/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIMsgFolder.idl"
#include "nsIStringEnumerator.idl"

interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIImapIncomingServer;
interface nsIMsgParseMailMsgState;
interface nsIAutoSyncState;

 * This is a simple interface which allows the IMAP folder to update some
 * values that the folder props js code will use to update the sharing and
 * quota tabs in the folder properties.
[scriptable, uuid(09D99F2C-3E23-4f8c-A536-5C277BAA9585)] 
interface nsIMsgImapFolderProps : nsISupports {

    void setFolderType(in AString folderType);
    void setFolderTypeDescription(in AString folderTypeDescription);
    void setFolderPermissions(in AString permissions);
    void serverDoesntSupportACL();

     * Toggles the display of quota information in the Quota tab of the folder properties.
     * If on, the quota root, usage, and percentage used are displayed.
     * If off, a status message is displayed. The status message can be set with setQuotaStatus().
     * @param showData If true, display the quota root, usage information and usage percentage bar.
     *                 If false, display the status message.
    void showQuotaData(in boolean showData);

     * Sets the status string displayed in the Quota tab of the folder properties if quota
     * information is not visible.
    void setQuotaStatus(in AString folderQuotaStatus);

     * Updates the quota data displayed in the Quota tab.
    void setQuotaData(in ACString quotaroot, in unsigned long usedKB, in unsigned long maxKB);

[scriptable, uuid(fea0f455-7adf-4683-bf2f-c95c3fff03df)]
interface nsIMsgImapMailFolder : nsISupports {
  void removeSubFolder(in nsIMsgFolder folder);
  void createClientSubfolderInfo(in ACString folderName, in char hierarchyDelimiter,
                                 in long flags, in boolean suppressNotification);
  void list();
  void renameLocal(in ACString newname, in nsIMsgFolder parent);
  void prepareToRename();
  void performExpand(in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);
  void recursiveCloseActiveConnections(in nsIImapIncomingServer aImapServer);
  void renameClient(in nsIMsgWindow msgWindow, in nsIMsgFolder msgFolder, in ACString oldName, in ACString newName);

  // these are used for offline synchronization
  void storeImapFlags(in long aFlags, in boolean aAddFlags, [array, size_is (aNumKeys)] 
      in nsMsgKey aKeysToFlag, in unsigned long aNumKeys, in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener);
  nsIURI setImapFlags(in string uids, in long flags);
  void replayOfflineMoveCopy([array, size_is (numKeys)] in nsMsgKey keys, in unsigned long numKeys, in boolean isMove, in nsIMsgFolder aDstFolder,
                         in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener, in nsIMsgWindow aWindow);
  nsIURI playbackOfflineFolderCreate(in AString folderName, in nsIMsgWindow aWindow);
   * This is called by the offline sync code to tell the imap folder to
   * remember info about the header with this key (messageId and key) because
   * it's an offline move result header, and we need to generate an
   * nsIMsgFolderListener.msgKeyChanged notification when we download the
   * real header from the imap server.
   * @param aMsgKey msg key of move result pseudo hdr.
  void addMoveResultPseudoKey(in nsMsgKey aMsgKey);
   * Select this folder on the imap server without doing a sync of flags or
   * headers. This is used for offline playback, where we don't want to
   * download hdrs we don't have, because they may have been offline deleted.
   * @param aUrlListener        url listener, can be null
   * @param aWindow          msg window url is running in, can be null
  void liteSelect(in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener, in nsIMsgWindow aWindow);

  void fillInFolderProps(in nsIMsgImapFolderProps aFolderProps);
  void resetNamespaceReferences();
  void folderPrivileges(in nsIMsgWindow aWindow);
  nsIMsgImapMailFolder findOnlineSubFolder(in ACString onlineName);
  void addFolderRights(in ACString userName, in ACString rights);
  void refreshFolderRights();

   * Mark/unmark the header as pending removal from the offline store. If mark,
   * this also increases the expungedBytes count on the folder so we know
   * there's more local disk space to be reclaimed.
   * @param aHdr     msg hdr to mark pending removal from offline store.
   * @param aMark    whether to set or clear the pending removal status.
  void markPendingRemoval(in nsIMsgDBHdr aHdr, in boolean aMark);

   * Issue an expunge of this folder to the imap server.
   * @param aUrlListener     url listener, can be null
   * @param aWindow          msg window url is running in, can be null
   * @returns                status of attempt to run url.
  void expunge(in nsIUrlListener aListener, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);

  void updateStatus(in nsIUrlListener aListener, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);
  void updateFolderWithListener(in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIUrlListener aListener);
  // this is used to issue an arbitrary imap command on the passed in msgs.
  // It assumes the command needs to be run in the selected state.
  nsIURI issueCommandOnMsgs(in ACString command, in string uids, in nsIMsgWindow aWindow);
  nsIURI fetchCustomMsgAttribute(in ACString msgAttribute, in string uids, in nsIMsgWindow aWindow);
  nsIURI storeCustomKeywords(in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow,
                      in ACString aFlagsToAdd,
                      in ACString aFlagsToSubtract,
                      [array, size_is (aNumKeys)] in nsMsgKey aKeysToStore,
                      in unsigned long aNumKeys);

  void notifyIfNewMail();

  void initiateAutoSync(in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener);

  attribute boolean verifiedAsOnlineFolder;
  attribute boolean explicitlyVerify;
  attribute char hierarchyDelimiter;
  attribute long boxFlags;
  attribute ACString onlineName;
  attribute boolean isNamespace;
  readonly attribute boolean canOpenFolder;
  attribute ACString adminUrl;
  readonly attribute boolean hasAdminUrl;
  attribute boolean performingBiff;
  readonly attribute nsIMsgParseMailMsgState hdrParser;
  readonly attribute nsIImapIncomingServer imapIncomingServer;
  readonly attribute nsIAutoSyncState autoSyncStateObj;
   * @{
   * These are used to access the response to the STATUS or SELECT command.
   * The counts include deleted messages, or headers we haven't downloaded yet.
  readonly attribute long serverTotal;
  readonly attribute long serverUnseen;
  readonly attribute long serverRecent;
  readonly attribute long serverNextUID;
  /** @} */

   * Quota
   * |valid| indicates whether the server has provided quota information on
   * this folder. This can be false
   * - if the server does not supports quotas,
   * - if there are no storage quotas on this folder, or
   * - if the folder has never been opened.
   * If it is true and maxKB > 0, the folder has a storage quota and
   * the usedKB and maxKB attributes are set to the values provided by
   * the server (in kilobytes), for this quota root.
   * Lotus Notes sends us maxKB = 0, usedKB > 0 for unlimited quota.
  void getQuota(out boolean valid, out unsigned long usedKB, out unsigned long maxKB);

   * List all (human) users apart from the current user who have access to
   * this folder.
   * You can find out which rights they have with getRightsForUser().
  nsIUTF8StringEnumerator getOtherUsersWithAccess();

   * Which access rights a certain user has for this folder.
   * @return list of flags
   * e.g. "lrswipcd" for write access and "lrs" for read only access.
   * See RFC 2086 (e.g. Cyrus) and RFC 4314 (e.g. dovecot)
   * l = locate = visible in folder list
   * r = read = list mails, get/read mail contents
   * s = set seen flag = mark read. Does not affect other users.
   * d (or t) = delete mails
   * w = write = change (other) flags of existing mails
   * i = insert = add mails to this folder
   * p = post = send mail directly to the submission address for folder
   * c (or k) = create subfolders
   * (e = expunge = compress)
   * (x = delete folder)
   * a = admin = change permissions
  ACString getPermissionsForUser(in ACString username);

   * Change the number of "pending" messages in a folder,
   *  messages we know about, but don't have the headers for yet
   * @param aDelta amount to change total by.
  void changePendingTotal(in long aDelta);

   * Change the number of "pending" unread messages in a folder,
   * unread messages we know about, but don't have the headers for yet
   * @param aDelta amount to change the unread count by.
  void changePendingUnread(in long aDelta);