's URI. *

* We assume throughout that this ends with a trailing slash (and guarantee as * much in the constructor). */ protected final String serverURI; protected final Executor executor; public FxAccountClient20(String serverURI, Executor executor) { if (serverURI == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide a server URI."); } if (executor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide a non-null executor."); } this.serverURI = serverURI.endsWith("/") ? serverURI : serverURI + "/"; if (!this.serverURI.endsWith("/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constructed serverURI must end with a trailing slash: " + this.serverURI); } this.executor = executor; } protected BaseResource getBaseResource(String path, Map queryParameters) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, URISyntaxException { if (queryParameters == null || queryParameters.isEmpty()) { return getBaseResource(path); } final String[] array = new String[2 * queryParameters.size()]; int i = 0; for (Entry entry : queryParameters.entrySet()) { array[i++] = entry.getKey(); array[i++] = entry.getValue(); } return getBaseResource(path, array); } /** * Create BaseResource, encoding query parameters carefully. *

* This is equivalent to android.net.Uri.Builder, which is not * present in our JUnit 4 tests. * * @param path fragment. * @param queryParameters list of key/value query parameter pairs. Must be even length! * @return BaseResource * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ protected BaseResource getBaseResource(String path, String... queryParameters) throws URISyntaxException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(serverURI); sb.append(path); if (queryParameters != null) { int i = 0; while (i < queryParameters.length) { sb.append(i > 0 ? "&" : "?"); final String key = queryParameters[i++]; final String val = queryParameters[i++]; sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(key, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(val, "UTF-8")); } } return new BaseResource(new URI(sb.toString())); } /** * Process a typed value extracted from a successful response (in an * endpoint-dependent way). */ public interface RequestDelegate { public void handleError(Exception e); public void handleFailure(FxAccountClientRemoteException e); public void handleSuccess(T result); } /** * Thin container for two cryptographic keys. */ public static class TwoKeys { public final byte[] kA; public final byte[] wrapkB; public TwoKeys(byte[] kA, byte[] wrapkB) { this.kA = kA; this.wrapkB = wrapkB; } } protected void invokeHandleError(final RequestDelegate delegate, final Exception e) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { delegate.handleError(e); } }); } enum ResponseType { JSON_ARRAY, JSON_OBJECT } /** * Translate resource callbacks into request callbacks invoked on the provided * executor. *

* Override handleSuccess to parse the body of the resource * request and call the request callback. handleSuccess is * invoked via the executor, so you don't need to delegate further. */ protected abstract class ResourceDelegate extends BaseResourceDelegate { protected void handleSuccess(final int status, HttpResponse response, final ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } protected void handleSuccess(final int status, HttpResponse response, final JSONArray body) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } protected final RequestDelegate delegate; protected final byte[] tokenId; protected final byte[] reqHMACKey; protected final SkewHandler skewHandler; protected final ResponseType responseType; /** * Create a delegate for an un-authenticated resource. */ public ResourceDelegate(final Resource resource, final RequestDelegate delegate, ResponseType responseType) { this(resource, delegate, responseType, null, null); } /** * Create a delegate for a Hawk-authenticated resource. *

* Every Hawk request that encloses an entity (PATCH, POST, and PUT) will * include the payload verification hash. */ public ResourceDelegate(final Resource resource, final RequestDelegate delegate, ResponseType responseType, final byte[] tokenId, final byte[] reqHMACKey) { super(resource); this.delegate = delegate; this.reqHMACKey = reqHMACKey; this.tokenId = tokenId; this.skewHandler = SkewHandler.getSkewHandlerForResource(resource); this.responseType = responseType; } @Override public AuthHeaderProvider getAuthHeaderProvider() { if (tokenId != null && reqHMACKey != null) { // We always include the payload verification hash for FxA Hawk-authenticated requests. final boolean includePayloadVerificationHash = true; return new HawkAuthHeaderProvider(Utils.byte2Hex(tokenId), reqHMACKey, includePayloadVerificationHash, skewHandler.getSkewInSeconds()); } return super.getAuthHeaderProvider(); } @Override public String getUserAgent() { return FxAccountConstants.USER_AGENT; } @Override public void handleHttpResponse(HttpResponse response) { try { final int status = validateResponse(response); skewHandler.updateSkew(response, now()); invokeHandleSuccess(status, response); } catch (FxAccountClientRemoteException e) { if (!skewHandler.updateSkew(response, now())) { // If we couldn't update skew, but we got a failure, let's try clearing the skew. skewHandler.resetSkew(); } invokeHandleFailure(e); } } protected void invokeHandleFailure(final FxAccountClientRemoteException e) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { delegate.handleFailure(e); } }); } protected void invokeHandleSuccess(final int status, final HttpResponse response) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { SyncResponse syncResponse = new SyncResponse(response); if (responseType == ResponseType.JSON_ARRAY) { JSONArray body = syncResponse.jsonArrayBody(); ResourceDelegate.this.handleSuccess(status, response, body); } else { ExtendedJSONObject body = syncResponse.jsonObjectBody(); ResourceDelegate.this.handleSuccess(status, response, body); } } catch (Exception e) { delegate.handleError(e); } } }); } @Override public void handleHttpProtocolException(final ClientProtocolException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); } @Override public void handleHttpIOException(IOException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); } @Override public void handleTransportException(GeneralSecurityException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); } @Override public void addHeaders(HttpRequestBase request, DefaultHttpClient client) { super.addHeaders(request, client); // The basics. final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, Locales.getLanguageTag(locale)); request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, ACCEPT_HEADER); } } protected void post(BaseResource resource, final ExtendedJSONObject requestBody) { if (requestBody == null) { resource.post((HttpEntity) null); } else { resource.post(requestBody); } } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public long now() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Intepret a response from the auth server. *

* Throw an appropriate exception on errors; otherwise, return the response's * status code. * * @return response's HTTP status code. * @throws FxAccountClientException */ public static int validateResponse(HttpResponse response) throws FxAccountClientRemoteException { final int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (status == 200) { return status; } int code; int errno; String error; String message; String info; ExtendedJSONObject body; try { body = new SyncStorageResponse(response).jsonObjectBody(); body.throwIfFieldsMissingOrMisTyped(requiredErrorStringFields, String.class); body.throwIfFieldsMissingOrMisTyped(requiredErrorLongFields, Long.class); code = body.getLong(JSON_KEY_CODE).intValue(); errno = body.getLong(JSON_KEY_ERRNO).intValue(); error = body.getString(JSON_KEY_ERROR); message = body.getString(JSON_KEY_MESSAGE); info = body.getString(JSON_KEY_INFO); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FxAccountClientMalformedResponseException(response); } throw new FxAccountClientRemoteException(response, code, errno, error, message, info, body); } /** * Don't call this directly. Use unbundleBody instead. */ protected void unbundleBytes(byte[] bundleBytes, byte[] respHMACKey, byte[] respXORKey, byte[]... rest) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, FxAccountClientException { if (bundleBytes.length < 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("input bundle must include HMAC"); } int len = respXORKey.length; if (bundleBytes.length != len + 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("input bundle and XOR key with HMAC have different lengths"); } int left = len; for (byte[] array : rest) { left -= array.length; } if (left != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("XOR key and total output arrays have different lengths"); } byte[] ciphertext = new byte[len]; byte[] HMAC = new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(bundleBytes, 0, ciphertext, 0, len); System.arraycopy(bundleBytes, len, HMAC, 0, 32); Mac hmacHasher = HKDF.makeHMACHasher(respHMACKey); byte[] computedHMAC = hmacHasher.doFinal(ciphertext); if (!Arrays.equals(computedHMAC, HMAC)) { throw new FxAccountClientException("Bad message HMAC"); } int offset = 0; for (byte[] array : rest) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (byte) (respXORKey[offset + i] ^ ciphertext[offset + i]); } offset += array.length; } } protected void unbundleBody(ExtendedJSONObject body, byte[] requestKey, byte[] ctxInfo, byte[]... rest) throws Exception { int length = 0; for (byte[] array : rest) { length += array.length; } if (body == null) { throw new FxAccountClientException("body must be non-null"); } String bundle = body.getString("bundle"); if (bundle == null) { throw new FxAccountClientException("bundle must be a non-null string"); } byte[] bundleBytes = Utils.hex2Byte(bundle); final byte[] respHMACKey = new byte[32]; final byte[] respXORKey = new byte[length]; HKDF.deriveMany(requestKey, new byte[0], ctxInfo, respHMACKey, respXORKey); unbundleBytes(bundleBytes, respHMACKey, respXORKey, rest); } public void keys(byte[] keyFetchToken, final RequestDelegate delegate) { final byte[] tokenId = new byte[32]; final byte[] reqHMACKey = new byte[32]; final byte[] requestKey = new byte[32]; try { HKDF.deriveMany(keyFetchToken, new byte[0], FxAccountUtils.KW("keyFetchToken"), tokenId, reqHMACKey, requestKey); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } BaseResource resource; try { resource = getBaseResource("account/keys"); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT, tokenId, reqHMACKey) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { byte[] kA = new byte[FxAccountUtils.CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES]; byte[] wrapkB = new byte[FxAccountUtils.CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES]; unbundleBody(body, requestKey, FxAccountUtils.KW("account/keys"), kA, wrapkB); delegate.handleSuccess(new TwoKeys(kA, wrapkB)); } }; resource.get(); } /** * Thin container for account status response. */ public static class AccountStatusResponse { public final boolean exists; public AccountStatusResponse(boolean exists) { this.exists = exists; } } /** * Query the account status of an account given a uid. * * @param uid to query. * @param delegate to invoke callbacks. */ public void accountStatus(String uid, final RequestDelegate delegate) { final BaseResource resource; try { final Map params = new HashMap<>(1); params.put("uid", uid); resource = getBaseResource("account/status", params); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { boolean exists = body.getBoolean(JSON_KEY_EXISTS); delegate.handleSuccess(new AccountStatusResponse(exists)); } }; resource.get(); } /** * Thin container for recovery email status response. */ public static class RecoveryEmailStatusResponse { public final String email; public final boolean verified; public RecoveryEmailStatusResponse(String email, boolean verified) { this.email = email; this.verified = verified; } } /** * Query the recovery email status of an account given a valid session token. *

* This API is a little odd: the auth server returns the email and * verification state of the account that corresponds to the (opaque) session * token. It might fail if the session token is unknown (or invalid, or * revoked). * * @param sessionToken * to query. * @param delegate * to invoke callbacks. */ public void recoveryEmailStatus(byte[] sessionToken, final RequestDelegate delegate) { final byte[] tokenId = new byte[32]; final byte[] reqHMACKey = new byte[32]; final byte[] requestKey = new byte[32]; try { HKDF.deriveMany(sessionToken, new byte[0], FxAccountUtils.KW("sessionToken"), tokenId, reqHMACKey, requestKey); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } BaseResource resource; try { resource = getBaseResource("recovery_email/status"); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT, tokenId, reqHMACKey) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { String[] requiredStringFields = new String[] { JSON_KEY_EMAIL }; body.throwIfFieldsMissingOrMisTyped(requiredStringFields, String.class); String email = body.getString(JSON_KEY_EMAIL); Boolean verified = body.getBoolean(JSON_KEY_VERIFIED); delegate.handleSuccess(new RecoveryEmailStatusResponse(email, verified)); } }; resource.get(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void sign(final byte[] sessionToken, final ExtendedJSONObject publicKey, long durationInMilliseconds, final RequestDelegate delegate) { final ExtendedJSONObject body = new ExtendedJSONObject(); body.put("publicKey", publicKey); body.put("duration", durationInMilliseconds); final byte[] tokenId = new byte[32]; final byte[] reqHMACKey = new byte[32]; try { HKDF.deriveMany(sessionToken, new byte[0], FxAccountUtils.KW("sessionToken"), tokenId, reqHMACKey); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } BaseResource resource; try { resource = getBaseResource("certificate/sign"); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT, tokenId, reqHMACKey) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { String cert = body.getString("cert"); if (cert == null) { delegate.handleError(new FxAccountClientException("cert must be a non-null string")); return; } delegate.handleSuccess(cert); } }; post(resource, body); } protected static final String[] LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_STRING_FIELDS = new String[] { JSON_KEY_UID, JSON_KEY_SESSIONTOKEN }; protected static final String[] LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_STRING_FIELDS_KEYS = new String[] { JSON_KEY_UID, JSON_KEY_SESSIONTOKEN, JSON_KEY_KEYFETCHTOKEN, }; protected static final String[] LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_BOOLEAN_FIELDS = new String[] { JSON_KEY_VERIFIED }; /** * Thin container for login response. *

* The remoteEmail field is the email address as normalized by the * server, and is not necessarily the email address delivered to the * login or create call. */ public static class LoginResponse { public final String remoteEmail; public final String uid; public final byte[] sessionToken; public final boolean verified; public final byte[] keyFetchToken; public LoginResponse(String remoteEmail, String uid, boolean verified, byte[] sessionToken, byte[] keyFetchToken) { this.remoteEmail = remoteEmail; this.uid = uid; this.verified = verified; this.sessionToken = sessionToken; this.keyFetchToken = keyFetchToken; } } // Public for testing only; prefer login and loginAndGetKeys (without boolean parameter). public void login(final byte[] emailUTF8, final byte[] quickStretchedPW, final boolean getKeys, final Map queryParameters, final RequestDelegate delegate) { final BaseResource resource; final ExtendedJSONObject body; try { final String path = "account/login"; final Map modifiedParameters = new HashMap<>(); if (queryParameters != null) { modifiedParameters.putAll(queryParameters); } if (getKeys) { modifiedParameters.put("keys", "true"); } resource = getBaseResource(path, modifiedParameters); body = new FxAccount20LoginDelegate(emailUTF8, quickStretchedPW).getCreateBody(); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { final String[] requiredStringFields = getKeys ? LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_STRING_FIELDS_KEYS : LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_STRING_FIELDS; body.throwIfFieldsMissingOrMisTyped(requiredStringFields, String.class); final String[] requiredBooleanFields = LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_BOOLEAN_FIELDS; body.throwIfFieldsMissingOrMisTyped(requiredBooleanFields, Boolean.class); String uid = body.getString(JSON_KEY_UID); boolean verified = body.getBoolean(JSON_KEY_VERIFIED); byte[] sessionToken = Utils.hex2Byte(body.getString(JSON_KEY_SESSIONTOKEN)); byte[] keyFetchToken = null; if (getKeys) { keyFetchToken = Utils.hex2Byte(body.getString(JSON_KEY_KEYFETCHTOKEN)); } LoginResponse loginResponse = new LoginResponse(new String(emailUTF8, "UTF-8"), uid, verified, sessionToken, keyFetchToken); delegate.handleSuccess(loginResponse); } }; post(resource, body); } public void createAccount(final byte[] emailUTF8, final byte[] quickStretchedPW, final boolean getKeys, final boolean preVerified, final Map queryParameters, final RequestDelegate delegate) { final BaseResource resource; final ExtendedJSONObject body; try { final String path = "account/create"; final Map modifiedParameters = new HashMap<>(); if (queryParameters != null) { modifiedParameters.putAll(queryParameters); } if (getKeys) { modifiedParameters.put("keys", "true"); } resource = getBaseResource(path, modifiedParameters); body = new FxAccount20CreateDelegate(emailUTF8, quickStretchedPW, preVerified).getCreateBody(); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } // This is very similar to login, except verified is not required. resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) throws Exception { final String[] requiredStringFields = getKeys ? LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_STRING_FIELDS_KEYS : LOGIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED_STRING_FIELDS; body.throwIfFieldsMissingOrMisTyped(requiredStringFields, String.class); String uid = body.getString(JSON_KEY_UID); boolean verified = false; // In production, we're definitely not verified immediately upon creation. Boolean tempVerified = body.getBoolean(JSON_KEY_VERIFIED); if (tempVerified != null) { verified = tempVerified; } byte[] sessionToken = Utils.hex2Byte(body.getString(JSON_KEY_SESSIONTOKEN)); byte[] keyFetchToken = null; if (getKeys) { keyFetchToken = Utils.hex2Byte(body.getString(JSON_KEY_KEYFETCHTOKEN)); } LoginResponse loginResponse = new LoginResponse(new String(emailUTF8, "UTF-8"), uid, verified, sessionToken, keyFetchToken); delegate.handleSuccess(loginResponse); } }; post(resource, body); } /** * We want users to be able to enter their email address case-insensitively. * We stretch the password locally using the email address as a salt, to make * dictionary attacks more expensive. This means that a client with a * case-differing email address is unable to produce the correct * authorization, even though it knows the password. In this case, the server * returns the email that the account was created with, so that the client can * re-stretch the password locally with the correct email salt. This version * of login retries at most one time with a server provided email * address. *

* Be aware that consumers will not see the initial error response from the * server providing an alternate email (if there is one). * * @param emailUTF8 * user entered email address. * @param stretcher * delegate to stretch and re-stretch password. * @param getKeys * true if a keyFetchToken should be returned (in * addition to the standard sessionToken). * @param queryParameters * @param delegate * to invoke callbacks. */ public void login(final byte[] emailUTF8, final PasswordStretcher stretcher, final boolean getKeys, final Map queryParameters, final RequestDelegate delegate) { byte[] quickStretchedPW; try { FxAccountUtils.pii(LOG_TAG, "Trying user provided email: '" + new String(emailUTF8, "UTF-8") + "'" ); quickStretchedPW = stretcher.getQuickStretchedPW(emailUTF8); } catch (Exception e) { delegate.handleError(e); return; } this.login(emailUTF8, quickStretchedPW, getKeys, queryParameters, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void handleSuccess(LoginResponse result) { delegate.handleSuccess(result); } @Override public void handleError(Exception e) { delegate.handleError(e); } @Override public void handleFailure(FxAccountClientRemoteException e) { String alternateEmail = e.body.getString(JSON_KEY_EMAIL); if (!e.isBadEmailCase() || alternateEmail == null) { delegate.handleFailure(e); return; }; Logger.info(LOG_TAG, "Server returned alternate email; retrying login with provided email."); FxAccountUtils.pii(LOG_TAG, "Trying server provided email: '" + alternateEmail + "'" ); try { // Nota bene: this is not recursive, since we call the fixed password // signature here, which invokes a non-retrying version. byte[] alternateEmailUTF8 = alternateEmail.getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] alternateQuickStretchedPW = stretcher.getQuickStretchedPW(alternateEmailUTF8); login(alternateEmailUTF8, alternateQuickStretchedPW, getKeys, queryParameters, delegate); } catch (Exception innerException) { delegate.handleError(innerException); return; } } }); } /** * Registers a device given a valid session token. * * @param sessionToken to query. * @param delegate to invoke callbacks. */ @Override public void registerOrUpdateDevice(byte[] sessionToken, FxAccountDevice device, RequestDelegate delegate) { final byte[] tokenId = new byte[32]; final byte[] reqHMACKey = new byte[32]; final byte[] requestKey = new byte[32]; try { HKDF.deriveMany(sessionToken, new byte[0], FxAccountUtils.KW("sessionToken"), tokenId, reqHMACKey, requestKey); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } final BaseResource resource; final ExtendedJSONObject body; try { resource = getBaseResource("account/device"); body = device.toJson(); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT, tokenId, reqHMACKey) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) { try { delegate.handleSuccess(FxAccountDevice.fromJson(body)); } catch (Exception e) { delegate.handleError(e); } } }; post(resource, body); } @Override public void deviceList(byte[] sessionToken, RequestDelegate delegate) { final byte[] tokenId = new byte[32]; final byte[] reqHMACKey = new byte[32]; final byte[] requestKey = new byte[32]; try { HKDF.deriveMany(sessionToken, new byte[0], FxAccountUtils.KW("sessionToken"), tokenId, reqHMACKey, requestKey); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } final BaseResource resource; try { resource = getBaseResource("account/devices"); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_ARRAY, tokenId, reqHMACKey) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, JSONArray devicesJson) { try { FxAccountDevice[] devices = new FxAccountDevice[devicesJson.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { ExtendedJSONObject deviceJson = new ExtendedJSONObject((JSONObject) devicesJson.get(i)); devices[i] = FxAccountDevice.fromJson(deviceJson); } delegate.handleSuccess(devices); } catch (Exception e) { delegate.handleError(e); } } }; resource.get(); } @Override public void notifyDevices(@NonNull byte[] sessionToken, @NonNull List deviceIds, ExtendedJSONObject payload, Long TTL, RequestDelegate delegate) { final byte[] tokenId = new byte[32]; final byte[] reqHMACKey = new byte[32]; final byte[] requestKey = new byte[32]; try { HKDF.deriveMany(sessionToken, new byte[0], FxAccountUtils.KW("sessionToken"), tokenId, reqHMACKey, requestKey); } catch (Exception e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } final BaseResource resource; final ExtendedJSONObject body = createNotifyDevicesBody(deviceIds, payload, TTL); try { resource = getBaseResource("account/devices/notify"); } catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invokeHandleError(delegate, e); return; } resource.delegate = new ResourceDelegate(resource, delegate, ResponseType.JSON_OBJECT, tokenId, reqHMACKey) { @Override public void handleSuccess(int status, HttpResponse response, ExtendedJSONObject body) { try { delegate.handleSuccess(body); } catch (Exception e) { delegate.handleError(e); } } }; post(resource, body); } @NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ExtendedJSONObject createNotifyDevicesBody(@NonNull List deviceIds, ExtendedJSONObject payload, Long TTL) { final ExtendedJSONObject body = new ExtendedJSONObject(); final JSONArray to = new JSONArray(); to.addAll(deviceIds); body.put("to", to); if (payload != null) { body.put("payload", payload); } if (TTL != null) { body.put("TTL", TTL); } return body; } }