/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * This file currently contains a fairly general implementation of asynchronous * indexing with a very explicit message indexing implementation. As gloda * will eventually want to index more than just messages, the message-specific * things should ideally lose their special hold on this file. This will * benefit readability/size as well. */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['GlodaIndexer', 'IndexingJob']; var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cr = Components.results; var Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/iteratorUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/log4moz.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/utils.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/datastore.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/gloda.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/collection.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/connotent.js"); /** * @class Capture the indexing batch concept explicitly. * * @param aJobType The type of thing we are indexing. Current choices are: * "folder" and "message". Previous choices included "account". The indexer * currently knows too much about these; they should be de-coupled. * @param aID Specific to the job type, but for now only used to hold folder * IDs. * * @ivar items The list of items to process during this job/batch. (For * example, if this is a "messages" job, this would be the list of messages * to process, although the specific representation is determined by the * job.) The list will only be mutated through the addition of extra items. * @ivar offset The current offset into the 'items' list (if used), updated as * processing occurs. If 'items' is not used, the processing code can also * update this in a similar fashion. This is used by the status * notification code in conjunction with goal. * @ivar goal The total number of items to index/actions to perform in this job. * This number may increase during the life of the job, but should not * decrease. This is used by the status notification code in conjunction * with the goal. */ function IndexingJob(aJobType, aID, aItems) { this.jobType = aJobType; this.id = aID; this.items = (aItems != null) ? aItems : []; this.offset = 0; this.goal = null; this.callback = null; this.callbackThis = null; } IndexingJob.prototype = { /** * Invoke the callback associated with this job, passing through all arguments * received by this function to the callback function. */ safelyInvokeCallback: function() { if (!this.callback) return; try { this.callback.apply(this.callbackThis, arguments); } catch(ex) { GlodaIndexer._log.warn("job callback invocation problem:", ex); } }, toString: function IndexingJob_toString() { return "[job:" + this.jobType + " id:" + this.id + " items:" + (this.items ? this.items.length : "no") + " offset:" + this.offset + " goal:" + this.goal + "]"; } }; /** * @namespace Core indexing logic, plus message-specific indexing logic. * * === Indexing Goals * We have the following goals: * * Responsiveness * - When the user wants to quit, we should be able to stop and quit in a timely * fasion. * - We should not interfere with the user's thunderbird usage. * * Correctness * - Quitting should not result in any information loss; we should (eventually) * end up at the same indexed state regardless of whether a user lets * indexing run to completion or restarts thunderbird in the middle of the * process. (It is okay to take slightly longer in the latter case.) * * Worst Case Scenario Avoidance * - We should try to be O(1) memory-wise regardless of what notifications * are thrown at us. * * === Indexing Throttling * * Adaptive Indexing * - The indexer tries to stay out of the way of other running code in * Thunderbird (autosync) and other code on the system. We try and target * some number of milliseconds of activity between intentional inactive * periods. The number of milliseconds of activity varies based on whether we * believe the user to be actively using the computer or idle. We use our * inactive periods as a way to measure system load; if we receive our * notification promptly at the end of our inactive period, we believe the * system is not heavily loaded. If we do not get notified promptly, we * assume there is other stuff going on and back off. * */ var GlodaIndexer = { /** * A partial attempt to generalize to support multiple databases. Each * database would have its own datastore would have its own indexer. But * we rather inter-mingle our use of this field with the singleton global * GlodaDatastore. */ _datastore: GlodaDatastore, _log: Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("gloda.indexer"), /** * Our nsITimer that we use to schedule ourselves on the main thread * intermittently. The timer always exists but may not always be active. */ _timer: null, /** * Our nsITimer that we use to schedule events in the "far" future. For now, * this means not compelling an initial indexing sweep until some number of * seconds after startup. */ _longTimer: null, /** * Periodic performance adjustment parameters: The overall goal is to adjust * our rate of work so that we don't interfere with the user's activities * when they are around (non-idle), and the system in general (when idle). * Being nice when idle isn't quite as important, but is a good idea so that * when the user un-idles we are able to back off nicely. Also, we give * other processes on the system a chance to do something. * * We do this by organizing our work into discrete "tokens" of activity, * then processing the number of tokens that we have determined will * not impact the UI. Then we pause to give other activities a chance to get * some work done, and we measure whether anything happened during our pause. * If something else is going on in our application during that pause, we * give it priority (up to a point) by delaying further indexing. * * Keep in mind that many of our operations are actually asynchronous, so we * aren't entirely starving the event queue. However, a lot of the async * stuff can end up not having any actual delay between events. For * example, we only index offline message bodies, so there's no network * latency involved, just disk IO; the only meaningful latency will be the * initial disk seek (if there is one... pre-fetching may seriously be our * friend). * * In order to maintain responsiveness, I assert that we want to minimize the * length of the time we are dominating the event queue. This suggests * that we want break up our blocks of work frequently. But not so * frequently that there is a lot of waste. Accordingly our algorithm is * basically: * * - Estimate the time that it takes to process a token, and schedule the * number of tokens that should fit into that time. * - Detect user activity, and back off immediately if found. * - Try to delay commits and garbage collection until the user is inactive, * as these tend to cause a brief pause in the UI. */ /** * The number of milliseconds before we declare the user idle and step up our * indexing. */ _INDEX_IDLE_ADJUSTMENT_TIME: 5000, /** * The time delay in milliseconds before we should schedule our initial sweep. */ _INITIAL_SWEEP_DELAY: 10000, /** * How many milliseconds in the future should we schedule indexing to start * when turning on indexing (and it was not previously active). */ _INDEX_KICKOFF_DELAY: 200, /** * The time interval, in milliseconds, of pause between indexing batches. The * maximum processor consumption is determined by this constant and the * active |_cpuTargetIndexTime|. * * For current constants, that puts us at 50% while the user is active and 83% * when idle. */ _INDEX_INTERVAL: 32, /** * Number of indexing 'tokens' we are allowed to consume before yielding for * each incremental pass. Consider a single token equal to indexing a single * medium-sized message. This may be altered by user session (in)activity. * Because we fetch message bodies, which is potentially asynchronous, this * is not a precise knob to twiddle. */ _indexTokens: 2, /** * Stopwatches used to measure performance during indexing, and during * pauses between indexing. These help us adapt our indexing constants so * as to not explode your computer. Kind of us, no? */ _perfIndexStopwatch: null, _perfPauseStopwatch: null, /** * Do we have an uncommitted indexer transaction that idle callback should commit? */ _idleToCommit: false, /** * Target CPU time per batch of tokens, current value (milliseconds). */ _cpuTargetIndexTime: 32, /** * Target CPU time per batch of tokens, during non-idle (milliseconds). */ _CPU_TARGET_INDEX_TIME_ACTIVE: 32, /** * Target CPU time per batch of tokens, during idle (milliseconds). */ _CPU_TARGET_INDEX_TIME_IDLE: 160, /** * Average CPU time per processed token (milliseconds). */ _cpuAverageTimePerToken: 16, /** * Damping factor for _cpuAverageTimePerToken, as an approximate * number of tokens to include in the average time. */ _CPU_AVERAGE_TIME_DAMPING: 200, /** * Maximum tokens per batch. This is normally just a sanity check. */ _CPU_MAX_TOKENS_PER_BATCH: 100, /** * CPU usage during a pause to declare that system was busy (milliseconds). * This is typically set as 1.5 times the minimum resolution of the cpu * usage clock, which is 16 milliseconds on Windows systems, and (I think) * smaller on other systems, so we take the worst case. */ _CPU_IS_BUSY_TIME: 24, /** * Time that return from pause may be late before the system is declared * busy, in milliseconds. (Same issues as _CPU_IS_BUSY_TIME). */ _PAUSE_LATE_IS_BUSY_TIME: 24, /** * Number of times that we will repeat a pause while waiting for a * free CPU. */ _PAUSE_REPEAT_LIMIT: 10, /** * Minimum time delay between commits, in milliseconds. */ _MINIMUM_COMMIT_TIME: 5000, /** * Maximum time delay between commits, in milliseconds. */ _MAXIMUM_COMMIT_TIME: 20000, /** * Unit testing hook to get us to emit additional logging that verges on * inane for general usage but is helpful in unit test output to get a lay * of the land and for paranoia reasons. */ _unitTestSuperVerbose: false, /** * Unit test vector to get notified when a worker has a problem and it has * a recover helper associated. This gets called with an argument * indicating whether the recovery helper indicates recovery was possible. */ _unitTestHookRecover: null, /** * Unit test vector to get notified when a worker runs into an exceptional * situation (an exception propagates or gets explicitly killed) and needs * to be cleaned up. This gets called with an argument indicating if there * was a helper that was used or if we just did the default cleanup thing. */ _unitTestHookCleanup: null, /** * Last commit time. Tracked to try and only commit at reasonable intervals. */ _lastCommitTime: Date.now(), _inited: false, /** * Initialize the indexer. */ _init: function gloda_index_init() { if (this._inited) return; this._inited = true; this._callbackHandle.init(); if (Services.io.offline) this._suppressIndexing = true; // create the timer that drives our intermittent indexing this._timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); // create the timer for larger offsets independent of indexing this._longTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this._idleService = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIIdleService); // create our performance stopwatches try { this._perfIndexStopwatch = Cc["@mozilla.org/stopwatch;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIStopwatch); this._perfPauseStopwatch = Cc["@mozilla.org/stopwatch;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIStopwatch); } catch (ex) { this._log.error("problem creating stopwatch!: " + ex); } // register for shutdown notifications Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application", false); // figure out if event-driven indexing should be enabled... let branch = Services.prefs.getBranch("mailnews.database.global.indexer."); let eventDrivenEnabled = false; // default let performInitialSweep = true; // default try { eventDrivenEnabled = branch.getBoolPref("enabled"); } catch (ex) { dump("%%% annoying exception on pref access: " + ex); } // this is a secret preference mainly intended for testing purposes. try { performInitialSweep = branch.getBoolPref("perform_initial_sweep"); } catch (ex) {} // pretend we have already performed an initial sweep... if (!performInitialSweep) this._initialSweepPerformed = true; this.enabled = eventDrivenEnabled; }, /** * When shutdown, indexing immediately ceases and no further progress should * be made. This flag goes true once, and never returns to false. Being * in this state is a destructive thing from whence we cannot recover. */ _indexerIsShutdown: false, /** * Shutdown the indexing process and datastore as quickly as possible in * a synchronous fashion. */ _shutdown: function gloda_index_shutdown() { // no more timer events, please try { this._timer.cancel(); } catch (ex) {} this._timer = null; try { this._longTimer.cancel(); } catch (ex) {} this._longTimer = null; this._perfIndexStopwatch = null; this._perfPauseStopwatch = null; // Remove listeners to avoid reference cycles on the off chance one of them // holds a reference to the indexer object. this._indexListeners = []; this._indexerIsShutdown = true; if (this.enabled) this._log.info("Shutting Down"); // don't let anything try and convince us to start indexing again this.suppressIndexing = true; // If there is an active job and it has a cleanup handler, run it. if (this._curIndexingJob) { let workerDef = this._curIndexingJob._workerDef; try { if (workerDef.cleanup) workerDef.cleanup.call(workerDef.indexer, this._curIndexingJob); } catch (ex) { this._log.error("problem during worker cleanup during shutdown."); } } // Definitely clean out the async call stack and any associated data this._callbackHandle.cleanup(); this._workBatchData = undefined; // disable ourselves and all of the specific indexers this.enabled = false; GlodaDatastore.shutdown(); }, /** * The list of indexers registered with us. If you are a core gloda indexer * (you ship with gloda), then you can import this file directly and should * make sure your indexer is imported in 'everybody.js' in the right order. * If you are not core gloda, then you should import 'public.js' and only * then should you import 'indexer.js' to get at GlodaIndexer. */ _indexers: [], /** * Register an indexer with the Gloda indexing mechanism. * * @param aIndexer.name The name of your indexer. * @param aIndexer.enable Your enable function. This will be called during * the call to registerIndexer if Gloda indexing is already enabled. If * indexing is not yet enabled, you will be called * @param aIndexer.disable Your disable function. This will be called when * indexing is disabled or we are shutting down. This will only be called * if enable has already been called. * @param aIndexer.workers A list of tuples of the form [worker type code, * worker generator function, optional scheduling trigger function]. The * type code is the string used to uniquely identify the job type. If you * are not core gloda, your job type must start with your extension's name * and a colon; you can collow that with anything you want. The worker * generator is not easily explained in here. The trigger function is * invoked immediately prior to calling the generator to create it. The * trigger function takes the job as an argument and should perform any * finalization required on the job. Most workers should not need to use * the trigger function. * @param aIndexer.initialSweep We call this to tell each indexer when it is * its turn to run its indexing sweep. The idea of the indexing sweep is * that this is when you traverse things eligible for indexing to make * sure they are indexed. Right now we just call everyone at the same * time and hope that their jobs don't fight too much. */ registerIndexer: function gloda_index_registerIndexer(aIndexer) { this._log.info("Registering indexer: " + aIndexer.name); this._indexers.push(aIndexer); try { for (let workerInfo of aIndexer.workers) { let workerCode = workerInfo[0]; let workerDef = workerInfo[1]; workerDef.name = workerCode; workerDef.indexer = aIndexer; this._indexerWorkerDefs[workerCode] = workerDef; if (!("recover" in workerDef)) workerDef.recover = null; if (!("cleanup" in workerDef)) workerDef.cleanup = null; if (!("onSchedule" in workerDef)) workerDef.onSchedule = null; if (!("jobCanceled" in workerDef)) workerDef.jobCanceled = null; } } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Helper indexer threw exception on worker enum."); } if (this._enabled) { try { aIndexer.enable(); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Helper indexer threw exception on enable: " + ex); } } }, /** * Are we enabled, read: are we processing change events? */ _enabled: false, get enabled() { return this._enabled; }, set enabled(aEnable) { if (!this._enabled && aEnable) { // register for offline notifications Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed", false); // register for idle notification this._idleService.addIdleObserver(this, this._indexIdleThresholdSecs); this._enabled = true; for (let indexer of this._indexers) { try { indexer.enable(); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Helper indexer threw exception on enable: " + ex); } } // if we have an accumulated desire to index things, kick it off again. if (this._indexingDesired) { this._indexingDesired = false; // it's edge-triggered for now this.indexing = true; } // if we have not done an initial sweep, schedule scheduling one. if (!this._initialSweepPerformed) { this._longTimer.initWithCallback(this._scheduleInitialSweep, this._INITIAL_SWEEP_DELAY, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } else if (this._enabled && !aEnable) { for (let indexer of this._indexers) { try { indexer.disable(); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Helper indexer threw exception on disable: " + ex); } } // remove offline observer Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed"); // remove idle this._idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, this._indexIdleThresholdSecs); this._enabled = false; } }, /** Track whether indexing is desired (we have jobs to prosecute). */ _indexingDesired: false, /** * Track whether we have an actively pending callback or timer event. We do * this so we don't experience a transient suppression and accidentally * get multiple event-chains driving indexing at the same time (which the * code will not handle correctly). */ _indexingActive: false, /** * Indicates whether indexing is currently ongoing. This may return false * while indexing activities are still active, but they will quiesce shortly. */ get indexing() { return this._indexingDesired && !this._suppressIndexing; }, /** Indicates whether indexing is desired. */ get indexingDesired() { return this._indexingDesired; }, /** * Set this to true to indicate there is indexing work to perform. This does * not mean indexing will begin immediately (if it wasn't active), however. * If suppressIndexing has been set, we won't do anything until indexing is * no longer suppressed. */ set indexing(aShouldIndex) { if (!this._indexingDesired && aShouldIndex) { this._indexingDesired = true; if (this.enabled && !this._indexingActive && !this._suppressIndexing) { this._log.info("+++ Indexing Queue Processing Commencing"); this._indexingActive = true; this._timer.initWithCallback(this._timerCallbackDriver, this._INDEX_KICKOFF_DELAY, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } }, _suppressIndexing: false, /** * Set whether or not indexing should be suppressed. This is to allow us to * avoid running down a laptop's battery when it is not on AC. Only code * in charge of regulating that tracking should be setting this variable; if * other factors want to contribute to such a decision, this logic needs to * be changed to track that, since last-write currently wins. */ set suppressIndexing(aShouldSuppress) { this._suppressIndexing = aShouldSuppress; // re-start processing if we are no longer suppressing, there is work yet // to do, and the indexing process had actually stopped. if (!this._suppressIndexing && this._indexingDesired && !this._indexingActive) { this._log.info("+++ Indexing Queue Processing Resuming"); this._indexingActive = true; this._timer.initWithCallback(this._timerCallbackDriver, this._INDEX_KICKOFF_DELAY, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } }, /** * Track whether an initial sweep has been performed. This mainly exists so * that unit testing can stop us from performing an initial sweep. */ _initialSweepPerformed: false, /** * Our timer-driven callback to schedule our first initial indexing sweep. * Because it is invoked by an nsITimer it operates without the benefit of * a 'this' context and must use GlodaIndexer instead of this. * Since an initial sweep could have been performed before we get invoked, * we need to check whether an initial sweep is still desired before trying * to schedule one. We don't need to worry about whether one is active * because the indexingSweepNeeded takes care of that. */ _scheduleInitialSweep: function gloda_index_scheduleInitialSweep() { if (GlodaIndexer._initialSweepPerformed) return; GlodaIndexer._initialSweepPerformed = true; for (let indexer of GlodaIndexer._indexers) { indexer.initialSweep(); } }, kWorkSync: Gloda.kWorkSync, kWorkAsync: Gloda.kWorkAsync, kWorkDone: Gloda.kWorkDone, kWorkPause: Gloda.kWorkPause, kWorkDoneWithResult: Gloda.kWorkDoneWithResult, /** * Our current job number. Meaningless value that increments with every job * we process that resets to 0 when we run out of jobs. Currently used by * the activity manager's gloda listener to tell when we have changed jobs. * We really need a better listener mechanism. */ _indexingJobCount: 0, /** * A list of IndexingJob instances to process. */ _indexQueue: [], /** * The current indexing job. */ _curIndexingJob: null, /** * The number of seconds before we declare the user idle and commit if * needed. */ _indexIdleThresholdSecs: 3, _indexListeners: [], /** * Add an indexing progress listener. The listener will be notified of at * least all major status changes (idle -> indexing, indexing -> idle), plus * arbitrary progress updates during the indexing process. * If indexing is not active when the listener is added, a synthetic idle * notification will be generated. * * @param aListener A listener function, taking arguments: status (Gloda. * kIndexer*), the folder name if a folder is involved (string or null), * current zero-based job number (int), * current item number being indexed in this job (int), total number * of items in this job to be indexed (int). * * @TODO should probably allow for a 'this' value to be provided * @TODO generalize to not be folder/message specific. use nouns! */ addListener: function gloda_index_addListener(aListener) { // should we weakify? if (this._indexListeners.indexOf(aListener) == -1) this._indexListeners.push(aListener); // if we aren't indexing, give them an idle indicator, otherwise they can // just be happy when we hit the next actual status point. if (!this.indexing) aListener(Gloda.kIndexerIdle, null, 0, 0, 1); return aListener; }, /** * Remove the given listener so that it no longer receives indexing progress * updates. */ removeListener: function gloda_index_removeListener(aListener) { let index = this._indexListeners.indexOf(aListener); if (index != -1) this._indexListeners.splice(index, 1); }, /** * Helper method to tell listeners what we're up to. For code simplicity, * the caller is just deciding when to send this update (preferably at * reasonable intervals), and doesn't need to provide any indication of * state... we figure that out ourselves. * * This was not pretty but got ugly once we moved the message indexing out * to its own indexer. Some generalization is required but will likely * require string hooks. */ _notifyListeners: function gloda_index_notifyListeners() { let status, prettyName, jobIndex, jobItemIndex, jobItemGoal, jobType; if (this.indexing && this._curIndexingJob) { let job = this._curIndexingJob; status = Gloda.kIndexerIndexing; let indexer = this._indexerWorkerDefs[job.jobType].indexer; if ("_indexingFolder" in indexer) prettyName = (indexer._indexingFolder != null) ? indexer._indexingFolder.prettiestName : null; else prettyName = null; jobIndex = this._indexingJobCount-1; jobItemIndex = job.offset; jobItemGoal = job.goal; jobType = job.jobType; } else { status = Gloda.kIndexerIdle; prettyName = null; jobIndex = 0; jobItemIndex = 0; jobItemGoal = 1; jobType = null; } // Some people ascribe to the belief that the most you can give is 100%. // We know better, but let's humor them. if (jobItemIndex > jobItemGoal) jobItemGoal = jobItemIndex; for (let iListener = this._indexListeners.length-1; iListener >= 0; iListener--) { let listener = this._indexListeners[iListener]; try { listener(status, prettyName, jobIndex, jobItemIndex, jobItemGoal, jobType); } catch(ex) { this._log.error(ex); } } }, /** * A wrapped callback driver intended to be used by timers that provide * arguments we really do not care about. */ _timerCallbackDriver: function gloda_index_timerCallbackDriver() { GlodaIndexer.callbackDriver(); }, /** * A simple callback driver wrapper to provide 'this'. */ _wrapCallbackDriver: function gloda_index_wrapCallbackDriver() { GlodaIndexer.callbackDriver.apply(GlodaIndexer, arguments); }, /** * The current processing 'batch' generator, produced by a call to workBatch() * and used by callbackDriver to drive execution. */ _batch: null, _inCallback: false, _savedCallbackArgs: null, /** * The root work-driver. callbackDriver creates workBatch generator instances * (stored in _batch) which run until they are done (kWorkDone) or they * (really the embedded activeIterator) encounter something asynchronous. * The convention is that all the callback handlers end up calling us, * ensuring that control-flow properly resumes. If the batch completes, * we re-schedule ourselves after a time delay (controlled by _INDEX_INTERVAL) * and return. (We use one-shot timers because repeating-slack does not * know enough to deal with our (current) asynchronous nature.) */ callbackDriver: function gloda_index_callbackDriver() { // just bail if we are shutdown if (this._indexerIsShutdown) return; // it is conceivable that someone we call will call something that in some // cases might be asynchronous, and in other cases immediately generate // events without returning. In the interest of (stack-depth) sanity, // let's handle this by performing a minimal time-delay callback. // this is also now a good thing sequencing-wise. if we get our callback // with data before the underlying function has yielded, we obviously can't // cram the data in yet. Our options in this case are to either mark the // fact that the callback has already happened and immediately return to // the iterator when it does bubble up the kWorkAsync, or we can do as we // have been doing, but save the if (this._inCallback) { this._savedCallbackArgs = arguments; this._timer.initWithCallback(this._timerCallbackDriver, 0, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return; } this._inCallback = true; try { if (this._batch === null) this._batch = this.workBatch(); // kWorkAsync, kWorkDone, kWorkPause are allowed out; kWorkSync is not // On kWorkDone, we want to schedule another timer to fire on us if we are // not done indexing. (On kWorkAsync, we don't care what happens, because // someone else will be receiving the callback, and they will call us when // they are done doing their thing. let args; if (this._savedCallbackArgs != null) { args = this._savedCallbackArgs; this._savedCallbackArgs = null; } else args = arguments; //Array.slice.call(arguments); let result; if (args.length == 0) result = this._batch.next().value; else if (args.length == 1) result = this._batch.next(args[0]).value; else // arguments works with destructuring assignment result = this._batch.next(args).value; switch (result) { // job's done, close the batch and re-schedule ourselves if there's more // to do. case this.kWorkDone: this._batch.return(); this._batch = null; // (intentional fall-through to re-scheduling logic) // the batch wants to get re-scheduled, do so. case this.kWorkPause: if (this.indexing) this._timer.initWithCallback(this._timerCallbackDriver, this._INDEX_INTERVAL, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); else { // it's important to indicate no more callbacks are in flight this._indexingActive = false; } break; case this.kWorkAsync: // there is nothing to do. some other code is now responsible for // calling us. break; } } finally { this._inCallback = false; } }, _callbackHandle: { init: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_init() { this.wrappedCallback = GlodaIndexer._wrapCallbackDriver; this.callbackThis = GlodaIndexer; this.callback = GlodaIndexer.callbackDriver; }, /** * The stack of generators we are processing. The (numerically) last one is * also the |activeIterator|. */ activeStack: [], /** * The generator at the top of the |activeStack| and that we will call next * or send on next if nothing changes. */ activeIterator: null, /** * Meta-information about the generators at each level of the stack. */ contextStack: [], /** * Push a new generator onto the stack. It becomes the active generator. */ push: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_push(aIterator, aContext) { this.activeStack.push(aIterator); this.contextStack.push(aContext); this.activeIterator = aIterator; }, /** * For use by generators that want to call another asynchronous process * implemented as a generator. They should do * "yield aCallbackHandle.pushAndGo(someGenerator(arg1, arg2));". * * @public */ pushAndGo: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_pushAndGo(aIterator, aContext) { this.push(aIterator, aContext); return GlodaIndexer.kWorkSync; }, /** * Pop the active generator off the stack. */ pop: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_pop() { this.activeIterator.return(); this.activeStack.pop(); this.contextStack.pop(); if (this.activeStack.length) this.activeIterator = this.activeStack[this.activeStack.length - 1]; else this.activeIterator = null; }, /** * Someone propagated an exception and we need to clean-up all the active * logic as best we can. Which is not really all that well. * * @param [aOptionalStopAtDepth=0] The length the stack should be when this * method completes. Pass 0 or omit for us to clear everything out. * Pass 1 to leave just the top-level generator intact. */ cleanup: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_cleanup(aOptionalStopAtDepth) { if (aOptionalStopAtDepth === undefined) aOptionalStopAtDepth = 0; while (this.activeStack.length > aOptionalStopAtDepth) { this.pop(); } }, /** * For use when a generator finishes up by calling |doneWithResult| on us; * the async driver calls this to pop that generator off the stack * and get the result it passed in to its call to |doneWithResult|. * * @protected */ popWithResult: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_popWithResult() { this.pop(); let result = this._result; this._result = null; return result; }, _result: null, /** * For use by generators that want to return a result to the calling * asynchronous generator. Specifically, they should do * "yield aCallbackHandle.doneWithResult(RESULT);". * * @public */ doneWithResult: function gloda_index_callbackhandle_doneWithResult(aResult){ this._result = aResult; return Gloda.kWorkDoneWithResult; }, /* be able to serve as a collection listener, resuming the active iterator's last yield kWorkAsync */ onItemsAdded: function() {}, onItemsModified: function() {}, onItemsRemoved: function() {}, onQueryCompleted: function(aCollection) { GlodaIndexer.callbackDriver(); } }, _workBatchData: undefined, /** * The workBatch generator handles a single 'batch' of processing, managing * the database transaction and keeping track of "tokens". It drives the * activeIterator generator which is doing the work. * workBatch will only produce kWorkAsync, kWorkPause, and kWorkDone * notifications. If activeIterator returns kWorkSync and there are still * tokens available, workBatch will keep driving the activeIterator until it * encounters a kWorkAsync (which workBatch will yield to callbackDriver), or * it runs out of tokens and yields a kWorkPause or kWorkDone. */ workBatch: function* gloda_index_workBatch() { // Do we still have an open transaction? If not, start a new one. if (!this._idleToCommit) GlodaDatastore._beginTransaction(); else // We'll manage commit ourself while this routine is active. this._idleToCommit = false; this._perfIndexStopwatch.start(); let batchCount; let haveMoreWork = true; let transactionToCommit = true; let inIdle; let notifyDecimator = 0; while (haveMoreWork) { // Both explicit work activity points (sync + async) and transfer of // control return (via kWorkDone*) results in a token being eaten. The // idea now is to make tokens less precious so that the adaptive logic // can adjust them with less impact. (Before this change, doing 1 // token's work per cycle ended up being an entire non-idle time-slice's // work.) // During this loop we track the clock real-time used even though we // frequently yield to asynchronous operations. These asynchronous // operations are either database queries or message streaming requests. // Both may involve disk I/O but no network I/O (since we only stream // messages that are already available offline), but in an ideal // situation will come from cache and so the work this function kicks off // will dominate. // We do not use the CPU time to this end because... // 1) Our timer granularity on linux is worse for CPU than for wall time. // 2) That can fail to account for our I/O cost. // 3) If something with a high priority / low latency need (like playing // a video) is fighting us, although using CPU time will accurately // express how much time we are actually spending to index, our goal // is to control the duration of our time slices, not be "right" about // the actual CPU cost. In that case, if we attempted to take on more // work, we would likely interfere with the higher priority process or // make ourselves less responsive by drawing out the period of time we // are dominating the main thread. this._perfIndexStopwatch.start(); batchCount = 0; while (batchCount < this._indexTokens) { if ((this._callbackHandle.activeIterator === null) && !this._hireJobWorker()) { haveMoreWork = false; break; } batchCount++; // XXX for performance, we may want to move the try outside the for loop // with a quasi-redundant outer loop that shunts control back inside // if we left the loop due to an exception (without consuming all the // tokens.) try { switch (this._callbackHandle .activeIterator.next(this._workBatchData).value) { case this.kWorkSync: this._workBatchData = undefined; break; case this.kWorkAsync: this._workBatchData = yield this.kWorkAsync; break; case this.kWorkDone: this._callbackHandle.pop(); this._workBatchData = undefined; break; case this.kWorkDoneWithResult: this._workBatchData = this._callbackHandle.popWithResult(); break; default: break; } } catch (ex) { this._log.debug("Exception in batch processing:", ex); let workerDef = this._curIndexingJob._workerDef; if (workerDef.recover) { let recoverToDepth; try { recoverToDepth = workerDef.recover.call(workerDef.indexer, this._curIndexingJob, this._callbackHandle.contextStack, ex); } catch (ex2) { this._log.error("Worker '" + workerDef.name + "' recovery function itself failed:", ex2); } if (this._unitTestHookRecover) this._unitTestHookRecover(recoverToDepth, ex, this._curIndexingJob, this._callbackHandle); if (recoverToDepth) { this._callbackHandle.cleanup(recoverToDepth); continue; } } // (we either did not have a recover handler or it couldn't recover) // call the cleanup helper if there is one if (workerDef.cleanup) { try { workerDef.cleanup.call(workerDef.indexer, this._curIndexingJob); } catch (ex2) { this._log.error("Worker '" + workerDef.name + "' cleanup function itself failed:", ex2); } if (this._unitTestHookCleanup) this._unitTestHookCleanup(true, ex, this._curIndexingJob, this._callbackHandle); } else { if (this._unitTestHookCleanup) this._unitTestHookCleanup(false, ex, this._curIndexingJob, this._callbackHandle); } // Clean out everything on the async stack, warn about the job, kill. // We do not log this warning lightly; it will break unit tests and // be visible to users. Anything expected should likely have a // recovery function or the cleanup logic should be extended to // indicate that the failure is acceptable. this._callbackHandle.cleanup(); this._log.warn("Problem during " + this._curIndexingJob + ", bailing:", ex); this._curIndexingJob = null; // the data must now be invalid this._workBatchData = undefined; } } this._perfIndexStopwatch.stop(); // idleTime can throw if there is no idle-provider available, such as an // X session without the relevant extensions available. In this case // we assume that the user is never idle. try { // We want to stop ASAP when leaving idle, so we can't rely on the // standard polled callback. We do the polling ourselves. if (this._idleService.idleTime < this._INDEX_IDLE_ADJUSTMENT_TIME) { inIdle = false; this._cpuTargetIndexTime = this._CPU_TARGET_INDEX_TIME_ACTIVE; } else { inIdle = true; this._cpuTargetIndexTime = this._CPU_TARGET_INDEX_TIME_IDLE; } } catch (ex) { inIdle = false; } // take a breather by having the caller re-schedule us sometime in the // future, but only if we're going to perform another loop iteration. if (haveMoreWork) { notifyDecimator = (notifyDecimator + 1) % 32; if (!notifyDecimator) this._notifyListeners(); for (let pauseCount = 0; pauseCount < this._PAUSE_REPEAT_LIMIT; pauseCount++) { this._perfPauseStopwatch.start(); yield this.kWorkPause; this._perfPauseStopwatch.stop(); // We repeat the pause if the pause was longer than // we expected, or if it used a significant amount // of cpu, either of which indicate significant other // activity. if ((this._perfPauseStopwatch.cpuTimeSeconds * 1000 < this._CPU_IS_BUSY_TIME) && (this._perfPauseStopwatch.realTimeSeconds * 1000 - this._INDEX_INTERVAL < this._PAUSE_LATE_IS_BUSY_TIME)) break; } } if (batchCount > 0) { let totalTime = this._perfIndexStopwatch.realTimeSeconds * 1000; let timePerToken = totalTime / batchCount; // Damp the average time since it is a rough estimate only. this._cpuAverageTimePerToken = (totalTime + this._CPU_AVERAGE_TIME_DAMPING * this._cpuAverageTimePerToken) / (batchCount + this._CPU_AVERAGE_TIME_DAMPING); // We use the larger of the recent or the average time per token, so // that we can respond quickly to slow down indexing if there // is a sudden increase in time per token. let bestTimePerToken = Math.max(timePerToken, this._cpuAverageTimePerToken); // Always index at least one token! this._indexTokens = Math.max(1, this._cpuTargetIndexTime / bestTimePerToken); // But no more than the a maximum limit, just for sanity's sake. this._indexTokens = Math.min(this._CPU_MAX_TOKENS_PER_BATCH, this._indexTokens); this._indexTokens = Math.ceil(this._indexTokens); } // Should we try to commit now? let elapsed = Date.now() - this._lastCommitTime; // Commit tends to cause a brief UI pause, so we try to delay it (but not // forever) if the user is active. If we're done and idling, we'll also // commit, otherwise we'll let the idle callback do it. let doCommit = transactionToCommit && ((elapsed > this._MAXIMUM_COMMIT_TIME) || (inIdle && (elapsed > this._MINIMUM_COMMIT_TIME || !haveMoreWork))); if (doCommit) { GlodaCollectionManager.cacheCommitDirty(); // Set up an async notification to happen after the commit completes so // that we can avoid the indexer doing something with the database that // causes the main thread to block against the completion of the commit // (which can be a while) on 1.9.1. GlodaDatastore.runPostCommit(this._callbackHandle.wrappedCallback); // kick off the commit GlodaDatastore._commitTransaction(); yield this.kWorkAsync; // Let's do the GC after the commit completes just so we can avoid // having any ugly interactions. GlodaUtils.forceGarbageCollection(false); this._lastCommitTime = Date.now(); // Restart the transaction if we still have work. if (haveMoreWork) GlodaDatastore._beginTransaction(); else transactionToCommit = false; } } this._notifyListeners(); // If we still have a transaction to commit, tell idle to do the commit // when it gets around to it. if (transactionToCommit) this._idleToCommit = true; yield this.kWorkDone; }, /** * Maps indexing job type names to a worker definition. * The worker definition is an object with the following attributes where * only worker is required: * - worker: * - onSchedule: A function to be invoked when the worker is scheduled. The * job is passed as an argument. * - recover: * - cleanup: */ _indexerWorkerDefs: {}, /** * Perform the initialization step and return a generator if there is any * steady-state processing to be had. */ _hireJobWorker: function gloda_index_hireJobWorker() { // In no circumstances should there be data bouncing around from previous // calls if we are here. |killActiveJob| depends on this. this._workBatchData = undefined; if (this._indexQueue.length == 0) { this._log.info("--- Done indexing, disabling timer renewal."); this._curIndexingJob = null; this._indexingDesired = false; this._indexingJobCount = 0; return false; } let job = this._curIndexingJob = this._indexQueue.shift(); this._indexingJobCount++; let generator = null; if (job.jobType in this._indexerWorkerDefs) { let workerDef = this._indexerWorkerDefs[job.jobType]; job._workerDef = workerDef; // Prior to creating the worker, call the scheduling trigger function // if there is one. This is so that jobs can be finalized. The // initial use case is event-driven message indexing that accumulates // a list of messages to index but wants it locked down once we start // processing the list. if (workerDef.onSchedule) workerDef.onSchedule.call(workerDef.indexer, job); generator = workerDef.worker.call(workerDef.indexer, job, this._callbackHandle); } else { // Nothing we can do about this. Be loud about it and try to schedule // something else. this._log.error("Unknown job type: " + job.jobType); return this._hireJobWorker(); } if (this._unitTestSuperVerbose) this._log.debug("Hired job of type: " + job.jobType); this._notifyListeners(); if (generator) { this._callbackHandle.push(generator); return true; } else return false; }, /** * Schedule a job for indexing. */ indexJob: function glodaIndexJob(aJob) { this._log.info("Queue-ing job for indexing: " + aJob.jobType); this._indexQueue.push(aJob); this.indexing = true; }, /** * Kill the active job. This means a few things: * - Kill all the generators in the callbackHandle stack. * - If we are currently waiting on an async return, we need to make sure it * does not screw us up. * - Make sure the job's cleanup function gets called if appropriate. * * The async return case is actually not too troublesome. Since there is an * active indexing job and we are not (by fiat) in that call stack, we know * that the callback driver is guaranteed to get triggered again somehow. * The only issue is to make sure that _workBatchData does not end up with * the data. We compel |_hireJobWorker| to erase it to this end. * * @note You MUST NOT call this function from inside a job or an async funtion * on the callbackHandle's stack of generators. If you are in that * situation, you should just throw an exception. At the very least, * use a timeout to trigger us. */ killActiveJob: function() { // There is nothing to do if we have no job if (!this._curIndexingJob) return; // -- Blow away the stack with cleanup. let workerDef = this._curIndexingJob._workerDef; if (this._unitTestSuperVerbose) this._log.debug("Killing job of type: " + this._curIndexingJob.jobType); if (this._unitTestHookCleanup) this._unitTestHookCleanup(workerDef.cleanup ? true : false, "no exception, this was killActiveJob", this._curIndexingJob, this._callbackHandle); this._callbackHandle.cleanup(); if (workerDef.cleanup) workerDef.cleanup.call(workerDef.indexer, this._curIndexingJob); // Eliminate the job. this._curIndexingJob = null; }, /** * Purge all jobs that the filter function returns true for. This does not * kill the active job, use |killActiveJob| to do that. * * Make sure to call this function before killActiveJob * * @param aFilterElimFunc A filter function that takes an |IndexingJob| and * returns true if the job should be purged, false if it should not be. * The filter sees the jobs in the order they are scheduled. */ purgeJobsUsingFilter: function(aFilterElimFunc) { for (let iJob = 0; iJob < this._indexQueue.length; iJob++) { let job = this._indexQueue[iJob]; // If the filter says to, splice the job out of existence (and make sure // to fixup iJob to compensate.) if (aFilterElimFunc(job)) { if (this._unitTestSuperVerbose) this._log.debug("Purging job of type: " + job.jobType); this._indexQueue.splice(iJob--, 1); let workerDef = this._indexerWorkerDefs[job.jobType]; if (workerDef.jobCanceled) workerDef.jobCanceled.call(workerDef.indexer, job); } } }, /* *********** Event Processing *********** */ observe: function gloda_indexer_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // idle if (aTopic == "idle") { // Do we need to commit an indexer transaction? if (this._idleToCommit) { this._idleToCommit = false; GlodaCollectionManager.cacheCommitDirty(); GlodaDatastore._commitTransaction(); this._lastCommitTime = Date.now(); this._notifyListeners(); } } // offline status else if (aTopic == "network:offline-status-changed") { if (aData == "offline") { this.suppressIndexing = true; } else { // online this.suppressIndexing = false; } } // shutdown fallback else if (aTopic == "quit-application") { this._shutdown(); } }, }; // we used to initialize here; now we have public.js do it for us after the // indexers register themselves so we know about all our built-in indexers // at init-time.