/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "msgCore.h" // precompiled header... #include "nsMsgImapCID.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsImapUrl.h" #include "nsIIMAPHostSessionList.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsStringGlue.h" #include "prmem.h" #include "plstr.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "nsMemory.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsIImapIncomingServer.h" #include "nsMsgBaseCID.h" #include "nsImapUtils.h" #include "nsIMAPNamespace.h" #include "nsICacheEntry.h" #include "nsIMsgFolder.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" #include "nsMsgUtils.h" #include "nsIMsgHdr.h" #include "nsIProgressEventSink.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCImapHostSessionListCID, NS_IIMAPHOSTSESSIONLIST_CID); nsImapUrl::nsImapUrl() : mLock("nsImapUrl.mLock") { m_listOfMessageIds = nullptr; m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString = nullptr; m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString = nullptr; m_listOfMessageIds = nullptr; m_tokenPlaceHolder = nullptr; m_searchCriteriaString = nullptr; m_idsAreUids = false; m_mimePartSelectorDetected = false; m_allowContentChange = true; // assume we can do MPOD. m_fetchPartsOnDemand = false; // but assume we're not doing it :-) m_msgLoadingFromCache = false; m_storeResultsOffline = false; m_storeOfflineOnFallback = false; m_localFetchOnly = false; m_rerunningUrl = false; m_moreHeadersToDownload = false; m_externalLinkUrl = true; // we'll start this at true, and set it false in nsImapService::CreateStartOfImapUrl m_contentModified = IMAP_CONTENT_NOT_MODIFIED; m_validUrl = true; // assume the best. m_flags = 0; m_extraStatus = ImapStatusNone; m_onlineSubDirSeparator = '/'; // ** jt - the following are not ref counted m_copyState = nullptr; m_file = nullptr; m_imapMailFolderSink = nullptr; m_imapMessageSink = nullptr; m_addDummyEnvelope = false; m_canonicalLineEnding = false; } nsImapUrl::~nsImapUrl() { PR_FREEIF(m_listOfMessageIds); PR_FREEIF(m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); PR_FREEIF(m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); PR_FREEIF(m_searchCriteriaString); } NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(nsImapUrl, nsMsgMailNewsUrl) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(nsImapUrl, nsMsgMailNewsUrl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsImapUrl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIImapUrl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMsgMessageUrl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMsgI18NUrl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(nsMsgMailNewsUrl) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin nsIImapUrl specific support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetRequiredImapState(nsImapState * aImapUrlState) { if (aImapUrlState) { // the imap action determines the state we must be in...check the // the imap action. if (m_imapAction & 0x10000000) *aImapUrlState = nsImapSelectedState; else *aImapUrlState = nsImapAuthenticatedState; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetImapAction(nsImapAction * aImapAction) { *aImapAction = m_imapAction; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetImapAction(nsImapAction aImapAction) { m_imapAction = aImapAction; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetFolder(nsIMsgFolder **aMsgFolder) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aMsgFolder); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(m_imapFolder); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> folder = do_QueryReferent(m_imapFolder); NS_IF_ADDREF(*aMsgFolder = folder); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetFolder(nsIMsgFolder * aMsgFolder) { nsresult rv; m_imapFolder = do_GetWeakReference(aMsgFolder, &rv); if (aMsgFolder) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgIncomingServer> incomingServer; aMsgFolder->GetServer(getter_AddRefs(incomingServer)); if (incomingServer) incomingServer->GetKey(m_serverKey); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetImapMailFolderSink(nsIImapMailFolderSink ** aImapMailFolderSink) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aImapMailFolderSink); if (!m_imapMailFolderSink) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // no assert, so don't use NS_ENSURE_POINTER. nsCOMPtr<nsIImapMailFolderSink> folderSink = do_QueryReferent(m_imapMailFolderSink); *aImapMailFolderSink = folderSink; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aImapMailFolderSink); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetImapMailFolderSink(nsIImapMailFolderSink * aImapMailFolderSink) { nsresult rv; m_imapMailFolderSink = do_GetWeakReference(aImapMailFolderSink, &rv); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetImapMessageSink(nsIImapMessageSink ** aImapMessageSink) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aImapMessageSink); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(m_imapMessageSink); nsCOMPtr<nsIImapMessageSink> messageSink = do_QueryReferent(m_imapMessageSink); *aImapMessageSink = messageSink; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aImapMessageSink); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetImapMessageSink(nsIImapMessageSink * aImapMessageSink) { nsresult rv; m_imapMessageSink = do_GetWeakReference(aImapMessageSink, &rv); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetImapServerSink(nsIImapServerSink ** aImapServerSink) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aImapServerSink); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(m_imapServerSink); nsCOMPtr<nsIImapServerSink> serverSink = do_QueryReferent(m_imapServerSink); *aImapServerSink = serverSink; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aImapServerSink); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetImapServerSink(nsIImapServerSink * aImapServerSink) { nsresult rv; m_imapServerSink = do_GetWeakReference(aImapServerSink, &rv); return rv; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End nsIImapUrl specific support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetSpec(const nsACString &aSpec) { nsresult rv = nsMsgMailNewsUrl::SetSpec(aSpec); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { m_validUrl = true; // assume the best. rv = ParseUrl(); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetQuery(const nsACString &aQuery) { nsresult rv = nsMsgMailNewsUrl::SetQuery(aQuery); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = ParseUrl(); return rv; } nsresult nsImapUrl::ParseUrl() { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // extract the user name GetUserPass(m_userName); nsAutoCString imapPartOfUrl; rv = GetPath(imapPartOfUrl); nsAutoCString unescapedImapPartOfUrl; MsgUnescapeString(imapPartOfUrl, 0, unescapedImapPartOfUrl); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !unescapedImapPartOfUrl.IsEmpty()) { ParseImapPart(unescapedImapPartOfUrl.BeginWriting()+1); // GetPath leaves leading '/' in the path!!! } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::CreateSearchCriteriaString(char ** aResult) { // this method should only be called from the imap thread... // o.t. add lock protection.. if (nullptr == aResult || !m_searchCriteriaString) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *aResult = strdup(m_searchCriteriaString); return NS_OK; } // this method gets called from the UI thread and the imap thread NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetListOfMessageIds(nsACString &aResult) { MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); if (!m_listOfMessageIds) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; int32_t bytesToCopy = strlen(m_listOfMessageIds); // mime may have glommed a "&part=" for a part download // we return the entire message and let mime extract // the part. Pop and news work this way also. // this algorithm truncates the "&part" string. char *currentChar = m_listOfMessageIds; while (*currentChar && (*currentChar != '?')) currentChar++; if (*currentChar == '?') bytesToCopy = currentChar - m_listOfMessageIds; // we should also strip off anything after "/;section=" // since that can specify an IMAP MIME part char *wherePart = PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, "/;section="); if (wherePart) bytesToCopy = std::min(bytesToCopy, int32_t(wherePart - m_listOfMessageIds)); aResult.Assign(m_listOfMessageIds, bytesToCopy); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCommand(nsACString &result) { result = m_command; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCustomAttributeToFetch(nsACString &result) { result = m_msgFetchAttribute; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCustomAttributeResult(nsACString &result) { result = m_customAttributeResult; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetCustomAttributeResult(const nsACString &result) { m_customAttributeResult = result; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCustomCommandResult(nsACString &result) { result = m_customCommandResult; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetCustomCommandResult(const nsACString &result) { m_customCommandResult = result; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCustomAddFlags(nsACString &aResult) { aResult = m_customAddFlags; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCustomSubtractFlags(nsACString &aResult) { aResult = m_customSubtractFlags; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetImapPartToFetch(char **result) { // here's the old code.... // unforunately an imap part can have the form: /;section= OR // it can have the form ?section=. We need to look for both. if (m_listOfMessageIds) { char *wherepart = PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, ";section="); if (!wherepart) // look for ?section too.... wherepart = PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, "?section="); if (wherepart) { wherepart += 9; // strlen("/;section=") char *wherelibmimepart = PL_strstr(wherepart, "&part="); if (!wherelibmimepart) wherelibmimepart = PL_strstr(wherepart, "?part="); int numCharsToCopy = (wherelibmimepart) ? wherelibmimepart - wherepart : PL_strlen(m_listOfMessageIds) - (wherepart - m_listOfMessageIds); if (numCharsToCopy) { *result = (char *) PR_Malloc(sizeof(char) * (numCharsToCopy + 1)); if (*result) { PL_strncpy(*result, wherepart, numCharsToCopy + 1); // appends a \0 (*result)[numCharsToCopy] = '\0'; } } } // if we got a wherepart } // if we got a m_listOfMessageIds return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetOnlineSubDirSeparator(char* separator) { if (separator) { *separator = m_onlineSubDirSeparator; return NS_OK; } else { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetNumBytesToFetch(int32_t *aNumBytesToFetch) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aNumBytesToFetch); *aNumBytesToFetch = m_numBytesToFetch; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetOnlineSubDirSeparator(char onlineDirSeparator) { m_onlineSubDirSeparator = onlineDirSeparator; return NS_OK; } // this method is only called from the imap thread NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::MessageIdsAreUids(bool *result) { *result = m_idsAreUids; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetExtraStatus(int32_t aExtraStatus) { m_extraStatus = aExtraStatus; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetExtraStatus(int32_t *aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = m_extraStatus; return NS_OK; } // this method is only called from the imap thread NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMsgFlags(imapMessageFlagsType *result) // kAddMsgFlags or kSubtractMsgFlags only { *result = m_flags; return NS_OK; } void nsImapUrl::ParseImapPart(char *imapPartOfUrl) { m_tokenPlaceHolder = imapPartOfUrl; m_urlidSubString = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)NULL; if (!m_urlidSubString) { m_validUrl = false; return; } if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "fetch")) { m_imapAction = nsImapMsgFetch; ParseUidChoice(); PR_FREEIF(m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); // if fetched by spam filter, the action will be changed to nsImapMsgFetchPeek } else { if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "header")) { m_imapAction = nsImapMsgHeader; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "customFetch")) { ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseCustomMsgFetchAttribute(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "previewBody")) { ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseNumBytes(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "deletemsg")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDeleteMsg; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "uidexpunge")) { m_imapAction = nsImapUidExpunge; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "deleteallmsgs")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDeleteAllMsgs; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "addmsgflags")) { m_imapAction = nsImapAddMsgFlags; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseMsgFlags(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "subtractmsgflags")) { m_imapAction = nsImapSubtractMsgFlags; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseMsgFlags(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "setmsgflags")) { m_imapAction = nsImapSetMsgFlags; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseMsgFlags(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "onlinecopy")) { m_imapAction = nsImapOnlineCopy; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "onlinemove")) { m_imapAction = nsImapOnlineMove; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "onlinetoofflinecopy")) { m_imapAction = nsImapOnlineToOfflineCopy; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "onlinetoofflinemove")) { m_imapAction = nsImapOnlineToOfflineMove; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "offlinetoonlinecopy")) { m_imapAction = nsImapOfflineToOnlineMove; ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "search")) { m_imapAction = nsImapSearch; ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseSearchCriteriaString(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "test")) { m_imapAction = nsImapTest; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "select")) { m_imapAction = nsImapSelectFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); if (m_tokenPlaceHolder && *m_tokenPlaceHolder) ParseListOfMessageIds(); else m_listOfMessageIds = PL_strdup(""); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "liteselect")) { m_imapAction = nsImapLiteSelectFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "selectnoop")) { m_imapAction = nsImapSelectNoopFolder; m_listOfMessageIds = PL_strdup(""); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "expunge")) { m_imapAction = nsImapExpungeFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); m_listOfMessageIds = PL_strdup(""); // no ids to UNDO } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "create")) { m_imapAction = nsImapCreateFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "ensureExists")) { m_imapAction = nsImapEnsureExistsFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "discoverchildren")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDiscoverChildrenUrl; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "discoverallboxes")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDiscoverAllBoxesUrl; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "discoverallandsubscribedboxes")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDiscoverAllAndSubscribedBoxesUrl; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "delete")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDeleteFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "deletefolder")) { m_imapAction = nsImapDeleteFolderAndMsgs; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "rename")) { m_imapAction = nsImapRenameFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "movefolderhierarchy")) { m_imapAction = nsImapMoveFolderHierarchy; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); if (m_tokenPlaceHolder && *m_tokenPlaceHolder) // handle promote to root ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "list")) { m_imapAction = nsImapLsubFolders; ParseFolderPath(&m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "biff")) { m_imapAction = nsImapBiff; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "netscape")) { m_imapAction = nsImapGetMailAccountUrl; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "appendmsgfromfile")) { m_imapAction = nsImapAppendMsgFromFile; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "appenddraftfromfile")) { m_imapAction = nsImapAppendDraftFromFile; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseUidChoice(); if (m_tokenPlaceHolder && *m_tokenPlaceHolder) ParseListOfMessageIds(); else m_listOfMessageIds = strdup(""); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "subscribe")) { m_imapAction = nsImapSubscribe; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "unsubscribe")) { m_imapAction = nsImapUnsubscribe; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "refreshacl")) { m_imapAction = nsImapRefreshACL; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "refreshfolderurls")) { m_imapAction = nsImapRefreshFolderUrls; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "refreshallacls")) { m_imapAction = nsImapRefreshAllACLs; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "listfolder")) { m_imapAction = nsImapListFolder; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "upgradetosubscription")) { m_imapAction = nsImapUpgradeToSubscription; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "folderstatus")) { m_imapAction = nsImapFolderStatus; ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(m_urlidSubString, "verifyLogon")) { m_imapAction = nsImapVerifylogon; } else if (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapUserDefinedMsgCommand) { m_command = m_urlidSubString; // save this ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); } else if (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapMsgStoreCustomKeywords) { ParseUidChoice(); ParseFolderPath(&m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString); ParseListOfMessageIds(); bool addKeyword = (m_tokenPlaceHolder && *m_tokenPlaceHolder != '>'); // if we're not adding a keyword, m_tokenPlaceHolder will now look like >keywordToSubtract> // and strtok will leave flagsPtr pointing to keywordToSubtract. So detect this // case and only set the customSubtractFlags. char *flagsPtr = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)nullptr; if (addKeyword) { m_customAddFlags.Assign(flagsPtr); flagsPtr = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)nullptr; } m_customSubtractFlags.Assign(flagsPtr); } else { m_validUrl = false; } } } // Returns NULL if nothing was done. // Otherwise, returns a newly allocated name. NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::AddOnlineDirectoryIfNecessary(const char *onlineMailboxName, char ** directory) { nsresult rv; nsString onlineDirString; char *newOnlineName = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIImapHostSessionList> hostSessionList = do_GetService(kCImapHostSessionListCID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = hostSessionList->GetOnlineDirForHost(m_serverKey.get(), onlineDirString); nsAutoCString onlineDir; LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(onlineDirString, onlineDir); nsIMAPNamespace *ns = nullptr; rv = hostSessionList->GetNamespaceForMailboxForHost(m_serverKey.get(), onlineMailboxName, ns); if (!ns) hostSessionList->GetDefaultNamespaceOfTypeForHost(m_serverKey.get(), kPersonalNamespace, ns); if (onlineDir.IsEmpty() && ns) onlineDir = ns->GetPrefix(); // If this host has an online server directory configured if (onlineMailboxName && !onlineDir.IsEmpty()) { if (PL_strcasecmp(onlineMailboxName, "INBOX")) { NS_ASSERTION(ns, "couldn't find namespace for host"); nsAutoCString onlineDirWithDelimiter(onlineDir); // make sure the onlineDir ends with the hierarchy delimiter if (ns) { char delimiter = ns->GetDelimiter(); if ( delimiter && delimiter != kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown ) { // try to change the canonical online dir name to real dir name first MsgReplaceChar(onlineDirWithDelimiter, '/', delimiter); // make sure the last character is the delimiter if ( onlineDirWithDelimiter.Last() != delimiter ) onlineDirWithDelimiter += delimiter; if ( !*onlineMailboxName ) onlineDirWithDelimiter.SetLength(onlineDirWithDelimiter.Length()-1); } } if (ns && (PL_strlen(ns->GetPrefix()) != 0) && !onlineDirWithDelimiter.Equals(ns->GetPrefix())) { // check that onlineMailboxName doesn't start with the namespace. If that's the case, // we don't want to prepend the online dir. if (PL_strncmp(onlineMailboxName, ns->GetPrefix(), PL_strlen(ns->GetPrefix()))) { // The namespace for this mailbox is the root (""). // Prepend the online server directory int finalLen = onlineDirWithDelimiter.Length() + strlen(onlineMailboxName) + 1; newOnlineName = (char *)PR_Malloc(finalLen); if (newOnlineName) { PL_strcpy(newOnlineName, onlineDirWithDelimiter.get()); PL_strcat(newOnlineName, onlineMailboxName); } } } // just prepend the online server directory if it doesn't start with it already else if (strncmp(onlineMailboxName, onlineDirWithDelimiter.get(), onlineDirWithDelimiter.Length())) { newOnlineName = (char *)PR_Malloc(strlen(onlineMailboxName) + onlineDirWithDelimiter.Length() + 1); if (newOnlineName) { PL_strcpy(newOnlineName, onlineDirWithDelimiter.get()); PL_strcat(newOnlineName, onlineMailboxName); } } } } if (directory) *directory = newOnlineName; else if (newOnlineName) NS_Free(newOnlineName); return rv; } // Converts from canonical format (hierarchy is indicated by '/' and all real slashes ('/') are escaped) // to the real online name on the server. NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::AllocateServerPath(const char * canonicalPath, char onlineDelimiter, char ** aAllocatedPath) { nsresult retVal = NS_OK; char *rv = NULL; char delimiterToUse = onlineDelimiter; if (onlineDelimiter == kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown) GetOnlineSubDirSeparator(&delimiterToUse); NS_ASSERTION(delimiterToUse != kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown, "hierarchy separator unknown"); if (canonicalPath) rv = ReplaceCharsInCopiedString(canonicalPath, '/', delimiterToUse); else rv = strdup(""); if (delimiterToUse != '/') UnescapeSlashes(rv); char *onlineNameAdded = nullptr; AddOnlineDirectoryIfNecessary(rv, &onlineNameAdded); if (onlineNameAdded) { NS_Free(rv); rv = onlineNameAdded; } if (aAllocatedPath) *aAllocatedPath = rv; else NS_Free(rv); return retVal; } // escape '/' as ^, ^ -> ^^ - use UnescapeSlashes to revert /* static */ nsresult nsImapUrl::EscapeSlashes(const char *sourcePath, char **resultPath) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(sourcePath); NS_ENSURE_ARG(resultPath); int32_t extra = 0; int32_t len = strlen(sourcePath); const char *src = sourcePath; int32_t i; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (*src == '^') extra += 1; /* ^ -> ^^ */ src++; } char* result = (char *)moz_xmalloc(len + extra + 1); if (!result) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char *) result; src = sourcePath; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { unsigned char c = *src++; if (c == '/') *dst++ = '^'; else if (c == '^') { *dst++ = '^'; *dst++ = '^'; } else *dst++ = c; } *dst = '\0'; /* tack on eos */ *resultPath = result; return NS_OK; } /* static */ nsresult nsImapUrl::UnescapeSlashes(char *sourcePath) { char *src = sourcePath; char *dst = sourcePath; while (*src) { if (*src == '^') { if (*(src + 1) == '^') { *dst++ = '^'; src++; // skip over second '^' } else *dst++ = '/'; src++; } else *dst++ = *src++; } *dst = 0; return NS_OK; } /* static */ nsresult nsImapUrl::ConvertToCanonicalFormat(const char *folderName, char onlineDelimiter, char **resultingCanonicalPath) { // Now, start the conversion to canonical form. char *canonicalPath; if (onlineDelimiter != '/') { nsCString escapedPath; EscapeSlashes(folderName, getter_Copies(escapedPath)); canonicalPath = ReplaceCharsInCopiedString(escapedPath.get(), onlineDelimiter , '/'); } else { canonicalPath = strdup(folderName); } if (canonicalPath) *resultingCanonicalPath = canonicalPath; return (canonicalPath) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // Converts the real online name on the server to canonical format: // result is hierarchy is indicated by '/' and all real slashes ('/') are escaped. // The caller has already converted m-utf-7 to 8 bit ascii, which is a problem. // this method is only called from the imap thread NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::AllocateCanonicalPath(const char *serverPath, char onlineDelimiter, char **allocatedPath ) { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; char delimiterToUse = onlineDelimiter; char *serverKey = nullptr; nsString aString; char *currentPath = (char *) serverPath; nsAutoCString onlineDir; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgIncomingServer> server; nsCOMPtr<nsIImapHostSessionList> hostSessionList = do_GetService(kCImapHostSessionListCID, &rv); *allocatedPath = nullptr; if (onlineDelimiter == kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown || onlineDelimiter == 0) GetOnlineSubDirSeparator(&delimiterToUse); NS_ASSERTION (serverPath, "Oops... null serverPath"); if (!serverPath || NS_FAILED(rv)) goto done; hostSessionList->GetOnlineDirForHost(m_serverKey.get(), aString); // First we have to check to see if we should strip off an online server // subdirectory // If this host has an online server directory configured LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(aString, onlineDir); if (currentPath && !onlineDir.IsEmpty()) { // By definition, the online dir must be at the root. if (delimiterToUse && delimiterToUse != kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown) { // try to change the canonical online dir name to real dir name first MsgReplaceChar(onlineDir, '/', delimiterToUse); // Add the delimiter if (onlineDir.Last() != delimiterToUse) onlineDir += delimiterToUse; } int len = onlineDir.Length(); if (!PL_strncmp(onlineDir.get(), currentPath, len)) { // This online path begins with the server sub directory currentPath += len; // This might occur, but it's most likely something not good. // Basically, it means we're doing something on the online sub directory itself. NS_ASSERTION (*currentPath, "Oops ... null currentPath"); // Also make sure that the first character in the mailbox name is not '/'. NS_ASSERTION (*currentPath != '/', "Oops ... currentPath starts with a slash"); } } if (!currentPath) goto done; rv = ConvertToCanonicalFormat(currentPath, delimiterToUse, allocatedPath); done: PR_Free(serverKey); return rv; } // this method is only called from the imap thread NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::CreateServerSourceFolderPathString(char **result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result); AllocateServerPath(m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString, kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown, result); return NS_OK; } // this method is called from the imap thread AND the UI thread... NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::CreateCanonicalSourceFolderPathString(char **result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result); MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); *result = strdup(m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString ? m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString : ""); return (*result) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // this method is called from the imap thread AND the UI thread... NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::CreateServerDestinationFolderPathString(char **result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result); MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); nsresult rv = AllocateServerPath(m_destinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString, kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown, result); return (*result) ? rv : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // for enabling or disabling mime parts on demand. Setting this to true says we // can use mime parts on demand, if we chose. NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetAllowContentChange(bool allowContentChange) { m_allowContentChange = allowContentChange; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetContentModified(nsImapContentModifiedType contentModified) { m_contentModified = contentModified; nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> cacheEntry; nsresult res = GetMemCacheEntry(getter_AddRefs(cacheEntry)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && cacheEntry) { const char *contentModifiedAnnotation = ""; switch (m_contentModified) { case IMAP_CONTENT_NOT_MODIFIED: contentModifiedAnnotation = "Not Modified"; break; case IMAP_CONTENT_MODIFIED_VIEW_INLINE: contentModifiedAnnotation = "Modified View Inline"; break; case IMAP_CONTENT_MODIFIED_VIEW_AS_LINKS: contentModifiedAnnotation = "Modified View As Link"; break; case IMAP_CONTENT_FORCE_CONTENT_NOT_MODIFIED: contentModifiedAnnotation = "Force Content Not Modified"; break; } cacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("ContentModified", contentModifiedAnnotation); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetContentModified(nsImapContentModifiedType *contentModified) { if (!contentModified) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *contentModified = m_contentModified; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetFetchPartsOnDemand(bool fetchPartsOnDemand) { m_fetchPartsOnDemand = fetchPartsOnDemand; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetFetchPartsOnDemand(bool *fetchPartsOnDemand) { if (!fetchPartsOnDemand) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *fetchPartsOnDemand = m_fetchPartsOnDemand; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetMimePartSelectorDetected(bool mimePartSelectorDetected) { m_mimePartSelectorDetected = mimePartSelectorDetected; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMimePartSelectorDetected(bool *mimePartSelectorDetected) { if (!mimePartSelectorDetected) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *mimePartSelectorDetected = m_mimePartSelectorDetected; return NS_OK; } // this method is only called from the UI thread. NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetCopyState(nsISupports* copyState) { MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); m_copyState = copyState; return NS_OK; } //this method is only called from the imap thread..but we still // need a monitor 'cause the setter is called from the UI thread. NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCopyState(nsISupports** copyState) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(copyState); MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); *copyState = m_copyState; NS_IF_ADDREF(*copyState); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetMsgFile(nsIFile* aFile) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); m_file = aFile; return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMsgFile(nsIFile** aFile) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFile); MutexAutoLock mon(mLock); NS_IF_ADDREF(*aFile = m_file); return NS_OK; } // this method is called from the UI thread.. NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMockChannel(nsIImapMockChannel ** aChannel) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aChannel); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "should only access mock channel on ui thread"); *aChannel = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIImapMockChannel> channel(do_QueryReferent(m_channelWeakPtr)); channel.swap(*aChannel); return *aChannel ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetMockChannel(nsIImapMockChannel * aChannel) { NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "should only access mock channel on ui thread"); m_channelWeakPtr = do_GetWeakReference(aChannel); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetAllowContentChange(bool *result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result); *result = m_allowContentChange; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::CloneInternal(uint32_t aRefHandlingMode, const nsACString& newRef, nsIURI** _retval) { nsresult rv = nsMsgMailNewsUrl::CloneInternal(aRefHandlingMode, newRef, _retval); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // also clone the mURI member, because GetUri below won't work if // mURI isn't set due to escaping issues. nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgMessageUrl> clonedUrl = do_QueryInterface(*_retval); if (clonedUrl) clonedUrl->SetUri(mURI.get()); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetPrincipalSpec(nsACString& aPrincipalSpec) { // URLs look like this: // imap://user@domain@server:port/fetch>UID>folder>nn // We simply strip any query part beginning with ? & or /; // Normalised spec: imap://user@domain@server:port/fetch>UID>folder>nn nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgMailNewsUrl> mailnewsURL; QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIMsgMailNewsUrl), getter_AddRefs(mailnewsURL)); nsAutoCString spec; mailnewsURL->GetSpecIgnoringRef(spec); // Strip any query part beginning with ? or /; int32_t ind = spec.Find("/;"); if (ind != kNotFound) spec.SetLength(ind); ind = spec.FindChar('?'); if (ind != kNotFound) spec.SetLength(ind); aPrincipalSpec.Assign(spec); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetUri(const char * aURI) { mURI= aURI; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetUri(char** aURI) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!mURI.IsEmpty()) *aURI = ToNewCString(mURI); else { *aURI = nullptr; uint32_t key = m_listOfMessageIds ? strtoul(m_listOfMessageIds, nullptr, 10) : 0; nsCString canonicalPath; AllocateCanonicalPath(m_sourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString, m_onlineSubDirSeparator, (getter_Copies(canonicalPath))); nsCString fullFolderPath("/"); fullFolderPath.Append(m_userName); nsAutoCString hostName; rv = GetHost(hostName); fullFolderPath.Append('@'); fullFolderPath.Append(hostName); fullFolderPath.Append('/'); fullFolderPath.Append(canonicalPath); nsCString baseMessageURI; nsCreateImapBaseMessageURI(fullFolderPath, baseMessageURI); nsAutoCString uriStr; rv = nsBuildImapMessageURI(baseMessageURI.get(), key, uriStr); *aURI = ToNewCString(uriStr); } return rv; } NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, AddDummyEnvelope, bool, m_addDummyEnvelope) NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, CanonicalLineEnding, bool, m_canonicalLineEnding) NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMsgLoadingFromCache(bool *result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result); *result = m_msgLoadingFromCache; return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, LocalFetchOnly, bool, m_localFetchOnly) NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, ExternalLinkUrl, bool, m_externalLinkUrl) NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, RerunningUrl, bool, m_rerunningUrl) NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, ValidUrl, bool, m_validUrl) NS_IMPL_GETSET(nsImapUrl, MoreHeadersToDownload, bool, m_moreHeadersToDownload) NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetMsgLoadingFromCache(bool loadingFromCache) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; m_msgLoadingFromCache = loadingFromCache; return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetMessageFile(nsIFile * aFile) { m_messageFile = aFile; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMessageFile(nsIFile ** aFile) { if (aFile) NS_IF_ADDREF(*aFile = m_messageFile); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::IsUrlType(uint32_t type, bool *isType) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(isType); switch(type) { case nsIMsgMailNewsUrl::eCopy: *isType = ((m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapOnlineCopy) || (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapOnlineToOfflineCopy) || (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapOfflineToOnlineCopy)); break; case nsIMsgMailNewsUrl::eMove: *isType = ((m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapOnlineMove) || (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapOnlineToOfflineMove) || (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapOfflineToOnlineMove)); break; case nsIMsgMailNewsUrl::eDisplay: *isType = (m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapMsgFetch || m_imapAction == nsIImapUrl::nsImapMsgFetchPeek); break; default: *isType = false; }; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetOriginalSpec(char ** aSpec) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetOriginalSpec(const char *aSpec) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } char *nsImapUrl::ReplaceCharsInCopiedString(const char *stringToCopy, char oldChar, char newChar) { char oldCharString[2]; *oldCharString = oldChar; *(oldCharString+1) = 0; char *translatedString = PL_strdup(stringToCopy); char *currentSeparator = PL_strstr(translatedString, oldCharString); while(currentSeparator) { *currentSeparator = newChar; currentSeparator = PL_strstr(currentSeparator+1, oldCharString); } return translatedString; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of functions which should be made obsolete after modifying nsIURI //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void nsImapUrl::ParseFolderPath(char **resultingCanonicalPath) { char *resultPath = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)NULL; if (!resultPath) { m_validUrl = false; return; } NS_ASSERTION(*resultingCanonicalPath == nullptr, "whoops, mem leak"); char dirSeparator = *resultPath; nsCString unescapedResultingCanonicalPath; MsgUnescapeString(nsDependentCString(resultPath + 1), 0, unescapedResultingCanonicalPath); *resultingCanonicalPath = ToNewCString(unescapedResultingCanonicalPath); // The delimiter will be set for a given URL, but will not be statically available // from an arbitrary URL. It is the creator's responsibility to fill in the correct // delimiter from the folder's namespace when creating the URL. if (dirSeparator != kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown) SetOnlineSubDirSeparator( dirSeparator); // if dirSeparator == kOnlineHierarchySeparatorUnknown, then this must be a create // of a top level imap box. If there is an online subdir, we will automatically // use its separator. If there is not an online subdir, we don't need a separator. } void nsImapUrl::ParseSearchCriteriaString() { if (m_tokenPlaceHolder) { int quotedFlag = false; //skip initial separator while (*m_tokenPlaceHolder == *IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR) m_tokenPlaceHolder++; char *saveTokenPlaceHolder = m_tokenPlaceHolder; // m_searchCriteriaString = m_tokenPlaceHolder; //looking for another separator outside quoted string while (*m_tokenPlaceHolder) { if (*m_tokenPlaceHolder == '\\' && *(m_tokenPlaceHolder+1) == '"') m_tokenPlaceHolder++; else if (*m_tokenPlaceHolder == '"') quotedFlag = !quotedFlag; else if (!quotedFlag && *m_tokenPlaceHolder == *IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR) { *m_tokenPlaceHolder = '\0'; m_tokenPlaceHolder++; break; } m_tokenPlaceHolder++; } m_searchCriteriaString = PL_strdup(saveTokenPlaceHolder); if (*m_tokenPlaceHolder == '\0') m_tokenPlaceHolder = NULL; if (*m_searchCriteriaString == '\0') m_searchCriteriaString = (char *)NULL; } else m_searchCriteriaString = (char *)NULL; if (!m_searchCriteriaString) m_validUrl = false; } void nsImapUrl::ParseUidChoice() { char *uidChoiceString = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)NULL; if (!uidChoiceString) m_validUrl = false; else m_idsAreUids = strcmp(uidChoiceString, "UID") == 0; } void nsImapUrl::ParseMsgFlags() { char *flagsPtr = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)NULL; if (flagsPtr) { // the url is encodes the flags byte as ascii int intFlags = atoi(flagsPtr); m_flags = (imapMessageFlagsType) intFlags; // cast here } else m_flags = 0; } void nsImapUrl::ParseListOfMessageIds() { m_listOfMessageIds = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)NULL; if (!m_listOfMessageIds) m_validUrl = false; else { m_listOfMessageIds = strdup(m_listOfMessageIds); m_mimePartSelectorDetected = PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, "&part=") != 0 || PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, "?part=") != 0; // if we're asking for just the body, don't download the whole message. see // nsMsgQuote::QuoteMessage() for the "header=" settings when replying to msgs. if (!m_fetchPartsOnDemand) m_fetchPartsOnDemand = (PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, "?header=quotebody") != 0 || PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds, "?header=only") != 0); // if it's a spam filter trying to fetch the msg, don't let it get marked read. if (PL_strstr(m_listOfMessageIds,"?header=filter") != 0) m_imapAction = nsImapMsgFetchPeek; } } void nsImapUrl::ParseCustomMsgFetchAttribute() { m_msgFetchAttribute = m_tokenPlaceHolder ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : (char *)nullptr; } void nsImapUrl::ParseNumBytes() { const char *numBytes = (m_tokenPlaceHolder) ? NS_strtok(IMAP_URL_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, &m_tokenPlaceHolder) : 0; m_numBytesToFetch = numBytes ? atoi(numBytes) : 0; } // nsIMsgI18NUrl support nsresult nsImapUrl::GetMsgFolder(nsIMsgFolder **msgFolder) { // if we have a RDF URI, then try to get the folder for that URI and then ask the folder // for it's charset.... nsCString uri; GetUri(getter_Copies(uri)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!uri.IsEmpty(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDBHdr> msg; GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(uri.get(), getter_AddRefs(msg)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(msg, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsresult rv = msg->GetFolder(msgFolder); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(msgFolder, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetFolderCharset(char ** aCharacterSet) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> folder; nsresult rv = GetMsgFolder(getter_AddRefs(folder)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); nsCString tmpStr; folder->GetCharset(tmpStr); *aCharacterSet = ToNewCString(tmpStr); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetFolderCharsetOverride(bool * aCharacterSetOverride) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> folder; nsresult rv = GetMsgFolder(getter_AddRefs(folder)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(folder, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); folder->GetCharsetOverride(aCharacterSetOverride); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetCharsetOverRide(char ** aCharacterSet) { if (!mCharsetOverride.IsEmpty()) *aCharacterSet = ToNewCString(mCharsetOverride); else *aCharacterSet = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetCharsetOverRide(const char * aCharacterSet) { mCharsetOverride = aCharacterSet; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetStoreResultsOffline(bool *aStoreResultsOffline) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aStoreResultsOffline); *aStoreResultsOffline = m_storeResultsOffline; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetStoreResultsOffline(bool aStoreResultsOffline) { m_storeResultsOffline = aStoreResultsOffline; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetStoreOfflineOnFallback(bool *aStoreOfflineOnFallback) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aStoreOfflineOnFallback); *aStoreOfflineOnFallback = m_storeOfflineOnFallback; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetStoreOfflineOnFallback(bool aStoreOfflineOnFallback) { m_storeOfflineOnFallback = aStoreOfflineOnFallback; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::GetMessageHeader(nsIMsgDBHdr ** aMsgHdr) { nsCString uri; nsresult rv = GetUri(getter_Copies(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(uri.get(), aMsgHdr); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsImapUrl::SetMessageHeader(nsIMsgDBHdr *aMsgHdr) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }