/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface mozIDOMWindow;
interface nsIFile;

[scriptable, uuid(0a065e41-3a55-4b5c-bb41-1e848bb2d10c)]
interface nsILayoutRegressionTester : nsISupports
   * Dumps the content of a window
   * @param aWindowToDump       the window to dump (may be an iframe etc)
   * @param aFile               the file to dump to. It will be created if necessary, otherwise
                                truncated. If nil, write to stdout.
   * @param aFlagsMask          some flags that determine what to dump
   * @param aFlagsMask          some flags that determine what to dump
   * @param aResult             a status value indicating whether the dump happened, 
                                whether the page was still loading, or whether some other error happened.
  const short DUMP_FLAGS_MASK_DEFAULT        = 0;
  const short DUMP_FLAGS_MASK_PRINT_MODE     = 1;
  const long DUMP_RESULT_COMPLETED           = 0;   // loaded OK
  const long DUMP_RESULT_LOADING             = 1;   // still loading
  const long DUMP_RESULT_ERROR               = 2;   // an error occurred
  long dumpFrameModel(in mozIDOMWindow aWindowToDump,
                      in nsIFile aFile,
                      in unsigned long aFlagsMask);

   * Compares the contents of frame model files
   * @param aBaseFile           the baseline file, opened with read permissions
   * @param aVerFile            file containing the results to verify, opened with read permissions
   * @param aFlags              flags specifying output verbosity
   * @param aResult             result of the comparison: zero if the files are same, non-zero if different
  const short COMPARE_FLAGS_VERBOSE        = 0;
  const short COMPARE_FLAGS_BRIEF          = 1;
  boolean compareFrameModels(in nsIFile aBaseFile, in nsIFile aVerFile, in unsigned long aFlags);