/* * Copyright (c) 2018, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #ifndef AOM_CONFIG_H_ #define AOM_CONFIG_H_ #define ARCH_ARM 0 #define ARCH_MIPS 0 #define ARCH_PPC 0 #define ARCH_X86 0 #define ARCH_X86_64 1 #define CONFIG_ACCOUNTING 0 #define CONFIG_ANALYZER 0 #define CONFIG_AV1_DECODER 1 #define CONFIG_AV1_ENCODER 0 #define CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN 0 #define CONFIG_BITSTREAM_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_COEFFICIENT_RANGE_CHECKING 0 #define CONFIG_COLLECT_INTER_MODE_RD_STATS 1 #define CONFIG_COLLECT_RD_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_DENOISE 0 #define CONFIG_DIST_8X8 1 #define CONFIG_ENTROPY_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_FILEOPTIONS 1 #define CONFIG_FP_MB_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_GCC 1 #define CONFIG_GCOV 0 #define CONFIG_GPROF 0 #define CONFIG_INSPECTION 0 #define CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_INTER_STATS_ONLY 0 #define CONFIG_LIBYUV 0 #define CONFIG_LOWBITDEPTH 0 #define CONFIG_MISMATCH_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_MSVS 1 #define CONFIG_MULTITHREAD 1 #define CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT 1 #define CONFIG_PIC 0 #define CONFIG_RD_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_RUNTIME_CPU_DETECT 1 #define CONFIG_SHARED 0 #define CONFIG_SIZE_LIMIT 0 #define CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING 1 #define CONFIG_STATIC 1 #define CONFIG_WEBM_IO 0 #define DECODE_HEIGHT_LIMIT 0 #define DECODE_WIDTH_LIMIT 0 #define HAVE_AVX 1 #define HAVE_AVX2 1 #define HAVE_DSPR2 0 #define HAVE_FEXCEPT 1 #define HAVE_MIPS32 0 #define HAVE_MIPS64 0 #define HAVE_MMX 1 #define HAVE_MSA 0 #define HAVE_NEON 0 #define HAVE_SSE 1 #define HAVE_SSE2 1 #define HAVE_SSE3 1 #define HAVE_SSE4_1 1 #define HAVE_SSE4_2 1 #define HAVE_SSSE3 1 #define HAVE_VSX 0 #define HAVE_WXWIDGETS 0 #define INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR INSTALLDIR/include #define INLINE inline #define LIB_INSTALL_DIR INSTALLDIR/lib #endif /* AOM_CONFIG_H_ */