/* Copyright (c) 2007, Adobe Systems, Incorporated Copyright (c) 2013, Mozilla All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Adobe Systems, Network Resonance nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "p_buf.h" #include "nr_socket.h" #include "stun.h" #include "nr_socket_buffered_stun.h" #define NR_MAX_FRAME_SIZE 0xFFFF typedef struct nr_frame_header_ { UINT2 frame_length; char data[0]; } nr_frame_header; typedef struct nr_socket_buffered_stun_ { nr_socket *inner; nr_transport_addr remote_addr; int connected; /* Read state */ int read_state; #define NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_NONE 0 #define NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_HDR 1 #define NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_FAILED 2 UCHAR *buffer; size_t buffer_size; size_t bytes_needed; size_t bytes_read; NR_async_cb readable_cb; void *readable_cb_arg; /* Write state */ nr_p_buf_ctx *p_bufs; nr_p_buf_head pending_writes; size_t pending; size_t max_pending; nr_framing_type framing_type; } nr_socket_buffered_stun; static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_destroy(void **objp); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_sendto(void *obj,const void *msg, size_t len, int flags, nr_transport_addr *to); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_recvfrom(void *obj,void * restrict buf, size_t maxlen, size_t *len, int flags, nr_transport_addr *from); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_getfd(void *obj, NR_SOCKET *fd); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_getaddr(void *obj, nr_transport_addr *addrp); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_close(void *obj); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_connect(void *sock, nr_transport_addr *addr); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_write(void *obj,const void *msg, size_t len, size_t *written); static void nr_socket_buffered_stun_writable_cb(NR_SOCKET s, int how, void *arg); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_listen(void *obj, int backlog); static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_accept(void *obj, nr_transport_addr *addrp, nr_socket **sockp); static nr_socket_vtbl nr_socket_buffered_stun_vtbl={ 2, nr_socket_buffered_stun_destroy, nr_socket_buffered_stun_sendto, nr_socket_buffered_stun_recvfrom, nr_socket_buffered_stun_getfd, nr_socket_buffered_stun_getaddr, nr_socket_buffered_stun_connect, 0, 0, nr_socket_buffered_stun_close, nr_socket_buffered_stun_listen, nr_socket_buffered_stun_accept }; void nr_socket_buffered_stun_set_readable_cb(nr_socket *sock, NR_async_cb readable_cb, void *readable_cb_arg) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *buf_sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)sock->obj; buf_sock->readable_cb = readable_cb; buf_sock->readable_cb_arg = readable_cb_arg; } int nr_socket_buffered_set_connected_to(nr_socket *sock, nr_transport_addr *remote_addr) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *buf_sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)sock->obj; int r, _status; if ((r=nr_transport_addr_copy(&buf_sock->remote_addr, remote_addr))) ABORT(r); buf_sock->connected = 1; _status=0; abort: return(_status); } int nr_socket_buffered_stun_create(nr_socket *inner, int max_pending, nr_framing_type framing_type, nr_socket **sockp) { int r, _status; nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = 0; size_t frame_size; if (!(sock = RCALLOC(sizeof(nr_socket_buffered_stun)))) ABORT(R_NO_MEMORY); sock->inner = inner; sock->framing_type = framing_type; if ((r=nr_ip4_port_to_transport_addr(INADDR_ANY, 0, IPPROTO_UDP, &sock->remote_addr))) ABORT(r); switch (framing_type) { case ICE_TCP_FRAMING: frame_size = sizeof(nr_frame_header); sock->buffer_size = sizeof(nr_frame_header) + NR_MAX_FRAME_SIZE; sock->bytes_needed = sizeof(nr_frame_header); break; case TURN_TCP_FRAMING: frame_size = 0; sock->buffer_size = NR_STUN_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE; sock->bytes_needed = sizeof(nr_stun_message_header); break; default: assert(0); ABORT(R_BAD_ARGS); } /* TODO(ekr@rtfm.com): Check this */ if (!(sock->buffer = RMALLOC(sock->buffer_size))) ABORT(R_NO_MEMORY); sock->read_state = NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_NONE; sock->connected = 0; STAILQ_INIT(&sock->pending_writes); if ((r=nr_p_buf_ctx_create(sock->buffer_size, &sock->p_bufs))) ABORT(r); sock->max_pending = max_pending + frame_size; if ((r=nr_socket_create_int(sock, &nr_socket_buffered_stun_vtbl, sockp))) ABORT(r); _status=0; abort: if (_status && sock) { void *sock_v = sock; sock->inner = 0; /* Give up ownership so we don't destroy */ nr_socket_buffered_stun_destroy(&sock_v); } return(_status); } /* Note: This destroys the inner socket */ int nr_socket_buffered_stun_destroy(void **objp) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock; NR_SOCKET fd; if (!objp || !*objp) return 0; sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)*objp; *objp = 0; /* Free the buffer if needed */ RFREE(sock->buffer); /* Cancel waiting on the socket */ if (sock->inner && !nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, &fd)) { NR_ASYNC_CANCEL(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_WRITE); } nr_p_buf_free_chain(sock->p_bufs, &sock->pending_writes); nr_p_buf_ctx_destroy(&sock->p_bufs); nr_socket_destroy(&sock->inner); RFREE(sock); return 0; } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_sendto(void *obj,const void *msg, size_t len, int flags, nr_transport_addr *to) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; int r, _status; size_t written; nr_frame_header *frame = NULL; /* Check that we are writing to the connected address if connected */ if (!nr_transport_addr_is_wildcard(&sock->remote_addr)) { if (nr_transport_addr_cmp(&sock->remote_addr, to, NR_TRANSPORT_ADDR_CMP_MODE_ALL)) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_ERR, "Sendto on connected socket doesn't match"); ABORT(R_BAD_DATA); } } if (sock->framing_type == ICE_TCP_FRAMING) { assert(len <= NR_MAX_FRAME_SIZE); if (len > NR_MAX_FRAME_SIZE) ABORT(R_FAILED); if (!(frame = RMALLOC(len + sizeof(nr_frame_header)))) ABORT(R_NO_MEMORY); frame->frame_length = htons(len); memcpy(frame->data, msg, len); len += sizeof(nr_frame_header); msg = frame; } if ((r=nr_socket_buffered_stun_write(obj, msg, len, &written))) ABORT(r); if (len != written) ABORT(R_IO_ERROR); _status=0; abort: RFREE(frame); return _status; } static void nr_socket_buffered_stun_failed(nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock) { NR_SOCKET fd; sock->read_state = NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_FAILED; /* Cancel waiting on the socket */ if (sock->inner && !nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, &fd)) { NR_ASYNC_CANCEL(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_WRITE); NR_ASYNC_CANCEL(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_READ); } } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_recvfrom(void *obj,void * restrict buf, size_t maxlen, size_t *len, int flags, nr_transport_addr *from) { int r, _status; size_t bytes_read; nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; nr_frame_header *frame = (nr_frame_header *)sock->buffer; size_t skip_hdr_size = (sock->framing_type == ICE_TCP_FRAMING) ? sizeof(nr_frame_header) : 0; if (sock->read_state == NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_FAILED) { ABORT(R_FAILED); } while (sock->bytes_needed) { /* Read all the expected bytes */ assert(sock->bytes_needed <= sock->buffer_size - sock->bytes_read); if(r=nr_socket_read(sock->inner, sock->buffer + sock->bytes_read, sock->bytes_needed, &bytes_read, 0)) ABORT(r); assert(bytes_read <= sock->bytes_needed); sock->bytes_needed -= bytes_read; sock->bytes_read += bytes_read; /* Unfinished */ if (sock->bytes_needed) ABORT(R_WOULDBLOCK); /* No more bytes expected */ if (sock->read_state == NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_NONE) { size_t remaining_length; if (sock->framing_type == ICE_TCP_FRAMING) { if (sock->bytes_read < sizeof(nr_frame_header)) ABORT(R_BAD_DATA); remaining_length = ntohs(frame->frame_length); } else { int tmp_length; /* Parse the header */ if (r = nr_stun_message_length(sock->buffer, sock->bytes_read, &tmp_length)) ABORT(r); assert(tmp_length >= 0); if (tmp_length < 0) ABORT(R_BAD_DATA); remaining_length = tmp_length; } /* Check to see if we have enough room */ if ((sock->buffer_size - sock->bytes_read) < remaining_length) ABORT(R_BAD_DATA); sock->read_state = NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_HDR; /* Set ourselves up to read the rest of the data */ sock->bytes_needed = remaining_length; } } assert(skip_hdr_size <= sock->bytes_read); if (skip_hdr_size > sock->bytes_read) ABORT(R_BAD_DATA); sock->bytes_read -= skip_hdr_size; if (maxlen < sock->bytes_read) ABORT(R_BAD_ARGS); *len = sock->bytes_read; memcpy(buf, sock->buffer + skip_hdr_size, sock->bytes_read); sock->bytes_read = 0; sock->read_state = NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_NONE; sock->bytes_needed = (sock->framing_type == ICE_TCP_FRAMING) ? sizeof(nr_frame_header) : sizeof(nr_stun_message_header); assert(!nr_transport_addr_is_wildcard(&sock->remote_addr)); if (!nr_transport_addr_is_wildcard(&sock->remote_addr)) { if ((r=nr_transport_addr_copy(from, &sock->remote_addr))) ABORT(r); } _status=0; abort: if (_status && (_status != R_WOULDBLOCK)) { nr_socket_buffered_stun_failed(sock); } return(_status); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_getfd(void *obj, NR_SOCKET *fd) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; return nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, fd); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_getaddr(void *obj, nr_transport_addr *addrp) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; return nr_socket_getaddr(sock->inner, addrp); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_close(void *obj) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; NR_SOCKET fd; /* Cancel waiting on the socket */ if (sock->inner && !nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, &fd)) { NR_ASYNC_CANCEL(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_WRITE); } return nr_socket_close(sock->inner); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_listen(void *obj, int backlog) { int r, _status; nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; if (!sock->inner) ABORT(R_FAILED); if ((r=nr_socket_listen(sock->inner, backlog))) ABORT(r); _status=0; abort: return(_status); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_accept(void *obj, nr_transport_addr *addrp, nr_socket **sockp) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *bsock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; return nr_socket_accept(bsock->inner, addrp, sockp); } static void nr_socket_buffered_stun_connected_cb(NR_SOCKET s, int how, void *arg) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)arg; int r, _status; NR_SOCKET fd; assert(!sock->connected); sock->connected = 1; if ((r=nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, &fd))) ABORT(r); NR_ASYNC_CANCEL(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_WRITE); // once connected arm for read if (sock->readable_cb) { NR_ASYNC_WAIT(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_READ, sock->readable_cb, sock->readable_cb_arg); } if (sock->pending) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Invoking writable_cb on connected (%u)", (uint32_t) sock->pending); nr_socket_buffered_stun_writable_cb(s, how, arg); } _status=0; abort: if (_status) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_ERR, "Failure in nr_socket_buffered_stun_connected_cb: %d", _status); } } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_connect(void *obj, nr_transport_addr *addr) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; int r, _status; if ((r=nr_transport_addr_copy(&sock->remote_addr, addr))) ABORT(r); if ((r=nr_socket_connect(sock->inner, addr))) { if (r == R_WOULDBLOCK) { NR_SOCKET fd; if ((r=nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, &fd))) ABORT(r); NR_ASYNC_WAIT(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_WRITE, nr_socket_buffered_stun_connected_cb, sock); ABORT(R_WOULDBLOCK); } ABORT(r); } else { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Connected without blocking"); sock->connected = 1; } _status=0; abort: return(_status); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_arm_writable_cb(nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock) { int r, _status; NR_SOCKET fd; if ((r=nr_socket_getfd(sock->inner, &fd))) ABORT(r); NR_ASYNC_WAIT(fd, NR_ASYNC_WAIT_WRITE, nr_socket_buffered_stun_writable_cb, sock); _status=0; abort: return(_status); } static int nr_socket_buffered_stun_write(void *obj,const void *msg, size_t len, size_t *written) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)obj; int already_armed = 0; int r,_status; size_t written2 = 0; size_t original_len = len; /* Buffers are close to full, report error. Do this now so we never get partial writes */ if ((sock->pending + len) > sock->max_pending) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Write buffer for %s full (%u + %u > %u) - re-arming @%p", sock->remote_addr.as_string, (uint32_t)sock->pending, (uint32_t)len, (uint32_t)sock->max_pending, &(sock->pending)); ABORT(R_WOULDBLOCK); } if (sock->connected && !sock->pending) { r = nr_socket_write(sock->inner, msg, len, &written2, 0); if (r) { if (r != R_WOULDBLOCK) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_ERR, "Write error for %s - %d", sock->remote_addr.as_string, r); ABORT(r); } r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Write of %" PRIu64 " blocked for %s", (uint64_t) len, sock->remote_addr.as_string); written2=0; } } else { already_armed = 1; } /* Buffer what's left */ len -= written2; if (len) { if ((r=nr_p_buf_write_to_chain(sock->p_bufs, &sock->pending_writes, ((UCHAR *)msg) + written2, len))) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_ERR, "Write_to_chain error for %s - %d", sock->remote_addr.as_string, r); ABORT(r); } sock->pending += len; } if (sock->pending) { if (!already_armed) { if ((r=nr_socket_buffered_stun_arm_writable_cb(sock))) ABORT(r); } r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Write buffer not empty for %s %u - %s armed (@%p),%s connected", sock->remote_addr.as_string, (uint32_t)sock->pending, already_armed ? "already" : "", &sock->pending, sock->connected ? "" : " not"); } *written = original_len; _status=0; abort: return _status; } static void nr_socket_buffered_stun_writable_cb(NR_SOCKET s, int how, void *arg) { nr_socket_buffered_stun *sock = (nr_socket_buffered_stun *)arg; int r,_status; nr_p_buf *n1, *n2; if (sock->read_state == NR_ICE_SOCKET_READ_FAILED) { ABORT(R_FAILED); } /* Try to flush */ STAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(n1, &sock->pending_writes, entry, n2) { size_t written = 0; if ((r=nr_socket_write(sock->inner, n1->data + n1->r_offset, n1->length - n1->r_offset, &written, 0))) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_ERR, "Write error for %s - %d", sock->remote_addr.as_string, r); ABORT(r); } n1->r_offset += written; assert(sock->pending >= written); sock->pending -= written; if (n1->r_offset < n1->length) { /* We wrote something, but not everything */ r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Write in callback didn't write all (remaining %u of %u) for %s", n1->length - n1->r_offset, n1->length, sock->remote_addr.as_string); ABORT(R_WOULDBLOCK); } /* We are done with this p_buf */ STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sock->pending_writes, entry); nr_p_buf_free(sock->p_bufs, n1); } assert(!sock->pending); _status=0; abort: r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_INFO, "Writable_cb %s (%u (%p) pending)", sock->remote_addr.as_string, (uint32_t)sock->pending, &(sock->pending)); if (_status && _status != R_WOULDBLOCK) { r_log(LOG_GENERIC, LOG_ERR, "Failure in writable_cb: %d", _status); nr_socket_buffered_stun_failed(sock); } else if (sock->pending) { nr_socket_buffered_stun_arm_writable_cb(sock); } }