/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsMsgSearchCore.idl"
#include "nsIMsgSearchValue.idl"

interface nsIMsgDBHdr;
interface nsIMsgDatabase;
interface nsIMsgSearchScopeTerm;

[scriptable, uuid(705a2b5a-5efc-495c-897a-bef1161cd3c0)]
interface nsIMsgSearchTerm : nsISupports {
    attribute nsMsgSearchAttribValue attrib;
    attribute nsMsgSearchOpValue op;
    attribute nsIMsgSearchValue value;

    attribute boolean booleanAnd;
    attribute ACString arbitraryHeader;
     * Not to be confused with arbitraryHeader, which is a header in the
     * rfc822 message. This is a property of the nsIMsgDBHdr, and may have
     * nothing to do the message headers, e.g., gloda-id.
     * value.str will be compared with nsIMsgHdr::GetProperty(hdrProperty).
    attribute ACString hdrProperty;

    /// identifier for a custom id used for this term, if any.
    attribute ACString customId;

    attribute boolean beginsGrouping;
    attribute boolean endsGrouping;

     * Match the value against one of the emails found in the incoming
     * 2047-encoded string.
    boolean matchRfc822String(in ACString aString, in string charset);
     * Match the current header value against the incoming 2047-encoded string.
     * This method will first apply the nsIMimeConverter decoding to the string
     * (using the supplied parameters) and will then match the value against the
     * decoded result.
    boolean matchRfc2047String(in ACString aString, in string charset, in boolean charsetOverride);
    boolean matchDate(in PRTime aTime);
    boolean matchStatus(in unsigned long aStatus);
    boolean matchPriority(in nsMsgPriorityValue priority);
    boolean matchAge(in PRTime days);
    boolean matchSize(in unsigned long size);
    boolean matchLabel(in nsMsgLabelValue aLabelValue);
    boolean matchJunkStatus(in string aJunkScore);
     * Test search term match for junkpercent
     * @param  aJunkPercent  junkpercent for message (0-100, 100 is junk)
     * @return               true if matches
    boolean matchJunkPercent(in unsigned long aJunkPercent);
     * Test search term match for junkscoreorigin
     * @param  aJunkScoreOrigin  Who set junk score? Possible values:
     *                           plugin filter imapflag user whitelist
     * @return                   true if matches
    boolean matchJunkScoreOrigin(in string aJunkScoreOrigin);

     * Test if the body of the passed in message matches "this" search term.
     * @param aScopeTerm scope of search
     * @param aOffset offset of message in message store.
     * @param aLength length of message.
     * @param aCharset folder charset.
     * @param aMsg db msg hdr of message to match.
     * @param aDB db containing msg header.
    boolean matchBody(in nsIMsgSearchScopeTerm aScopeTerm,
                      in unsigned long long aOffset,
                      in unsigned long aLength,
                      in string aCharset,
                      in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsg,
                      in nsIMsgDatabase aDb);

     * Test if the arbitrary header specified by this search term
     * matches the corresponding header in the passed in message.
     * @param aScopeTerm scope of search
     * @param aLength length of message
     * @param aCharset The charset to apply to un-labeled non-UTF-8 data.
     * @param aCharsetOverride If true, aCharset is used instead of any
     *                         charset labeling other than UTF-8.
     * N.B. This is noscript because headers is a null-separated list of
     * strings, which is not scriptable.
    boolean matchArbitraryHeader(in nsIMsgSearchScopeTerm aScopeTerm,
                                 in unsigned long aLength,
                                 in string aCharset,
                                 in boolean aCharsetOverride,
                                 in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsg,
                                 in nsIMsgDatabase aDb,
                                 //[array, size_is(headerLength)] in string headers,
                                 in string aHeaders,
                                 in unsigned long aHeaderLength,
                                 in boolean aForFilters);

     * Compares value.str with nsIMsgHdr::GetProperty(hdrProperty).
     * @param msg   msg to match db hdr property of.
     * @returns     true if msg matches property, false otherwise.
    boolean matchHdrProperty(in nsIMsgDBHdr msg);

     * Compares value.status with nsIMsgHdr::GetUint32Property(hdrProperty).
     * @param msg   msg to match db hdr property of.
     * @returns     true if msg matches property, false otherwise.
    boolean matchUint32HdrProperty(in nsIMsgDBHdr msg);

     * Compares value.status with the folder flags of the msg's folder.
     * @param msg   msgHdr whose folder's flag we want to compare.
     * @returns     true if folder's flags match value.status, false otherwise.
    boolean matchFolderFlag(in nsIMsgDBHdr msg);

    readonly attribute boolean matchAllBeforeDeciding;

    readonly attribute ACString termAsString;
    boolean matchKeyword(in ACString keyword); // used for tag searches
    attribute boolean matchAll;
     * Does the message match the custom search term?
     * @param  msg  message database object representing the message
     * @return      true if message matches
    boolean matchCustom(in nsIMsgDBHdr msg);

     * Returns a nsMsgSearchAttribValue value corresponding to a field string from
     * the nsMsgSearchTerm.cpp::SearchAttribEntryTable table.
     * Does not handle custom attributes yet.
    nsMsgSearchAttribValue getAttributeFromString(in string aAttribName);