/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "MailNewsTypes2.idl"

interface nsIMsgDBHdr;
interface nsIMsgFolder;
interface nsIMsgFolderListener;
interface nsIArray;

typedef unsigned long msgFolderListenerFlag;

[scriptable, uuid(e54a592c-2f23-4771-9670-bdb9d4f5dbbd)]
interface nsIMsgFolderNotificationService : nsISupports {
   * @name Notification flags
   * These flags determine which notifications will be sent.
   * @{
  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::msgAdded notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag msgAdded = 0x1;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::msgsDeleted notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag msgsDeleted = 0x2;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::msgsMoveCopyCompleted notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag msgsMoveCopyCompleted = 0x4;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::msgsClassified notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag msgsClassified = 0x8;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::folderAdded notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag folderAdded = 0x8000;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::folderDeleted notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag folderDeleted = 0x1000;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::folderMoveCopyCompleted notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag folderMoveCopyCompleted = 0x2000;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::folderRenamed notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag folderRenamed = 0x4000;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::itemEvent notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag itemEvent = 0x1000000;

  /// nsIMsgFolderListener::msgKeyChanged notification
  const msgFolderListenerFlag msgKeyChanged = 0x2000000;

  /** @} */

  readonly attribute boolean hasListeners;
  void addListener(in nsIMsgFolderListener aListener,
                   in msgFolderListenerFlag flags);
  void removeListener(in nsIMsgFolderListener aListener);

  // message-specific functions
  // single message for added, array for delete/move/copy
  void notifyMsgAdded(in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsg);
  void notifyMsgsClassified(in nsIArray aMsgs,
                            in boolean aJunkProcessed,
                            in boolean aTraitProcessed);
  void notifyMsgsDeleted(in nsIArray aMsgs);
  void notifyMsgsMoveCopyCompleted(in boolean aMove, 
                                   in nsIArray aSrcMsgs, 
                                   in nsIMsgFolder aDestFolder,
                                   in nsIArray aDestMsgs);

   * Notify listeners that the msg key for a header has changed. Currently,
   * this is used when we create a header for an offline imap move result,
   * without knowing what the ultimate UID will be. When we download the
   * headers for the new message, we replace the old "pseudo" header with
   * a new header that has the correct UID/message key, by cloning the pseudo
   * header, which maintains all the existing header attributes.
   * @param aOldKey The fake UID. The header with this key has been removed
   *                by the time this is called.
   * @param aNewHdr The header that replaces the header with aOldKey.
  void notifyMsgKeyChanged(in nsMsgKey aOldKey, in nsIMsgDBHdr aNewHdr);
  // folder specific functions
  // single folders, all the time
  void notifyFolderAdded(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
  void notifyFolderDeleted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
  void notifyFolderMoveCopyCompleted(in boolean aMove,
                                     in nsIMsgFolder aSrcFolder,
                                     in nsIMsgFolder aDestFolder);
  void notifyFolderRenamed(in nsIMsgFolder aOrigFolder,
                           in nsIMsgFolder aNewFolder);

  // extensibility hook
  void notifyItemEvent(in nsISupports aItem,
                       in ACString aEvent,
                       in nsISupports aData);