/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "signaling/src/sdp/SipccSdpAttributeList.h" #include #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "signaling/src/sdp/SdpErrorHolder.h" extern "C" { #include "signaling/src/sdp/sipcc/sdp_private.h" } namespace mozilla { /* static */ const std::string SipccSdpAttributeList::kEmptyString = ""; SipccSdpAttributeList::SipccSdpAttributeList( const SipccSdpAttributeList* sessionLevel) : mSessionLevel(sessionLevel) { memset(&mAttributes, 0, sizeof(mAttributes)); } SipccSdpAttributeList::~SipccSdpAttributeList() { for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumAttributeTypes; ++i) { delete mAttributes[i]; } } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::HasAttribute(AttributeType type, bool sessionFallback) const { return !!GetAttribute(type, sessionFallback); } const SdpAttribute* SipccSdpAttributeList::GetAttribute(AttributeType type, bool sessionFallback) const { const SdpAttribute* value = mAttributes[static_cast(type)]; // Only do fallback when the attribute can appear at both the media and // session level if (!value && !AtSessionLevel() && sessionFallback && SdpAttribute::IsAllowedAtSessionLevel(type) && SdpAttribute::IsAllowedAtMediaLevel(type)) { return mSessionLevel->GetAttribute(type, false); } return value; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::RemoveAttribute(AttributeType type) { delete mAttributes[static_cast(type)]; mAttributes[static_cast(type)] = nullptr; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::Clear() { for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumAttributeTypes; ++i) { RemoveAttribute(static_cast(i)); } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::SetAttribute(SdpAttribute* attr) { if (!IsAllowedHere(attr->GetType())) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "This type of attribute is not allowed here"); return; } RemoveAttribute(attr->GetType()); mAttributes[attr->GetType()] = attr; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSimpleString(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, sdp_attr_e attr, AttributeType targetType, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { const char* value = sdp_attr_get_simple_string(sdp, attr, level, 0, 1); if (value) { if (!IsAllowedHere(targetType)) { uint32_t lineNumber = sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, attr, level, 0, 1); WarnAboutMisplacedAttribute(targetType, lineNumber, errorHolder); } else { SetAttribute(new SdpStringAttribute(targetType, std::string(value))); } } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSimpleStrings(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { LoadSimpleString(sdp, level, SDP_ATTR_MID, SdpAttribute::kMidAttribute, errorHolder); LoadSimpleString(sdp, level, SDP_ATTR_LABEL, SdpAttribute::kLabelAttribute, errorHolder); } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSimpleNumber(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, sdp_attr_e attr, AttributeType targetType, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { if (sdp_attr_valid(sdp, attr, level, 0, 1)) { if (!IsAllowedHere(targetType)) { uint32_t lineNumber = sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, attr, level, 0, 1); WarnAboutMisplacedAttribute(targetType, lineNumber, errorHolder); } else { uint32_t value = sdp_attr_get_simple_u32(sdp, attr, level, 0, 1); SetAttribute(new SdpNumberAttribute(targetType, value)); } } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSimpleNumbers(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { LoadSimpleNumber(sdp, level, SDP_ATTR_PTIME, SdpAttribute::kPtimeAttribute, errorHolder); LoadSimpleNumber(sdp, level, SDP_ATTR_MAXPTIME, SdpAttribute::kMaxptimeAttribute, errorHolder); } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadFlags(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { if (AtSessionLevel()) { if (sdp_attr_valid(sdp, SDP_ATTR_ICE_LITE, level, 0, 1)) { SetAttribute(new SdpFlagAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceLiteAttribute)); } } else { // media-level if (sdp_attr_valid(sdp, SDP_ATTR_RTCP_MUX, level, 0, 1)) { SetAttribute(new SdpFlagAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtcpMuxAttribute)); } if (sdp_attr_valid(sdp, SDP_ATTR_END_OF_CANDIDATES, level, 0, 1)) { SetAttribute( new SdpFlagAttribute(SdpAttribute::kEndOfCandidatesAttribute)); } if (sdp_attr_valid(sdp, SDP_ATTR_BUNDLE_ONLY, level, 0, 1)) { SetAttribute(new SdpFlagAttribute(SdpAttribute::kBundleOnlyAttribute)); } } } static void ConvertDirection(sdp_direction_e sipcc_direction, SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction* dir_outparam) { switch (sipcc_direction) { case SDP_DIRECTION_SENDRECV: *dir_outparam = SdpDirectionAttribute::kSendrecv; return; case SDP_DIRECTION_SENDONLY: *dir_outparam = SdpDirectionAttribute::kSendonly; return; case SDP_DIRECTION_RECVONLY: *dir_outparam = SdpDirectionAttribute::kRecvonly; return; case SDP_DIRECTION_INACTIVE: *dir_outparam = SdpDirectionAttribute::kInactive; return; case SDP_MAX_QOS_DIRECTIONS: // Nothing actually sets this value. // Fall through to MOZ_CRASH below. { } } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid direction from sipcc; this is probably corruption"); } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadDirection(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction dir; ConvertDirection(sdp_get_media_direction(sdp, level, 0), &dir); SetAttribute(new SdpDirectionAttribute(dir)); } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadIceAttributes(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { char* value; sdp_result_e sdpres = sdp_attr_get_ice_attribute(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_ICE_UFRAG, 1, &value); if (sdpres == SDP_SUCCESS) { SetAttribute(new SdpStringAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceUfragAttribute, std::string(value))); } sdpres = sdp_attr_get_ice_attribute(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_ICE_PWD, 1, &value); if (sdpres == SDP_SUCCESS) { SetAttribute(new SdpStringAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIcePwdAttribute, std::string(value))); } const char* iceOptVal = sdp_attr_get_simple_string(sdp, SDP_ATTR_ICE_OPTIONS, level, 0, 1); if (iceOptVal) { auto* iceOptions = new SdpOptionsAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceOptionsAttribute); iceOptions->Load(iceOptVal); SetAttribute(iceOptions); } } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadFingerprint(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { char* value; UniquePtr fingerprintAttrs; for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_result_e result = sdp_attr_get_dtls_fingerprint_attribute( sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_DTLS_FINGERPRINT, i, &value); if (result != SDP_SUCCESS) { break; } std::string fingerprintAttr(value); uint32_t lineNumber = sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, SDP_ATTR_DTLS_FINGERPRINT, level, 0, i); // sipcc does not expose parse code for this size_t start = fingerprintAttr.find_first_not_of(" \t"); if (start == std::string::npos) { errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, "Empty fingerprint attribute"); return false; } size_t end = fingerprintAttr.find_first_of(" \t", start); if (end == std::string::npos) { // One token, no trailing ws errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, "Only one token in fingerprint attribute"); return false; } std::string algorithmToken(fingerprintAttr.substr(start, end - start)); start = fingerprintAttr.find_first_not_of(" \t", end); if (start == std::string::npos) { // One token, trailing ws errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, "Only one token in fingerprint attribute"); return false; } std::string fingerprintToken(fingerprintAttr.substr(start)); std::vector fingerprint = SdpFingerprintAttributeList::ParseFingerprint(fingerprintToken); if (fingerprint.size() == 0) { errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, "Malformed fingerprint token"); return false; } if (!fingerprintAttrs) { fingerprintAttrs.reset(new SdpFingerprintAttributeList); } // Don't assert on unknown algorithm, just skip fingerprintAttrs->PushEntry(algorithmToken, fingerprint, false); } if (fingerprintAttrs) { SetAttribute(fingerprintAttrs.release()); } return true; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadCandidate(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { char* value; auto candidates = MakeUnique(SdpAttribute::kCandidateAttribute); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_result_e result = sdp_attr_get_ice_attribute( sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_ICE_CANDIDATE, i, &value); if (result != SDP_SUCCESS) { break; } candidates->mValues.push_back(value); } if (!candidates->mValues.empty()) { SetAttribute(candidates.release()); } } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSctpmap(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { auto sctpmap = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_SCTPMAP, i + 1); if (!attr) { break; } // Yeah, this is a little weird, but for now we'll just store this as a // payload type. uint16_t payloadType = attr->attr.sctpmap.port; uint16_t streams = attr->attr.sctpmap.streams; const char* name = attr->attr.sctpmap.protocol; std::ostringstream osPayloadType; osPayloadType << payloadType; sctpmap->PushEntry(osPayloadType.str(), name, streams); } if (!sctpmap->mSctpmaps.empty()) { SetAttribute(sctpmap.release()); } return true; } SdpRtpmapAttributeList::CodecType SipccSdpAttributeList::GetCodecType(rtp_ptype type) { switch (type) { case RTP_PCMU: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kPCMU; case RTP_PCMA: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kPCMA; case RTP_G722: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kG722; case RTP_H264_P0: case RTP_H264_P1: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kH264; case RTP_OPUS: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kOpus; case RTP_VP8: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kVP8; case RTP_VP9: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kVP9; case RTP_RED: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kRed; case RTP_ULPFEC: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kUlpfec; case RTP_TELEPHONE_EVENT: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kTelephoneEvent; case RTP_NONE: // Happens when sipcc doesn't know how to translate to the enum case RTP_CELP: case RTP_G726: case RTP_GSM: case RTP_G723: case RTP_DVI4: case RTP_DVI4_II: case RTP_LPC: case RTP_G728: case RTP_G729: case RTP_JPEG: case RTP_NV: case RTP_H261: case RTP_L16: case RTP_H263: case RTP_ILBC: case RTP_I420: return SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kOtherCodec; } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid codec type from sipcc. Probably corruption."); } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadRtpmap(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { auto rtpmap = MakeUnique(); uint16_t count; sdp_result_e result = sdp_attr_num_instances(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_RTPMAP, &count); if (result != SDP_SUCCESS) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unable to get rtpmap size"); errorHolder.AddParseError(sdp_get_media_line_number(sdp, level), "Unable to get rtpmap size"); return false; } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uint16_t pt = sdp_attr_get_rtpmap_payload_type(sdp, level, 0, i + 1); const char* ccName = sdp_attr_get_rtpmap_encname(sdp, level, 0, i + 1); if (!ccName) { // Probably no rtpmap attribute for a pt in an m-line errorHolder.AddParseError(sdp_get_media_line_number(sdp, level), "No rtpmap attribute for payload type"); continue; } std::string name(ccName); SdpRtpmapAttributeList::CodecType codec = GetCodecType(sdp_get_known_payload_type(sdp, level, pt)); uint32_t clock = sdp_attr_get_rtpmap_clockrate(sdp, level, 0, i + 1); uint16_t channels = 0; // sipcc gives us a channels value of "1" for video if (sdp_get_media_type(sdp, level) == SDP_MEDIA_AUDIO) { channels = sdp_attr_get_rtpmap_num_chan(sdp, level, 0, i + 1); } std::ostringstream osPayloadType; osPayloadType << pt; rtpmap->PushEntry(osPayloadType.str(), codec, name, clock, channels); } if (!rtpmap->mRtpmaps.empty()) { SetAttribute(rtpmap.release()); } return true; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSetup(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { sdp_setup_type_e setupType; auto sdpres = sdp_attr_get_setup_attribute(sdp, level, 0, 1, &setupType); if (sdpres != SDP_SUCCESS) { return; } switch (setupType) { case SDP_SETUP_ACTIVE: SetAttribute(new SdpSetupAttribute(SdpSetupAttribute::kActive)); return; case SDP_SETUP_PASSIVE: SetAttribute(new SdpSetupAttribute(SdpSetupAttribute::kPassive)); return; case SDP_SETUP_ACTPASS: SetAttribute(new SdpSetupAttribute(SdpSetupAttribute::kActpass)); return; case SDP_SETUP_HOLDCONN: SetAttribute(new SdpSetupAttribute(SdpSetupAttribute::kHoldconn)); return; case SDP_SETUP_UNKNOWN: return; case SDP_SETUP_NOT_FOUND: case SDP_MAX_SETUP: // There is no code that will set these. // Fall through to MOZ_CRASH() below. { } } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid setup type from sipcc. This is probably corruption."); } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSsrc(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { auto ssrcs = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_SSRC, i); if (!attr) { break; } sdp_ssrc_t* ssrc = &(attr->attr.ssrc); ssrcs->PushEntry(ssrc->ssrc, ssrc->attribute); } if (!ssrcs->mSsrcs.empty()) { SetAttribute(ssrcs.release()); } } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadImageattr(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { UniquePtr imageattrs( new SdpImageattrAttributeList); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { const char* imageattrRaw = sdp_attr_get_simple_string(sdp, SDP_ATTR_IMAGEATTR, level, 0, i); if (!imageattrRaw) { break; } std::string error; size_t errorPos; if (!imageattrs->PushEntry(imageattrRaw, &error, &errorPos)) { std::ostringstream fullError; fullError << error << " at column " << errorPos; errorHolder.AddParseError( sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, SDP_ATTR_IMAGEATTR, level, 0, i), fullError.str()); return false; } } if (!imageattrs->mImageattrs.empty()) { SetAttribute(imageattrs.release()); } return true; } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadSimulcast(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { const char* simulcastRaw = sdp_attr_get_simple_string(sdp, SDP_ATTR_SIMULCAST, level, 0, 1); if (!simulcastRaw) { return true; } UniquePtr simulcast( new SdpSimulcastAttribute); std::istringstream is(simulcastRaw); std::string error; if (!simulcast->Parse(is, &error)) { std::ostringstream fullError; fullError << error << " at column " << is.tellg(); errorHolder.AddParseError( sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, SDP_ATTR_SIMULCAST, level, 0, 1), fullError.str()); return false; } SetAttribute(simulcast.release()); return true; } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadGroups(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { uint16_t attrCount = 0; if (sdp_attr_num_instances(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_GROUP, &attrCount) != SDP_SUCCESS) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Could not get count of group attributes"); errorHolder.AddParseError(0, "Could not get count of group attributes"); return false; } UniquePtr groups = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t attr = 1; attr <= attrCount; ++attr) { SdpGroupAttributeList::Semantics semantics; std::vector tags; switch (sdp_get_group_attr(sdp, level, 0, attr)) { case SDP_GROUP_ATTR_FID: semantics = SdpGroupAttributeList::kFid; break; case SDP_GROUP_ATTR_LS: semantics = SdpGroupAttributeList::kLs; break; case SDP_GROUP_ATTR_ANAT: semantics = SdpGroupAttributeList::kAnat; break; case SDP_GROUP_ATTR_BUNDLE: semantics = SdpGroupAttributeList::kBundle; break; default: continue; } uint16_t idCount = sdp_get_group_num_id(sdp, level, 0, attr); for (uint16_t id = 1; id <= idCount; ++id) { const char* idStr = sdp_get_group_id(sdp, level, 0, attr, id); if (!idStr) { std::ostringstream os; os << "bad a=group identifier at " << (attr - 1) << ", " << (id - 1); errorHolder.AddParseError(0, os.str()); return false; } tags.push_back(std::string(idStr)); } groups->PushEntry(semantics, tags); } if (!groups->mGroups.empty()) { SetAttribute(groups.release()); } return true; } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadMsidSemantics(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { auto msidSemantics = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_MSID_SEMANTIC, i); if (!attr) { break; } sdp_msid_semantic_t* msid_semantic = &(attr->attr.msid_semantic); std::vector msids; for (size_t i = 0; i < SDP_MAX_MEDIA_STREAMS; ++i) { if (!msid_semantic->msids[i]) { break; } msids.push_back(msid_semantic->msids[i]); } msidSemantics->PushEntry(msid_semantic->semantic, msids); } if (!msidSemantics->mMsidSemantics.empty()) { SetAttribute(msidSemantics.release()); } return true; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadIdentity(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { const char* val = sdp_attr_get_long_string(sdp, SDP_ATTR_IDENTITY, level, 0, 1); if (val) { SetAttribute(new SdpStringAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIdentityAttribute, std::string(val))); } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadDtlsMessage(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { const char* val = sdp_attr_get_long_string(sdp, SDP_ATTR_DTLS_MESSAGE, level, 0, 1); if (val) { // sipcc does not expose parse code for this, so we use a SDParta-provided // parser std::string strval(val); SetAttribute(new SdpDtlsMessageAttribute(strval)); } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadFmtp(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level) { auto fmtps = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_FMTP, i); if (!attr) { break; } sdp_fmtp_t* fmtp = &(attr->attr.fmtp); // Get the payload type std::stringstream osPayloadType; // payload_num is the number in the fmtp attribute, verbatim osPayloadType << fmtp->payload_num; // Get parsed form of parameters, if supported UniquePtr parameters; rtp_ptype codec = sdp_get_known_payload_type(sdp, level, fmtp->payload_num); switch (codec) { case RTP_H264_P0: case RTP_H264_P1: { SdpFmtpAttributeList::H264Parameters* h264Parameters( new SdpFmtpAttributeList::H264Parameters); sstrncpy(h264Parameters->sprop_parameter_sets, fmtp->parameter_sets, sizeof(h264Parameters->sprop_parameter_sets)); h264Parameters->level_asymmetry_allowed = !!(fmtp->level_asymmetry_allowed); h264Parameters->packetization_mode = fmtp->packetization_mode; sscanf(fmtp->profile_level_id, "%x", &h264Parameters->profile_level_id); h264Parameters->max_mbps = fmtp->max_mbps; h264Parameters->max_fs = fmtp->max_fs; h264Parameters->max_cpb = fmtp->max_cpb; h264Parameters->max_dpb = fmtp->max_dpb; h264Parameters->max_br = fmtp->max_br; parameters.reset(h264Parameters); } break; case RTP_VP9: { SdpFmtpAttributeList::VP8Parameters* vp9Parameters( new SdpFmtpAttributeList::VP8Parameters( SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kVP9)); vp9Parameters->max_fs = fmtp->max_fs; vp9Parameters->max_fr = fmtp->max_fr; parameters.reset(vp9Parameters); } break; case RTP_VP8: { SdpFmtpAttributeList::VP8Parameters* vp8Parameters( new SdpFmtpAttributeList::VP8Parameters( SdpRtpmapAttributeList::kVP8)); vp8Parameters->max_fs = fmtp->max_fs; vp8Parameters->max_fr = fmtp->max_fr; parameters.reset(vp8Parameters); } break; case RTP_RED: { SdpFmtpAttributeList::RedParameters* redParameters( new SdpFmtpAttributeList::RedParameters); for (int i = 0; i < SDP_FMTP_MAX_REDUNDANT_ENCODINGS && fmtp->redundant_encodings[i]; ++i) { redParameters->encodings.push_back(fmtp->redundant_encodings[i]); } parameters.reset(redParameters); } break; case RTP_OPUS: { SdpFmtpAttributeList::OpusParameters* opusParameters( new SdpFmtpAttributeList::OpusParameters); opusParameters->maxplaybackrate = fmtp->maxplaybackrate; opusParameters->stereo = fmtp->stereo; opusParameters->useInBandFec = fmtp->useinbandfec; parameters.reset(opusParameters); } break; case RTP_TELEPHONE_EVENT: { SdpFmtpAttributeList::TelephoneEventParameters* teParameters( new SdpFmtpAttributeList::TelephoneEventParameters); if (strlen(fmtp->dtmf_tones) > 0) { teParameters->dtmfTones = fmtp->dtmf_tones; } parameters.reset(teParameters); } break; default: { } } fmtps->PushEntry(osPayloadType.str(), Move(parameters)); } if (!fmtps->mFmtps.empty()) { SetAttribute(fmtps.release()); } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadMsids(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { uint16_t attrCount = 0; if (sdp_attr_num_instances(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_MSID, &attrCount) != SDP_SUCCESS) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unable to get count of msid attributes"); errorHolder.AddParseError(0, "Unable to get count of msid attributes"); return; } auto msids = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 1; i <= attrCount; ++i) { uint32_t lineNumber = sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, SDP_ATTR_MSID, level, 0, i); const char* identifier = sdp_attr_get_msid_identifier(sdp, level, 0, i); if (!identifier) { errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, "msid attribute with bad identity"); continue; } const char* appdata = sdp_attr_get_msid_appdata(sdp, level, 0, i); if (!appdata) { errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, "msid attribute with bad appdata"); continue; } msids->PushEntry(identifier, appdata); } if (!msids->mMsids.empty()) { SetAttribute(msids.release()); } } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadRid(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { UniquePtr rids(new SdpRidAttributeList); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { const char* ridRaw = sdp_attr_get_simple_string(sdp, SDP_ATTR_RID, level, 0, i); if (!ridRaw) { break; } std::string error; size_t errorPos; if (!rids->PushEntry(ridRaw, &error, &errorPos)) { std::ostringstream fullError; fullError << error << " at column " << errorPos; errorHolder.AddParseError( sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, SDP_ATTR_RID, level, 0, i), fullError.str()); return false; } } if (!rids->mRids.empty()) { SetAttribute(rids.release()); } return true; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadExtmap(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { auto extmaps = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_EXTMAP, i); if (!attr) { break; } sdp_extmap_t* extmap = &(attr->attr.extmap); SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction dir = SdpDirectionAttribute::kSendrecv; if (extmap->media_direction_specified) { ConvertDirection(extmap->media_direction, &dir); } extmaps->PushEntry(extmap->id, dir, extmap->media_direction_specified, extmap->uri, extmap->extension_attributes); } if (!extmaps->mExtmaps.empty()) { if (!AtSessionLevel() && mSessionLevel->HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kExtmapAttribute)) { uint32_t lineNumber = sdp_attr_line_number(sdp, SDP_ATTR_EXTMAP, level, 0, 1); errorHolder.AddParseError( lineNumber, "extmap attributes in both session and media level"); } SetAttribute(extmaps.release()); } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadRtcpFb(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { auto rtcpfbs = MakeUnique(); for (uint16_t i = 1; i < UINT16_MAX; ++i) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_RTCP_FB, i); if (!attr) { break; } sdp_fmtp_fb_t* rtcpfb = &attr->attr.rtcp_fb; SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::Type type; std::string parameter; // Set type and parameter switch (rtcpfb->feedback_type) { case SDP_RTCP_FB_ACK: type = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::kAck; switch (rtcpfb->param.ack) { // TODO: sipcc doesn't seem to support ack with no following token. // Issue 189. case SDP_RTCP_FB_ACK_RPSI: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::rpsi; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_ACK_APP: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::app; break; default: // Type we don't care about, ignore. continue; } break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_CCM: type = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::kCcm; switch (rtcpfb->param.ccm) { case SDP_RTCP_FB_CCM_FIR: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::fir; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_CCM_TMMBR: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::tmmbr; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_CCM_TSTR: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::tstr; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_CCM_VBCM: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::vbcm; break; default: // Type we don't care about, ignore. continue; } break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_NACK: type = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::kNack; switch (rtcpfb->param.nack) { case SDP_RTCP_FB_NACK_BASIC: break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_NACK_SLI: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::sli; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_NACK_PLI: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::pli; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_NACK_RPSI: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::rpsi; break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_NACK_APP: parameter = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::app; break; default: // Type we don't care about, ignore. continue; } break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_TRR_INT: { type = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::kTrrInt; std::ostringstream os; os << rtcpfb->param.trr_int; parameter = os.str(); } break; case SDP_RTCP_FB_REMB: { type = SdpRtcpFbAttributeList::kRemb; } break; default: // Type we don't care about, ignore. continue; } std::stringstream osPayloadType; if (rtcpfb->payload_num == UINT16_MAX) { osPayloadType << "*"; } else { osPayloadType << rtcpfb->payload_num; } std::string pt(osPayloadType.str()); std::string extra(rtcpfb->extra); rtcpfbs->PushEntry(pt, type, parameter, extra); } if (!rtcpfbs->mFeedbacks.empty()) { SetAttribute(rtcpfbs.release()); } } void SipccSdpAttributeList::LoadRtcp(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { sdp_attr_t* attr = sdp_find_attr(sdp, level, 0, SDP_ATTR_RTCP, 1); if (!attr) { return; } sdp_rtcp_t* rtcp = &attr->attr.rtcp; if (rtcp->nettype != SDP_NT_INTERNET) { return; } if (rtcp->addrtype != SDP_AT_IP4 && rtcp->addrtype != SDP_AT_IP6) { return; } if (!strlen(rtcp->addr)) { SetAttribute(new SdpRtcpAttribute(rtcp->port)); } else { SetAttribute( new SdpRtcpAttribute( rtcp->port, sdp::kInternet, rtcp->addrtype == SDP_AT_IP4 ? sdp::kIPv4 : sdp::kIPv6, rtcp->addr)); } } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::Load(sdp_t* sdp, uint16_t level, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { LoadSimpleStrings(sdp, level, errorHolder); LoadSimpleNumbers(sdp, level, errorHolder); LoadFlags(sdp, level); LoadDirection(sdp, level, errorHolder); if (AtSessionLevel()) { if (!LoadGroups(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } if (!LoadMsidSemantics(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } LoadIdentity(sdp, level); LoadDtlsMessage(sdp, level); } else { sdp_media_e mtype = sdp_get_media_type(sdp, level); if (mtype == SDP_MEDIA_APPLICATION) { if (!LoadSctpmap(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } } else { if (!LoadRtpmap(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } } LoadCandidate(sdp, level); LoadFmtp(sdp, level); LoadMsids(sdp, level, errorHolder); LoadRtcpFb(sdp, level, errorHolder); LoadRtcp(sdp, level, errorHolder); LoadSsrc(sdp, level); if (!LoadImageattr(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } if (!LoadSimulcast(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } if (!LoadRid(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } } LoadIceAttributes(sdp, level); if (!LoadFingerprint(sdp, level, errorHolder)) { return false; } LoadSetup(sdp, level); LoadExtmap(sdp, level, errorHolder); return true; } bool SipccSdpAttributeList::IsAllowedHere(SdpAttribute::AttributeType type) const { if (AtSessionLevel() && !SdpAttribute::IsAllowedAtSessionLevel(type)) { return false; } if (!AtSessionLevel() && !SdpAttribute::IsAllowedAtMediaLevel(type)) { return false; } return true; } void SipccSdpAttributeList::WarnAboutMisplacedAttribute( SdpAttribute::AttributeType type, uint32_t lineNumber, SdpErrorHolder& errorHolder) { std::string warning = SdpAttribute::GetAttributeTypeString(type) + (AtSessionLevel() ? " at session level. Ignoring." : " at media level. Ignoring."); errorHolder.AddParseError(lineNumber, warning); } const std::vector& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetCandidate() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kCandidateAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } return static_cast( GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kCandidateAttribute))->mValues; } const SdpConnectionAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetConnection() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kConnectionAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } return *static_cast( GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kConnectionAttribute)); } SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction SipccSdpAttributeList::GetDirection() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kDirectionAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kDirectionAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const SdpDtlsMessageAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetDtlsMessage() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kDtlsMessageAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kDtlsMessageAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpExtmapAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetExtmap() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kExtmapAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } return *static_cast( GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kExtmapAttribute)); } const SdpFingerprintAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetFingerprint() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kFingerprintAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kFingerprintAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpFmtpAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetFmtp() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kFmtpAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } return *static_cast( GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kFmtpAttribute)); } const SdpGroupAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetGroup() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kGroupAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } return *static_cast( GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kGroupAttribute)); } const SdpOptionsAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetIceOptions() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceOptionsAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceOptionsAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const std::string& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetIcePwd() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIcePwdAttribute)) { return kEmptyString; } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIcePwdAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const std::string& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetIceUfrag() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceUfragAttribute)) { return kEmptyString; } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIceUfragAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const std::string& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetIdentity() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIdentityAttribute)) { return kEmptyString; } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kIdentityAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const SdpImageattrAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetImageattr() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kImageattrAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kImageattrAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpSimulcastAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetSimulcast() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSimulcastAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSimulcastAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const std::string& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetLabel() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kLabelAttribute)) { return kEmptyString; } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kLabelAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } uint32_t SipccSdpAttributeList::GetMaxptime() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMaxptimeAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMaxptimeAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const std::string& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetMid() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMidAttribute)) { return kEmptyString; } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMidAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const SdpMsidAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetMsid() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMsidAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMsidAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpMsidSemanticAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetMsidSemantic() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMsidSemanticAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kMsidSemanticAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpRidAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetRid() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRidAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRidAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } uint32_t SipccSdpAttributeList::GetPtime() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kPtimeAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kPtimeAttribute); return static_cast(attr)->mValue; } const SdpRtcpAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetRtcp() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtcpAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtcpAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpRtcpFbAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetRtcpFb() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtcpFbAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtcpFbAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpRemoteCandidatesAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetRemoteCandidates() const { MOZ_CRASH("Not yet implemented"); } const SdpRtpmapAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetRtpmap() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtpmapAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kRtpmapAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpSctpmapAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetSctpmap() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSctpmapAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSctpmapAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpSetupAttribute& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetSetup() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSetupAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSetupAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpSsrcAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetSsrc() const { if (!HasAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSsrcAttribute)) { MOZ_CRASH(); } const SdpAttribute* attr = GetAttribute(SdpAttribute::kSsrcAttribute); return *static_cast(attr); } const SdpSsrcGroupAttributeList& SipccSdpAttributeList::GetSsrcGroup() const { MOZ_CRASH("Not yet implemented"); } void SipccSdpAttributeList::Serialize(std::ostream& os) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumAttributeTypes; ++i) { if (mAttributes[i]) { os << *mAttributes[i]; } } } } // namespace mozilla