/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Main header first: // This is also necessary to ensure our definition of M_SQRT1_2 is picked up #include "nsSVGUtils.h" #include <algorithm> // Keep others in (case-insensitive) order: #include "gfx2DGlue.h" #include "gfxContext.h" #include "gfxMatrix.h" #include "gfxPlatform.h" #include "gfxRect.h" #include "gfxUtils.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/PatternHelpers.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/SVGContextPaint.h" #include "nsCSSClipPathInstance.h" #include "nsCSSFrameConstructor.h" #include "nsDisplayList.h" #include "nsFilterInstance.h" #include "nsFrameList.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsISVGChildFrame.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsStyleCoord.h" #include "nsStyleStruct.h" #include "nsSVGClipPathFrame.h" #include "nsSVGContainerFrame.h" #include "nsSVGEffects.h" #include "nsSVGFilterPaintCallback.h" #include "nsSVGForeignObjectFrame.h" #include "nsSVGInnerSVGFrame.h" #include "nsSVGIntegrationUtils.h" #include "nsSVGLength2.h" #include "nsSVGMaskFrame.h" #include "nsSVGOuterSVGFrame.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGClipPathElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGPathElement.h" #include "nsSVGPathGeometryElement.h" #include "nsSVGPathGeometryFrame.h" #include "nsSVGPaintServerFrame.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGSVGElement.h" #include "nsTextFrame.h" #include "SVGContentUtils.h" #include "SVGTextFrame.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::gfx; static bool sSVGPathCachingEnabled; static bool sSVGDisplayListHitTestingEnabled; static bool sSVGDisplayListPaintingEnabled; static bool sSVGNewGetBBoxEnabled; bool NS_SVGPathCachingEnabled() { return sSVGPathCachingEnabled; } bool NS_SVGDisplayListHitTestingEnabled() { return sSVGDisplayListHitTestingEnabled; } bool NS_SVGDisplayListPaintingEnabled() { return sSVGDisplayListPaintingEnabled; } bool NS_SVGNewGetBBoxEnabled() { return sSVGNewGetBBoxEnabled; } // we only take the address of this: static mozilla::gfx::UserDataKey sSVGAutoRenderStateKey; SVGAutoRenderState::SVGAutoRenderState(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_IN_IMPL) : mDrawTarget(aDrawTarget) , mOriginalRenderState(nullptr) , mPaintingToWindow(false) { MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_INIT; mOriginalRenderState = aDrawTarget->RemoveUserData(&sSVGAutoRenderStateKey); // We always remove ourselves from aContext before it dies, so // passing nullptr as the destroy function is okay. aDrawTarget->AddUserData(&sSVGAutoRenderStateKey, this, nullptr); } SVGAutoRenderState::~SVGAutoRenderState() { mDrawTarget->RemoveUserData(&sSVGAutoRenderStateKey); if (mOriginalRenderState) { mDrawTarget->AddUserData(&sSVGAutoRenderStateKey, mOriginalRenderState, nullptr); } } void SVGAutoRenderState::SetPaintingToWindow(bool aPaintingToWindow) { mPaintingToWindow = aPaintingToWindow; } /* static */ bool SVGAutoRenderState::IsPaintingToWindow(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget) { void *state = aDrawTarget->GetUserData(&sSVGAutoRenderStateKey); if (state) { return static_cast<SVGAutoRenderState*>(state)->mPaintingToWindow; } return false; } void nsSVGUtils::Init() { Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sSVGPathCachingEnabled, "svg.path-caching.enabled"); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sSVGDisplayListHitTestingEnabled, "svg.display-lists.hit-testing.enabled"); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sSVGDisplayListPaintingEnabled, "svg.display-lists.painting.enabled"); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sSVGNewGetBBoxEnabled, "svg.new-getBBox.enabled"); } nsSVGDisplayContainerFrame* nsSVGUtils::GetNearestSVGViewport(nsIFrame *aFrame) { NS_ASSERTION(aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG), "SVG frame expected"); if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgOuterSVGFrame) { return nullptr; } while ((aFrame = aFrame->GetParent())) { NS_ASSERTION(aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG), "SVG frame expected"); if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgInnerSVGFrame || aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgOuterSVGFrame) { return do_QueryFrame(aFrame); } } NS_NOTREACHED("This is not reached. It's only needed to compile."); return nullptr; } nsRect nsSVGUtils::GetPostFilterVisualOverflowRect(nsIFrame *aFrame, const nsRect &aPreFilterRect) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_SVG_LAYOUT, "Called on invalid frame type"); nsSVGFilterProperty *property = nsSVGEffects::GetFilterProperty(aFrame); if (!property || !property->ReferencesValidResources()) { return aPreFilterRect; } return nsFilterInstance::GetPostFilterBounds(aFrame, nullptr, &aPreFilterRect); } bool nsSVGUtils::OuterSVGIsCallingReflowSVG(nsIFrame *aFrame) { return GetOuterSVGFrame(aFrame)->IsCallingReflowSVG(); } bool nsSVGUtils::AnyOuterSVGIsCallingReflowSVG(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsSVGOuterSVGFrame* outer = GetOuterSVGFrame(aFrame); do { if (outer->IsCallingReflowSVG()) { return true; } outer = GetOuterSVGFrame(outer->GetParent()); } while (outer); return false; } void nsSVGUtils::ScheduleReflowSVG(nsIFrame *aFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG), "Passed bad frame!"); // If this is triggered, the callers should be fixed to call us before // ReflowSVG is called. If we try to mark dirty bits on frames while we're // in the process of removing them, things will get messed up. NS_ASSERTION(!OuterSVGIsCallingReflowSVG(aFrame), "Do not call under nsISVGChildFrame::ReflowSVG!"); // We don't call nsSVGEffects::InvalidateRenderingObservers here because // we should only be called under InvalidateAndScheduleReflowSVG (which // calls InvalidateBounds) or nsSVGDisplayContainerFrame::InsertFrames // (at which point the frame has no observers). if (aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY) { return; } if (aFrame->GetStateBits() & (NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY | NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) { // Nothing to do if we're already dirty, or if the outer-<svg> // hasn't yet had its initial reflow. return; } nsSVGOuterSVGFrame *outerSVGFrame = nullptr; // We must not add dirty bits to the nsSVGOuterSVGFrame or else // PresShell::FrameNeedsReflow won't work when we pass it in below. if (aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_STATE_IS_OUTER_SVG) { outerSVGFrame = static_cast<nsSVGOuterSVGFrame*>(aFrame); } else { aFrame->AddStateBits(NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY); nsIFrame *f = aFrame->GetParent(); while (f && !(f->GetStateBits() & NS_STATE_IS_OUTER_SVG)) { if (f->GetStateBits() & (NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY | NS_FRAME_HAS_DIRTY_CHILDREN)) { return; } f->AddStateBits(NS_FRAME_HAS_DIRTY_CHILDREN); f = f->GetParent(); MOZ_ASSERT(f->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG), "NS_STATE_IS_OUTER_SVG check above not valid!"); } outerSVGFrame = static_cast<nsSVGOuterSVGFrame*>(f); MOZ_ASSERT(outerSVGFrame && outerSVGFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgOuterSVGFrame, "Did not find nsSVGOuterSVGFrame!"); } if (outerSVGFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IN_REFLOW) { // We're currently under an nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::Reflow call so there is no // need to call PresShell::FrameNeedsReflow, since we have an // nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::DidReflow call pending. return; } nsFrameState dirtyBit = (outerSVGFrame == aFrame ? NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY : NS_FRAME_HAS_DIRTY_CHILDREN); aFrame->PresContext()->PresShell()->FrameNeedsReflow( outerSVGFrame, nsIPresShell::eResize, dirtyBit); } bool nsSVGUtils::NeedsReflowSVG(nsIFrame *aFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG), "SVG uses bits differently!"); // The flags we test here may change, hence why we have this separate // function. return NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(aFrame); } void nsSVGUtils::NotifyAncestorsOfFilterRegionChange(nsIFrame *aFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(!(aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_STATE_IS_OUTER_SVG), "Not expecting to be called on the outer SVG Frame"); aFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); while (aFrame) { if (aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_STATE_IS_OUTER_SVG) return; nsSVGFilterProperty *property = nsSVGEffects::GetFilterProperty(aFrame); if (property) { property->Invalidate(); } aFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); } } Size nsSVGUtils::GetContextSize(const nsIFrame* aFrame) { Size size; MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame->GetContent()->IsSVGElement(), "bad cast"); const nsSVGElement* element = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(aFrame->GetContent()); SVGSVGElement* ctx = element->GetCtx(); if (ctx) { size.width = ctx->GetLength(SVGContentUtils::X); size.height = ctx->GetLength(SVGContentUtils::Y); } return size; } float nsSVGUtils::ObjectSpace(const gfxRect &aRect, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength) { float axis; switch (aLength->GetCtxType()) { case SVGContentUtils::X: axis = aRect.Width(); break; case SVGContentUtils::Y: axis = aRect.Height(); break; case SVGContentUtils::XY: axis = float(SVGContentUtils::ComputeNormalizedHypotenuse( aRect.Width(), aRect.Height())); break; default: NS_NOTREACHED("unexpected ctx type"); axis = 0.0f; break; } if (aLength->IsPercentage()) { // Multiply first to avoid precision errors: return axis * aLength->GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits() / 100; } return aLength->GetAnimValue(static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(nullptr)) * axis; } float nsSVGUtils::UserSpace(nsSVGElement *aSVGElement, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength) { return aLength->GetAnimValue(aSVGElement); } float nsSVGUtils::UserSpace(nsIFrame *aNonSVGContext, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength) { return aLength->GetAnimValue(aNonSVGContext); } float nsSVGUtils::UserSpace(const UserSpaceMetrics& aMetrics, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength) { return aLength->GetAnimValue(aMetrics); } nsSVGOuterSVGFrame * nsSVGUtils::GetOuterSVGFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame) { while (aFrame) { if (aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_STATE_IS_OUTER_SVG) { return static_cast<nsSVGOuterSVGFrame*>(aFrame); } aFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); } return nullptr; } nsIFrame* nsSVGUtils::GetOuterSVGFrameAndCoveredRegion(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsRect* aRect) { nsISVGChildFrame* svg = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); if (!svg) return nullptr; nsSVGOuterSVGFrame* outer = GetOuterSVGFrame(aFrame); if (outer == svg) { return nullptr; } nsMargin bp = outer->GetUsedBorderAndPadding(); *aRect = ((aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY) ? nsRect(0, 0, 0, 0) : svg->GetCoveredRegion()) + nsPoint(bp.left, bp.top); return outer; } gfxMatrix nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM(nsIFrame *aFrame) { // XXX yuck, we really need a common interface for GetCanvasTM if (!aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG)) { return nsSVGIntegrationUtils::GetCSSPxToDevPxMatrix(aFrame); } nsIAtom* type = aFrame->GetType(); if (type == nsGkAtoms::svgForeignObjectFrame) { return static_cast<nsSVGForeignObjectFrame*>(aFrame)->GetCanvasTM(); } if (type == nsGkAtoms::svgOuterSVGFrame) { return nsSVGIntegrationUtils::GetCSSPxToDevPxMatrix(aFrame); } nsSVGContainerFrame *containerFrame = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); if (containerFrame) { return containerFrame->GetCanvasTM(); } return static_cast<nsSVGPathGeometryFrame*>(aFrame)->GetCanvasTM(); } gfxMatrix nsSVGUtils::GetUserToCanvasTM(nsIFrame *aFrame) { nsISVGChildFrame* svgFrame = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); NS_ASSERTION(svgFrame, "bad frame"); gfxMatrix tm; if (svgFrame) { nsSVGElement *content = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(aFrame->GetContent()); tm = content->PrependLocalTransformsTo( GetCanvasTM(aFrame->GetParent()), eUserSpaceToParent); } return tm; } void nsSVGUtils::NotifyChildrenOfSVGChange(nsIFrame *aFrame, uint32_t aFlags) { for (nsIFrame* kid : aFrame->PrincipalChildList()) { nsISVGChildFrame* SVGFrame = do_QueryFrame(kid); if (SVGFrame) { SVGFrame->NotifySVGChanged(aFlags); } else { NS_ASSERTION(kid->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG) || kid->IsSVGText(), "SVG frame expected"); // recurse into the children of container frames e.g. <clipPath>, <mask> // in case they have child frames with transformation matrices if (kid->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG)) { NotifyChildrenOfSVGChange(kid, aFlags); } } } } // ************************************************************ class SVGPaintCallback : public nsSVGFilterPaintCallback { public: virtual DrawResult Paint(gfxContext& aContext, nsIFrame *aTarget, const gfxMatrix& aTransform, const nsIntRect* aDirtyRect) override { nsISVGChildFrame *svgChildFrame = do_QueryFrame(aTarget); NS_ASSERTION(svgChildFrame, "Expected SVG frame here"); nsIntRect* dirtyRect = nullptr; nsIntRect tmpDirtyRect; // aDirtyRect is in user-space pixels, we need to convert to // outer-SVG-frame-relative device pixels. if (aDirtyRect) { gfxMatrix userToDeviceSpace = aTransform; if (userToDeviceSpace.IsSingular()) { return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } gfxRect dirtyBounds = userToDeviceSpace.TransformBounds( gfxRect(aDirtyRect->x, aDirtyRect->y, aDirtyRect->width, aDirtyRect->height)); dirtyBounds.RoundOut(); if (gfxUtils::GfxRectToIntRect(dirtyBounds, &tmpDirtyRect)) { dirtyRect = &tmpDirtyRect; } } return svgChildFrame->PaintSVG(aContext, aTransform, dirtyRect); } }; float nsSVGUtils::ComputeOpacity(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aHandleOpacity) { float opacity = aFrame->StyleEffects()->mOpacity; if (opacity != 1.0f && (nsSVGUtils::CanOptimizeOpacity(aFrame) || !aHandleOpacity)) { return 1.0f; } return opacity; } void nsSVGUtils::DetermineMaskUsage(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aHandleOpacity, MaskUsage& aUsage) { aUsage.opacity = ComputeOpacity(aFrame, aHandleOpacity); nsIFrame* firstFrame = nsLayoutUtils::FirstContinuationOrIBSplitSibling(aFrame); nsSVGEffects::EffectProperties effectProperties = nsSVGEffects::GetEffectProperties(firstFrame); const nsStyleSVGReset *svgReset = firstFrame->StyleSVGReset(); nsTArray<nsSVGMaskFrame*> maskFrames = effectProperties.GetMaskFrames(); aUsage.shouldGenerateMaskLayer = (maskFrames.Length() > 0); bool isOK = effectProperties.HasNoFilterOrHasValidFilter(); nsSVGClipPathFrame *clipPathFrame = effectProperties.GetClipPathFrame(&isOK); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(clipPathFrame, svgReset->mClipPath.GetType() == StyleShapeSourceType::URL); switch (svgReset->mClipPath.GetType()) { case StyleShapeSourceType::URL: if (clipPathFrame) { if (clipPathFrame->IsTrivial()) { aUsage.shouldApplyClipPath = true; } else { aUsage.shouldGenerateClipMaskLayer = true; } } break; case StyleShapeSourceType::Shape: case StyleShapeSourceType::Box: aUsage.shouldApplyBasicShape = true; break; case StyleShapeSourceType::None: MOZ_ASSERT(!aUsage.shouldGenerateClipMaskLayer && !aUsage.shouldApplyClipPath && !aUsage.shouldApplyBasicShape); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unsupported clip-path type."); break; } } static IntRect ComputeClipExtsInDeviceSpace(gfxContext& aCtx) { gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore matRestore(&aCtx); // Get the clip extents in device space. aCtx.SetMatrix(gfxMatrix()); gfxRect clippedFrameSurfaceRect = aCtx.GetClipExtents(); clippedFrameSurfaceRect.RoundOut(); IntRect result; ToRect(clippedFrameSurfaceRect).ToIntRect(&result); return mozilla::gfx::Factory::CheckSurfaceSize(result.Size()) ? result : IntRect(); } static already_AddRefed<gfxContext> CreateBlendTarget(gfxContext* aContext, IntPoint& aTargetOffset) { // Create a temporary context to draw to so we can blend it back with // another operator. IntRect drawRect = ComputeClipExtsInDeviceSpace(*aContext); RefPtr<DrawTarget> targetDT = aContext->GetDrawTarget()->CreateSimilarDrawTarget(drawRect.Size(), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8); if (!targetDT || !targetDT->IsValid()) { return nullptr; } RefPtr<gfxContext> target = gfxContext::CreateOrNull(targetDT); MOZ_ASSERT(target); // already checked the draw target above target->SetMatrix(aContext->CurrentMatrix() * gfxMatrix::Translation(-drawRect.TopLeft())); aTargetOffset = drawRect.TopLeft(); return target.forget(); } static void BlendToTarget(nsIFrame* aFrame, gfxContext* aSource, gfxContext* aTarget, const IntPoint& aTargetOffset) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame->StyleEffects()->mMixBlendMode != NS_STYLE_BLEND_NORMAL); RefPtr<DrawTarget> targetDT = aTarget->GetDrawTarget(); RefPtr<SourceSurface> targetSurf = targetDT->Snapshot(); gfxContextAutoSaveRestore save(aSource); aSource->SetMatrix(gfxMatrix()); // This will be restored right after. RefPtr<gfxPattern> pattern = new gfxPattern(targetSurf, Matrix::Translation(aTargetOffset.x, aTargetOffset.y)); aSource->SetPattern(pattern); aSource->Paint(); } DrawResult nsSVGUtils::PaintFrameWithEffects(nsIFrame *aFrame, gfxContext& aContext, const gfxMatrix& aTransform, const nsIntRect *aDirtyRect) { NS_ASSERTION(!NS_SVGDisplayListPaintingEnabled() || (aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY) || aFrame->PresContext()->IsGlyph(), "If display lists are enabled, only painting of non-display " "SVG should take this code path"); nsISVGChildFrame *svgChildFrame = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); if (!svgChildFrame) return DrawResult::SUCCESS; MaskUsage maskUsage; DetermineMaskUsage(aFrame, true, maskUsage); if (maskUsage.opacity == 0.0f) { return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } const nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent(); if (content->IsSVGElement() && !static_cast<const nsSVGElement*>(content)->HasValidDimensions()) { return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } if (aDirtyRect && !(aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY)) { // Here we convert aFrame's paint bounds to outer-<svg> device space, // compare it to aDirtyRect, and return early if they don't intersect. // We don't do this optimization for nondisplay SVG since nondisplay // SVG doesn't maintain bounds/overflow rects. nsRect overflowRect = aFrame->GetVisualOverflowRectRelativeToSelf(); if (aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVGGeometry) || aFrame->IsSVGText()) { // Unlike containers, leaf frames do not include GetPosition() in // GetCanvasTM(). overflowRect = overflowRect + aFrame->GetPosition(); } int32_t appUnitsPerDevPx = aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); gfxMatrix tm = aTransform; if (aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG | nsIFrame::eSVGContainer)) { gfx::Matrix childrenOnlyTM; if (static_cast<nsSVGContainerFrame*>(aFrame)-> HasChildrenOnlyTransform(&childrenOnlyTM)) { // Undo the children-only transform: if (!childrenOnlyTM.Invert()) { return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } tm = ThebesMatrix(childrenOnlyTM) * tm; } } nsIntRect bounds = TransformFrameRectToOuterSVG(overflowRect, tm, aFrame->PresContext()). ToOutsidePixels(appUnitsPerDevPx); if (!aDirtyRect->Intersects(bounds)) { return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } } /* SVG defines the following rendering model: * * 1. Render fill * 2. Render stroke * 3. Render markers * 4. Apply filter * 5. Apply clipping, masking, group opacity * * We follow this, but perform a couple of optimizations: * * + Use cairo's clipPath when representable natively (single object * clip region). *f * + Merge opacity and masking if both used together. */ /* Properties are added lazily and may have been removed by a restyle, so make sure all applicable ones are set again. */ nsSVGEffects::EffectProperties effectProperties = nsSVGEffects::GetEffectProperties(aFrame); bool isOK = effectProperties.HasNoFilterOrHasValidFilter(); nsSVGClipPathFrame *clipPathFrame = effectProperties.GetClipPathFrame(&isOK); nsSVGMaskFrame *maskFrame = effectProperties.GetFirstMaskFrame(&isOK); if (!isOK || !maskFrame) { // Some resource is invalid. We shouldn't paint anything. return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } // These are used if we require a temporary surface for a custom blend mode. // Clip the source context first, so that we can generate a smaller temporary // surface. (Since we will clip this context in SetupContextMatrix, a pair // of save/restore is needed.) aContext.Save(); if (!(aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY)) { // aFrame has a valid visual overflow rect, so clip to it before calling // PushGroup() to minimize the size of the surfaces we'll composite: gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore matrixAutoSaveRestore(&aContext); aContext.Multiply(aTransform); nsRect overflowRect = aFrame->GetVisualOverflowRectRelativeToSelf(); if (aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVGGeometry) || aFrame->IsSVGText()) { // Unlike containers, leaf frames do not include GetPosition() in // GetCanvasTM(). overflowRect = overflowRect + aFrame->GetPosition(); } aContext.Clip(NSRectToSnappedRect(overflowRect, aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(), *aContext.GetDrawTarget())); } IntPoint targetOffset; RefPtr<gfxContext> target = (aFrame->StyleEffects()->mMixBlendMode == NS_STYLE_BLEND_NORMAL) ? RefPtr<gfxContext>(&aContext).forget() : CreateBlendTarget(&aContext, targetOffset); aContext.Restore(); if (!target) { return DrawResult::TEMPORARY_ERROR; } /* Check if we need to do additional operations on this child's * rendering, which necessitates rendering into another surface. */ bool shouldGenerateMask = (maskUsage.opacity != 1.0f || maskUsage.shouldGenerateClipMaskLayer || maskUsage.shouldGenerateMaskLayer || aFrame->StyleEffects()->mMixBlendMode != NS_STYLE_BLEND_NORMAL); if (shouldGenerateMask) { Matrix maskTransform; RefPtr<SourceSurface> maskSurface; if (maskUsage.shouldGenerateMaskLayer) { maskSurface = maskFrame->GetMaskForMaskedFrame(&aContext, aFrame, aTransform, maskUsage.opacity, &maskTransform); if (!maskSurface) { // Entire surface is clipped out. return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } } if (maskUsage.shouldGenerateClipMaskLayer) { Matrix clippedMaskTransform; RefPtr<SourceSurface> clipMaskSurface = clipPathFrame->GetClipMask(aContext, aFrame, aTransform, &clippedMaskTransform, maskSurface, maskTransform); if (clipMaskSurface) { maskSurface = clipMaskSurface; maskTransform = clippedMaskTransform; } } // SVG mask multiply opacity into maskSurface already, so we do not bother // to apply opacity again. float opacity = maskFrame ? 1.0 : maskUsage.opacity; target->PushGroupForBlendBack(gfxContentType::COLOR_ALPHA, opacity, maskSurface, maskTransform); } /* If this frame has only a trivial clipPath, set up cairo's clipping now so * we can just do normal painting and get it clipped appropriately. */ if (maskUsage.shouldApplyClipPath || maskUsage.shouldApplyBasicShape) { if (maskUsage.shouldApplyClipPath) { clipPathFrame->ApplyClipPath(aContext, aFrame, aTransform); } else { nsCSSClipPathInstance::ApplyBasicShapeClip(aContext, aFrame); } } DrawResult result = DrawResult::SUCCESS; /* Paint the child */ if (effectProperties.HasValidFilter()) { nsRegion* dirtyRegion = nullptr; nsRegion tmpDirtyRegion; if (aDirtyRect) { // aDirtyRect is in outer-<svg> device pixels, but the filter code needs // it in frame space. gfxMatrix userToDeviceSpace = GetUserToCanvasTM(aFrame); if (userToDeviceSpace.IsSingular()) { return DrawResult::SUCCESS; } gfxMatrix deviceToUserSpace = userToDeviceSpace; deviceToUserSpace.Invert(); gfxRect dirtyBounds = deviceToUserSpace.TransformBounds( gfxRect(aDirtyRect->x, aDirtyRect->y, aDirtyRect->width, aDirtyRect->height)); tmpDirtyRegion = nsLayoutUtils::RoundGfxRectToAppRect( dirtyBounds, aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()) - aFrame->GetPosition(); dirtyRegion = &tmpDirtyRegion; } SVGPaintCallback paintCallback; nsFilterInstance::PaintFilteredFrame(aFrame, target->GetDrawTarget(), aTransform, &paintCallback, dirtyRegion); } else { result = svgChildFrame->PaintSVG(*target, aTransform, aDirtyRect); } if (maskUsage.shouldApplyClipPath || maskUsage.shouldApplyBasicShape) { aContext.PopClip(); } if (shouldGenerateMask) { target->PopGroupAndBlend(); } if (aFrame->StyleEffects()->mMixBlendMode != NS_STYLE_BLEND_NORMAL) { MOZ_ASSERT(target != &aContext); BlendToTarget(aFrame, &aContext, target, targetOffset); } return result; } bool nsSVGUtils::HitTestClip(nsIFrame *aFrame, const gfxPoint &aPoint) { nsSVGEffects::EffectProperties props = nsSVGEffects::GetEffectProperties(aFrame); if (!props.mClipPath) { const nsStyleSVGReset *style = aFrame->StyleSVGReset(); if (style->HasClipPath()) { return nsCSSClipPathInstance::HitTestBasicShapeClip(aFrame, aPoint); } return true; } bool isOK = true; nsSVGClipPathFrame *clipPathFrame = props.GetClipPathFrame(&isOK); if (!isOK) { // clipPath is not a valid resource, so nothing gets painted, so // hit-testing must fail. return false; } if (!clipPathFrame) { // clipPath doesn't exist, ignore it. return true; } return clipPathFrame->PointIsInsideClipPath(aFrame, aPoint); } nsIFrame * nsSVGUtils::HitTestChildren(nsSVGDisplayContainerFrame* aFrame, const gfxPoint& aPoint) { // First we transform aPoint into the coordinate space established by aFrame // for its children (e.g. take account of any 'viewBox' attribute): gfxPoint point = aPoint; if (aFrame->GetContent()->IsSVGElement()) { // must check before cast gfxMatrix m = static_cast<const nsSVGElement*>(aFrame->GetContent())-> PrependLocalTransformsTo(gfxMatrix(), eChildToUserSpace); if (!m.IsIdentity()) { if (!m.Invert()) { return nullptr; } point = m.Transform(point); } } // Traverse the list in reverse order, so that if we get a hit we know that's // the topmost frame that intersects the point; then we can just return it. nsIFrame* result = nullptr; for (nsIFrame* current = aFrame->PrincipalChildList().LastChild(); current; current = current->GetPrevSibling()) { nsISVGChildFrame* SVGFrame = do_QueryFrame(current); if (SVGFrame) { const nsIContent* content = current->GetContent(); if (content->IsSVGElement() && !static_cast<const nsSVGElement*>(content)->HasValidDimensions()) { continue; } // GetFrameForPoint() expects a point in its frame's SVG user space, so // we need to convert to that space: gfxPoint p = point; if (content->IsSVGElement()) { // must check before cast gfxMatrix m = static_cast<const nsSVGElement*>(content)-> PrependLocalTransformsTo(gfxMatrix(), eUserSpaceToParent); if (!m.IsIdentity()) { if (!m.Invert()) { continue; } p = m.Transform(p); } } result = SVGFrame->GetFrameForPoint(p); if (result) break; } } if (result && !HitTestClip(aFrame, aPoint)) result = nullptr; return result; } nsRect nsSVGUtils::GetCoveredRegion(const nsFrameList &aFrames) { nsRect rect; for (nsIFrame* kid = aFrames.FirstChild(); kid; kid = kid->GetNextSibling()) { nsISVGChildFrame* child = do_QueryFrame(kid); if (child) { nsRect childRect = child->GetCoveredRegion(); rect.UnionRect(rect, childRect); } } return rect; } nsRect nsSVGUtils::TransformFrameRectToOuterSVG(const nsRect& aRect, const gfxMatrix& aMatrix, nsPresContext* aPresContext) { gfxRect r(aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.width, aRect.height); r.Scale(1.0 / nsPresContext::AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()); return nsLayoutUtils::RoundGfxRectToAppRect( aMatrix.TransformBounds(r), aPresContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); } IntSize nsSVGUtils::ConvertToSurfaceSize(const gfxSize& aSize, bool *aResultOverflows) { IntSize surfaceSize(ClampToInt(ceil(aSize.width)), ClampToInt(ceil(aSize.height))); *aResultOverflows = surfaceSize.width != ceil(aSize.width) || surfaceSize.height != ceil(aSize.height); if (!Factory::CheckSurfaceSize(surfaceSize)) { surfaceSize.width = std::min(NS_SVG_OFFSCREEN_MAX_DIMENSION, surfaceSize.width); surfaceSize.height = std::min(NS_SVG_OFFSCREEN_MAX_DIMENSION, surfaceSize.height); *aResultOverflows = true; } return surfaceSize; } bool nsSVGUtils::HitTestRect(const gfx::Matrix &aMatrix, float aRX, float aRY, float aRWidth, float aRHeight, float aX, float aY) { gfx::Rect rect(aRX, aRY, aRWidth, aRHeight); if (rect.IsEmpty() || aMatrix.IsSingular()) { return false; } gfx::Matrix toRectSpace = aMatrix; toRectSpace.Invert(); gfx::Point p = toRectSpace.TransformPoint(gfx::Point(aX, aY)); return rect.x <= p.x && p.x <= rect.XMost() && rect.y <= p.y && p.y <= rect.YMost(); } gfxRect nsSVGUtils::GetClipRectForFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame, float aX, float aY, float aWidth, float aHeight) { const nsStyleDisplay* disp = aFrame->StyleDisplay(); const nsStyleEffects* effects = aFrame->StyleEffects(); if (!(effects->mClipFlags & NS_STYLE_CLIP_RECT)) { NS_ASSERTION(effects->mClipFlags == NS_STYLE_CLIP_AUTO, "We don't know about this type of clip."); return gfxRect(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight); } if (disp->mOverflowX == NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN || disp->mOverflowY == NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN) { nsIntRect clipPxRect = effects->mClip.ToOutsidePixels(aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); gfxRect clipRect = gfxRect(clipPxRect.x, clipPxRect.y, clipPxRect.width, clipPxRect.height); if (NS_STYLE_CLIP_RIGHT_AUTO & effects->mClipFlags) { clipRect.width = aWidth - clipRect.X(); } if (NS_STYLE_CLIP_BOTTOM_AUTO & effects->mClipFlags) { clipRect.height = aHeight - clipRect.Y(); } if (disp->mOverflowX != NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN) { clipRect.x = aX; clipRect.width = aWidth; } if (disp->mOverflowY != NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN) { clipRect.y = aY; clipRect.height = aHeight; } return clipRect; } return gfxRect(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight); } void nsSVGUtils::SetClipRect(gfxContext *aContext, const gfxMatrix &aCTM, const gfxRect &aRect) { if (aCTM.IsSingular()) return; gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore matrixAutoSaveRestore(aContext); aContext->Multiply(aCTM); aContext->Clip(aRect); } gfxRect nsSVGUtils::GetBBox(nsIFrame *aFrame, uint32_t aFlags) { if (aFrame->GetContent()->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) { aFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); } gfxRect bbox; nsISVGChildFrame *svg = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); if (svg || aFrame->IsSVGText()) { // It is possible to apply a gradient, pattern, clipping path, mask or // filter to text. When one of these facilities is applied to text // the bounding box is the entire text element in all // cases. if (aFrame->IsSVGText()) { nsIFrame* ancestor = GetFirstNonAAncestorFrame(aFrame); if (ancestor && ancestor->IsSVGText()) { while (ancestor->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::svgTextFrame) { ancestor = ancestor->GetParent(); } } svg = do_QueryFrame(ancestor); } nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent(); if (content->IsSVGElement() && !static_cast<const nsSVGElement*>(content)->HasValidDimensions()) { return bbox; } FrameProperties props = aFrame->Properties(); if (aFlags == eBBoxIncludeFillGeometry) { gfxRect* prop = props.Get(ObjectBoundingBoxProperty()); if (prop) { return *prop; } } gfxMatrix matrix; if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgForeignObjectFrame || aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgUseFrame) { // The spec says getBBox "Returns the tight bounding box in *current user // space*". So we should really be doing this for all elements, but that // needs investigation to check that we won't break too much content. // NOTE: When changing this to apply to other frame types, make sure to // also update nsSVGUtils::FrameSpaceInCSSPxToUserSpaceOffset. MOZ_ASSERT(content->IsSVGElement(), "bad cast"); nsSVGElement *element = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(content); matrix = element->PrependLocalTransformsTo(matrix, eChildToUserSpace); } bbox = svg->GetBBoxContribution(ToMatrix(matrix), aFlags).ToThebesRect(); // Account for 'clipped'. if (aFlags & nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeClipped) { gfxRect clipRect(0, 0, 0, 0); float x, y, width, height; gfxMatrix tm; gfxRect fillBBox = svg->GetBBoxContribution(ToMatrix(tm), nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFill).ToThebesRect(); x = fillBBox.x; y = fillBBox.y; width = fillBBox.width; height = fillBBox.height; bool hasClip = aFrame->StyleDisplay()->IsScrollableOverflow(); if (hasClip) { clipRect = nsSVGUtils::GetClipRectForFrame(aFrame, x, y, width, height); if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgForeignObjectFrame || aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgUseFrame) { clipRect = matrix.TransformBounds(clipRect); } } nsSVGEffects::EffectProperties effectProperties = nsSVGEffects::GetEffectProperties(aFrame); bool isOK = true; nsSVGClipPathFrame *clipPathFrame = effectProperties.GetClipPathFrame(&isOK); if (clipPathFrame && isOK) { SVGClipPathElement *clipContent = static_cast<SVGClipPathElement*>(clipPathFrame->GetContent()); if (clipContent->IsUnitsObjectBoundingBox()) { matrix.Translate(gfxPoint(x, y)); matrix.Scale(width, height); } else if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgForeignObjectFrame) { matrix.Reset(); } bbox = clipPathFrame->GetBBoxForClipPathFrame(bbox, matrix).ToThebesRect(); if (hasClip) { bbox = bbox.Intersect(clipRect); } } else { if (!isOK) { bbox = gfxRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { if (hasClip) { bbox = bbox.Intersect(clipRect); } } } if (bbox.IsEmpty()) { bbox = gfxRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (aFlags == eBBoxIncludeFillGeometry) { // Obtaining the bbox for objectBoundingBox calculations is common so we // cache the result for future calls, since calculation can be expensive: props.Set(ObjectBoundingBoxProperty(), new gfxRect(bbox)); } return bbox; } return nsSVGIntegrationUtils::GetSVGBBoxForNonSVGFrame(aFrame); } gfxPoint nsSVGUtils::FrameSpaceInCSSPxToUserSpaceOffset(nsIFrame *aFrame) { if (!(aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_SVG_LAYOUT)) { // The user space for non-SVG frames is defined as the bounding box of the // frame's border-box rects over all continuations. return gfxPoint(); } // Leaf frames apply their own offset inside their user space. if (aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVGGeometry) || aFrame->IsSVGText()) { return nsLayoutUtils::RectToGfxRect(aFrame->GetRect(), nsPresContext::AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()).TopLeft(); } // For foreignObject frames, nsSVGUtils::GetBBox applies their local // transform, so we need to do the same here. if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgForeignObjectFrame || aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgUseFrame) { gfxMatrix transform = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(aFrame->GetContent())-> PrependLocalTransformsTo(gfxMatrix(), eChildToUserSpace); NS_ASSERTION(!transform.HasNonTranslation(), "we're relying on this being an offset-only transform"); return transform.GetTranslation(); } return gfxPoint(); } static gfxRect GetBoundingBoxRelativeRect(const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH, const gfxRect& aBBox) { return gfxRect(aBBox.x + nsSVGUtils::ObjectSpace(aBBox, &aXYWH[0]), aBBox.y + nsSVGUtils::ObjectSpace(aBBox, &aXYWH[1]), nsSVGUtils::ObjectSpace(aBBox, &aXYWH[2]), nsSVGUtils::ObjectSpace(aBBox, &aXYWH[3])); } gfxRect nsSVGUtils::GetRelativeRect(uint16_t aUnits, const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH, const gfxRect& aBBox, const UserSpaceMetrics& aMetrics) { if (aUnits == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { return GetBoundingBoxRelativeRect(aXYWH, aBBox); } return gfxRect(UserSpace(aMetrics, &aXYWH[0]), UserSpace(aMetrics, &aXYWH[1]), UserSpace(aMetrics, &aXYWH[2]), UserSpace(aMetrics, &aXYWH[3])); } gfxRect nsSVGUtils::GetRelativeRect(uint16_t aUnits, const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH, const gfxRect& aBBox, nsIFrame *aFrame) { if (aUnits == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { return GetBoundingBoxRelativeRect(aXYWH, aBBox); } nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent(); if (content->IsSVGElement()) { nsSVGElement* svgElement = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(content); return GetRelativeRect(aUnits, aXYWH, aBBox, SVGElementMetrics(svgElement)); } return GetRelativeRect(aUnits, aXYWH, aBBox, NonSVGFrameUserSpaceMetrics(aFrame)); } bool nsSVGUtils::CanOptimizeOpacity(nsIFrame *aFrame) { if (!(aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_SVG_LAYOUT)) { return false; } nsIAtom *type = aFrame->GetType(); if (type != nsGkAtoms::svgImageFrame && type != nsGkAtoms::svgPathGeometryFrame) { return false; } if (aFrame->StyleEffects()->HasFilters()) { return false; } // XXX The SVG WG is intending to allow fill, stroke and markers on <image> if (type == nsGkAtoms::svgImageFrame) { return true; } const nsStyleSVG *style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); if (style->HasMarker()) { return false; } if (!style->HasFill() || !HasStroke(aFrame)) { return true; } return false; } gfxMatrix nsSVGUtils::AdjustMatrixForUnits(const gfxMatrix &aMatrix, nsSVGEnum *aUnits, nsIFrame *aFrame) { if (aFrame && aUnits->GetAnimValue() == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { gfxRect bbox = GetBBox(aFrame); gfxMatrix tm = aMatrix; tm.Translate(gfxPoint(bbox.X(), bbox.Y())); tm.Scale(bbox.Width(), bbox.Height()); return tm; } return aMatrix; } nsIFrame* nsSVGUtils::GetFirstNonAAncestorFrame(nsIFrame* aStartFrame) { for (nsIFrame *ancestorFrame = aStartFrame; ancestorFrame; ancestorFrame = ancestorFrame->GetParent()) { if (ancestorFrame->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::svgAFrame) { return ancestorFrame; } } return nullptr; } bool nsSVGUtils::GetNonScalingStrokeTransform(nsIFrame *aFrame, gfxMatrix* aUserToOuterSVG) { if (aFrame->GetContent()->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) { aFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); } if (!aFrame->StyleSVGReset()->HasNonScalingStroke()) { return false; } nsIContent *content = aFrame->GetContent(); MOZ_ASSERT(content->IsSVGElement(), "bad cast"); *aUserToOuterSVG = ThebesMatrix(SVGContentUtils::GetCTM( static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(content), true)); return !aUserToOuterSVG->IsIdentity(); } // The logic here comes from _cairo_stroke_style_max_distance_from_path static gfxRect PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents(const gfxRect& aPathExtents, nsIFrame* aFrame, double aStyleExpansionFactor, const gfxMatrix& aMatrix) { double style_expansion = aStyleExpansionFactor * nsSVGUtils::GetStrokeWidth(aFrame); gfxMatrix matrix = aMatrix; gfxMatrix outerSVGToUser; if (nsSVGUtils::GetNonScalingStrokeTransform(aFrame, &outerSVGToUser)) { outerSVGToUser.Invert(); matrix.PreMultiply(outerSVGToUser); } double dx = style_expansion * (fabs(matrix._11) + fabs(matrix._21)); double dy = style_expansion * (fabs(matrix._22) + fabs(matrix._12)); gfxRect strokeExtents = aPathExtents; strokeExtents.Inflate(dx, dy); return strokeExtents; } /*static*/ gfxRect nsSVGUtils::PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents(const gfxRect& aPathExtents, nsTextFrame* aFrame, const gfxMatrix& aMatrix) { NS_ASSERTION(aFrame->IsSVGText(), "expected an nsTextFrame for SVG text"); return ::PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents(aPathExtents, aFrame, 0.5, aMatrix); } /*static*/ gfxRect nsSVGUtils::PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents(const gfxRect& aPathExtents, nsSVGPathGeometryFrame* aFrame, const gfxMatrix& aMatrix) { bool strokeMayHaveCorners = !SVGContentUtils::ShapeTypeHasNoCorners(aFrame->GetContent()); // For a shape without corners the stroke can only extend half the stroke // width from the path in the x/y-axis directions. For shapes with corners // the stroke can extend by sqrt(1/2) (think 45 degree rotated rect, or line // with stroke-linecaps="square"). double styleExpansionFactor = strokeMayHaveCorners ? M_SQRT1_2 : 0.5; // The stroke can extend even further for paths that can be affected by // stroke-miterlimit. bool affectedByMiterlimit = aFrame->GetContent()->IsAnyOfSVGElements(nsGkAtoms::path, nsGkAtoms::polyline, nsGkAtoms::polygon); if (affectedByMiterlimit) { const nsStyleSVG* style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); if (style->mStrokeLinejoin == NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER && styleExpansionFactor < style->mStrokeMiterlimit / 2.0) { styleExpansionFactor = style->mStrokeMiterlimit / 2.0; } } return ::PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents(aPathExtents, aFrame, styleExpansionFactor, aMatrix); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* static */ nscolor nsSVGUtils::GetFallbackOrPaintColor(nsStyleContext *aStyleContext, nsStyleSVGPaint nsStyleSVG::*aFillOrStroke) { const nsStyleSVGPaint &paint = aStyleContext->StyleSVG()->*aFillOrStroke; nsStyleContext *styleIfVisited = aStyleContext->GetStyleIfVisited(); bool isServer = paint.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_Server || paint.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_ContextFill || paint.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_ContextStroke; nscolor color = isServer ? paint.GetFallbackColor() : paint.GetColor(); if (styleIfVisited) { const nsStyleSVGPaint &paintIfVisited = styleIfVisited->StyleSVG()->*aFillOrStroke; // To prevent Web content from detecting if a user has visited a URL // (via URL loading triggered by paint servers or performance // differences between paint servers or between a paint server and a // color), we do not allow whether links are visited to change which // paint server is used or switch between paint servers and simple // colors. A :visited style may only override a simple color with // another simple color. if (paintIfVisited.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_Color && paint.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_Color) { nscolor colors[2] = { color, paintIfVisited.GetColor() }; return nsStyleContext::CombineVisitedColors( colors, aStyleContext->RelevantLinkVisited()); } } return color; } /* static */ void nsSVGUtils::MakeFillPatternFor(nsIFrame* aFrame, gfxContext* aContext, GeneralPattern* aOutPattern, SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) { const nsStyleSVG* style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); if (style->mFill.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_None) { return; } const float opacity = aFrame->StyleEffects()->mOpacity; float fillOpacity = GetOpacity(style->FillOpacitySource(), style->mFillOpacity, aContextPaint); if (opacity < 1.0f && nsSVGUtils::CanOptimizeOpacity(aFrame)) { // Combine the group opacity into the fill opacity (we will have skipped // creating an offscreen surface to apply the group opacity). fillOpacity *= opacity; } const DrawTarget* dt = aContext->GetDrawTarget(); nsSVGPaintServerFrame *ps = nsSVGEffects::GetPaintServer(aFrame, &nsStyleSVG::mFill, nsSVGEffects::FillProperty()); if (ps) { RefPtr<gfxPattern> pattern = ps->GetPaintServerPattern(aFrame, dt, aContext->CurrentMatrix(), &nsStyleSVG::mFill, fillOpacity); if (pattern) { pattern->CacheColorStops(dt); aOutPattern->Init(*pattern->GetPattern(dt)); return; } } if (aContextPaint) { RefPtr<gfxPattern> pattern; switch (style->mFill.Type()) { case eStyleSVGPaintType_ContextFill: pattern = aContextPaint->GetFillPattern(dt, fillOpacity, aContext->CurrentMatrix()); break; case eStyleSVGPaintType_ContextStroke: pattern = aContextPaint->GetStrokePattern(dt, fillOpacity, aContext->CurrentMatrix()); break; default: ; } if (pattern) { aOutPattern->Init(*pattern->GetPattern(dt)); return; } } // On failure, use the fallback colour in case we have an // objectBoundingBox where the width or height of the object is zero. // See http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/coords.html#ObjectBoundingBox Color color(Color::FromABGR(GetFallbackOrPaintColor(aFrame->StyleContext(), &nsStyleSVG::mFill))); color.a *= fillOpacity; aOutPattern->InitColorPattern(ToDeviceColor(color)); } /* static */ void nsSVGUtils::MakeStrokePatternFor(nsIFrame* aFrame, gfxContext* aContext, GeneralPattern* aOutPattern, SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) { const nsStyleSVG* style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); if (style->mStroke.Type() == eStyleSVGPaintType_None) { return; } const float opacity = aFrame->StyleEffects()->mOpacity; float strokeOpacity = GetOpacity(style->StrokeOpacitySource(), style->mStrokeOpacity, aContextPaint); if (opacity < 1.0f && nsSVGUtils::CanOptimizeOpacity(aFrame)) { // Combine the group opacity into the stroke opacity (we will have skipped // creating an offscreen surface to apply the group opacity). strokeOpacity *= opacity; } const DrawTarget* dt = aContext->GetDrawTarget(); nsSVGPaintServerFrame *ps = nsSVGEffects::GetPaintServer(aFrame, &nsStyleSVG::mStroke, nsSVGEffects::StrokeProperty()); if (ps) { RefPtr<gfxPattern> pattern = ps->GetPaintServerPattern(aFrame, dt, aContext->CurrentMatrix(), &nsStyleSVG::mStroke, strokeOpacity); if (pattern) { pattern->CacheColorStops(dt); aOutPattern->Init(*pattern->GetPattern(dt)); return; } } if (aContextPaint) { RefPtr<gfxPattern> pattern; switch (style->mStroke.Type()) { case eStyleSVGPaintType_ContextFill: pattern = aContextPaint->GetFillPattern(dt, strokeOpacity, aContext->CurrentMatrix()); break; case eStyleSVGPaintType_ContextStroke: pattern = aContextPaint->GetStrokePattern(dt, strokeOpacity, aContext->CurrentMatrix()); break; default: ; } if (pattern) { aOutPattern->Init(*pattern->GetPattern(dt)); return; } } // On failure, use the fallback colour in case we have an // objectBoundingBox where the width or height of the object is zero. // See http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/coords.html#ObjectBoundingBox Color color(Color::FromABGR(GetFallbackOrPaintColor(aFrame->StyleContext(), &nsStyleSVG::mStroke))); color.a *= strokeOpacity; aOutPattern->InitColorPattern(ToDeviceColor(color)); } /* static */ float nsSVGUtils::GetOpacity(nsStyleSVGOpacitySource aOpacityType, const float& aOpacity, SVGContextPaint *aContextPaint) { float opacity = 1.0f; switch (aOpacityType) { case eStyleSVGOpacitySource_Normal: opacity = aOpacity; break; case eStyleSVGOpacitySource_ContextFillOpacity: if (aContextPaint) { opacity = aContextPaint->GetFillOpacity(); } else { NS_WARNING("Content used context-fill-opacity when not in a context element"); } break; case eStyleSVGOpacitySource_ContextStrokeOpacity: if (aContextPaint) { opacity = aContextPaint->GetStrokeOpacity(); } else { NS_WARNING("Content used context-stroke-opacity when not in a context element"); } break; default: NS_NOTREACHED("Unknown object opacity inheritance type for SVG glyph"); } return opacity; } bool nsSVGUtils::HasStroke(nsIFrame* aFrame, SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) { const nsStyleSVG *style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); return style->HasStroke() && GetStrokeWidth(aFrame, aContextPaint) > 0; } float nsSVGUtils::GetStrokeWidth(nsIFrame* aFrame, SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) { const nsStyleSVG *style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); if (aContextPaint && style->StrokeWidthFromObject()) { return aContextPaint->GetStrokeWidth(); } nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent(); if (content->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) { content = content->GetParent(); } nsSVGElement *ctx = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(content); return SVGContentUtils::CoordToFloat(ctx, style->mStrokeWidth); } static bool GetStrokeDashData(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsTArray<gfxFloat>& aDashes, gfxFloat* aDashOffset, SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) { const nsStyleSVG* style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); nsIContent *content = aFrame->GetContent(); nsSVGElement *ctx = static_cast<nsSVGElement*> (content->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT) ? content->GetParent() : content); gfxFloat totalLength = 0.0; if (aContextPaint && style->StrokeDasharrayFromObject()) { aDashes = aContextPaint->GetStrokeDashArray(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aDashes.Length(); i++) { if (aDashes[i] < 0.0) { return false; } totalLength += aDashes[i]; } } else { uint32_t count = style->mStrokeDasharray.Length(); if (!count || !aDashes.SetLength(count, fallible)) { return false; } gfxFloat pathScale = 1.0; if (content->IsSVGElement(nsGkAtoms::path)) { pathScale = static_cast<SVGPathElement*>(content)-> GetPathLengthScale(SVGPathElement::eForStroking); if (pathScale <= 0) { return false; } } const nsTArray<nsStyleCoord>& dasharray = style->mStrokeDasharray; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { aDashes[i] = SVGContentUtils::CoordToFloat(ctx, dasharray[i]) * pathScale; if (aDashes[i] < 0.0) { return false; } totalLength += aDashes[i]; } } if (aContextPaint && style->StrokeDashoffsetFromObject()) { *aDashOffset = aContextPaint->GetStrokeDashOffset(); } else { *aDashOffset = SVGContentUtils::CoordToFloat(ctx, style->mStrokeDashoffset); } return (totalLength > 0.0); } void nsSVGUtils::SetupCairoStrokeGeometry(nsIFrame* aFrame, gfxContext *aContext, SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) { float width = GetStrokeWidth(aFrame, aContextPaint); if (width <= 0) return; aContext->SetLineWidth(width); // Apply any stroke-specific transform gfxMatrix outerSVGToUser; if (GetNonScalingStrokeTransform(aFrame, &outerSVGToUser) && outerSVGToUser.Invert()) { aContext->Multiply(outerSVGToUser); } const nsStyleSVG* style = aFrame->StyleSVG(); switch (style->mStrokeLinecap) { case NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT: aContext->SetLineCap(CapStyle::BUTT); break; case NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINECAP_ROUND: aContext->SetLineCap(CapStyle::ROUND); break; case NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINECAP_SQUARE: aContext->SetLineCap(CapStyle::SQUARE); break; } aContext->SetMiterLimit(style->mStrokeMiterlimit); switch (style->mStrokeLinejoin) { case NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER: aContext->SetLineJoin(JoinStyle::MITER_OR_BEVEL); break; case NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINEJOIN_ROUND: aContext->SetLineJoin(JoinStyle::ROUND); break; case NS_STYLE_STROKE_LINEJOIN_BEVEL: aContext->SetLineJoin(JoinStyle::BEVEL); break; } AutoTArray<gfxFloat, 10> dashes; gfxFloat dashOffset; if (GetStrokeDashData(aFrame, dashes, &dashOffset, aContextPaint)) { aContext->SetDash(dashes.Elements(), dashes.Length(), dashOffset); } } uint16_t nsSVGUtils::GetGeometryHitTestFlags(nsIFrame* aFrame) { uint16_t flags = 0; switch (aFrame->StyleUserInterface()->mPointerEvents) { case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_NONE: break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_AUTO: case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_VISIBLEPAINTED: if (aFrame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { if (aFrame->StyleSVG()->mFill.Type() != eStyleSVGPaintType_None) flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_FILL; if (aFrame->StyleSVG()->mStroke.Type() != eStyleSVGPaintType_None) flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_STROKE; if (aFrame->StyleSVG()->mStrokeOpacity > 0) flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_CHECK_MRECT; } break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_VISIBLEFILL: if (aFrame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_FILL; } break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_VISIBLESTROKE: if (aFrame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_STROKE; } break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_VISIBLE: if (aFrame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_FILL | SVG_HIT_TEST_STROKE; } break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_PAINTED: if (aFrame->StyleSVG()->mFill.Type() != eStyleSVGPaintType_None) flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_FILL; if (aFrame->StyleSVG()->mStroke.Type() != eStyleSVGPaintType_None) flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_STROKE; if (aFrame->StyleSVG()->mStrokeOpacity) flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_CHECK_MRECT; break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_FILL: flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_FILL; break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_STROKE: flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_STROKE; break; case NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_ALL: flags |= SVG_HIT_TEST_FILL | SVG_HIT_TEST_STROKE; break; default: NS_ERROR("not reached"); break; } return flags; } bool nsSVGUtils::PaintSVGGlyph(Element* aElement, gfxContext* aContext) { nsIFrame* frame = aElement->GetPrimaryFrame(); nsISVGChildFrame* svgFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame); if (!svgFrame) { return false; } gfxMatrix m; if (frame->GetContent()->IsSVGElement()) { // PaintSVG() expects the passed transform to be the transform to its own // SVG user space, so we need to account for any 'transform' attribute: m = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(frame->GetContent())-> PrependLocalTransformsTo(gfxMatrix(), eUserSpaceToParent); } DrawResult result = svgFrame->PaintSVG(*aContext, m); return (result == DrawResult::SUCCESS); } bool nsSVGUtils::GetSVGGlyphExtents(Element* aElement, const gfxMatrix& aSVGToAppSpace, gfxRect* aResult) { nsIFrame* frame = aElement->GetPrimaryFrame(); nsISVGChildFrame* svgFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame); if (!svgFrame) { return false; } gfxMatrix transform(aSVGToAppSpace); nsIContent* content = frame->GetContent(); if (content->IsSVGElement()) { transform = static_cast<nsSVGElement*>(content)-> PrependLocalTransformsTo(aSVGToAppSpace); } *aResult = svgFrame->GetBBoxContribution(gfx::ToMatrix(transform), nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFill | nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFillGeometry | nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeStroke | nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeStrokeGeometry | nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeMarkers).ToThebesRect(); return true; } nsRect nsSVGUtils::ToCanvasBounds(const gfxRect &aUserspaceRect, const gfxMatrix &aToCanvas, const nsPresContext *presContext) { return nsLayoutUtils::RoundGfxRectToAppRect( aToCanvas.TransformBounds(aUserspaceRect), presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); }