/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* Adapted from "Accurately computing running variance - John D. Cook" http://www.johndcook.com/standard_deviation.html */ #ifndef RUNNING_STAT_H_ #define RUNNING_STAT_H_ #include <math.h> namespace mozilla { class RunningStat { public: RunningStat() : mN(0) {} void Clear() { mN = 0; } void Push(double x) { mN++; // See Knuth TAOCP vol 2, 3rd edition, page 232 if (mN == 1) { mOldM = mNewM = x; mOldS = 0.0; } else { mNewM = mOldM + (x - mOldM) / mN; mNewS = mOldS + (x - mOldM) * (x - mNewM); // set up for next iteration mOldM = mNewM; mOldS = mNewS; } } int NumDataValues() const { return mN; } double Mean() const { return (mN > 0) ? mNewM : 0.0; } double Variance() const { return (mN > 1) ? mNewS / (mN - 1) : 0.0; } double StandardDeviation() const { return sqrt(Variance()); } private: int mN; double mOldM, mNewM, mOldS, mNewS; }; } #endif //RUNNING_STAT_H_