/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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typedef unsigned long nsMsgMessageFlagType;

/// Flags about a single message.
interface nsMsgMessageFlags
  /// This message has been read
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Read            = 0x00000001;
  /// A reply to this message has been successfully sent
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Replied         = 0x00000002;
  /// This message has been flagged
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Marked          = 0x00000004;

   * This message has already gone, but the folder hasn't been compacted yet.
   * Since actually removing a message from a folder is a semi-expensive
   * operation, we tend to delay it; messages with this bit set will be removed
   * the next time folder compaction is done.  Once this bit is set, it never
   * gets un-set.
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Expunged        = 0x00000008;

   * The subject of this message has "Re:" on the front.  The folder summary
   * uniquifies all of the strings in it, and to help this, any string which
   * begins with "Re:" has that stripped first.  This bit is then set, so that
   * when presenting the message, we know to put it back (since the "Re:" is
   * not itself stored in the file.)
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType HasRe           = 0x00000010;

  /// The children of this sub-thread are folded in the display
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Elided          = 0x00000020;

  /// The message is a feed, originally downloaded in a server.type=rss account
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType FeedMsg         = 0x00000040;

  /// This news article or IMAP message is present in the disk cache
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Offline         = 0x00000080;

  /// This thread is being watched
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Watched         = 0x00000100;

  /// This message's sender has been authenticated when sending this message
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType SenderAuthed    = 0x00000200;

   * This message's body is only the first ten or so of the message, and we
   * need to add a link to let the user download the rest of it from the POP
   * server.
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Partial         = 0x00000400;

   * This message is queued for delivery.  This only ever gets set on messages
   * in the queue folder, but is used to protect against the case of othe
   * messages having made their way in there somehow -- if some other program
   * put a message in the queue, we don't want to later deliver it!
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Queued          = 0x00000800;

  /// This message has been forwarded
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Forwarded       = 0x00001000;

   * These are used to remember the message priority in the mozilla status
   * flags, so we can regenerate a priority after a rule (or user) has changed
   * it. They are not returned in MSG_MessageLine.flags, just in mozilla-status,
   * so if you need more non-persistent flags, you could share these bits. But
   * it would be wrong.
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Priorities      = 0x0000E000;

  /// This message is new since the last time the folder was closed
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType New             = 0x00010000;

  /// This thread has been ignored
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Ignored         = 0x00040000;

  /// This IMAP message has been marked deleted on the server
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType IMAPDeleted     = 0x00200000;

   * This message has requested to send a message delivery notification to its
   * sender
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType MDNReportNeeded = 0x00400000;

   * A message delivery notification has been sent for this message. No more
   * reports should be sent.
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType MDNReportSent   = 0x00800000;

  /// This message is a template
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Template        = 0x01000000;

  /// This message has files attached to it
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Attachment      = 0x10000000;

   * These are used to remember the message labels in the mozilla status2
   * flags. so we can regenerate a priority after a  rule (or user) has changed
   * it. They are not returned in nsMsgHdr.flags, just in mozilla-status2, so
   * if you need more non-persistent flags, you could share these bits. But it
   * would be wrong.
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType Labels          = 0x0E000000;

  // We're trying to reserve the high byte of the flags for view flags, so,
  // don't add flags to the high byte if possible.

  /// The list of all message flags to not write to disk
  const nsMsgMessageFlagType RuntimeOnly     = Elided;

typedef unsigned long nsMsgProcessingFlagType;

 * Definitions of processing flags. These flags are not saved to the database.
 * They are used to define states for message processing. Any changes
 * to these flags need to be supported in the key sets in nsMsgDBFolder
interface nsMsgProcessingFlags
  /// This message needs junk classification
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType ClassifyJunk   = 0x00000001;

  /// This message needs traits classification
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType ClassifyTraits = 0x00000002;

  /// This message has completed any needed traits classification
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType TraitsDone     = 0x00000004;

  /// This message has completed any needed postPlugin filtering
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType FiltersDone    = 0x00000008;

  /// This message has a move scheduled by filters
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType FilterToMove   = 0x00000010;

   * This message is new to the folder and has yet to be reported via the
   *  msgsClassified notification. This flag is required because the previously
   *  used mechanism relied on the database's list of new messages and its
   *  concept of 'new' is overloaded and has user-visible ramifications.  This
   *  led to messages potentially being considered multiple times.
   * Unfortunately none of the Done processing flags above are suitable for our
   *  needs because they are not consistently applied and basically constitute
   *  memory leaks (which makes the not consistently applied thing a good
   *  thing.)
   * I suspect we cannot reliably convert the Done flags above to our use case
   *  either because of the situation where the user quits the program after the
   *  messages are added but before the messages are processed.  Since the
   *  processing flags are suppression flags, assuming the 'new' status is
   *  persisted to the next time we are run, then this would represent a
   *  change in behaviour.  I would need to exactly understand the new semantics
   *  to know for sure though.
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType NotReportedClassified = 0x00000020;

  /// Number of processing flags
  const nsMsgProcessingFlagType NumberOfFlags  = 6;