@// @// Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. @// @// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license @// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source @// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found @// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may @// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. @// @// This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been @// relicensed with permission from the copyright holders. @// @// @// File Name: armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.s @// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2 @// Last Modified Revision: 7485 @// Last Modified Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 @// @// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved. @// @// @// @// Description: @// Compute the "preTwiddleRadix2" stage prior to the call to the complexFFT @// It does a Z(k) = Feven(k) + jW^(-k) FOdd(k); k=0,1,2,...N/2-1 computation @// It implements both "scaled"(by 1/2) and "unsclaed" versions of the above formula @// @// Include standard headers #include "dl/api/armCOMM_s.h" #include "dl/api/omxtypes_s.h" @// Import symbols required from other files @// (For example tables) @// Set debugging level @//DEBUG_ON SETL {TRUE} @// Guarding implementation by the processor name @// Guarding implementation by the processor name @//Input Registers #define pSrc r0 #define pDst r1 #define pFFTSpec r2 #define scale r3 @// Output registers #define result r0 @//Local Scratch Registers #define argTwiddle r1 #define argDst r2 #define argScale r4 #define tmpOrder r4 #define pTwiddle r4 #define pOut r5 #define subFFTSize r7 #define subFFTNum r6 #define N r6 #define order r14 #define diff r9 #define count r8 @// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT #define x0r r4 #define x0i r5 #define diffMinusOne r2 #define round r3 #define pOut1 r2 #define size r7 #define step r8 #define step1 r9 #define twStep r10 #define pTwiddleTmp r11 #define argTwiddle1 r12 #define zero r14 @// Neon registers #define dX0 D0.S32 #define dShift D1.S32 #define dX1 D1.S32 #define dY0 D2.S32 #define dY1 D3.S32 #define dX0r D0.S32 #define dX0i D1.S32 #define dX1r D2.S32 #define dX1i D3.S32 #define dW0r D4.S32 #define dW0i D5.S32 #define dW1r D6.S32 #define dW1i D7.S32 #define dT0 D8.S32 #define dT1 D9.S32 #define dT2 D10.S32 #define dT3 D11.S32 #define qT0 Q6.S64 #define qT1 Q7.S64 #define qT2 Q8.S64 #define qT3 Q9.S64 #define dY0r D4.S32 #define dY0i D5.S32 #define dY1r D6.S32 #define dY1i D7.S32 #define dY2 D4.S32 #define dY3 D5.S32 #define dW0 D6.S32 #define dW1 D7.S32 #define dW0Tmp D10.S32 #define dW1Neg D11.S32 @ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec .set ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0 .set ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4 .set ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8 .set ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12 .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name @// Read the size from structure and take log LDR N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N] @// Read other structure parameters LDR pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle] LDR pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf] MOV size,N,ASR #1 @// preserve the contents of N MOV step,N,LSL #2 @// step = N/2 * 8 bytes @// Z(k) = 1/2 {[F(k) + F'(N/2-k)] +j*W^(-k) [F(k) - F'(N/2-k)]} @// Note: W^(k) is stored as negated value and also need to conjugate the values from the table @// Z(0) : no need of twiddle multiply @// Z(0) = 1/2 { [F(0) + F'(N/2)] +j [F(0) - F'(N/2)] } VLD1 dX0,[pSrc],step ADD pOut1,pOut,step @// pOut1 = pOut+ N/2*8 bytes VLD1 dX1,[pSrc]! SUB twStep,step,size,LSL #1 @// twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes pointing to W^1 MOV step1,size,LSL #2 @// step1 = N/4 * 8 = N/2*4 bytes SUB step1,step1,#8 @// (N/4-1)*8 bytes VHADD dY0,dX0,dX1 @// [b+d | a+c] VHSUB dY1,dX0,dX1 @// [b-d | a-c] VZIP dY0,dY1 @// dY0= [a-c | a+c] ;dY1= [b-d | b+d] .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE" VHSUB dX0,dY0,dY1 SUBS size,size,#2 VHADD dX1,dY0,dY1 .else VSUB dX0,dY0,dY1 SUBS size,size,#2 VADD dX1,dY0,dY1 .endif SUB pSrc,pSrc,step VST1 dX0[0],[pOut1]! ADD pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddle,#8 @// W^2 VST1 dX1[1],[pOut1]! ADD argTwiddle1,pTwiddle,twStep @// W^1 BLT decrementScale\name BEQ lastElement\name @// Z(k) = 1/2[F(k) + F'(N/2-k)] +j*W^(-k) [F(k) - F'(N/2-k)] @// Note: W^k is stored as negative values in the table and also need to conjugate the values from the table @// Process 4 elements at a time. E.g: Z(1),Z(2) and Z(N/2-2),Z(N/2-1) since both of them @// require F(1),F(2) and F(N/2-2),F(N/2-1) SUB step,step,#24 evenOddButterflyLoop\name : VLD1 dW0r,[argTwiddle1],step1 VLD1 dW1r,[argTwiddle1]! VLD2 {dX0r,dX0i},[pSrc],step SUB argTwiddle1,argTwiddle1,step1 VLD2 {dX1r,dX1i},[pSrc]! SUB step1,step1,#8 @// (N/4-2)*8 bytes VLD1 dW0i,[pTwiddleTmp],step1 VLD1 dW1i,[pTwiddleTmp]! SUB pSrc,pSrc,step SUB pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddleTmp,step1 VREV64 dX1r,dX1r VREV64 dX1i,dX1i SUBS size,size,#4 VHSUB dT2,dX0r,dX1r @// a-c VHADD dT3,dX0i,dX1i @// b+d SUB step1,step1,#8 VHADD dT0,dX0r,dX1r @// a+c VHSUB dT1,dX0i,dX1i @// b-d VZIP dW1r,dW1i VZIP dW0r,dW0i VMULL qT0,dW1r,dT2 VMLSL qT0,dW1i,dT3 VMULL qT1,dW1r,dT3 VMLAL qT1,dW1i,dT2 VMULL qT2,dW0r,dT2 VMLAL qT2,dW0i,dT3 VMULL qT3,dW0r,dT3 VMLSL qT3,dW0i,dT2 VRSHRN dX1r,qT0,#31 VRSHRN dX1i,qT1,#31 .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE" VHADD dY1r,dT0,dX1i @// F(N/2 -1) VHSUB dY1i,dX1r,dT1 .else VADD dY1r,dT0,dX1i @// F(N/2 -1) VSUB dY1i,dX1r,dT1 .endif VREV64 dY1r,dY1r VREV64 dY1i,dY1i VRSHRN dX0r,qT2,#31 VRSHRN dX0i,qT3,#31 .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE" VHADD dY0r,dT0,dX0i @// F(1) VHSUB dY0i,dT1,dX0r .else VADD dY0r,dT0,dX0i @// F(1) VSUB dY0i,dT1,dX0r .endif VST2 {dY0r,dY0i},[pOut1],step VST2 {dY1r,dY1i},[pOut1]! SUB pOut1,pOut1,step SUB step,step,#32 @// (N/2-4)*8 bytes BGT evenOddButterflyLoop\name SUB pSrc,pSrc,#8 @// set both the ptrs to the last element SUB pOut1,pOut1,#8 @// Last element can be expanded as follows @// 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(k)] - j w^-k [Z(k) - Z'(k)] (since W^k is stored as -ve) @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] - j w^-k [(a+jb) - (a-jb)] @// 1/2[2a+j0] - j (c-jd) [0+j2b] @// (a+bc, -bd) @// Since (c,d) = (0,1) for the last element, result is just (a,-b) lastElement\name : VLD1 dX0r,[pSrc] .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE" VSHR dX0r,dX0r,#1 .endif VST1 dX0r[0],[pOut1]! VNEG dX0r,dX0r VST1 dX0r[1],[pOut1] decrementScale\name : .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE" SUB scale,scale,#1 .endif .endm M_START armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe,r4 FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",Inv M_END M_START armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe,r4 FFTSTAGE "TRUE","TRUE",InvSfs M_END .end