<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Test for css3-counter-style (Bug 966166)</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <style type="text/css"> #ol_test, #ol_ref { display: inline-block; list-style-position: inside; } #ol_test { list-style-type: test; } #ol_ref { list-style-type: ref; } #div_test, #div_ref { display: inline-block; counter-reset: a -1; } #div_test::before { content: counter(a, test); } #div_ref::before { content: counter(a, ref); } </style> <style type="text/css" id="counter"> </style> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=966166">Mozilla Bug 966166</a> <div id="display"></div> <ol id="ol_test" start="-1"><li></li></ol><br> <ol id="ol_ref" start="-1"><li></li></ol><br> <div id="div_test"></div><br> <div id="div_ref"></div><br> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> var gOlTest = document.getElementById("ol_test"), gOlRef = document.getElementById("ol_ref"), gDivTest = document.getElementById("div_test"), gDivRef = document.getElementById("div_ref"), gCounterSheet = document.getElementById("counter").sheet; var testRule, refRule; var basicStyle = "system: extends decimal; range: infinite infinite; "; var info = [ ["system", "system: fixed -1; symbols: xxx;", "system: fixed; symbols: xxx;"], ["system", "system: extends decimal;", "system: extends cjk-ideographic;"], ["negative", "", "negative: '((' '))';"], ["negative", "", "negative: '---';"], ["prefix", "", "prefix: '###';"], ["suffix", "", "suffix: '###';"], ["range", "fallback: cjk-ideographic;", "fallback: cjk-ideographic; range: 10 infinite;"], ["pad", "", "pad: 10 '0';"], ["fallback", "range: 0 infinite;", "range: 0 infinite; fallback: cjk-ideographic;"], ["symbols", "system: symbolic; symbols: '1';", "system: symbolic; symbols: '111';"], ["additiveSymbols", "system: additive; additive-symbols: 1 '1';", "system: additive; additive-symbols: 1 '111';"], ]; // force a reflow before test to eliminate bug 994418 gOlTest.getBoundingClientRect().width; for (var i in info) { var item = info[i]; var desc = item[0], testStyle = item[1], refStyle = item[2]; var isFix = (desc == "prefix" || desc == "suffix"); while (gCounterSheet.cssRules.length > 0) { gCounterSheet.deleteRule(0); } gCounterSheet.insertRule("@counter-style test { " + basicStyle + testStyle + "}", 0); gCounterSheet.insertRule("@counter-style ref { " + basicStyle + refStyle + "}", 1); testRule = gCounterSheet.cssRules[0]; refRule = gCounterSheet.cssRules[1]; var olTestWidth = gOlTest.getBoundingClientRect().width; var olRefWidth = gOlRef.getBoundingClientRect().width; ok(olTestWidth > 0, "test ol has width"); ok(olRefWidth > 0, "ref ol has width"); ok(olTestWidth != olRefWidth, "OLs have different width " + "for rule '" + testStyle + "' and '" + refStyle + "'"); var divTestWidth = gDivTest.getBoundingClientRect().width; var divRefWidth = gDivRef.getBoundingClientRect().width; if (!isFix) { ok(divTestWidth > 0, "test div has width"); ok(divRefWidth > 0, "ref div has width"); ok(divTestWidth != divRefWidth, "DIVs have different width" + "for rule '" + testStyle + "' and '" + refStyle + "'"); } ok(testRule[desc] != refRule[desc], "rules have different values for desciptor '" + desc + "'"); testRule[desc] = refRule[desc]; var olNewWidth = gOlTest.getBoundingClientRect().width; var divNewWidth = gDivTest.getBoundingClientRect().width; is(olNewWidth, olRefWidth); if (!isFix) { is(divNewWidth, divRefWidth); } } </script> </pre> </body> </html>