/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* platform-independent code to count new and unread messages and pass the information to * platform-specific notification modules * * Logging for this module uses the TB version of log4moz. Default logging is at the Warn * level. Other possibly interesting messages are at Error, Info and Debug. To configure, set the * preferences "mail.notification.logging.console" (for the error console) or * "mail.notification.logging.dump" (for stderr) to the string indicating the level you want. */ var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/log4moz.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/iteratorUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/mailServices.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); var NMNS = Ci.mozINewMailNotificationService; var countInboxesPref = "mail.notification.count.inbox_only"; // Old name for pref var countNewMessagesPref = "mail.biff.use_new_count_in_mac_dock"; // When we go cross-platform we should migrate to // const countNewMessagesPref = "mail.notification.count.new"; // Helper function to retrieve a boolean preference with a default function getBoolPref(pref, defaultValue) { try { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref); } catch(e) { return defaultValue; } } // constructor function NewMailNotificationService() { this._mUnreadCount = 0; this._mNewCount = 0; this._listeners = []; this.wrappedJSObject = this; this._log = Log4Moz.getConfiguredLogger("mail.notification", Log4Moz.Level.Warn, Log4Moz.Level.Warn, Log4Moz.Level.Warn); // Listen for mail-startup-done to do the rest of our setup after folders are initialized Services.obs.addObserver(this, "mail-startup-done", false); } NewMailNotificationService.prototype = { classDescription: "Maintain counts of new and unread messages", classID: Components.ID("{740880E6-E299-4165-B82F-DF1DCAB3AE22}"), contractID: "@mozilla.org/newMailNotificationService;1", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsIFolderListener, Ci.mozINewMailNotificationService]), _xpcom_factory: XPCOMUtils.generateSingletonFactory(NewMailNotificationService), _mUnreadCount: 0, _mNewCount: 0, _listeners: null, _log: null, get countNew() { return getBoolPref(countNewMessagesPref, false); }, observe: function NMNS_Observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // Set up to catch updates to unread count this._log.info("NMNS_Observe: " + aTopic); try { if (aTopic == "mail-startup-done") { try { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "mail-startup-done"); } catch (e) { this._log.error("NMNS_Observe: unable to deregister mail-startup-done listener: " + e); } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "profile-before-change", false); MailServices.mailSession.AddFolderListener(this, Ci.nsIFolderListener.intPropertyChanged | Ci.nsIFolderListener.added | Ci.nsIFolderListener.removed | Ci.nsIFolderListener.propertyFlagChanged); this._initUnreadCount(); } else if (aTopic == "profile-before-change") { try { MailServices.mailSession.RemoveFolderListener(this); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "profile-before-change"); } catch (e) { this._log.error("NMNS_Observe: unable to deregister listeners at shutdown: " + e); } } } catch (error) { this._log.error("NMNS_Observe failed: " + error); } }, _initUnreadCount: function NMNS_initUnreadCount() { let total = 0; let allServers = MailServices.accounts.allServers; for (let i = 0; i < allServers.length; i++) { let currentServer = allServers.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIMsgIncomingServer); this._log.debug("NMNS_initUnread: server " + currentServer.prettyName + " type " + currentServer.type); // Don't bother counting RSS or NNTP servers let type = currentServer.type; if (type == "rss" || type == "nntp") continue; let rootFolder = currentServer.rootFolder; if (rootFolder) { total += this._countUnread(rootFolder); } } this._mUnreadCount = total; if (!this.countNew) { this._log.info("NMNS_initUnread notifying listeners: " + total + " total unread messages"); this._notifyListeners(NMNS.count, "onCountChanged", total); } }, // Count all the unread messages below the given folder _countUnread: function NMNS_countUnread(folder) { this._log.trace("NMNS_countUnread: parent folder " + folder.URI); let unreadCount = 0; if (this.confirmShouldCount(folder)) { let count = folder.getNumUnread(false); this._log.debug("NMNS_countUnread: folder " + folder.URI + ", " + count + " unread"); if (count > 0) unreadCount += count; } let allFolders = folder.descendants; for (let folder in fixIterator(allFolders, Ci.nsIMsgFolder)) { if (this.confirmShouldCount(folder)) { let count = folder.getNumUnread(false); this._log.debug("NMNS_countUnread: folder " + folder.URI + ", " + count + " unread"); if (count > 0) unreadCount += count; } } return unreadCount; }, // Filter out special folders and then ask for observers to see if // we should monitor unread messages in this folder confirmShouldCount: function NMNS_confirmShouldCount(aFolder) { let shouldCount = Cc['@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); shouldCount.data = true; this._log.trace("NMNS_confirmShouldCount: folder " + aFolder.URI + " flags " + aFolder.flags); let srv = null; // If it's not a mail folder we don't count it by default if (!(aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Mail)) shouldCount.data = false; // For whatever reason, RSS folders have the 'Mail' flag else if ((srv = aFolder.server) && (srv.type == "rss")) shouldCount.data = false; // If it's a special folder *other than the inbox* we don't count it by default else if ((aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.SpecialUse) && !(aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Inbox)) shouldCount.data = false; else if (aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Virtual) shouldCount.data = false; // if we're only counting inboxes and it's not an inbox... else try { // If we can't get this pref, just leave it as the default let onlyCountInboxes = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(countInboxesPref); if (onlyCountInboxes && !(aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Inbox)) shouldCount.data = false; } catch (error) {} this._log.trace("NMNS_confirmShouldCount: before observers " + shouldCount.data); Services.obs.notifyObservers(shouldCount, "before-count-unread-for-folder", aFolder.URI); this._log.trace("NMNS_confirmShouldCount: after observers " + shouldCount.data); return shouldCount.data; }, OnItemIntPropertyChanged: function NMNS_OnItemIntPropertyChanged(folder, property, oldValue, newValue) { try { if (property == "FolderSize") return; this._log.trace("NMNS_OnItemIntPropertyChanged: folder " + folder.URI + " " + property + " " + oldValue + " " + newValue); if (property == "BiffState") { this._biffStateChanged(folder, oldValue, newValue); } else if (property == "TotalUnreadMessages") { this._updateUnreadCount(folder, oldValue, newValue); } else if (property == "NewMailReceived") { this._newMailReceived(folder, oldValue, newValue); } } catch (error) { this._log.error("NMNS_OnItemIntPropertyChanged: exception " + error); } }, _biffStateChanged: function NMNS_biffStateChanged(folder, oldValue, newValue) { if (newValue == Ci.nsIMsgFolder.nsMsgBiffState_NewMail) { if (folder.server && !folder.server.performingBiff) { this._log.debug("NMNS_biffStateChanged: folder " + folder.URI + " notified, but server not performing biff"); return; } // Biff notifications come in for the top level of the server, we need to look for // the folder that actually contains the new mail let allFolders = folder.descendants; let numFolders = allFolders.length; this._log.trace("NMNS_biffStateChanged: folder " + folder.URI + " New mail, " + numFolders + " subfolders"); let newCount = 0; if (this.confirmShouldCount(folder)) { let folderNew = folder.getNumNewMessages(false); this._log.debug("NMNS_biffStateChanged: folder " + folder.URI + " new messages: " + folderNew); if (folderNew > 0) newCount += folderNew; } for (let folder in fixIterator(allFolders, Ci.nsIMsgFolder)) { if (this.confirmShouldCount(folder)) { let folderNew = folder.getNumNewMessages(false); this._log.debug("NMNS_biffStateChanged: folder " + folder.URI + " new messages: " + folderNew); if (folderNew > 0) newCount += folderNew; } } if (newCount > 0) { this._mNewCount += newCount; this._log.debug("NMNS_biffStateChanged: " + folder.URI + " New mail count " + this._mNewCount); if (this.countNew) this._notifyListeners(NMNS.count, "onCountChanged", this._mNewCount); } } else if (newValue == Ci.nsIMsgFolder.nsMsgBiffState_NoMail) { // Dodgy - when any folder tells us it has no mail, clear all unread mail this._mNewCount = 0; this._log.debug("NMNS_biffStateChanged: " + folder.URI + " New mail count 0"); if (this.countNew) this._notifyListeners(NMNS.count, "onCountChanged", this._mNewCount); } }, _newMailReceived: function NMNS_newMailReceived(folder, oldValue, newValue) { if (!this.confirmShouldCount(folder)) return; if (!oldValue || (oldValue < 0)) oldValue = 0; let oldTotal = this._mNewCount; this._mNewCount += (newValue - oldValue); this._log.debug("NMNS_newMailReceived: " + folder.URI + " Old folder " + oldValue + " New folder " + newValue + " Old total " + oldTotal + " New total " + this._mNewCount); if (this.countNew) this._notifyListeners(NMNS.count, "onCountChanged", this._mNewCount); }, _updateUnreadCount: function NMNS_updateUnreadCount(folder, oldValue, newValue) { if (!this.confirmShouldCount(folder)) return; // treat "count unknown" as zero if (oldValue < 0) oldValue = 0; if (newValue < 0) newValue = 0; this._mUnreadCount += (newValue - oldValue); if (!this.countNew) { this._log.info("NMNS_updateUnreadCount notifying listeners: unread count " + this._mUnreadCount); this._notifyListeners(NMNS.count, "onCountChanged", this._mUnreadCount); } }, OnItemAdded: function NMNS_OnItemAdded(parentItem, item) { if (item instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr) { if (this.confirmShouldCount(item.folder)) { this._log.trace("NMNS_OnItemAdded: item " + item.folder.getUriForMsg(item) + " added to " + item.folder.folderURL); } } }, OnItemPropertyFlagChanged: function NMNS_OnItemPropertyFlagChanged(item, property, oldFlag, newFlag) { if (item instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr) { if ((oldFlag & Ci.nsMsgMessageFlags.New) && !(newFlag & Ci.nsMsgMessageFlags.New)) { this._log.trace("NMNS_OnItemPropertyFlagChanged: item " + item.folder.getUriForMsg(item) + " marked read"); } else if (newFlag & Ci.nsMsgMessageFlags.New) { this._log.trace("NMNS_OnItemPropertyFlagChanged: item " + item.folder.getUriForMsg(item) + " marked unread"); } } }, OnItemRemoved: function NMNS_OnItemRemoved(parentItem, item) { if (item instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr && !item.isRead) { this._log.trace("NMNS_OnItemRemoved: unread item " + item.folder.getUriForMsg(item) + " removed from " + item.folder.folderURL); } }, // Implement mozINewMailNotificationService get messageCount() { if (this.countNew) return this._mNewCount; return this._mUnreadCount; }, addListener: function NMNS_addListener(aListener, flags) { this._log.trace("NMNS_addListener: listener " + aListener.toSource + " flags " + flags); for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) { let l = this._listeners[i]; if (l.obj === aListener) { l.flags = flags; return; } } // If we get here, the listener wasn't already in the list this._listeners.push({obj: aListener, flags: flags}); }, removeListener: function NMNS_removeListener(aListener) { this._log.trace("NMNS_removeListener: listener " + aListener.toSource); for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) { let l = this._listeners[i]; if (l.obj === aListener) { this._listeners.splice(i, 1); return; } } }, _listenersForFlag: function NMNS_listenersForFlag(flag) { this._log.trace("NMNS_listenersForFlag " + flag + " length " + this._listeners.length + " " + this._listeners.toSource()); let list = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) { let l = this._listeners[i]; if (l.flags & flag) { list.push(l.obj); } } return list; }, _notifyListeners: function NMNS_notifyListeners(flag, func, value) { let list = this._listenersForFlag(flag); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { this._log.debug("NMNS_notifyListeners " + flag + " " + func + " " + value); list[i][func].call(list[i], value); } } }; var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([NewMailNotificationService]);