/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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 * This interface wraps an nsTArray<nsMsgKey> so that we can pass arrays
 * back and forth between c++ and js (or via xpconnect generally).

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "MailNewsTypes2.idl"

[scriptable, uuid(4aa3ed2e-5bb1-40b3-ad03-2f1cfef386c4)]
interface nsIMsgKeyArray : nsISupports {
   * Get the key at the specified 0-based array index.
   * @param aIndex 0-based index.
   * @returns key at the specified index.
  nsMsgKey getKeyAt(in long aIndex);

  readonly attribute unsigned long length;

  void setCapacity(in unsigned long aCapacity);
   * Adds a key to the end of the array
   * @param key to append to the array.
  void appendElement(in nsMsgKey aMsgKey);

   * Inserts a key into a previously sorted array
   * @param key to insert into the array.
  void insertElementSorted(in nsMsgKey aMsgKey);

   * Sort the array by key.
  void sort();

   * Retrieves the entire array in such a way that xpconnect can easily
   * create a js array of the keys.
   * @returns array of the keys
  void getArray(out unsigned long aCount,
           [array, size_is(aCount)] out nsMsgKey aKeys);