/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIAutoSyncMsgStrategy;
interface nsIAutoSyncFolderStrategy;
interface nsIMsgDBHdr;
interface nsIAutoSyncState;
interface nsIAutoSyncMgrListener;
interface nsIMsgFolder;
interface nsIMsgAccount;

[scriptable, uuid(41ec36a7-1a53-4ca3-b698-dca6452a8761)] 
interface nsIAutoSyncMgrListener : nsISupports {

   * Queue types
  const long PriorityQueue = 1;
  const long UpdateQueue = 2;
  const long DiscoveryQueue = 3;

   * It is called on the listener when a new folder is added into
   * the queue
   * @param aQType type of the queue
   * @param aFolder folder that is added into the queue
  void onFolderAddedIntoQ(in long aQType, in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
   * It is called on the listener when a folder is removed from
   * the queue
   * @param aQType type of the queue
   * @param aFolder folder that is removed from the queue
  void onFolderRemovedFromQ(in long aQType, in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
   * It is called on the listener when a message download is successfully started
   * @param aFolder folder in which the download is started 
   * @param aNumberOfMessages number of the messages that will be downloaded 
   * @param aTotalPending  total number of messages waiting to be downloaded 
  void onDownloadStarted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in unsigned long aNumberOfMessages, 
                         in unsigned long aTotalPending);
   * It is called on the listener when a message download on the given folder 
   * is completed
  void onDownloadCompleted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
   * It is called on the listener when an error occurs during the message download
  void onDownloadError(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
   * Auto-Sync manager is running or waiting for idle 
  void onStateChanged(in boolean aRunning);
   * It is called on the listener after the auto-sync manager starts to process 
   * existing headers of the given folder to find missing message bodies
   * (mostly for debugging purposes)
  void onDiscoveryQProcessed(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in unsigned long aNumberOfHdrsProcessed, 
                             in unsigned long aLeftToProcess);
   * It is called on the listener after the auto-sync manager updates the given folder 
   * (mostly for debugging purposes)
  void onAutoSyncInitiated(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);

[scriptable, uuid(7fe0b48e-f5d8-4747-beb7-888c9cced3a5)]
interface nsIAutoSyncManager : nsISupports {

   * Download models
  const long dmParallel = 0;
  const long dmChained = 1;

   * Suggested minimum grouping size in bytes for message downloads.
   * Setting this attribute to 0 resets its value to the 
   * hardcoded default.
  attribute unsigned long groupSize;

   * Active strategy function to prioritize
   * messages in the download queue
  attribute nsIAutoSyncMsgStrategy msgStrategy;

   * Active strategy function to prioritize
   * folders in the download queue
  attribute nsIAutoSyncFolderStrategy folderStrategy;

   * Adds a listener to notify about auto-sync events
  void addListener(in nsIAutoSyncMgrListener aListener);
   * Removes the listener from notification list
  void removeListener(in nsIAutoSyncMgrListener aListener);
   * Tests the given message to make sure that whether 
   * it fits the download criteria or not
  boolean doesMsgFitDownloadCriteria(in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsgHdr);
   * Called by the nsAutoSyncState object when the download
   * queue is changed. Given interface is already addref'd.
  void onDownloadQChanged(in nsIAutoSyncState aAutoSyncStateObj);
   * Called by the nsAutoSyncState object when the download
   * is started. Given interface is already addref'd.
  void onDownloadStarted(in nsIAutoSyncState aAutoSyncStateObj, in nsresult aStartCode);
   * Called by the nsAutoSyncState object when the download
   * completed. Given interface is already addref'd.
  void onDownloadCompleted(in nsIAutoSyncState aAutoSyncStateObj, in nsresult aExitCode);
   * Number of elements in the discovery queue.
   * @see nsAutoSyncManager.h for details
  readonly attribute unsigned long discoveryQLength;
   * Number of elements in the update queue.
   * @see nsAutoSyncManager.h for details
  readonly attribute unsigned long updateQLength;
   * Number of elements in the download queue (a.k.a priority queue).
   * @see nsAutoSyncManager.h for details
  readonly attribute unsigned long downloadQLength;

   * Active download model; Chained (serial), or Parallel
  attribute long downloadModel;

   * The imap folder corresponding to aAutoSyncState has had a message
   * added to it. Autosync may want to add this folder to the update q.
   * @param aAutoSyncState state obj for folder needing updating
  void onFolderHasPendingMsgs(in nsIAutoSyncState aAutoSyncState);

  /// Pause autosync (e.g., we're downloading for offline).
  void pause();
  /// Resume normal autosync activities (e.g., we've come back online).
  void resume();

{ /* C358C568-47B2-42b2-8146-3C0F8D1FAD6E */  \
  0xc358c568, 0x47b2, 0x42b2,                 \
  { 0x81, 0x46, 0x3c, 0xf, 0x8d, 0x1f, 0xad, 0x6e }}
  "Auto-Sync Manager"