/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var importService; var fieldMap = null; var recordNum = 0; var addInterface = null; var dialogResult = null; var gPreviousButton; var gNextButton; var gMoveUpButton; var gMoveDownButton; var gListbox; var gSkipFirstRecordButton; function OnLoadFieldMapImport() { top.importService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/import/import-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIImportService); // We need a field map object... // assume we have one passed in? or just make one? if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0]) { top.fieldMap = window.arguments[0].fieldMap; top.addInterface = window.arguments[0].addInterface; top.dialogResult = window.arguments[0].result; } if (top.fieldMap == null) { top.fieldMap = top.importService.CreateNewFieldMap(); top.fieldMap.DefaultFieldMap( top.fieldMap.numMozFields); } gMoveUpButton = document.getElementById("upButton"); gMoveDownButton = document.getElementById("downButton"); gPreviousButton = document.getElementById("previous"); gNextButton = document.getElementById("next"); gListbox = document.getElementById("fieldList"); gSkipFirstRecordButton = document.getElementById("skipFirstRecord"); // Set the state of the skip first record button gSkipFirstRecordButton.checked = top.fieldMap.skipFirstRecord; ListFields(); Browse(1); gListbox.selectedItem = gListbox.getItemAtIndex(0); disableMoveButtons(); } function IndexInMap( index) { var count = top.fieldMap.mapSize; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (top.fieldMap.GetFieldMap( i) == index) return( true); } return( false); } function ListFields() { if (top.fieldMap == null) return; var count = top.fieldMap.mapSize; var index; var i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { index = top.fieldMap.GetFieldMap( i); AddFieldToList(top.fieldMap.GetFieldDescription( index), index, top.fieldMap.GetFieldActive( i)); } count = top.fieldMap.numMozFields; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!IndexInMap( i)) AddFieldToList(top.fieldMap.GetFieldDescription( i), i, false); } } function CreateField( name, index, on) { var item = document.createElement('listitem'); item.setAttribute('field-index', index); item.setAttribute('type', "checkbox"); var cell = document.createElement('listcell'); var cCell = document.createElement( 'listcell'); cCell.setAttribute('type', "checkbox"); cCell.setAttribute( 'label', name); if (on == true) cCell.setAttribute( 'checked', "true"); item.appendChild( cCell); cell.setAttribute( "class", "importsampledata"); cell.setAttribute( 'label', ""); item.appendChild( cell); return( item); } function AddFieldToList(name, index, on) { var item = CreateField(name, index, on); gListbox.appendChild(item); } function itemClicked(event) { if (event.button == 0) { var on = gListbox.selectedItem.firstChild.getAttribute('checked'); gListbox.selectedItem.firstChild.setAttribute('checked', (on != "true")); } } // The "Move Up/Move Down" buttons should move the items in the left column // up/down but the values in the right column should not change. function moveItem(up) { var selectedItem = gListbox.selectedItem; var swapPartner = (up ? gListbox.getPreviousItem(selectedItem, 1) : gListbox.getNextItem(selectedItem, 1)); var tmpLabel = swapPartner.lastChild.getAttribute('label'); swapPartner.lastChild.setAttribute('label', selectedItem.lastChild.getAttribute('label')); selectedItem.lastChild.setAttribute('label', tmpLabel); var newItemPosition = (up ? selectedItem.nextSibling : selectedItem); gListbox.insertBefore(swapPartner, newItemPosition); gListbox.ensureElementIsVisible(selectedItem); disableMoveButtons(); } function disableMoveButtons() { var selectedIndex = gListbox.selectedIndex; gMoveUpButton.disabled = (selectedIndex == 0); gMoveDownButton.disabled = (selectedIndex == (gListbox.getRowCount() - 1)); } function ShowSampleData(data) { var fields = data.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < gListbox.getRowCount(); i++) gListbox.getItemAtIndex(i).lastChild.setAttribute('label', (i < fields.length) ? fields[i] : ''); } function FetchSampleData(num) { if (!top.addInterface) return false; var data = top.addInterface.GetData( "sampleData-" + num); if (!(data instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString)) return false; ShowSampleData( data.data); return true; } function Browse(step) { recordNum += step; if (FetchSampleData(recordNum - 1)) document.getElementById('recordNumber').setAttribute('value', ("" + recordNum)); gPreviousButton.disabled = (recordNum == 1); gNextButton.disabled = (addInterface.GetData("sampleData-" + recordNum) == null); } function FieldImportOKButton() { var max = gListbox.getRowCount(); var fIndex; var on; // Ensure field map is the right size top.fieldMap.SetFieldMapSize(max); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { fIndex = gListbox.getItemAtIndex(i).getAttribute( 'field-index'); on = gListbox.getItemAtIndex(i).firstChild.getAttribute('checked'); top.fieldMap.SetFieldMap( i, fIndex); top.fieldMap.SetFieldActive( i, (on == "true")); } top.fieldMap.skipFirstRecord = gSkipFirstRecordButton.checked; top.dialogResult.ok = true; return true; }