/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsImapMailFolder_h__ #define nsImapMailFolder_h__ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "nsImapCore.h" #include "nsMsgDBFolder.h" #include "nsIImapMailFolderSink.h" #include "nsIImapMessageSink.h" #include "nsICopyMessageListener.h" #include "nsIImapService.h" #include "nsIUrlListener.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsIImapIncomingServer.h" // we need this for its IID #include "nsIMsgParseMailMsgState.h" #include "nsITransactionManager.h" #include "nsImapUndoTxn.h" #include "nsIMsgMessageService.h" #include "nsIMsgFilterHitNotify.h" #include "nsIMsgFilterList.h" #include "prmon.h" #include "nsIMsgImapMailFolder.h" #include "nsIMsgLocalMailFolder.h" #include "nsIMsgThread.h" #include "nsIImapMailFolderSink.h" #include "nsIImapServerSink.h" #include "nsIMsgFilterPlugin.h" #include "nsIThread.h" #include "nsDataHashtable.h" #include "nsIMutableArray.h" #include "nsITimer.h" #include "nsCOMArray.h" #include "nsAutoSyncState.h" #include "nsIRequestObserver.h" class nsImapMoveCoalescer; class nsIMsgIdentity; class nsIMsgOfflineImapOperation; #define COPY_BUFFER_SIZE 16384 #define NS_IMAPMAILCOPYSTATE_IID \ { 0xb64534f0, 0x3d53, 0x11d3, \ { 0xac, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x8a, 0xc9, 0x68 } } class nsImapMailCopyState: public nsISupports { public: NS_DECLARE_STATIC_IID_ACCESSOR(NS_IMAPMAILCOPYSTATE_IID) NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS nsImapMailCopyState(); nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> m_srcSupport; // source file spec or folder nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> m_messages; // array of source messages RefPtr<nsImapMoveCopyMsgTxn> m_undoMsgTxn; // undo object with this copy operation nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDBHdr> m_message; // current message to be copied nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCopyServiceListener> m_listener; // listener of this copy // operation nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> m_tmpFile; // temp file spec for copy operation nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgWindow> m_msgWindow; // msg window for copy operation nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgMessageService> m_msgService; // source folder message service; can // be Nntp, Mailbox, or Imap bool m_isMove; // is a move bool m_selectedState; // needs to be in selected state; append msg bool m_isCrossServerOp; // are we copying between imap servers? uint32_t m_curIndex; // message index to the message array which we are // copying uint32_t m_totalCount;// total count of messages we have to do uint32_t m_unreadCount; // num unread messages we're moving bool m_streamCopy; char *m_dataBuffer; // temporary buffer for this copy operation nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> m_msgFileStream; // temporary file (processed mail) uint32_t m_dataBufferSize; uint32_t m_leftOver; bool m_allowUndo; bool m_eatLF; uint32_t m_newMsgFlags; // only used if there's no m_message nsCString m_newMsgKeywords; // ditto // If the server supports UIDPLUS, this is the UID for the append, // if we're doing an append. nsMsgKey m_appendUID; private: virtual ~nsImapMailCopyState(); }; NS_DEFINE_STATIC_IID_ACCESSOR(nsImapMailCopyState, NS_IMAPMAILCOPYSTATE_IID) // ACLs for this folder. // Generally, we will try to always query this class when performing // an operation on the folder. // If the server doesn't support ACLs, none of this data will be filled in. // Therefore, we can assume that if we look up ourselves and don't find // any info (and also look up "anyone") then we have full rights, that is, ACLs don't exist. class nsImapMailFolder; #define IMAP_ACL_READ_FLAG 0x0000001 /* SELECT, CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL, SEARCH, COPY from folder */ #define IMAP_ACL_STORE_SEEN_FLAG 0x0000002 /* STORE SEEN flag */ #define IMAP_ACL_WRITE_FLAG 0x0000004 /* STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED */ #define IMAP_ACL_INSERT_FLAG 0x0000008 /* APPEND, COPY into folder */ #define IMAP_ACL_POST_FLAG 0x0000010 /* Can I send mail to the submission address for folder? */ #define IMAP_ACL_CREATE_SUBFOLDER_FLAG 0x0000020 /* Can I CREATE a subfolder of this folder? */ #define IMAP_ACL_DELETE_FLAG 0x0000040 /* STORE DELETED flag */ #define IMAP_ACL_ADMINISTER_FLAG 0x0000080 /* perform SETACL */ #define IMAP_ACL_RETRIEVED_FLAG 0x0000100 /* ACL info for this folder has been initialized */ #define IMAP_ACL_EXPUNGE_FLAG 0x0000200 // can EXPUNGE or do implicit EXPUNGE on CLOSE #define IMAP_ACL_DELETE_FOLDER 0x0000400 // can DELETE/RENAME folder class nsMsgIMAPFolderACL { public: explicit nsMsgIMAPFolderACL(nsImapMailFolder *folder); ~nsMsgIMAPFolderACL(); bool SetFolderRightsForUser(const nsACString& userName, const nsACString& rights); public: // generic for any user, although we might not use them in // DO NOT use these for looking up information about the currently authenticated user. // (There are some different checks and defaults we do). // Instead, use the functions below, GetICan....() bool GetCanUserLookupFolder(const nsACString& userName); // Is folder visible to LIST/LSUB? bool GetCanUserReadFolder(const nsACString& userName); // SELECT, CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL, SEARCH, COPY from folder? bool GetCanUserStoreSeenInFolder(const nsACString& userName); // STORE SEEN flag? bool GetCanUserWriteFolder(const nsACString& userName); // STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED? bool GetCanUserInsertInFolder(const nsACString& userName); // APPEND, COPY into folder? bool GetCanUserPostToFolder(const nsACString& userName); // Can I send mail to the submission address for folder? bool GetCanUserCreateSubfolder(const nsACString& userName); // Can I CREATE a subfolder of this folder? bool GetCanUserDeleteInFolder(const nsACString& userName); // STORE DELETED flag, perform EXPUNGE? bool GetCanUserAdministerFolder(const nsACString& userName); // perform SETACL? // Functions to find out rights for the currently authenticated user. bool GetCanILookupFolder(); // Is folder visible to LIST/LSUB? bool GetCanIReadFolder(); // SELECT, CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL, SEARCH, COPY from folder? bool GetCanIStoreSeenInFolder(); // STORE SEEN flag? bool GetCanIWriteFolder(); // STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED? bool GetCanIInsertInFolder(); // APPEND, COPY into folder? bool GetCanIPostToFolder(); // Can I send mail to the submission address for folder? bool GetCanICreateSubfolder(); // Can I CREATE a subfolder of this folder? bool GetCanIDeleteInFolder(); // STORE DELETED flag? bool GetCanIAdministerFolder(); // perform SETACL? bool GetCanIExpungeFolder(); // perform EXPUNGE? bool GetDoIHaveFullRightsForFolder(); // Returns TRUE if I have full rights on this folder (all of the above return TRUE) bool GetIsFolderShared(); // We use this to see if the ACLs think a folder is shared or not. // We will define "Shared" in 5.0 to mean: // At least one user other than the currently authenticated user has at least one // explicitly-listed ACL right on that folder. // Returns a newly allocated string describing these rights nsresult CreateACLRightsString(nsAString& rightsString); nsresult GetRightsStringForUser(const nsACString& userName, nsCString &rights); nsresult GetOtherUsers(nsIUTF8StringEnumerator** aResult); protected: bool GetFlagSetInRightsForUser(const nsACString& userName, char flag, bool defaultIfNotFound); void BuildInitialACLFromCache(); void UpdateACLCache(); protected: nsDataHashtable <nsCStringHashKey, nsCString> m_rightsHash; // Hash table, mapping username strings to rights strings. nsImapMailFolder *m_folder; int32_t m_aclCount; }; /** * Encapsulates parameters required to playback offline ops * on given folder. */ struct nsPlaybackRequest { explicit nsPlaybackRequest(nsImapMailFolder *srcFolder, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow) : SrcFolder(srcFolder), MsgWindow(msgWindow) { } nsImapMailFolder *SrcFolder; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgWindow> MsgWindow; }; class nsImapMailFolder : public nsMsgDBFolder, public nsIMsgImapMailFolder, public nsIImapMailFolderSink, public nsIImapMessageSink, public nsICopyMessageListener, public nsIMsgFilterHitNotify { static const uint32_t PLAYBACK_TIMER_INTERVAL_IN_MS = 500; public: nsImapMailFolder(); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED // nsIMsgFolder methods: NS_IMETHOD GetSubFolders(nsISimpleEnumerator **aResult) override; NS_IMETHOD GetMessages(nsISimpleEnumerator* *result) override; NS_IMETHOD UpdateFolder(nsIMsgWindow *aWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD CreateSubfolder(const nsAString& folderName,nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow ) override; NS_IMETHOD AddSubfolder(const nsAString& aName, nsIMsgFolder** aChild) override; NS_IMETHODIMP CreateStorageIfMissing(nsIUrlListener* urlListener) override; NS_IMETHOD Compact(nsIUrlListener *aListener, nsIMsgWindow *aMsgWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD CompactAll(nsIUrlListener *aListener, nsIMsgWindow *aMsgWindow, bool aCompactOfflineAlso) override; NS_IMETHOD EmptyTrash(nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIUrlListener *aListener) override; NS_IMETHOD CopyDataToOutputStreamForAppend(nsIInputStream *aIStream, int32_t aLength, nsIOutputStream *outputStream) override; NS_IMETHOD CopyDataDone() override; NS_IMETHOD Delete () override; NS_IMETHOD Rename (const nsAString& newName, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD RenameSubFolders(nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIMsgFolder *oldFolder) override; NS_IMETHOD GetNoSelect(bool *aResult) override; NS_IMETHOD GetPrettyName(nsAString& prettyName) override; // Override of the base, for top-level mail folder NS_IMETHOD GetFolderURL(nsACString& url) override; NS_IMETHOD UpdateSummaryTotals(bool force) override; NS_IMETHOD GetDeletable (bool *deletable) override; NS_IMETHOD GetSizeOnDisk(int64_t *size) override; NS_IMETHOD GetCanCreateSubfolders(bool *aResult) override; NS_IMETHOD GetCanSubscribe(bool *aResult) override; NS_IMETHOD ApplyRetentionSettings() override; NS_IMETHOD AddMessageDispositionState(nsIMsgDBHdr *aMessage, nsMsgDispositionState aDispositionFlag) override; NS_IMETHOD MarkMessagesRead(nsIArray *messages, bool markRead) override; NS_IMETHOD MarkAllMessagesRead(nsIMsgWindow *aMsgWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD MarkMessagesFlagged(nsIArray *messages, bool markFlagged) override; NS_IMETHOD MarkThreadRead(nsIMsgThread *thread) override; NS_IMETHOD SetLabelForMessages(nsIArray *aMessages, nsMsgLabelValue aLabel) override; NS_IMETHOD SetJunkScoreForMessages(nsIArray *aMessages, const nsACString& aJunkScore) override; NS_IMETHOD DeleteSubFolders(nsIArray *folders, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD ReadFromFolderCacheElem(nsIMsgFolderCacheElement *element) override; NS_IMETHOD WriteToFolderCacheElem(nsIMsgFolderCacheElement *element) override; NS_IMETHOD GetDBFolderInfoAndDB(nsIDBFolderInfo **folderInfo, nsIMsgDatabase **db) override; NS_IMETHOD DeleteMessages(nsIArray *messages, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, bool deleteStorage, bool isMove, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener, bool allowUndo) override; NS_IMETHOD CopyMessages(nsIMsgFolder *srcFolder, nsIArray* messages, bool isMove, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener, bool isFolder, bool allowUndo) override; NS_IMETHOD CopyFolder(nsIMsgFolder *srcFolder, bool isMove, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener) override; NS_IMETHOD CopyFileMessage(nsIFile* file, nsIMsgDBHdr* msgToReplace, bool isDraftOrTemplate, uint32_t aNewMsgFlags, const nsACString &aNewMsgKeywords, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener) override; NS_IMETHOD GetNewMessages(nsIMsgWindow *aWindow, nsIUrlListener *aListener) override; NS_IMETHOD GetFilePath(nsIFile** aPathName) override; NS_IMETHOD SetFilePath(nsIFile * aPath) override; NS_IMETHOD Shutdown(bool shutdownChildren) override; NS_IMETHOD DownloadMessagesForOffline(nsIArray *messages, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD DownloadAllForOffline(nsIUrlListener *listener, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow) override; NS_IMETHOD GetCanFileMessages(bool *aCanFileMessages) override; NS_IMETHOD GetCanDeleteMessages(bool *aCanDeleteMessages) override; NS_IMETHOD FetchMsgPreviewText(nsMsgKey *aKeysToFetch, uint32_t aNumKeys, bool aLocalOnly, nsIUrlListener *aUrlListener, bool *aAsyncResults) override; NS_IMETHOD AddKeywordsToMessages(nsIArray *aMessages, const nsACString& aKeywords) override; NS_IMETHOD RemoveKeywordsFromMessages(nsIArray *aMessages, const nsACString& aKeywords) override; NS_IMETHOD NotifyCompactCompleted() override; // overrides nsMsgDBFolder::HasMsgOffline() NS_IMETHOD HasMsgOffline(nsMsgKey msgKey, bool *_retval) override; // overrides nsMsgDBFolder::GetOfflineFileStream() NS_IMETHOD GetOfflineFileStream(nsMsgKey msgKey, int64_t *offset, uint32_t *size, nsIInputStream **aFileStream) override; NS_DECL_NSIMSGIMAPMAILFOLDER NS_DECL_NSIIMAPMAILFOLDERSINK NS_DECL_NSIIMAPMESSAGESINK NS_DECL_NSICOPYMESSAGELISTENER // nsIUrlListener methods NS_IMETHOD OnStartRunningUrl(nsIURI * aUrl) override; NS_IMETHOD OnStopRunningUrl(nsIURI * aUrl, nsresult aExitCode) override; NS_DECL_NSIMSGFILTERHITNOTIFY NS_DECL_NSIJUNKMAILCLASSIFICATIONLISTENER NS_IMETHOD IsCommandEnabled(const nsACString& command, bool *result) override; NS_IMETHOD SetFilterList(nsIMsgFilterList *aMsgFilterList) override; NS_IMETHOD GetCustomIdentity(nsIMsgIdentity **aIdentity) override; /** * This method is used to locate a folder where a msg could be present, not just * the folder where the message first arrives, this method searches for the existence * of msg in all the folders/labels that we retrieve from X-GM-LABELS also. * overrides nsMsgDBFolder::GetOfflineMsgFolder() * @param msgKey key of the msg for which we are trying to get the folder; * @param aMsgFolder required folder; */ NS_IMETHOD GetOfflineMsgFolder(nsMsgKey msgKey, nsIMsgFolder **aMsgFolder) override; NS_IMETHOD GetIncomingServerType(nsACString& serverType) override; nsresult AddSubfolderWithPath(nsAString& name, nsIFile *dbPath, nsIMsgFolder **child, bool brandNew = false); nsresult MoveIncorporatedMessage(nsIMsgDBHdr *mailHdr, nsIMsgDatabase *sourceDB, const nsACString& destFolder, nsIMsgFilter *filter, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow); // send notification to copy service listener. nsresult OnCopyCompleted(nsISupports *srcSupport, nsresult exitCode); static nsresult AllocateUidStringFromKeys(nsMsgKey *keys, uint32_t numKeys, nsCString &msgIds); static nsresult BuildIdsAndKeyArray(nsIArray* messages, nsCString& msgIds, nsTArray<nsMsgKey>& keyArray); // these might end up as an nsIImapMailFolder attribute. nsresult SetSupportedUserFlags(uint32_t userFlags); nsresult GetSupportedUserFlags(uint32_t *userFlags); // Find the start of a range of msgKeys that can hold srcCount headers. nsresult FindOpenRange(nsMsgKey &fakeBase, uint32_t srcCount); protected: virtual ~nsImapMailFolder(); // Helper methods virtual nsresult CreateChildFromURI(const nsCString &uri, nsIMsgFolder **folder) override; void FindKeysToAdd(const nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &existingKeys, nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &keysToFetch, uint32_t &numNewUnread, nsIImapFlagAndUidState *flagState); void FindKeysToDelete(const nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &existingKeys, nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &keysToFetch, nsIImapFlagAndUidState *flagState, uint32_t boxFlags); void PrepareToAddHeadersToMailDB(nsIImapProtocol* aProtocol); void TweakHeaderFlags(nsIImapProtocol* aProtocol, nsIMsgDBHdr *tweakMe); nsresult SyncFlags(nsIImapFlagAndUidState *flagState); nsresult HandleCustomFlags(nsMsgKey uidOfMessage, nsIMsgDBHdr *dbHdr, uint16_t userFlags, nsCString& keywords); nsresult NotifyMessageFlagsFromHdr(nsIMsgDBHdr *dbHdr, nsMsgKey msgKey, uint32_t flags); nsresult SetupHeaderParseStream(uint32_t size, const nsACString& content_type, nsIMailboxSpec *boxSpec); nsresult ParseAdoptedHeaderLine(const char *messageLine, nsMsgKey msgKey); nsresult NormalEndHeaderParseStream(nsIImapProtocol *aProtocol, nsIImapUrl *imapUrl); void EndOfflineDownload(); /** * At the end of a file-to-folder copy operation, copy the file to the * offline store and/or add to the message database, (if needed). * * @param srcFile file containing the message key * @param msgKey key to use for the new messages */ nsresult CopyFileToOfflineStore(nsIFile *srcFile, nsMsgKey msgKey); nsresult MarkMessagesImapDeleted(nsTArray<nsMsgKey> *keyArray, bool deleted, nsIMsgDatabase *db); // Notifies imap autosync that it should update this folder when it // gets a chance. void NotifyHasPendingMsgs(); void UpdatePendingCounts(); void SetIMAPDeletedFlag(nsIMsgDatabase *mailDB, const nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &msgids, bool markDeleted); virtual bool ShowDeletedMessages(); virtual bool DeleteIsMoveToTrash(); nsresult GetFolder(const nsACString& name, nsIMsgFolder **pFolder); nsresult GetTrashFolder(nsIMsgFolder **pTrashFolder); bool TrashOrDescendentOfTrash(nsIMsgFolder* folder); static bool ShouldCheckAllFolders(nsIImapIncomingServer *imapServer); nsresult GetServerKey(nsACString& serverKey); nsresult DisplayStatusMsg(nsIImapUrl *aImapUrl, const nsAString& msg); //nsresult RenameLocal(const char *newName); nsresult AddDirectorySeparator(nsIFile *path); nsresult CreateSubFolders(nsIFile *path); nsresult GetDatabase() override; nsresult GetFolderOwnerUserName(nsACString& userName); nsIMAPNamespace *GetNamespaceForFolder(); void SetNamespaceForFolder(nsIMAPNamespace *ns); nsMsgIMAPFolderACL * GetFolderACL(); nsresult CreateACLRightsStringForFolder(nsAString& rightsString); nsresult GetBodysToDownload(nsTArray<nsMsgKey> *keysOfMessagesToDownload); // Uber message copy service nsresult CopyMessagesWithStream(nsIMsgFolder* srcFolder, nsIArray* messages, bool isMove, bool isCrossServerOp, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener, bool allowUndo); nsresult CopyStreamMessage(nsIMsgDBHdr* message, nsIMsgFolder* dstFolder, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, bool isMove); nsresult InitCopyState(nsISupports* srcSupport, nsIArray* messages, bool isMove, bool selectedState, bool acrossServers, uint32_t newMsgFlags, const nsACString &newMsgKeywords, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, bool allowUndo); nsresult GetMoveCoalescer(); nsresult PlaybackCoalescedOperations(); virtual nsresult CreateBaseMessageURI(const nsACString& aURI) override; // offline-ish methods nsresult GetClearedOriginalOp(nsIMsgOfflineImapOperation *op, nsIMsgOfflineImapOperation **originalOp, nsIMsgDatabase **originalDB); nsresult GetOriginalOp(nsIMsgOfflineImapOperation *op, nsIMsgOfflineImapOperation **originalOp, nsIMsgDatabase **originalDB); nsresult CopyMessagesOffline(nsIMsgFolder* srcFolder, nsIArray* messages, bool isMove, nsIMsgWindow *msgWindow, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener* listener); void SetPendingAttributes(nsIArray* messages, bool aIsMove); nsresult CopyOfflineMsgBody(nsIMsgFolder *srcFolder, nsIMsgDBHdr *destHdr, nsIMsgDBHdr *origHdr, nsIInputStream *inputStream, nsIOutputStream *outputStream); void GetTrashFolderName(nsAString &aFolderName); bool ShowPreviewText(); // Pseudo-Offline operation playback timer static void PlaybackTimerCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure); nsresult CreatePlaybackTimer(); // Allocate and initialize associated auto-sync state object. void InitAutoSyncState(); bool m_initialized; bool m_haveDiscoveredAllFolders; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgParseMailMsgState> m_msgParser; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilterList> m_filterList; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilterPlugin> m_filterPlugin; // XXX should be a list // used with filter plugins to know when we've finished classifying and can playback moves bool m_msgMovedByFilter; nsImapMoveCoalescer *m_moveCoalescer; // strictly owned by the nsImapMailFolder nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> m_junkMessagesToMarkAsRead; /// list of keys to be moved to the junk folder nsTArray<nsMsgKey> mSpamKeysToMove; /// the junk destination folder nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> mSpamFolder; nsMsgKey m_curMsgUid; uint32_t m_uidValidity; // These three vars are used to store counts from STATUS or SELECT command // They include deleted messages, so they can differ from the generic // folder total and unread counts. int32_t m_numServerRecentMessages; int32_t m_numServerUnseenMessages; int32_t m_numServerTotalMessages; // if server supports UIDNEXT, we store it here. int32_t m_nextUID; int32_t m_nextMessageByteLength; nsCOMPtr<nsIUrlListener> m_urlListener; bool m_urlRunning; // undo move/copy transaction support RefPtr<nsMsgTxn> m_pendingUndoTxn; RefPtr<nsImapMailCopyState> m_copyState; char m_hierarchyDelimiter; int32_t m_boxFlags; nsCString m_onlineFolderName; nsCString m_ownerUserName; // username of the "other user," as in // "Other Users' Mailboxes" nsCString m_adminUrl; // url to run to set admin privileges for this folder nsIMAPNamespace *m_namespace; bool m_verifiedAsOnlineFolder; bool m_explicitlyVerify; // whether or not we need to explicitly verify this through LIST bool m_folderIsNamespace; bool m_folderNeedsSubscribing; bool m_folderNeedsAdded; bool m_folderNeedsACLListed; bool m_performingBiff; bool m_folderQuotaCommandIssued; bool m_folderQuotaDataIsValid; bool m_updatingFolder; // These two vars are used to keep track of compaction state so we can know // when to send a done notification. bool m_compactingOfflineStore; bool m_expunging; bool m_applyIncomingFilters; // apply filters to this folder, even if not the inbox nsMsgIMAPFolderACL *m_folderACL; uint32_t m_aclFlags; uint32_t m_supportedUserFlags; // determines if we are on GMail server bool m_isGmailServer; // offline imap support bool m_downloadingFolderForOfflineUse; bool m_filterListRequiresBody; // auto-sync (automatic message download) support RefPtr<nsAutoSyncState> m_autoSyncStateObj; // Quota support nsCString m_folderQuotaRoot; uint32_t m_folderQuotaUsedKB; uint32_t m_folderQuotaMaxKB; // Pseudo-Offline Playback support nsPlaybackRequest *m_pendingPlaybackReq; nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> m_playbackTimer; nsTArray<RefPtr<nsImapMoveCopyMsgTxn> > m_pendingOfflineMoves; // hash table of mapping between messageids and message keys // for pseudo hdrs. nsDataHashtable<nsCStringHashKey, nsMsgKey> m_pseudoHdrs; nsTArray<nsMsgKey> m_keysToFetch; uint32_t m_totalKeysToFetch; /** * delete if appropriate local storage for messages in this folder * * @parm aMessages array (of nsIMsgDBHdr) of messages to delete * (or an array of message keys) * @parm aSrcFolder the folder containing the messages (optional) */ void DeleteStoreMessages(nsIArray* aMessages); void DeleteStoreMessages(nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &aMessages); static void DeleteStoreMessages(nsTArray<nsMsgKey> &aMessages, nsIMsgFolder* aFolder); }; #endif