/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.gecko.db; import java.io.File; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoProfile; import org.mozilla.gecko.annotation.RobocopTarget; import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.ExpirePriority; import org.mozilla.gecko.distribution.Distribution; import org.mozilla.gecko.icons.decoders.LoadFaviconResult; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; /** * Interface for interactions with all databases. If you want an instance * that implements this, you should go through GeckoProfile. E.g., * BrowserDB.from(context). */ public abstract class BrowserDB { public static enum FilterFlags { EXCLUDE_PINNED_SITES } public abstract Searches getSearches(); public abstract TabsAccessor getTabsAccessor(); public abstract URLMetadata getURLMetadata(); @RobocopTarget public abstract UrlAnnotations getUrlAnnotations(); /** * Add default bookmarks to the database. * Takes an offset; returns a new offset. */ public abstract int addDefaultBookmarks(Context context, ContentResolver cr, int offset); /** * Add bookmarks from the provided distribution. * Takes an offset; returns a new offset. */ public abstract int addDistributionBookmarks(ContentResolver cr, Distribution distribution, int offset); /** * Invalidate cached data. */ public abstract void invalidate(); public abstract int getCount(ContentResolver cr, String database); /** * @return a cursor representing the contents of the DB filtered according to the arguments. * Can return null. CursorLoader will handle this correctly. */ public abstract Cursor filter(ContentResolver cr, CharSequence constraint, int limit, EnumSet flags); /** * @return a cursor over top sites (high-ranking bookmarks and history). * Can return null. * Returns no more than limit results. * Suggested sites will be limited to being within the first suggestedRangeLimit results. */ public abstract Cursor getTopSites(ContentResolver cr, int suggestedRangeLimit, int limit); public abstract CursorLoader getActivityStreamTopSites(Context context, int limit); public abstract void updateVisitedHistory(ContentResolver cr, String uri); public abstract void updateHistoryTitle(ContentResolver cr, String uri, String title); /** * Can return null. */ public abstract Cursor getAllVisitedHistory(ContentResolver cr); /** * Can return null. */ public abstract Cursor getRecentHistory(ContentResolver cr, int limit); public abstract Cursor getHistoryForURL(ContentResolver cr, String uri); public abstract Cursor getRecentHistoryBetweenTime(ContentResolver cr, int historyLimit, long start, long end); public abstract long getPrePathLastVisitedTimeMilliseconds(ContentResolver cr, String prePath); public abstract void expireHistory(ContentResolver cr, ExpirePriority priority); public abstract void removeHistoryEntry(ContentResolver cr, String url); public abstract void clearHistory(ContentResolver cr, boolean clearSearchHistory); public abstract String getUrlForKeyword(ContentResolver cr, String keyword); public abstract boolean isBookmark(ContentResolver cr, String uri); public abstract boolean addBookmark(ContentResolver cr, String title, String uri); public abstract Cursor getBookmarkForUrl(ContentResolver cr, String url); public abstract Cursor getBookmarksForPartialUrl(ContentResolver cr, String partialUrl); public abstract void removeBookmarksWithURL(ContentResolver cr, String uri); public abstract void registerBookmarkObserver(ContentResolver cr, ContentObserver observer); public abstract void updateBookmark(ContentResolver cr, int id, String uri, String title, String keyword); public abstract boolean hasBookmarkWithGuid(ContentResolver cr, String guid); public abstract boolean insertPageMetadata(ContentProviderClient contentProviderClient, String pageUrl, boolean hasImage, String metadataJSON); public abstract int deletePageMetadata(ContentProviderClient contentProviderClient, String pageUrl); /** * Can return null. */ public abstract Cursor getBookmarksInFolder(ContentResolver cr, long folderId); public abstract int getBookmarkCountForFolder(ContentResolver cr, long folderId); /** * Get the favicon from the database, if any, associated with the given favicon URL. (That is, * the URL of the actual favicon image, not the URL of the page with which the favicon is associated.) * @param cr The ContentResolver to use. * @param faviconURL The URL of the favicon to fetch from the database. * @return The decoded Bitmap from the database, if any. null if none is stored. */ public abstract LoadFaviconResult getFaviconForUrl(Context context, ContentResolver cr, String faviconURL); /** * Try to find a usable favicon URL in the history or bookmarks table. */ public abstract String getFaviconURLFromPageURL(ContentResolver cr, String uri); public abstract byte[] getThumbnailForUrl(ContentResolver cr, String uri); public abstract void updateThumbnailForUrl(ContentResolver cr, String uri, BitmapDrawable thumbnail); /** * Query for non-null thumbnails matching the provided urls. * The returned cursor will have no more than, but possibly fewer than, * the requested number of thumbnails. * * Returns null if the provided list of URLs is empty or null. */ public abstract Cursor getThumbnailsForUrls(ContentResolver cr, List urls); public abstract void removeThumbnails(ContentResolver cr); // Utility function for updating existing history using batch operations public abstract void updateHistoryInBatch(ContentResolver cr, Collection operations, String url, String title, long date, int visits); public abstract void updateBookmarkInBatch(ContentResolver cr, Collection operations, String url, String title, String guid, long parent, long added, long modified, long position, String keyword, int type); public abstract void pinSite(ContentResolver cr, String url, String title, int position); public abstract void unpinSite(ContentResolver cr, int position); public abstract boolean hideSuggestedSite(String url); public abstract void setSuggestedSites(SuggestedSites suggestedSites); public abstract SuggestedSites getSuggestedSites(); public abstract boolean hasSuggestedImageUrl(String url); public abstract String getSuggestedImageUrlForUrl(String url); public abstract int getSuggestedBackgroundColorForUrl(String url); /** * Obtain a set of links for highlights from bookmarks and history. * * @param context The context to load the cursor. * @param limit Maximum number of results to return. */ public abstract CursorLoader getHighlights(Context context, int limit); /** * Block a page from the highlights list. * * @param url The page URL. Only pages exactly matching this URL will be blocked. */ public abstract void blockActivityStreamSite(ContentResolver cr, String url); public static BrowserDB from(final Context context) { return from(GeckoProfile.get(context)); } public static BrowserDB from(final GeckoProfile profile) { synchronized (profile.getLock()) { BrowserDB db = (BrowserDB) profile.getData(); if (db != null) { return db; } db = new LocalBrowserDB(profile.getName()); profile.setData(db); return db; } } }