/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

/* TODO:
  - If you Save As File .html with this mode, you get a total mess.
  - Print is untested (crashes in all modes).
/* If you fix a bug here, check, if the same is also in mimethsa, because that
   class is based on this class. */

#include "mimethpl.h"
#include "prlog.h"
#include "msgCore.h"
#include "mimemoz2.h"
#include "nsStringGlue.h"
#include "nsIDocumentEncoder.h" // for output flags

#define MIME_SUPERCLASS mimeInlineTextPlainClass
/* I should use the Flowed class as base (because our HTML->TXT converter
   can generate flowed, and we tell it to) - this would get a bit nicer
   rendering. However, that class is more picky about line endings
   and I currently don't feel like splitting up the generated plaintext
   into separate lines again. So, I just throw the whole message at once
   at the TextPlain_parse_line function - it happens to work *g*. */
MimeDefClass(MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext, MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintextClass,
       mimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintextClass, &MIME_SUPERCLASS);

static int MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_line (const char *, int32_t,
                                                     MimeObject *);
static int MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_begin (MimeObject *obj);
static int MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_eof (MimeObject *, bool);
static void MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_finalize (MimeObject *obj);

static int
MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintextClassInitialize(MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintextClass *clazz)
  MimeObjectClass *oclass = (MimeObjectClass *) clazz;
  NS_ASSERTION(!oclass->class_initialized, "problem with superclass");
  oclass->parse_line  = MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_line;
  oclass->parse_begin = MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_begin;
  oclass->parse_eof   = MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_eof;
  oclass->finalize    = MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_finalize;

  return 0;

static int
MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_begin (MimeObject *obj)
  MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *textHTMLPlain =
                                       (MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *) obj;
  textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer = new nsString();
     // Let's just hope that libmime won't have the idea to call begin twice...
  return ((MimeObjectClass*)&MIME_SUPERCLASS)->parse_begin(obj);

static int
MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_eof (MimeObject *obj, bool abort_p)
  if (obj->closed_p)
    return 0;

  // This is a hack. We need to call parse_eof() of the super class to flush out any buffered data.
  // We can't call it yet for our direct super class, because it would "close" the output
  // (write tags such as </pre> and </div>). We'll do that after parsing the buffer.
  int status = ((MimeObjectClass*)&MIME_SUPERCLASS)->superclass->parse_eof(obj, abort_p);
  if (status < 0)
    return status;

  MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *textHTMLPlain =
                                       (MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *) obj;

  if (!textHTMLPlain || !textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer)
    return 0;

  nsString& cb = *(textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer);

  // could be empty, e.g., if part isn't actually being displayed
  if (cb.Length())
    nsString asPlaintext;
    uint32_t flags = nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputFormatted
      | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputWrap
      | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputFormatFlowed
      | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputLFLineBreak
      | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputNoScriptContent
      | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputNoFramesContent
      | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputBodyOnly;
    HTML2Plaintext(cb, asPlaintext, flags, 80);

    NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 resultCStr(asPlaintext);
    // TODO parse each line independently
    status = ((MimeObjectClass*)&MIME_SUPERCLASS)->parse_line(

  if (status < 0)
    return status;

  // Second part of the flush hack. Pretend obj wasn't closed yet, so that our super class
  // gets a chance to write the closing.
  bool save_closed_p = obj->closed_p;
  obj->closed_p = false;
  status = ((MimeObjectClass*)&MIME_SUPERCLASS)->parse_eof(obj, abort_p);
  // Restore closed_p.
  obj->closed_p = save_closed_p;
  return status;

MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_finalize (MimeObject *obj)
  MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *textHTMLPlain =
                                        (MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *) obj;
  if (textHTMLPlain && textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer)
    // If there's content in the buffer, make sure that we output it.
    // don't care about return codes
    obj->clazz->parse_eof(obj, false);

    delete textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer;
    textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer = NULL;
      /* It is important to zero the pointer, so we can reliably check for
         the validity of it in the other functions. See above. */
  ((MimeObjectClass*)&MIME_SUPERCLASS)->finalize (obj);

static int
MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext_parse_line (const char *line, int32_t length,
                                          MimeObject *obj)
  MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *textHTMLPlain =
                                       (MimeInlineTextHTMLAsPlaintext *) obj;

  if (!textHTMLPlain || !(textHTMLPlain->complete_buffer))
printf("Can't output: %s\n", line);
    return -1;

    To convert HTML->TXT syncronously, I need the full source at once,
    not line by line (how do you convert "<li>foo\n" to plaintext?).
    parse_decoded_buffer claims to give me that, but in fact also gives
    me single lines.
    It might be theoretically possible to drive this asyncronously, but
    I don't know, which odd circumstances might arise and how libmime
    will behave then. It's not worth the trouble for me to figure this all out.
  nsCString linestr(line, length);
  NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 line_ucs2(linestr.get());
  if (length && line_ucs2.IsEmpty())
    CopyASCIItoUTF16 (linestr, line_ucs2);

  return 0;