/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "CodecStatistics.h" #include "CSFLog.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace webrtc; // use the same tag as VideoConduit static const char* logTag ="WebrtcVideoSessionConduit"; VideoCodecStatistics::VideoCodecStatistics(int channel, ViECodec* codec) : mChannel(channel), mSentRawFrames(0), mPtrViECodec(codec), mEncoderDroppedFrames(0), mDecoderDiscardedPackets(0), mRegisteredEncode(false), mRegisteredDecode(false), mReceiveState(kReceiveStateInitial) #ifdef MOZILLA_INTERNAL_API , mRecoveredBeforeLoss(0) , mRecoveredLosses(0) #endif { MOZ_ASSERT(mPtrViECodec); } VideoCodecStatistics::~VideoCodecStatistics() { if (mRegisteredEncode) { mPtrViECodec->DeregisterEncoderObserver(mChannel); } if (mRegisteredDecode) { mPtrViECodec->DeregisterDecoderObserver(mChannel); } } void VideoCodecStatistics::Register(bool encoder) { if (encoder && !mRegisteredEncode) { mPtrViECodec->RegisterEncoderObserver(mChannel, *this); mRegisteredEncode = true; } else if (!encoder && !mRegisteredDecode) { mPtrViECodec->RegisterDecoderObserver(mChannel, *this); mRegisteredDecode = true; } } void VideoCodecStatistics::OutgoingRate(const int video_channel, const uint32_t framerate, const uint32_t bitrate) { unsigned int keyFrames, deltaFrames; mPtrViECodec->GetSendCodecStatistics(video_channel, keyFrames, deltaFrames); uint32_t dropped = mSentRawFrames - (keyFrames + deltaFrames); CSFLogDebug(logTag, "encoder statistics - framerate: %u, bitrate: %u, dropped frames: %u", framerate, bitrate, dropped); mEncoderBitRate.Push(bitrate); mEncoderFps.Push(framerate); mEncoderDroppedFrames += dropped; } void VideoCodecStatistics::IncomingCodecChanged(const int video_channel, const VideoCodec& video_codec) { CSFLogDebug(logTag, "channel %d change codec to \"%s\" ", video_channel, video_codec.plName); } void VideoCodecStatistics::IncomingRate(const int video_channel, const unsigned int framerate, const unsigned int bitrate) { unsigned int discarded = mPtrViECodec->GetDiscardedPackets(video_channel); CSFLogDebug(logTag, "decoder statistics - framerate: %u, bitrate: %u, discarded packets %u", framerate, bitrate, discarded); mDecoderBitRate.Push(bitrate); mDecoderFps.Push(framerate); mDecoderDiscardedPackets += discarded; } void VideoCodecStatistics::ReceiveStateChange(const int aChannel, VideoReceiveState aState) { CSFLogDebug(logTag,"New state for %d: %d (was %d)", aChannel, aState, mReceiveState); #ifdef MOZILLA_INTERNAL_API if (mFirstDecodeTime.IsNull()) { mFirstDecodeTime = TimeStamp::Now(); } /* * Invalid transitions: * WaitingKey -> PreemptiveNACK * DecodingWithErrors -> PreemptiveNACK */ switch (mReceiveState) { case kReceiveStateNormal: case kReceiveStateInitial: // in a normal state if (aState != kReceiveStateNormal && aState != kReceiveStateInitial) { // no longer in a normal state if (aState != kReceiveStatePreemptiveNACK) { mReceiveFailureTime = TimeStamp::Now(); } } // else Normal<->Initial transition break; default: // not in a normal state if (aState == kReceiveStateNormal || aState == kReceiveStateInitial) { if (mReceiveState == kReceiveStatePreemptiveNACK) { mRecoveredBeforeLoss++; CSFLogError(logTag, "Video error avoided by NACK recovery"); } else if (!mReceiveFailureTime.IsNull()) { // safety TimeDuration timeDelta = TimeStamp::Now() - mReceiveFailureTime; CSFLogError(logTag, "Video error duration: %u ms", static_cast(timeDelta.ToMilliseconds())); mRecoveredLosses++; // to calculate losses per minute mTotalLossTime += timeDelta; // To calculate % time in recovery } } // else non-Normal to different non-normal transition break; } #endif mReceiveState = aState; } void VideoCodecStatistics::EndOfCallStats() { #ifdef MOZILLA_INTERNAL_API if (!mFirstDecodeTime.IsNull()) { TimeDuration callDelta = TimeStamp::Now() - mFirstDecodeTime; if (callDelta.ToSeconds() != 0) { uint32_t recovered_per_min = mRecoveredBeforeLoss/(callDelta.ToSeconds()/60); CSFLogError(logTag, "Video recovery before error per min %u", recovered_per_min); uint32_t err_per_min = mRecoveredLosses/(callDelta.ToSeconds()/60); CSFLogError(logTag, "Video recovery after error per min %u", err_per_min); float percent = (mTotalLossTime.ToSeconds()*100)/callDelta.ToSeconds(); CSFLogError(logTag, "Video error time percentage %f%%", percent); } } #endif } void VideoCodecStatistics::SentFrame() { mSentRawFrames++; } void VideoCodecStatistics::Dump() { Dump(mEncoderBitRate, "encoder bitrate"); Dump(mEncoderFps, "encoder fps"); Dump(mDecoderBitRate, "decoder bitrate"); Dump(mDecoderFps, "decoder fps"); } void VideoCodecStatistics::Dump(RunningStat& s, const char *name) { CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s, mean: %f, variance: %f, standard deviation: %f", name, s.Mean(), s.Variance(), s.StandardDeviation()); }