/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef _SDPATTRIBUTELIST_H_ #define _SDPATTRIBUTELIST_H_ #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "signaling/src/sdp/SdpAttribute.h" namespace mozilla { class SdpAttributeList { public: virtual ~SdpAttributeList() {} typedef SdpAttribute::AttributeType AttributeType; // Avoid default params on virtual functions bool HasAttribute(AttributeType type) const { return HasAttribute(type, true); } const SdpAttribute* GetAttribute(AttributeType type) const { return GetAttribute(type, true); } virtual bool HasAttribute(AttributeType type, bool sessionFallback) const = 0; virtual const SdpAttribute* GetAttribute(AttributeType type, bool sessionFallback) const = 0; // The setter takes an attribute of any type, and takes ownership virtual void SetAttribute(SdpAttribute* attr) = 0; virtual void RemoveAttribute(AttributeType type) = 0; virtual void Clear() = 0; virtual const SdpConnectionAttribute& GetConnection() const = 0; virtual const SdpOptionsAttribute& GetIceOptions() const = 0; virtual const SdpRtcpAttribute& GetRtcp() const = 0; virtual const SdpRemoteCandidatesAttribute& GetRemoteCandidates() const = 0; virtual const SdpSetupAttribute& GetSetup() const = 0; virtual const SdpDtlsMessageAttribute& GetDtlsMessage() const = 0; // These attributes can appear multiple times, so the returned // classes actually represent a collection of values. virtual const std::vector& GetCandidate() const = 0; virtual const SdpExtmapAttributeList& GetExtmap() const = 0; virtual const SdpFingerprintAttributeList& GetFingerprint() const = 0; virtual const SdpFmtpAttributeList& GetFmtp() const = 0; virtual const SdpGroupAttributeList& GetGroup() const = 0; virtual const SdpImageattrAttributeList& GetImageattr() const = 0; virtual const SdpSimulcastAttribute& GetSimulcast() const = 0; virtual const SdpMsidAttributeList& GetMsid() const = 0; virtual const SdpMsidSemanticAttributeList& GetMsidSemantic() const = 0; virtual const SdpRidAttributeList& GetRid() const = 0; virtual const SdpRtcpFbAttributeList& GetRtcpFb() const = 0; virtual const SdpRtpmapAttributeList& GetRtpmap() const = 0; virtual const SdpSctpmapAttributeList& GetSctpmap() const = 0; virtual const SdpSsrcAttributeList& GetSsrc() const = 0; virtual const SdpSsrcGroupAttributeList& GetSsrcGroup() const = 0; // These attributes are effectively simple types, so we'll make life // easy by just returning their value. virtual const std::string& GetIcePwd() const = 0; virtual const std::string& GetIceUfrag() const = 0; virtual const std::string& GetIdentity() const = 0; virtual const std::string& GetLabel() const = 0; virtual unsigned int GetMaxptime() const = 0; virtual const std::string& GetMid() const = 0; virtual unsigned int GetPtime() const = 0; // This is "special", because it's multiple things virtual SdpDirectionAttribute::Direction GetDirection() const = 0; virtual void Serialize(std::ostream&) const = 0; }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SdpAttributeList& al) { al.Serialize(os); return os; } } // namespace mozilla #endif