/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef ImportCharSet_h___ #define ImportCharSet_h___ #include "nscore.h" // Some useful ASCII values // 'A' = 65, 0x41 // 'Z' = 90, 0x5a // '_' = 95, 0x5f // 'a' = 97, 0x61 // 'z' = 122, 0x7a // '0' = 48, 0x30 // '1' = 49, 0x31 // '9' = 57, 0x39 // ' ' = 32, 0x20 // whitespace, 10, 13, 32, 9 (linefeed, cr, space, tab) - 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x20, 0x09 // ':' = 58, 0x3a // a typedef enum would be nicer but some compilers still have trouble with treating // enum's as plain numbers when needed class ImportCharSet { public: enum { cTabChar = 9, cLinefeedChar = 10, cCRChar = 13, cSpaceChar = 32, cUpperAChar = 65, cUpperZChar = 90, cUnderscoreChar = 95, cLowerAChar = 97, cLowerZChar = 122, cZeroChar = 48, cNineChar = 57, cAlphaNumChar = 1, cAlphaChar = 2, cWhiteSpaceChar = 4, cDigitChar = 8, c822SpecialChar = 16 }; static char m_upperCaseMap[256]; static char m_Ascii[256]; inline static bool IsUSAscii(uint8_t ch) { return (((ch & (uint8_t)0x80) == 0));} inline static bool Is822CtlChar(uint8_t ch) { return (ch < 32);} inline static bool Is822SpecialChar(uint8_t ch) { return ((m_Ascii[ch] & c822SpecialChar) == c822SpecialChar);} inline static bool IsWhiteSpace(uint8_t ch) { return ((m_Ascii[ch] & cWhiteSpaceChar) == cWhiteSpaceChar); } inline static bool IsAlphaNum(uint8_t ch) { return ((m_Ascii[ch] & cAlphaNumChar) == cAlphaNumChar); } inline static bool IsDigit(uint8_t ch) { return ((m_Ascii[ch] & cDigitChar) == cDigitChar); } inline static uint8_t ToLower(uint8_t ch) { if ((m_Ascii[ch] & cAlphaChar) == cAlphaChar) { return cLowerAChar + (m_upperCaseMap[ch] - cUpperAChar); } else return ch; } inline static long AsciiToLong(const uint8_t * pChar, uint32_t len) { long num = 0; while (len) { if ((m_Ascii[*pChar] & cDigitChar) == 0) return num; num *= 10; num += (*pChar - cZeroChar); len--; pChar++; } return num; } inline static void ByteToHex(uint8_t byte, uint8_t * pHex) { uint8_t val = byte; val /= 16; if (val < 10) *pHex = '0' + val; else *pHex = 'A' + (val - 10); pHex++; val = byte; val &= 0x0F; if (val < 10) *pHex = '0' + val; else *pHex = 'A' + (val - 10); } inline static void LongToHexBytes(uint32_t type, uint8_t * pStr) { ByteToHex((uint8_t) (type >> 24), pStr); pStr += 2; ByteToHex((uint8_t) ((type >> 16) & 0x0FF), pStr); pStr += 2; ByteToHex((uint8_t) ((type >> 8) & 0x0FF), pStr); pStr += 2; ByteToHex((uint8_t) (type & 0x0FF), pStr); } inline static void SkipWhiteSpace(const uint8_t * & pChar, uint32_t & pos, uint32_t max) { while ((pos < max) && (IsWhiteSpace(*pChar))) { pos++; pChar++; } } inline static void SkipSpaceTab(const uint8_t * & pChar, uint32_t& pos, uint32_t max) { while ((pos < max) && ((*pChar == (uint8_t)cSpaceChar) || (*pChar == (uint8_t)cTabChar))) { pos++; pChar++; } } inline static void SkipTilSpaceTab(const uint8_t * & pChar, uint32_t& pos, uint32_t max) { while ((pos < max) && (*pChar != (uint8_t)cSpaceChar) && (*pChar != (uint8_t)cTabChar)) { pos++; pChar++; } } inline static bool StrNICmp(const uint8_t * pChar, const uint8_t * pSrc, uint32_t len) { while (len && (m_upperCaseMap[*pChar] == m_upperCaseMap[*pSrc])) { pChar++; pSrc++; len--; } return len == 0; } inline static bool StrNCmp(const uint8_t * pChar, const uint8_t *pSrc, uint32_t len) { while (len && (*pChar == *pSrc)) { pChar++; pSrc++; len--; } return len == 0; } inline static int FindChar(const uint8_t * pChar, uint8_t ch, uint32_t max) { uint32_t pos = 0; while ((pos < max) && (*pChar != ch)) { pos++; pChar++; } if (pos < max) return (int) pos; else return -1; } inline static bool NextChar(const uint8_t * & pChar, uint8_t ch, uint32_t& pos, uint32_t max) { if ((pos < max) && (*pChar == ch)) { pos++; pChar++; return true; } return false; } inline static int32_t strcmp(const char * pS1, const char * pS2) { while (*pS1 && *pS2 && (*pS1 == *pS2)) { pS1++; pS2++; } return *pS1 - *pS2; } inline static int32_t stricmp(const char * pS1, const char * pS2) { while (*pS1 && *pS2 && (m_upperCaseMap[uint8_t(*pS1)] == m_upperCaseMap[uint8_t(*pS2)])) { pS1++; pS2++; } return m_upperCaseMap[uint8_t(*pS1)] - m_upperCaseMap[uint8_t(*pS2)]; } }; #endif /* ImportCharSet_h__ */