/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsTableColFrame_h__ #define nsTableColFrame_h__ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "celldata.h" #include "nscore.h" #include "nsContainerFrame.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsTableColGroupFrame.h" #include "mozilla/WritingModes.h" class nsTableColFrame : public nsSplittableFrame { public: NS_DECL_FRAMEARENA_HELPERS enum {eWIDTH_SOURCE_NONE =0, // no cell has contributed to the width style eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL =1, // a cell specified a width eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL_WITH_SPAN=2 // a cell implicitly specified a width via colspan }; nsTableColType GetColType() const; void SetColType(nsTableColType aType); /** instantiate a new instance of nsTableRowFrame. * @param aPresShell the pres shell for this frame * * @return the frame that was created */ friend nsTableColFrame* NS_NewTableColFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsStyleContext* aContext); nsTableColGroupFrame* GetTableColGroupFrame() const { nsIFrame* parent = GetParent(); MOZ_ASSERT(parent && parent->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::tableColGroupFrame); return static_cast<nsTableColGroupFrame*>(parent); } nsTableFrame* GetTableFrame() const { return GetTableColGroupFrame()->GetTableFrame(); } /** @see nsIFrame::DidSetStyleContext */ virtual void DidSetStyleContext(nsStyleContext* aOldStyleContext) override; int32_t GetColIndex() const; void SetColIndex (int32_t aColIndex); nsTableColFrame* GetNextCol() const; virtual void Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext, ReflowOutput& aDesiredSize, const ReflowInput& aReflowInput, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) override; virtual void BuildDisplayList(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, const nsDisplayListSet& aLists) override; /** * Get the "type" of the frame * * @see nsGkAtoms::tableColFrame */ virtual nsIAtom* GetType() const override; #ifdef DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP virtual nsresult GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const override; #endif virtual nsSplittableType GetSplittableType() const override; virtual mozilla::WritingMode GetWritingMode() const override { return GetTableFrame()->GetWritingMode(); } /** return the number of the columns the col represents. always >= 1 */ int32_t GetSpan(); /** convenience method, calls into cellmap */ int32_t Count() const; nscoord GetIStartBorderWidth() const { return mIStartBorderWidth; } nscoord GetIEndBorderWidth() const { return mIEndBorderWidth; } void SetIStartBorderWidth(BCPixelSize aWidth) { mIStartBorderWidth = aWidth; } void SetIEndBorderWidth(BCPixelSize aWidth) { mIEndBorderWidth = aWidth; } /** * Gets inner border widths before collapsing with cell borders * Caller must get istart border from previous column or from table * GetContinuousBCBorderWidth will not overwrite aBorder.IStart * see nsTablePainter about continuous borders * * @return outer iend border width (istart inner for next column) */ nscoord GetContinuousBCBorderWidth(mozilla::WritingMode aWM, mozilla::LogicalMargin& aBorder); /** * Set full border widths before collapsing with cell borders * @param aForSide - side to set; only valid for bstart, iend, and bend */ void SetContinuousBCBorderWidth(mozilla::LogicalSide aForSide, BCPixelSize aPixelValue); #ifdef DEBUG void Dump(int32_t aIndent); #endif /** * Restore the default values of the intrinsic widths, so that we can * re-accumulate intrinsic widths from the cells in the column. */ void ResetIntrinsics() { mMinCoord = 0; mPrefCoord = 0; mPrefPercent = 0.0f; mHasSpecifiedCoord = false; } /** * Restore the default value of the preferred percentage width (the * only intrinsic width used by FixedTableLayoutStrategy. */ void ResetPrefPercent() { mPrefPercent = 0.0f; } /** * Restore the default values of the temporary buffer for * spanning-cell intrinsic widths (as we process spanning cells). */ void ResetSpanIntrinsics() { mSpanMinCoord = 0; mSpanPrefCoord = 0; mSpanPrefPercent = 0.0f; } /** * Add the widths for a cell or column element, or the contribution of * the widths from a column-spanning cell: * @param aMinCoord The minimum intrinsic width * @param aPrefCoord The preferred intrinsic width or, if there is a * specified non-percentage width, max(specified width, minimum intrinsic * width). * @param aHasSpecifiedCoord Whether there is a specified * non-percentage width. * * Note that the implementation of this functions is a bit tricky * since mPrefCoord means different things depending on * whether mHasSpecifiedCoord is true (and likewise for aPrefCoord and * aHasSpecifiedCoord). If mHasSpecifiedCoord is false, then * all widths added had aHasSpecifiedCoord false and mPrefCoord is the * largest of the pref widths. But if mHasSpecifiedCoord is true, * then mPrefCoord is the largest of (1) the pref widths for cells * with aHasSpecifiedCoord true and (2) the min widths for cells with * aHasSpecifiedCoord false. */ void AddCoords(nscoord aMinCoord, nscoord aPrefCoord, bool aHasSpecifiedCoord) { NS_ASSERTION(aMinCoord <= aPrefCoord, "intrinsic widths out of order"); if (aHasSpecifiedCoord && !mHasSpecifiedCoord) { mPrefCoord = mMinCoord; mHasSpecifiedCoord = true; } if (!aHasSpecifiedCoord && mHasSpecifiedCoord) { aPrefCoord = aMinCoord; // NOTE: modifying argument } if (aMinCoord > mMinCoord) mMinCoord = aMinCoord; if (aPrefCoord > mPrefCoord) mPrefCoord = aPrefCoord; NS_ASSERTION(mMinCoord <= mPrefCoord, "min larger than pref"); } /** * Add a percentage width specified on a cell or column element or the * contribution to this column of a percentage width specified on a * column-spanning cell. */ void AddPrefPercent(float aPrefPercent) { if (aPrefPercent > mPrefPercent) mPrefPercent = aPrefPercent; } /** * Get the largest minimum intrinsic width for this column. */ nscoord GetMinCoord() const { return mMinCoord; } /** * Get the largest preferred width for this column, or, if there were * any specified non-percentage widths (see GetHasSpecifiedCoord), the * largest minimum intrinsic width or specified width. */ nscoord GetPrefCoord() const { return mPrefCoord; } /** * Get whether there were any specified widths contributing to this * column. */ bool GetHasSpecifiedCoord() const { return mHasSpecifiedCoord; } /** * Get the largest specified percentage width contributing to this * column (returns 0 if there were none). */ float GetPrefPercent() const { return mPrefPercent; } /** * Like AddCoords, but into a temporary buffer used for groups of * column-spanning cells. */ void AddSpanCoords(nscoord aSpanMinCoord, nscoord aSpanPrefCoord, bool aSpanHasSpecifiedCoord) { NS_ASSERTION(aSpanMinCoord <= aSpanPrefCoord, "intrinsic widths out of order"); if (!aSpanHasSpecifiedCoord && mHasSpecifiedCoord) { aSpanPrefCoord = aSpanMinCoord; // NOTE: modifying argument } if (aSpanMinCoord > mSpanMinCoord) mSpanMinCoord = aSpanMinCoord; if (aSpanPrefCoord > mSpanPrefCoord) mSpanPrefCoord = aSpanPrefCoord; NS_ASSERTION(mSpanMinCoord <= mSpanPrefCoord, "min larger than pref"); } /* * Accumulate percentage widths on column spanning cells into * temporary variables. */ void AddSpanPrefPercent(float aSpanPrefPercent) { if (aSpanPrefPercent > mSpanPrefPercent) mSpanPrefPercent = aSpanPrefPercent; } /* * Accumulate the temporary variables for column spanning cells into * the primary variables. */ void AccumulateSpanIntrinsics() { AddCoords(mSpanMinCoord, mSpanPrefCoord, mHasSpecifiedCoord); AddPrefPercent(mSpanPrefPercent); } // Used to adjust a column's pref percent so that the table's total // never exceeeds 100% (by only allowing percentages to be used, // starting at the first column, until they reach 100%). void AdjustPrefPercent(float *aTableTotalPercent) { float allowed = 1.0f - *aTableTotalPercent; if (mPrefPercent > allowed) mPrefPercent = allowed; *aTableTotalPercent += mPrefPercent; } // The final width of the column. void ResetFinalISize() { mFinalISize = nscoord_MIN; // so we detect that it changed } void SetFinalISize(nscoord aFinalISize) { mFinalISize = aFinalISize; } nscoord GetFinalISize() { return mFinalISize; } virtual bool IsFrameOfType(uint32_t aFlags) const override { return nsSplittableFrame::IsFrameOfType(aFlags & ~(nsIFrame::eTablePart)); } virtual void InvalidateFrame(uint32_t aDisplayItemKey = 0) override; virtual void InvalidateFrameWithRect(const nsRect& aRect, uint32_t aDisplayItemKey = 0) override; virtual void InvalidateFrameForRemoval() override { InvalidateFrameSubtree(); } protected: explicit nsTableColFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext); ~nsTableColFrame(); nscoord mMinCoord; nscoord mPrefCoord; nscoord mSpanMinCoord; // XXX... nscoord mSpanPrefCoord; // XXX... float mPrefPercent; float mSpanPrefPercent; // XXX... // ...XXX the four members marked above could be allocated as part of // a separate array allocated only during // BasicTableLayoutStrategy::ComputeColumnIntrinsicISizes (and only // when colspans were present). nscoord mFinalISize; // the index of the column with respect to the whole table (starting at 0) // it should never be smaller then the start column index of the parent // colgroup uint32_t mColIndex; // border width in pixels of the inner half of the border only BCPixelSize mIStartBorderWidth; BCPixelSize mIEndBorderWidth; BCPixelSize mBStartContBorderWidth; BCPixelSize mIEndContBorderWidth; BCPixelSize mBEndContBorderWidth; bool mHasSpecifiedCoord; }; inline int32_t nsTableColFrame::GetColIndex() const { return mColIndex; } inline void nsTableColFrame::SetColIndex (int32_t aColIndex) { mColIndex = aColIndex; } inline nscoord nsTableColFrame::GetContinuousBCBorderWidth(mozilla::WritingMode aWM, mozilla::LogicalMargin& aBorder) { int32_t aPixelsToTwips = nsPresContext::AppUnitsPerCSSPixel(); aBorder.BStart(aWM) = BC_BORDER_END_HALF_COORD(aPixelsToTwips, mBStartContBorderWidth); aBorder.IEnd(aWM) = BC_BORDER_START_HALF_COORD(aPixelsToTwips, mIEndContBorderWidth); aBorder.BEnd(aWM) = BC_BORDER_START_HALF_COORD(aPixelsToTwips, mBEndContBorderWidth); return BC_BORDER_END_HALF_COORD(aPixelsToTwips, mIEndContBorderWidth); } #endif