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 * License.
 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
 * March 31, 1998.
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 * Internal header for libprldap -- glue NSPR (Netscape Portable Runtime)
 * to libldap.

#include "ldap.h"
#include "nspr.h"
#include "ldappr.h"

#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

 * Macros:

/* #define PRLDAP_DEBUG	1	*/ 	/* uncomment to enable debugging printfs */

 * All of the sockets we use are IPv6 capable.
 * Change the following #define to PR_AF_INET to support IPv4 only.

 * Max length for sending message with one PR_Send.
 * If a single message is larger than this size, the message is divided
 * into multiple pieces up to this length and sent out.  This is necessary
 * on Microsoft Windows at least where attempts to send really large
 * messages in one PR_Send() call result in an error.
#define PRLDAP_MAX_SEND_SIZE (8*1024*1024) /* 8MB */

 * Macro to set port to the 'port' field of a NSPR PRNetAddr union.
 ** PRNetAddr *myaddr   A network address.
 ** PRUint16   myport   port to set to the 'port' field of 'addr'.
 ** RETURN: none
#define PRLDAP_SET_PORT(myaddr,myport) \
    ((myaddr)->raw.family == PR_AF_INET6 ? ((myaddr)->ipv6.port = PR_htons(myport)) : ((myaddr)->inet.port = PR_htons(myport)))

 * Data structures:

/* data structure that populates the I/O callback session arg. */
typedef struct lextiof_session_private {
	PRPollDesc	*prsess_pollds;		/* for poll callback */
	int		prsess_pollds_count;	/* # of elements in pollds */
	int		prsess_io_max_timeout;	/* in milliseconds */
	void		*prsess_appdata;	/* application specific data */
} PRLDAPIOSessionArg;

/* data structure that populates the I/O callback socket-specific arg. */
typedef struct lextiof_socket_private {
	PRFileDesc	*prsock_prfd;		/* associated NSPR file desc. */
	int		prsock_io_max_timeout;	/* in milliseconds */
	void		*prsock_appdata;	/* application specific data */
} PRLDAPIOSocketArg;

 * Function prototypes:

 * From ldapprio.c:
int prldap_install_io_functions( LDAP *ld, int shared );
int prldap_session_arg_from_ld( LDAP *ld, PRLDAPIOSessionArg **sessargpp );
int prldap_set_io_max_timeout( PRLDAPIOSessionArg *prsessp,
	int io_max_timeout );
int prldap_get_io_max_timeout( PRLDAPIOSessionArg *prsessp,
	int *io_max_timeoutp );
int prldap_socket_arg_from_ld( LDAP *ld, PRLDAPIOSocketArg **sockargpp );
PRLDAPIOSocketArg *prldap_socket_arg_alloc( PRLDAPIOSessionArg *sessionarg );

 * From ldapprthreads.c:
int prldap_install_thread_functions( LDAP *ld, int shared );
int prldap_thread_new_handle( LDAP *ld, void *sessionarg );
void prldap_thread_dispose_handle( LDAP *ld, void *sessionarg );

 * From ldapprdns.c:
int prldap_install_dns_functions( LDAP *ld );

 * From ldapprerror.c:
void prldap_set_system_errno( int e );
int prldap_get_system_errno( void );
int prldap_prerr2errno( void );