/* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and */ /* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License */ /* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can */ /* obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open */ /* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the */ /* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ /* This file automatically generated by configure. Do not edit! */ #ifndef AOM_CONFIG_H #define AOM_CONFIG_H #define RESTRICT #define INLINE inline #define ARCH_ARM 1 #define ARCH_MIPS 0 #define ARCH_X86 0 #define ARCH_X86_64 0 #define HAVE_NEON 1 #define HAVE_NEON_ASM 1 #define HAVE_MIPS32 0 #define HAVE_DSPR2 0 #define HAVE_MSA 0 #define HAVE_MIPS64 0 #define HAVE_MMX 0 #define HAVE_SSE 0 #define HAVE_SSE2 0 #define HAVE_SSE3 0 #define HAVE_SSSE3 0 #define HAVE_SSE4_1 0 #define HAVE_AVX 0 #define HAVE_AVX2 0 #define HAVE_AOM_PORTS 1 #define HAVE_FEXCEPT 1 #define HAVE_PTHREAD_H 1 #define HAVE_WXWIDGETS 0 #define CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING 1 #define CONFIG_EXTERNAL_BUILD 1 #define CONFIG_INSTALL_DOCS 1 #define CONFIG_INSTALL_BINS 1 #define CONFIG_INSTALL_LIBS 1 #define CONFIG_INSTALL_SRCS 0 #define CONFIG_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_GPROF 0 #define CONFIG_GCOV 0 #define CONFIG_RVCT 0 #define CONFIG_GCC 1 #define CONFIG_MSVS 0 #define CONFIG_PIC 1 #define CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN 0 #define CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS 0 #define CONFIG_DEBUG_LIBS 0 #define CONFIG_RUNTIME_CPU_DETECT 1 #define CONFIG_POSTPROC 0 #define CONFIG_MULTITHREAD 1 #define CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_AV1_ENCODER 1 #define CONFIG_AV1_DECODER 1 #define CONFIG_AV1 1 #define CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT 0 #define CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING 1 #define CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY 1 #define CONFIG_SHARED 0 #define CONFIG_STATIC 1 #define CONFIG_SMALL 0 #define CONFIG_POSTPROC_VISUALIZER 0 #define CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT 1 #define CONFIG_UNIT_TESTS 0 #define CONFIG_WEBM_IO 1 #define CONFIG_LIBYUV 1 #define CONFIG_ACCOUNTING 0 #define CONFIG_INSPECTION 0 #define CONFIG_DECODE_PERF_TESTS 0 #define CONFIG_ENCODE_PERF_TESTS 0 #define CONFIG_BITSTREAM_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_SYMBOLRATE 0 #define CONFIG_COEFFICIENT_RANGE_CHECKING 0 #define CONFIG_LOWBITDEPTH 1 #define CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH 1 #define CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL 0 #define CONFIG_SIZE_LIMIT 1 #define CONFIG_FP_MB_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_CDEF 1 #define CONFIG_CDEF_SINGLEPASS 1 #define CONFIG_VAR_TX 1 #define CONFIG_RECT_TX 1 #define CONFIG_RECT_TX_EXT 0 #define CONFIG_TPL_MV 0 #define CONFIG_DUAL_FILTER 1 #define CONFIG_CONVOLVE_ROUND 1 #define CONFIG_COMPOUND_ROUND 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_TX 1 #define CONFIG_TX64X64 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_INTRA 1 #define CONFIG_INTRA_INTERP 0 #define CONFIG_FILTER_INTRA 0 #define CONFIG_INTRA_EDGE 1 #define CONFIG_INTRABC 0 #define CONFIG_INTERINTRA 1 #define CONFIG_WEDGE 1 #define CONFIG_COMPOUND_SEGMENT 1 #define CONFIG_EXT_REFS 1 #define CONFIG_GLOBAL_MOTION 1 #define CONFIG_NEW_QUANT 0 #define CONFIG_SUPERTX 0 #define CONFIG_ANS 0 #define CONFIG_LOOP_RESTORATION 1 #define CONFIG_STRIPED_LOOP_RESTORATION 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_PARTITION 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_PARTITION_TYPES 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_PARTITION_TYPES_AB 0 #define CONFIG_UNPOISON_PARTITION_CTX 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_TILE 0 #define CONFIG_MOTION_VAR 1 #define CONFIG_NCOBMC 0 #define CONFIG_WARPED_MOTION 1 #define CONFIG_Q_ADAPT_PROBS 0 #define CONFIG_INTER_STATS_ONLY 0 #define CONFIG_PALETTE_DELTA_ENCODING 0 #define CONFIG_RAWBITS 0 #define CONFIG_KF_CTX 0 #define CONFIG_PVQ 0 #define CONFIG_CFL 0 #define CONFIG_XIPHRC 0 #define CONFIG_DCT_ONLY 0 #define CONFIG_DAALA_TX 0 #define CONFIG_DAALA_DCT4 0 #define CONFIG_DAALA_DCT8 0 #define CONFIG_DAALA_DCT16 0 #define CONFIG_DAALA_DCT32 0 #define CONFIG_DAALA_DCT64 0 #define CONFIG_CB4X4 1 #define CONFIG_CHROMA_2X2 0 #define CONFIG_CHROMA_SUB8X8 1 #define CONFIG_FRAME_SIZE 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_DELTA_Q 1 #define CONFIG_ADAPT_SCAN 0 #define CONFIG_PARALLEL_DEBLOCKING 1 #define CONFIG_DEBLOCK_13TAP 0 #define CONFIG_LOOPFILTERING_ACROSS_TILES 1 #define CONFIG_TEMPMV_SIGNALING 1 #define CONFIG_RD_DEBUG 0 #define CONFIG_REFERENCE_BUFFER 1 #define CONFIG_COEF_INTERLEAVE 0 #define CONFIG_ENTROPY_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_MASKED_TX 0 #define CONFIG_DEPENDENT_HORZTILES 0 #define CONFIG_DIST_8X8 1 #define CONFIG_PALETTE_THROUGHPUT 1 #define CONFIG_REF_ADAPT 0 #define CONFIG_LV_MAP 0 #define CONFIG_CTX1D 0 #define CONFIG_TXK_SEL 0 #define CONFIG_MV_COMPRESS 1 #define CONFIG_SEGMENT_ZEROMV 0 #define CONFIG_FRAME_SUPERRES 0 #define CONFIG_NEW_MULTISYMBOL 0 #define CONFIG_COMPOUND_SINGLEREF 0 #define CONFIG_AOM_QM 1 #define CONFIG_ONE_SIDED_COMPOUND 1 #define CONFIG_EXT_COMP_REFS 1 #define CONFIG_SMOOTH_HV 1 #define CONFIG_VAR_REFS 0 #define CONFIG_LGT 0 #define CONFIG_LGT_FROM_PRED 0 #define CONFIG_SBL_SYMBOL 0 #define CONFIG_NCOBMC_ADAPT_WEIGHT 0 #define CONFIG_BGSPRITE 0 #define CONFIG_VAR_TX_NO_TX_MODE 0 #define CONFIG_MRC_TX 0 #define CONFIG_LPF_DIRECT 0 #define CONFIG_LOOPFILTER_LEVEL 0 #define CONFIG_NO_FRAME_CONTEXT_SIGNALING 0 #define CONFIG_TXMG 1 #define CONFIG_MAX_TILE 0 #define CONFIG_HASH_ME 0 #define CONFIG_COLORSPACE_HEADERS 0 #define CONFIG_MFMV 0 #define CONFIG_FRAME_MARKER 0 #define CONFIG_JNT_COMP 0 #define CONFIG_FRAME_SIGN_BIAS 0 #define CONFIG_EXT_SKIP 0 #define CONFIG_OBU 0 #define CONFIG_AMVR 0 #define CONFIG_LPF_SB 0 #define CONFIG_OPT_REF_MV 0 #define CONFIG_TMV 0 #define CONFIG_RESTRICT_COMPRESSED_HDR 0 #define CONFIG_HORZONLY_FRAME_SUPERRES 0 #define CONFIG_ANALYZER 0 #define DECODE_WIDTH_LIMIT 8192 #define DECODE_HEIGHT_LIMIT 4608 #endif /* AOM_CONFIG_H */