#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies that iOS XCTests can be built correctly. """ import TestGyp import os import subprocess import sys def HasCerts(): # Because the bots do not have certs, don't check them if there are no # certs available. proc = subprocess.Popen(['security','find-identity','-p', 'codesigning', '-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return "0 valid identities found" not in proc.communicate()[0].strip() if sys.platform == "darwin": test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['xcode', 'ninja']) test.run_gyp('xctests.gyp') test_configs = ['Default'] # TODO(crbug.com/557418): Enable this once xcodebuild works for iOS devices. #if HasCerts() and test.format == 'xcode': # test_configs.append('Default-iphoneos') for config in test_configs: test.set_configuration(config) test.build('xctests.gyp', test.ALL) test.built_file_must_exist('app_under_test.app/app_under_test') test.built_file_must_exist('app_tests.xctest/app_tests') if 'ninja' in test.format: test.built_file_must_exist('obj/AppTests/app_tests.AppTests.i386.o') test.built_file_must_exist('obj/AppTests/app_tests.AppTests.x86_64.o') elif test.format == 'xcode': xcode_object_path = os.path.join('..', 'xctests.build', 'Default-iphonesimulator', 'app_tests.build', 'Objects-normal', '%s', 'AppTests.o') test.built_file_must_exist(xcode_object_path % 'i386') test.built_file_must_exist(xcode_object_path % 'x86_64') test.pass_test()