/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/mailServices.js"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/hostnameUtils.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/OAuth2Providers.jsm"); /** * This is the dialog opened by menu File | New account | Mail... . * * It gets the user's realname, email address and password, * and tries to automatically configure the account from that, * using various mechanisms. If all fails, the user can enter/edit * the config, then we create the account. * * Steps: * - User enters realname, email address and password * - check for config files on disk * (shipping with Thunderbird, for enterprise deployments) * - (if fails) try to get the config file from the ISP via a * fixed URL on the domain of the email address * - (if fails) try to get the config file from our own database * at MoMo servers, maintained by the community * - (if fails) try to guess the config, by guessing hostnames, * probing ports, checking config via server's CAPS line etc.. * - verify the setup, by trying to login to the configured servers * - let user verify and maybe edit the server names and ports * - If user clicks OK, create the account */ // from http://xyfer.blogspot.com/2005/01/javascript-regexp-email-validator.html var emailRE = /^[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~!?{}]+(?:\.[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~!?{}]+)*@(?:[-a-z0-9.]+\.[a-z]{2,6}|\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?::\d+)?$/i; if (typeof gEmailWizardLogger == "undefined") { Cu.import("resource:///modules/gloda/log4moz.js"); var gEmailWizardLogger = Log4Moz.getConfiguredLogger("mail.wizard"); } var gStringsBundle; var gMessengerBundle; var gBrandShortName; /********************* TODO for bug 549045 - autodetect protocol Polish - reformat code style to match - bold status - remove status when user edited in manual edit - add and adapt test from bug 534588 Bugs - SSL cert errors - invalid cert (hostname mismatch) doesn't trigger warning dialog as it should - accept self-signed cert (e.g. imap.mail.ru) doesn't work (works without my patch), verifyConfig.js line 124 has no inServer, for whatever reason, although I didn't change verifyConfig.js at all (the change you see in that file is irrelevant: that was an attempt to fix the bug and clean up the code). - Set radio IMAP vs. POP3, see TODO in code Things to test (works for me): - state transitions, buttons enable, status msgs - stop button - showes up again after stopping detection and restarting it - when stopping [retest]: buttons proper? - enter nonsense domain. guess fails, (so automatically) manual, change domain to real one (not in DB), guess succeeds. former bug: goes to manual first shortly, then to result **********************/ // To debug, set mail.wizard.logging.dump (or .console)="All" and kDebug = true function e(elementID) { return document.getElementById(elementID); }; function _hide(id) { e(id).hidden = true; } function _show(id) { e(id).hidden = false; } function _enable(id) { e(id).disabled = false; } function _disable(id) { e(id).disabled = true; } function setText(id, value) { var element = e(id); assert(element, "setText() on non-existant element ID"); if (element.localName == "textbox" || element.localName == "label") { element.value = value; } else if (element.localName == "description") { element.textContent = value; } else { throw new NotReached("XUL element type not supported"); } } function setLabelFromStringBundle(elementID, stringName) { e(elementID).label = gMessengerBundle.getString(stringName); }; function EmailConfigWizard() { this._init(); } EmailConfigWizard.prototype = { _init : function EmailConfigWizard__init() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("Initializing setup wizard"); this._abortable = null; }, onLoad : function() { /** * this._currentConfig is the config we got either from the XML file or * from guessing or from the user. Unless it's from the user, it contains * placeholders like %EMAILLOCALPART% in username and other fields. * * The config here must retain these placeholders, to be able to * adapt when the user enters a different realname, or password or * email local part. (A change of the domain name will trigger a new * detection anyways.) * That means, before you actually use the config (e.g. to create an * account or to show it to the user), you need to run replaceVariables(). */ this._currentConfig = null; let userFullname; try { let userInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/userinfo;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUserInfo); userFullname = userInfo.fullname; } catch(e) { // nsIUserInfo may not be implemented on all platforms, and name might // not be avaialble even if it is. } this._domain = ""; this._email = ""; this._realname = (userFullname) ? userFullname : ""; e("realname").value = this._realname; this._password = ""; this._okCallback = null; if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0]) { if (window.arguments[0].msgWindow) { this._parentMsgWindow = window.arguments[0].msgWindow; } if (window.arguments[0].okCallback) { this._okCallback = window.arguments[0].okCallback; } } gEmailWizardLogger.info("Email account setup dialog loaded."); gStringsBundle = e("strings"); gMessengerBundle = e("bundle_messenger"); gBrandShortName = e("bundle_brand").getString("brandShortName"); setLabelFromStringBundle("in-authMethod-password-cleartext", "authPasswordCleartextViaSSL"); // will warn about insecure later setLabelFromStringBundle("in-authMethod-password-encrypted", "authPasswordEncrypted"); setLabelFromStringBundle("in-authMethod-kerberos", "authKerberos"); setLabelFromStringBundle("in-authMethod-ntlm", "authNTLM"); setLabelFromStringBundle("in-authMethod-oauth2", "authOAuth2"); setLabelFromStringBundle("out-authMethod-no", "authNo"); setLabelFromStringBundle("out-authMethod-password-cleartext", "authPasswordCleartextViaSSL"); // will warn about insecure later setLabelFromStringBundle("out-authMethod-password-encrypted", "authPasswordEncrypted"); setLabelFromStringBundle("out-authMethod-kerberos", "authKerberos"); setLabelFromStringBundle("out-authMethod-ntlm", "authNTLM"); setLabelFromStringBundle("out-authMethod-oauth2", "authOAuth2"); e("incoming_port").value = gStringsBundle.getString("port_auto"); this.fillPortDropdown("smtp"); // If the account provisioner is preffed off, don't display // the account provisioner button. if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.provider.enabled")) _hide("provisioner_button"); // Populate SMTP server dropdown with already configured SMTP servers from // other accounts. var menulist = e("outgoing_hostname"); let smtpServers = MailServices.smtp.servers; while (smtpServers.hasMoreElements()) { let server = smtpServers.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsISmtpServer); let label = server.displayname; let key = server.key; if (MailServices.smtp.defaultServer && MailServices.smtp.defaultServer.key == key) { label += " " + gStringsBundle.getString("default_server_tag"); } let menuitem = menulist.appendItem(label, key, ""); // label,value,descr menuitem.serverKey = key; } // Add the entry for the new host to the menulist let menuitem = menulist.insertItemAt(0, "", "-new-"); // pos,label,value menuitem.serverKey = null; // admin-locked prefs hurray if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons")) { let rememberPasswordE = e("remember_password"); rememberPasswordE.checked = false; rememberPasswordE.disabled = true; } // First, unhide the main window areas, and store the width, // so that we don't resize wildly when we unhide areas. // switchToMode() will then hide the unneeded parts again. // We will add some leeway of 10px, in case some of the s wrap, // e.g. outgoing username != incoming username. _show("status_area"); _show("result_area"); _hide("manual-edit_area"); window.sizeToContent(); e("mastervbox").setAttribute("style", "min-width: " + document.width + "px; " + "min-height: " + (document.height + 10) + "px;"); this.switchToMode("start"); e("realname").select(); }, /** * Changes the window configuration to the different modes we have. * Shows/hides various window parts and buttons. * @param modename {String-enum} * "start" : Just the realname, email address, password fields * "find-config" : detection step, adds the progress message/spinner * "result" : We found a config and display it to the user. * The user may create the account. * "manual-edit" : The user wants (or needs) to manually enter their * the server hostname and other settings. We'll use them as provided. * Additionally, there are the following sub-modes which can be entered after * you entered the main mode: * "manual-edit-have-hostname" : user entered a hostname for both servers * that we can use * "manual-edit-testing" : User pressed the [Re-test] button and * we're currently detecting the "Auto" values * "manual-edit-complete" : user entered (or we tested) all necessary * values, and we're ready to create to account * Currently, this doesn't cover the warning dialogs etc.. It may later. */ switchToMode : function(modename) { if (modename == this._currentModename) { return; } this._currentModename = modename; gEmailWizardLogger.info("switching to UI mode " + modename) //_show("initialSettings"); always visible //_show("cancel_button"); always visible if (modename == "start") { _hide("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _hide("manual-edit_area"); _show("next_button"); _disable("next_button"); // will be enabled by code _hide("half-manual-test_button"); _hide("create_button"); _hide("stop_button"); _hide("manual-edit_button"); _hide("advanced-setup_button"); } else if (modename == "find-config") { _show("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _hide("manual-edit_area"); _show("next_button"); _disable("next_button"); _hide("half-manual-test_button"); _hide("create_button"); _show("stop_button"); this.onStop = this.onStopFindConfig; _show("manual-edit_button"); _hide("advanced-setup_button"); } else if (modename == "result") { _show("status_area"); _show("result_area"); _hide("manual-edit_area"); _hide("next_button"); _hide("half-manual-test_button"); _show("create_button"); _enable("create_button"); _hide("stop_button"); _show("manual-edit_button"); _hide("advanced-setup_button"); } else if (modename == "manual-edit") { _show("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _show("manual-edit_area"); _hide("next_button"); _show("half-manual-test_button"); _disable("half-manual-test_button"); _show("create_button"); _disable("create_button"); _hide("stop_button"); _hide("manual-edit_button"); _show("advanced-setup_button"); _disable("advanced-setup_button"); } else if (modename == "manual-edit-have-hostname") { _show("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _show("manual-edit_area"); _hide("manual-edit_button"); _hide("next_button"); _show("create_button"); _show("half-manual-test_button"); _enable("half-manual-test_button"); _disable("create_button"); _hide("stop_button"); _show("advanced-setup_button"); _disable("advanced-setup_button"); } else if (modename == "manual-edit-testing") { _show("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _show("manual-edit_area"); _hide("manual-edit_button"); _hide("next_button"); _show("create_button"); _show("half-manual-test_button"); _disable("half-manual-test_button"); _disable("create_button"); _show("stop_button"); this.onStop = this.onStopHalfManualTesting; _show("advanced-setup_button"); _disable("advanced-setup_button"); } else if (modename == "manual-edit-complete") { _show("status_area"); _hide("result_area"); _show("manual-edit_area"); _hide("manual-edit_button"); _hide("next_button"); _show("create_button"); _show("half-manual-test_button"); _enable("half-manual-test_button"); _enable("create_button"); _hide("stop_button"); _show("advanced-setup_button"); _enable("advanced-setup_button"); } else { throw new NotReached("unknown mode"); } // If we're offline, we're going to disable the create button, but enable // the advanced config button if we have a current config. if (Services.io.offline) { if (this._currentConfig != null) { _show("advanced-setup_button"); _enable("advanced-setup_button"); _hide("half-manual-test_button"); _hide("create_button"); _hide("manual-edit_button"); } } window.sizeToContent(); }, /** * Start from beginning with possibly new email address. */ onStartOver : function() { if (this._abortable) { this.onStop(); } this.switchToMode("start"); }, getConcreteConfig : function() { var result = this._currentConfig.copy(); replaceVariables(result, this._realname, this._email, this._password); result.rememberPassword = e("remember_password").checked && !!this._password; return result; }, /* * This checks if the email address is at least possibly valid, meaning it * has an '@' before the last char. */ validateEmailMinimally : function(emailAddr) { let atPos = emailAddr.lastIndexOf("@"); return atPos > 0 && atPos + 1 < emailAddr.length; }, /* * This checks if the email address is syntactically valid, * as far as we can determine. We try hard to make full checks. * * OTOH, we have a very small chance of false negatives, * because the RFC822 address spec is insanely complicated, * but rarely needed, so when this here fails, we show an error message, * but don't stop the user from continuing. * In contrast, if validateEmailMinimally() fails, we stop the user. */ validateEmail : function(emailAddr) { return emailRE.test(emailAddr); }, /** * onInputEmail and onInputRealname are called on input = keypresses, and * enable/disable the next button based on whether there's a semi-proper * e-mail address and non-blank realname to start with. * * A change to the email address also automatically restarts the * whole process. */ onInputEmail : function() { this._email = e("email").value; this.onStartOver(); this.checkStartDone(); }, onInputRealname : function() { this._realname = e("realname").value; this.checkStartDone(); }, onInputPassword : function() { this._password = e("password").value; }, /** * This does very little other than to check that a name was entered at all * Since this is such an insignificant test we should be using a very light * or even jovial warning. */ onBlurRealname : function() { let realnameEl = e("realname"); if (this._realname) { this.clearError("nameerror"); _show("nametext"); realnameEl.removeAttribute("error"); // bug 638790: don't show realname error until user enter an email address } else if (this.validateEmailMinimally(this._email)) { _hide("nametext"); this.setError("nameerror", "please_enter_name"); realnameEl.setAttribute("error", "true"); } }, /** * This check is only done as an informative warning. * We don't want to block the person, if they've entered an email address * that doesn't conform to our regex. */ onBlurEmail : function() { if (!this._email) { return; } var emailEl = e("email"); if (this.validateEmail(this._email)) { this.clearError("emailerror"); emailEl.removeAttribute("error"); this.onBlurRealname(); } else { this.setError("emailerror", "double_check_email"); emailEl.setAttribute("error", "true"); } }, /** * If the user just tabbed through the password input without entering * anything, set the type back to text so we don't wind up showing the * emptytext as bullet characters. */ onBlurPassword : function() { if (!this._password) { e("password").type = "text"; } }, /** * @see onBlurPassword() */ onFocusPassword : function() { e("password").type = "password"; }, /** * Check whether the user entered the minimum of information * needed to leave the "start" mode (entering of name, email, pw) * and is allowed to proceed to detection step. */ checkStartDone : function() { if (this.validateEmailMinimally(this._email) && this._realname) { this._domain = this._email.split("@")[1].toLowerCase(); _enable("next_button"); } else { _disable("next_button"); } }, /** * When the [Continue] button is clicked, we move from the initial account * information stage to using that information to configure account details. */ onNext : function() { this.findConfig(this._domain, this._email); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Detection step /** * Try to find an account configuration for this email address. * This is the function which runs the autoconfig. */ findConfig : function(domain, email) { gEmailWizardLogger.info("findConfig()"); if (this._abortable) { this.onStop(); } this.switchToMode("find-config"); this.startSpinner("looking_up_settings_disk"); var self = this; this._abortable = fetchConfigFromDisk(domain, function(config) // success { self._abortable = null; self.foundConfig(config); self.stopSpinner("found_settings_disk"); }, function(e) // fetchConfigFromDisk failed { if (e instanceof CancelledException) { return; } gEmailWizardLogger.info("fetchConfigFromDisk failed: " + e); self.startSpinner("looking_up_settings_isp"); self._abortable = fetchConfigFromISP(domain, email, function(config) // success { self._abortable = null; self.foundConfig(config); self.stopSpinner("found_settings_isp"); }, function(e) // fetchConfigFromISP failed { if (e instanceof CancelledException) { return; } gEmailWizardLogger.info("fetchConfigFromISP failed: " + e); logException(e); self.startSpinner("looking_up_settings_db"); self._abortable = fetchConfigFromDB(domain, function(config) // success { self._abortable = null; self.foundConfig(config); self.stopSpinner("found_settings_db"); }, function(e) // fetchConfigFromDB failed { if (e instanceof CancelledException) { return; } logException(e); gEmailWizardLogger.info("fetchConfigFromDB failed: " + e); self.startSpinner("looking_up_settings_db"); self._abortable = fetchConfigForMX(domain, function(config) // success { self._abortable = null; self.foundConfig(config); self.stopSpinner("found_settings_db"); }, function(e) // fetchConfigForMX failed { if (e instanceof CancelledException) { return; } logException(e); gEmailWizardLogger.info("fetchConfigForMX failed: " + e); var initialConfig = new AccountConfig(); self._prefillConfig(initialConfig); self._guessConfig(domain, initialConfig); }); }); }); }); }, /** * Just a continuation of findConfig() */ _guessConfig : function(domain, initialConfig) { this.startSpinner("looking_up_settings_guess") var self = this; self._abortable = guessConfig(domain, function(type, hostname, port, ssl, done, config) // progress { gEmailWizardLogger.info("progress callback host " + hostname + " port " + port + " type " + type); }, function(config) // success { self._abortable = null; self.foundConfig(config); self.stopSpinner(Services.io.offline ? "guessed_settings_offline" : "found_settings_guess"); window.sizeToContent(); }, function(e, config) // guessconfig failed { if (e instanceof CancelledException) { return; } self._abortable = null; gEmailWizardLogger.info("guessConfig failed: " + e); self.showErrorStatus("failed_to_find_settings"); self.editConfigDetails(); }, initialConfig, "both"); }, /** * When findConfig() was successful, it calls this. * This displays the config to the user. */ foundConfig : function(config) { gEmailWizardLogger.info("foundConfig()"); assert(config instanceof AccountConfig, "BUG: Arg 'config' needs to be an AccountConfig object"); this._haveValidConfigForDomain = this._email.split("@")[1]; if (!this._realname || !this._email) { return; } this._foundConfig2(config); }, // Continuation of foundConfig2() after custom fields. _foundConfig2 : function(config) { this.displayConfigResult(config); }, /** * [Stop] button click handler. * This allows the user to abort any longer operation, esp. network activity. * We currently have 3 such cases here: * 1. findConfig(), i.e. fetch config from DB, guessConfig etc. * 2. onHalfManualTest(), i.e. the [Retest] button in manual config. * 3. verifyConfig() - We can't stop this yet, so irrelevant here currently. * Given that these need slightly different actions, this function will be set * to a function (i.e. overwritten) by whoever enables the stop button. * * We also call this from the code when the user started a different action * without explicitly clicking [Stop] for the old one first. */ onStop : function() { throw new NotReached("onStop should be overridden by now"); }, _onStopCommon : function() { if (!this._abortable) { throw new NotReached("onStop called although there's nothing to stop"); } gEmailWizardLogger.info("onStop cancelled _abortable"); this._abortable.cancel(new UserCancelledException()); this._abortable = null; this.stopSpinner(); }, onStopFindConfig : function() { this._onStopCommon(); this.switchToMode("start"); this.checkStartDone(); }, onStopHalfManualTesting : function() { this._onStopCommon(); this.validateManualEditComplete(); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // status area startSpinner : function(actionStrName) { e("status_area").setAttribute("status", "loading"); gEmailWizardLogger.warn("spinner start " + actionStrName); this._showStatusTitle(actionStrName); }, stopSpinner : function(actionStrName) { e("status_area").setAttribute("status", "result"); _hide("stop_button"); this._showStatusTitle(actionStrName); gEmailWizardLogger.warn("all spinner stop " + actionStrName); }, showErrorStatus : function(actionStrName) { e("status_area").setAttribute("status", "error"); gEmailWizardLogger.warn("status error " + actionStrName); this._showStatusTitle(actionStrName); }, _showStatusTitle : function(msgName) { let msg = " "; // assure height. Do via min-height in CSS, for 2 lines? try { if (msgName) { msg = gStringsBundle.getFormattedString(msgName, [gBrandShortName]); } } catch(ex) { gEmailWizardLogger.error("missing string for " + msgName); msg = msgName + " (missing string in translation!)"; } e("status_msg").textContent = msg; gEmailWizardLogger.info("status msg: " + msg); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Result area /** * Displays a (probed) config to the user, * in the result config details area. * * @param config {AccountConfig} The config to present to user */ displayConfigResult : function(config) { assert(config instanceof AccountConfig); this._currentConfig = config; var configFilledIn = this.getConcreteConfig(); var unknownString = gStringsBundle.getString("resultUnknown"); function _makeHostDisplayString(server, stringName) { let type = gStringsBundle.getString(sanitize.translate(server.type, { imap : "resultIMAP", pop3 : "resultPOP3", smtp : "resultSMTP" }), unknownString); let host = server.hostname + (isStandardPort(server.port) ? "" : ":" + server.port); let ssl = gStringsBundle.getString(sanitize.translate(server.socketType, { 1 : "resultNoEncryption", 2 : "resultSSL", 3 : "resultSTARTTLS" }), unknownString); let certStatus = gStringsBundle.getString(server.badCert ? "resultSSLCertWeak" : "resultSSLCertOK"); // TODO: we should really also display authentication method here. return gStringsBundle.getFormattedString(stringName, [ type, host, ssl, certStatus ]); }; var incomingResult = unknownString; if (configFilledIn.incoming.hostname) { incomingResult = _makeHostDisplayString(configFilledIn.incoming, "resultIncoming"); } var outgoingResult = unknownString; if (!config.outgoing.existingServerKey) { if (configFilledIn.outgoing.hostname) { outgoingResult = _makeHostDisplayString(configFilledIn.outgoing, "resultOutgoing"); } } else { outgoingResult = gStringsBundle.getString("resultOutgoingExisting"); } var usernameResult; if (configFilledIn.incoming.username == configFilledIn.outgoing.username) { usernameResult = gStringsBundle.getFormattedString("resultUsernameBoth", [ configFilledIn.incoming.username || unknownString ]); } else { usernameResult = gStringsBundle.getFormattedString( "resultUsernameDifferent", [ configFilledIn.incoming.username || unknownString, configFilledIn.outgoing.username || unknownString ]); } setText("result-incoming", incomingResult); setText("result-outgoing", outgoingResult); setText("result-username", usernameResult); gEmailWizardLogger.info(debugObject(config, "config")); // IMAP / POP dropdown var lookForAltType = config.incoming.type == "imap" ? "pop3" : "imap"; var alternative = null; for (let i = 0; i < config.incomingAlternatives.length; i++) { let alt = config.incomingAlternatives[i]; if (alt.type == lookForAltType) { alternative = alt; break; } } if (alternative) { _show("result_imappop"); e("result_select_" + alternative.type).configIncoming = alternative; e("result_select_" + config.incoming.type).configIncoming = config.incoming; e("result_imappop").value = config.incoming.type == "imap" ? 1 : 2; } else { _hide("result_imappop"); } this.switchToMode("result"); }, /** * Handle the user switching between IMAP and POP3 settings using the * radio buttons. * * Note: This function must only be called by user action, not by setting * the value or selectedItem or selectedIndex of the radiogroup! * This is why we use the oncommand attribute of the radio elements * instead of the onselect attribute of the radiogroup. */ onResultIMAPOrPOP3 : function() { var config = this._currentConfig; var radiogroup = e("result_imappop"); // add current server as best alternative to start of array config.incomingAlternatives.unshift(config.incoming); // use selected server (stored as special property on the node) config.incoming = radiogroup.selectedItem.configIncoming; // remove newly selected server from list of alternatives config.incomingAlternatives = config.incomingAlternatives.filter( function(e) { return e != config.incoming; }); this.displayConfigResult(config); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manual Edit area /** * Gets the values from the user in the manual edit area. * * Realname and password are not part of that area and still * placeholders, but hostname and username are concrete and * no placeholders anymore. */ getUserConfig : function() { var config = this.getConcreteConfig(); if (!config) { config = new AccountConfig(); } config.source = AccountConfig.kSourceUser; // Incoming server try { var inHostnameField = e("incoming_hostname"); config.incoming.hostname = sanitize.hostname(inHostnameField.value); inHostnameField.value = config.incoming.hostname; } catch (e) { gEmailWizardLogger.warn(e); } try { config.incoming.port = sanitize.integerRange(e("incoming_port").value, kMinPort, kMaxPort); } catch (e) { config.incoming.port = undefined; // incl. default "Auto" } config.incoming.type = sanitize.translate(e("incoming_protocol").value, { 1: "imap", 2 : "pop3", 0 : null }); config.incoming.socketType = sanitize.integer(e("incoming_ssl").value); config.incoming.auth = sanitize.integer(e("incoming_authMethod").value); config.incoming.username = e("incoming_username").value; // Outgoing server // Did the user select one of the already configured SMTP servers from the // drop-down list? If so, use it. var outHostnameCombo = e("outgoing_hostname"); var outMenuitem = outHostnameCombo.selectedItem; if (outMenuitem && outMenuitem.serverKey) { config.outgoing.existingServerKey = outMenuitem.serverKey; config.outgoing.existingServerLabel = outMenuitem.label; config.outgoing.addThisServer = false; config.outgoing.useGlobalPreferredServer = false; } else { config.outgoing.existingServerKey = null; config.outgoing.addThisServer = true; config.outgoing.useGlobalPreferredServer = false; try { config.outgoing.hostname = sanitize.hostname( outHostnameCombo.inputField.value); outHostnameCombo.inputField.value = config.outgoing.hostname; } catch (e) { gEmailWizardLogger.warn(e); } try { config.outgoing.port = sanitize.integerRange(e("outgoing_port").value, kMinPort, kMaxPort); } catch (e) { config.outgoing.port = undefined; // incl. default "Auto" } config.outgoing.socketType = sanitize.integer(e("outgoing_ssl").value); config.outgoing.auth = sanitize.integer(e("outgoing_authMethod").value); } config.outgoing.username = e("outgoing_username").value; return config; }, /** * [Manual Config] button click handler. This turns the config details area * into an editable form and makes the (Go) button appear. The edit button * should only be available after the config probing is completely finished, * replacing what was the (Stop) button. */ onManualEdit : function() { if (this._abortable) { this.onStop(); } this.editConfigDetails(); }, /** * Setting the config details form so it can be edited. We also disable * (and hide) the create button during this time because we don't know what * might have changed. The function called from the button that restarts * the config check should be enabling the config button as needed. */ editConfigDetails : function() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("manual edit"); if (!this._currentConfig) { this._currentConfig = new AccountConfig(); this._currentConfig.incoming.type = "imap"; this._currentConfig.incoming.username = "%EMAILLOCALPART%"; this._currentConfig.outgoing.username = "%EMAILLOCALPART%"; this._currentConfig.incoming.hostname = ".%EMAILDOMAIN%"; this._currentConfig.outgoing.hostname = ".%EMAILDOMAIN%"; } // Although we go manual, and we need to display the concrete username, // however the realname and password is not part of manual config and // must stay a placeholder in _currentConfig. @see getUserConfig() this._fillManualEditFields(this.getConcreteConfig()); // _fillManualEditFields() indirectly calls validateManualEditComplete(), // but it's important to not forget it in case the code is rewritten, // so calling it explicitly again. Doesn't do harm, speed is irrelevant. this.validateManualEditComplete(); }, /** * Fills the manual edit textfields with the provided config. * @param config {AccountConfig} The config to present to user */ _fillManualEditFields : function(config) { assert(config instanceof AccountConfig); // incoming server e("incoming_protocol").value = sanitize.translate(config.incoming.type, { "imap" : 1, "pop3" : 2 }, 1); e("incoming_hostname").value = config.incoming.hostname; e("incoming_ssl").value = sanitize.enum(config.incoming.socketType, [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], 0); e("incoming_authMethod").value = sanitize.enum(config.incoming.auth, [ 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 ], 0); e("incoming_username").value = config.incoming.username; if (config.incoming.port) { e("incoming_port").value = config.incoming.port; } else { this.adjustIncomingPortToSSLAndProtocol(config); } this.fillPortDropdown(config.incoming.type); // If the hostname supports OAuth2 and imap is enabled, enable OAuth2. let iDetails = OAuth2Providers.getHostnameDetails(config.incoming.hostname); gEmailWizardLogger.info("OAuth2 details for incoming hostname " + config.incoming.hostname + " is " + iDetails); e("in-authMethod-oauth2").hidden = !(iDetails && e("incoming_protocol").value == 1); if (!e("in-authMethod-oauth2").hidden) { config.oauthSettings = {}; [config.oauthSettings.issuer, config.oauthSettings.scope] = iDetails; // oauthsettings are not stored nor changable in the user interface, so just // store them in the base configuration. this._currentConfig.oauthSettings = config.oauthSettings; } // outgoing server e("outgoing_hostname").value = config.outgoing.hostname; e("outgoing_username").value = config.outgoing.username; // While sameInOutUsernames is true we synchronize values of incoming // and outgoing username. this.sameInOutUsernames = true; e("outgoing_ssl").value = sanitize.enum(config.outgoing.socketType, [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], 0); e("outgoing_authMethod").value = sanitize.enum(config.outgoing.auth, [ 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 ], 0); if (config.outgoing.port) { e("outgoing_port").value = config.outgoing.port; } else { this.adjustOutgoingPortToSSLAndProtocol(config); } // If the hostname supports OAuth2 and imap is enabled, enable OAuth2. let oDetails = OAuth2Providers.getHostnameDetails(config.outgoing.hostname); gEmailWizardLogger.info("OAuth2 details for outgoing hostname " + config.outgoing.hostname + " is " + oDetails); e("out-authMethod-oauth2").hidden = !oDetails; if (!e("out-authMethod-oauth2").hidden) { config.oauthSettings = {}; [config.oauthSettings.issuer, config.oauthSettings.scope] = oDetails; // oauthsettings are not stored nor changable in the user interface, so just // store them in the base configuration. this._currentConfig.oauthSettings = config.oauthSettings; } // populate fields even if existingServerKey, in case user changes back if (config.outgoing.existingServerKey) { let menulist = e("outgoing_hostname"); // We can't use menulist.value = config.outgoing.existingServerKey // because would overwrite the text field, so have to do it manually: let menuitems = menulist.menupopup.childNodes; for (let menuitem of menuitems) { if (menuitem.serverKey == config.outgoing.existingServerKey) { menulist.selectedItem = menuitem; break; } } } this.onChangedOutgoingDropdown(); // show/hide outgoing port, SSL, ... }, /** * Automatically fill port field in manual edit, * unless user entered a non-standard port. * @param config {AccountConfig} */ adjustIncomingPortToSSLAndProtocol : function(config) { var autoPort = gStringsBundle.getString("port_auto"); var incoming = config.incoming; // we could use getHostEntry() here, but that API is bad, so don't bother var newInPort = undefined; if (!incoming.port || isStandardPort(incoming.port)) { if (incoming.type == "imap") { if (incoming.socketType == 1 || incoming.socketType == 3) { newInPort = 143; } else if (incoming.socketType == 2) { // Normal SSL newInPort = 993; } else { // auto newInPort = autoPort; } } else if (incoming.type == "pop3") { if (incoming.socketType == 1 || incoming.socketType == 3) { newInPort = 110; } else if (incoming.socketType == 2) { // Normal SSLs newInPort = 995; } else { // auto newInPort = autoPort; } } } if (newInPort != undefined) { e("incoming_port").value = newInPort; e("incoming_authMethod").value = 0; // auto } }, /** * @see adjustIncomingPortToSSLAndProtocol() */ adjustOutgoingPortToSSLAndProtocol : function(config) { var autoPort = gStringsBundle.getString("port_auto"); var outgoing = config.outgoing; var newOutPort = undefined; if (!outgoing.port || isStandardPort(outgoing.port)) { if (outgoing.socketType == 1 || outgoing.socketType == 3) { // standard port is 587 *or* 25, so set to auto // unless user or config already entered one of these two ports. if (outgoing.port != 25 && outgoing.port != 587) { newOutPort = autoPort; } } else if (outgoing.socketType == 2) { // Normal SSL newOutPort = 465; } else { // auto newOutPort = autoPort; } } if (newOutPort != undefined) { e("outgoing_port").value = newOutPort; e("outgoing_authMethod").value = 0; // auto } }, /** * If the user changed the port manually, adjust the SSL value, * (only) if the new port is impossible with the old SSL value. * @param config {AccountConfig} */ adjustIncomingSSLToPort : function(config) { var incoming = config.incoming; var newInSocketType = undefined; if (!incoming.port || // auto !isStandardPort(incoming.port)) { return; } if (incoming.type == "imap") { // normal SSL impossible if (incoming.port == 143 && incoming.socketType == 2) { newInSocketType = 0; // auto // must be normal SSL } else if (incoming.port == 993 && incoming.socketType != 2) { newInSocketType = 2; } } else if (incoming.type == "pop3") { // normal SSL impossible if (incoming.port == 110 && incoming.socketType == 2) { newInSocketType = 0; // auto // must be normal SSL } else if (incoming.port == 995 && incoming.socketType != 2) { newInSocketType = 2; } } if (newInSocketType != undefined) { e("incoming_ssl").value = newInSocketType; e("incoming_authMethod").value = 0; // auto } }, /** * @see adjustIncomingSSLToPort() */ adjustOutgoingSSLToPort : function(config) { var outgoing = config.outgoing; var newOutSocketType = undefined; if (!outgoing.port || // auto !isStandardPort(outgoing.port)) { return; } // normal SSL impossible if ((outgoing.port == 587 || outgoing.port == 25) && outgoing.socketType == 2) { newOutSocketType = 0; // auto // must be normal SSL } else if (outgoing.port == 465 && outgoing.socketType != 2) { newOutSocketType = 2; } if (newOutSocketType != undefined) { e("outgoing_ssl").value = newOutSocketType; e("outgoing_authMethod").value = 0; // auto } }, /** * Sets the prefilled values of the port fields. * Filled statically with the standard ports for the given protocol, * plus "Auto". */ fillPortDropdown : function(protocolType) { var menu = e(protocolType == "smtp" ? "outgoing_port" : "incoming_port"); // menulist.removeAllItems() is nice, but nicely clears the user value, too var popup = menu.menupopup; while (popup.hasChildNodes()) popup.lastChild.remove(); // add standard ports var autoPort = gStringsBundle.getString("port_auto"); menu.appendItem(autoPort, autoPort, ""); // label,value,descr for (let port of getStandardPorts(protocolType)) { menu.appendItem(port, port, ""); // label,value,descr } }, onChangedProtocolIncoming : function() { var config = this.getUserConfig(); this.adjustIncomingPortToSSLAndProtocol(config); this.fillPortDropdown(config.incoming.type); this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedPortIncoming : function() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("incoming port changed"); this.adjustIncomingSSLToPort(this.getUserConfig()); this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedPortOutgoing : function() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("outgoing port changed"); this.adjustOutgoingSSLToPort(this.getUserConfig()); this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedSSLIncoming : function() { this.adjustIncomingPortToSSLAndProtocol(this.getUserConfig()); this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedSSLOutgoing : function() { this.adjustOutgoingPortToSSLAndProtocol(this.getUserConfig()); this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedInAuth : function() { this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedOutAuth : function(aSelectedAuth) { if (aSelectedAuth) { e("outgoing_label").hidden = e("outgoing_username").hidden = (aSelectedAuth.id == "out-authMethod-no"); } this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onInputInUsername : function() { if (this.sameInOutUsernames) e("outgoing_username").value = e("incoming_username").value; this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onInputOutUsername : function() { this.sameInOutUsernames = false; this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onInputHostname : function() { this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, /** * Sets the label of the first entry of the dropdown which represents * the new outgoing server. */ onOpenOutgoingDropdown : function() { var menulist = e("outgoing_hostname"); // If the menulist is not editable, there is nothing to update // and menulist.inputField does not even exist. if (!menulist.editable) return; var menuitem = menulist.getItemAtIndex(0); assert(!menuitem.serverKey, "I wanted the special item for the new host"); menuitem.label = menulist.inputField.value; }, /** * User selected an existing SMTP server (or deselected it). * This changes only the UI. The values are read in getUserConfig(). */ onChangedOutgoingDropdown : function() { var menulist = e("outgoing_hostname"); var menuitem = menulist.selectedItem; if (menuitem && menuitem.serverKey) { // an existing server has been selected from the dropdown menulist.editable = false; _hide("outgoing_port"); _hide("outgoing_ssl"); _hide("outgoing_authMethod"); } else { // new server, with hostname, port etc. menulist.editable = true; _show("outgoing_port"); _show("outgoing_ssl"); _show("outgoing_authMethod"); } this.onChangedManualEdit(); }, onChangedManualEdit : function() { if (this._abortable) { this.onStop(); } this.validateManualEditComplete(); }, /** * This enables the buttons which allow the user to proceed * once he has entered enough information. * * We can easily and fairly surely autodetect everything apart from the * hostname (and username). So, once the user has entered * proper hostnames, change to "manual-edit-have-hostname" mode * which allows to press [Re-test], which starts the detection * of the other values. * Once the user has entered (or we detected) all values, he may * do [Create Account] (tests login and if successful creates the account) * or [Advanced Setup] (goes to Account Manager). Esp. in the latter case, * we will not second-guess his setup and just to as told, so here we make * sure that he at least entered all values. */ validateManualEditComplete : function() { // getUserConfig() is expensive, but still OK, not a problem var manualConfig = this.getUserConfig(); this._currentConfig = manualConfig; if (manualConfig.isComplete()) { this.switchToMode("manual-edit-complete"); } else if (!!manualConfig.incoming.hostname && !!manualConfig.outgoing.hostname) { this.switchToMode("manual-edit-have-hostname"); } else { this.switchToMode("manual-edit"); } }, /** * [Switch to provisioner] button click handler. Always active, allows * one to switch to the account provisioner screen. */ onSwitchToProvisioner : function () { // We have to close this window first, otherwise msgNewMailAccount // in accountUtils.js will think that this window still // exists when it's called from the account provisioner window. // This is because the account provisioner window is modal, // and therefore blocks. Therefore, we override the _okCallback // with a function that spawns the account provisioner, and then // close the window. this._okCallback = function() { NewMailAccountProvisioner(window.arguments[0].msgWindow, window.arguments[0].extraData); } window.close(); }, /** * [Advanced Setup...] button click handler * Only active in manual edit mode, and goes straight into * Account Settings (pref UI) dialog. Requires a backend account, * which requires proper hostname, port and protocol. */ onAdvancedSetup : function() { assert(this._currentConfig instanceof AccountConfig); let configFilledIn = this.getConcreteConfig(); if (checkIncomingServerAlreadyExists(configFilledIn)) { alertPrompt(gStringsBundle.getString("error_creating_account"), gStringsBundle.getString("incoming_server_exists")); return; } gEmailWizardLogger.info("creating account in backend"); let newAccount = createAccountInBackend(configFilledIn); let existingAccountManager = Services.wm .getMostRecentWindow("mailnews:accountmanager"); if (existingAccountManager) { existingAccountManager.focus(); } else { window.openDialog("chrome://messenger/content/AccountManager.xul", "AccountManager", "chrome,centerscreen,modal,titlebar", { server: newAccount.incomingServer, selectPage: "am-server.xul" }); } window.close(); }, /** * [Re-test] button click handler. * Restarts the config guessing process after a person editing the server * fields. * It's called "half-manual", because we take the user-entered values * as given and will not second-guess them, to respect the user wishes. * (Yes, Sir! Will do as told!) * The values that the user left empty or on "Auto" will be guessed/probed * here. We will also check that the user-provided values work. */ onHalfManualTest : function() { var newConfig = this.getUserConfig(); gEmailWizardLogger.info(debugObject(newConfig, "manualConfigToTest")); this.startSpinner("looking_up_settings_halfmanual"); this.switchToMode("manual-edit-testing"); // if (this._userPickedOutgoingServer) TODO var self = this; this._abortable = guessConfig(this._domain, function(type, hostname, port, ssl, done, config) // progress { gEmailWizardLogger.info("progress callback host " + hostname + " port " + port + " type " + type); }, function(config) // success { self._abortable = null; self._fillManualEditFields(config); self.switchToMode("manual-edit-complete"); self.stopSpinner("found_settings_halfmanual"); }, function(e, config) // guessconfig failed { if (e instanceof CancelledException) { return; } self._abortable = null; gEmailWizardLogger.info("guessConfig failed: " + e); self.showErrorStatus("failed_to_find_settings"); self.switchToMode("manual-edit-have-hostname"); }, newConfig, newConfig.outgoing.existingServerKey ? "incoming" : "both"); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UI helper functions _prefillConfig : function(initialConfig) { var emailsplit = this._email.split("@"); assert(emailsplit.length > 1); var emaillocal = sanitize.nonemptystring(emailsplit[0]); initialConfig.incoming.username = emaillocal; initialConfig.outgoing.username = emaillocal; return initialConfig; }, clearError : function(which) { _hide(which); _hide(which + "icon"); e(which).textContent = ""; }, setError : function(which, msg_name) { try { _show(which); _show(which + "icon"); e(which).textContent = gStringsBundle.getString(msg_name); window.sizeToContent(); } catch (ex) { alertPrompt("missing error string", msg_name); } }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Finish & dialog close functions onKeyDown : function(event) { let key = event.keyCode; if (key == 27) { // Escape key this.onCancel(); return true; } if (key == 13) { // OK key let buttons = [ { id: "next_button", action: makeCallback(this, this.onNext) }, { id: "create_button", action: makeCallback(this, this.onCreate) }, { id: "half-manual-test_button", action: makeCallback(this, this.onHalfManualTest) }, ]; for (let button of buttons) { button.e = e(button.id); if (button.e.hidden || button.e.disabled) { continue; } button.action(); return true; } } return false; }, onCancel : function() { window.close(); // The window onclose handler will call onWizardShutdown for us. }, onWizardShutdown : function() { if (this._abortable) { this._abortable.cancel(new UserCancelledException()); } if (this._okCallback) { this._okCallback(); } gEmailWizardLogger.info("Shutting down email config dialog"); }, onCreate : function() { try { gEmailWizardLogger.info("Create button clicked"); var configFilledIn = this.getConcreteConfig(); var self = this; // If the dialog is not needed, it will go straight to OK callback gSecurityWarningDialog.open(this._currentConfig, configFilledIn, true, function() // on OK { self.validateAndFinish(configFilledIn); }, function() {}); // on cancel, do nothing } catch (ex) { gEmailWizardLogger.error("Error creating account. ex=" + ex + ", stack=" + ex.stack); alertPrompt(gStringsBundle.getString("error_creating_account"), ex); } }, // called by onCreate() validateAndFinish : function() { var configFilledIn = this.getConcreteConfig(); if (checkIncomingServerAlreadyExists(configFilledIn)) { alertPrompt(gStringsBundle.getString("error_creating_account"), gStringsBundle.getString("incoming_server_exists")); return; } if (configFilledIn.outgoing.addThisServer) { let existingServer = checkOutgoingServerAlreadyExists(configFilledIn); if (existingServer) { configFilledIn.outgoing.addThisServer = false; configFilledIn.outgoing.existingServerKey = existingServer.key; } } // TODO use a UI mode (switchToMode()) for verfication, too. // But we need to go back to the previous mode, because we might be in // "result" or "manual-edit-complete" mode. _disable("create_button"); _disable("half-manual-test_button"); _disable("advanced-setup_button"); // no stop button: backend has no ability to stop :-( var self = this; this.startSpinner("checking_password"); // logic function defined in verifyConfig.js verifyConfig( configFilledIn, // guess login config? configFilledIn.source != AccountConfig.kSourceXML, // TODO Instead, the following line would be correct, but I cannot use it, // because some other code doesn't adhere to the expectations/specs. // Find out what it was and fix it. //concreteConfig.source == AccountConfig.kSourceGuess, this._parentMsgWindow, function(successfulConfig) // success { self.stopSpinner(successfulConfig.incoming.password ? "password_ok" : null); // the auth might have changed, so we // should back-port it to the current config. self._currentConfig.incoming.auth = successfulConfig.incoming.auth; self._currentConfig.outgoing.auth = successfulConfig.outgoing.auth; self._currentConfig.incoming.username = successfulConfig.incoming.username; self._currentConfig.outgoing.username = successfulConfig.outgoing.username; // We loaded dynamic client registration, fill this data back in to the // config set. if (successfulConfig.oauthSettings) self._currentConfig.oauthSettings = successfulConfig.oauthSettings; self.finish(); }, function(e) // failed { self.showErrorStatus("config_unverifiable"); // TODO bug 555448: wrong error msg, there may be a 1000 other // reasons why this failed, and this is misleading users. self.setError("passworderror", "user_pass_invalid"); // TODO use switchToMode(), see above // give user something to proceed after fixing _enable("create_button"); // hidden in non-manual mode, so it's fine to enable _enable("half-manual-test_button"); _enable("advanced-setup_button"); }); }, finish : function() { gEmailWizardLogger.info("creating account in backend"); createAccountInBackend(this.getConcreteConfig()); window.close(); }, }; var gEmailConfigWizard = new EmailConfigWizard(); function serverMatches(a, b) { return a.type == b.type && a.hostname == b.hostname && a.port == b.port && a.socketType == b.socketType && a.auth == b.auth; } var _gStandardPorts = {}; _gStandardPorts["imap"] = [ 143, 993 ]; _gStandardPorts["pop3"] = [ 110, 995 ]; _gStandardPorts["smtp"] = [ 587, 25, 465 ]; // order matters var _gAllStandardPorts = _gStandardPorts["smtp"] .concat(_gStandardPorts["imap"]).concat(_gStandardPorts["pop3"]); function isStandardPort(port) { return _gAllStandardPorts.indexOf(port) != -1; } function getStandardPorts(protocolType) { return _gStandardPorts[protocolType]; } /** * Warning dialog, warning user about lack of, or inappropriate, encryption. * * This is effectively a separate dialog, but implemented as part of * this dialog. It works by hiding the main dialog part and unhiding * the this part, and vice versa, and resizing the dialog. */ function SecurityWarningDialog() { this._acknowledged = new Array(); } SecurityWarningDialog.prototype = { /** * {Array of {(incoming or outgoing) server part of {AccountConfig}} * A list of the servers for which we already showed this dialog and the * user approved the configs. For those, we won't show the warning again. * (Make sure to store a copy in case the underlying object is changed.) */ _acknowledged : null, _inSecurityBad: 0x0001, _inCertBad: 0x0010, _outSecurityBad: 0x0100, _outCertBad: 0x1000, /** * Checks whether we need to warn about this config. * * We (currently) warn if * - the mail travels unsecured (no SSL/STARTTLS) * - the SSL certificate is not proper * - (We don't warn about unencrypted passwords specifically, * because they'd be encrypted with SSL and without SSL, we'd * warn anyways.) * * We may not warn despite these conditions if we had shown the * warning for that server before and the user acknowledged it. * (Given that this dialog object is static/global and persistent, * we can store that approval state here in this object.) * * @param configSchema @see open() * @param configFilledIn @see open() * @returns {Boolean} true when the dialog should be shown * (call open()). if false, the dialog can and should be skipped. */ needed : function(configSchema, configFilledIn) { assert(configSchema instanceof AccountConfig); assert(configFilledIn instanceof AccountConfig); assert(configSchema.isComplete()); assert(configFilledIn.isComplete()); var incomingBad = ((configFilledIn.incoming.socketType > 1) ? 0 : this._inSecurityBad) | ((configFilledIn.incoming.badCert) ? this._inCertBad : 0); var outgoingBad = 0; if (!configFilledIn.outgoing.existingServerKey) { outgoingBad = ((configFilledIn.outgoing.socketType > 1) ? 0 : this._outSecurityBad) | ((configFilledIn.outgoing.badCert) ? this._outCertBad : 0); } if (incomingBad > 0) { if (this._acknowledged.some( function(ackServer) { return serverMatches(ackServer, configFilledIn.incoming); })) incomingBad = 0; } if (outgoingBad > 0) { if (this._acknowledged.some( function(ackServer) { return serverMatches(ackServer, configFilledIn.outgoing); })) outgoingBad = 0; } return incomingBad | outgoingBad; }, /** * Opens the dialog, fills it with values, and shows it to the user. * * The function is async: it returns immediately, and when the user clicks * OK or Cancel, the callbacks are called. There the callers proceed as * appropriate. * * @param configSchema The config, with placeholders not replaced yet. * This object may be modified to store the user's confirmations, but * currently that's not the case. * @param configFilledIn The concrete config with placeholders replaced. * @param onlyIfNeeded {Boolean} If there is nothing to warn about, * call okCallback() immediately (and sync). * @param okCallback {function(config {AccountConfig})} * Called when the user clicked OK and approved the config including * the warnings. |config| is without placeholders replaced. * @param cancalCallback {function()} * Called when the user decided to heed the warnings and not approve. */ open : function(configSchema, configFilledIn, onlyIfNeeded, okCallback, cancelCallback) { assert(typeof(okCallback) == "function"); assert(typeof(cancelCallback) == "function"); // needed() also checks the parameters var needed = this.needed(configSchema, configFilledIn); if ((needed == 0) && onlyIfNeeded) { okCallback(); return; } assert(needed > 0 , "security dialog opened needlessly"); this._currentConfigFilledIn = configFilledIn; this._okCallback = okCallback; this._cancelCallback = cancelCallback; var incoming = configFilledIn.incoming; var outgoing = configFilledIn.outgoing; _hide("mastervbox"); _show("warningbox"); // reset dialog, in case we've shown it before e("acknowledge_warning").checked = false; _disable("iknow"); e("incoming_technical").removeAttribute("expanded"); e("incoming_details").setAttribute("collapsed", true); e("outgoing_technical").removeAttribute("expanded"); e("outgoing_details").setAttribute("collapsed", true); if (needed & this._inSecurityBad) { setText("warning_incoming", gStringsBundle.getFormattedString( "cleartext_warning", [incoming.hostname])); setText("incoming_details", gStringsBundle.getString( "cleartext_details")); _show("incoming_box"); } else if (needed & this._inCertBad) { setText("warning_incoming", gStringsBundle.getFormattedString( "selfsigned_warning", [incoming.hostname])); setText("incoming_details", gStringsBundle.getString( "selfsigned_details")); _show("incoming_box"); } else { _hide("incoming_box"); } if (needed & this._outSecurityBad) { setText("warning_outgoing", gStringsBundle.getFormattedString( "cleartext_warning", [outgoing.hostname])); setText("outgoing_details", gStringsBundle.getString( "cleartext_details")); _show("outgoing_box"); } else if (needed & this._outCertBad) { setText("warning_outgoing", gStringsBundle.getFormattedString( "selfsigned_warning", [outgoing.hostname])); setText("outgoing_details", gStringsBundle.getString( "selfsigned_details")); _show("outgoing_box"); } else { _hide("outgoing_box"); } _show("acknowledge_warning"); assert(!e("incoming_box").hidden || !e("outgoing_box").hidden, "warning dialog shown for unknown reason"); window.sizeToContent(); }, toggleDetails : function (id) { let details = e(id + "_details"); let tech = e(id + "_technical"); if (details.getAttribute("collapsed")) { details.removeAttribute("collapsed"); tech.setAttribute("expanded", true); } else { details.setAttribute("collapsed", true); tech.removeAttribute("expanded"); } }, /** * user checked checkbox that he understood it and wishes * to ignore the warning. */ toggleAcknowledge : function() { if (e("acknowledge_warning").checked) { _enable("iknow"); } else { _disable("iknow"); } }, /** * [Cancel] button pressed. Get me out of here! */ onCancel : function() { _hide("warningbox"); _show("mastervbox"); window.sizeToContent(); this._cancelCallback(); }, /** * [OK] button pressed. * Implies that the user toggled the acknowledge checkbox, * i.e. approved the config and ignored the warnings, * otherwise the button would have been disabled. */ onOK : function() { assert(e("acknowledge_warning").checked); var overrideOK = this.showCertOverrideDialog(this._currentConfigFilledIn); if (!overrideOK) { this.onCancel(); return; } // need filled in, in case hostname is placeholder var storeConfig = this._currentConfigFilledIn.copy(); this._acknowledged.push(storeConfig.incoming); this._acknowledged.push(storeConfig.outgoing); _show("mastervbox"); _hide("warningbox"); window.sizeToContent(); this._okCallback(); }, /** * Shows a(nother) dialog which allows the user to see and override * (manually accept) a bad certificate. It also optionally adds it * permanently to the "good certs" store of NSS in the profile. * Only shows the dialog, if there are bad certs. Otherwise, it's a no-op. * * The dialog is the standard PSM cert override dialog. * * @param config {AccountConfig} concrete * @returns true, if all certs are fine or the user accepted them. * false, if the user cancelled. * * static function * sync function: blocks until the dialog is closed. */ showCertOverrideDialog : function(config) { if (config.incoming.socketType > 1 && // SSL or STARTTLS config.incoming.badCert) { var params = { exceptionAdded : false, prefetchCert : true, location : config.incoming.targetSite, }; window.openDialog("chrome://pippki/content/exceptionDialog.xul", "","chrome,centerscreen,modal", params); if (params.exceptionAdded) { // set by dialog config.incoming.badCert = false; } else { return false; } } if (!config.outgoing.existingServerKey) { if (config.outgoing.socketType > 1 && // SSL or STARTTLS config.outgoing.badCert) { var params = { exceptionAdded : false, prefetchCert : true, location : config.outgoing.targetSite, }; window.openDialog("chrome://pippki/content/exceptionDialog.xul", "","chrome,centerscreen,modal", params); if (params.exceptionAdded) { // set by dialog config.outgoing.badCert = false; } else { return false; } } } return true; }, } var gSecurityWarningDialog = new SecurityWarningDialog();