  <title>Test for Bug 657143</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=657143">Mozilla Bug 657143</a>
<p id="display"></p>
/* Ensure that there is at least one custom property on the root element's
   computed style */
:root { --test: some value; }
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 657143 **/

// Check ordering of CSS properties in nsComputedDOMStylePropertyList.h
// by splitting the getComputedStyle() into five sublists
// then cloning and sort()ing the lists and comparing with originals.

function isMozPrefixed(aProp) {
  return aProp.startsWith("-moz");

function isNotMozPrefixed(aProp) {
  return !isMozPrefixed(aProp);

function isWebkitPrefixed(aProp) {
  return aProp.startsWith("-webkit");

function isNotWebkitPrefixed(aProp) {
  return !isWebkitPrefixed(aProp);

function isCustom(aProp) {
  return aProp.startsWith("--");

function isNotCustom(aProp) {
  return !isCustom(aProp);

var styleList = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
    cssA = [], mozA = [], webkitA = [], svgA = [], customA = [];

// Partition the list of property names into four lists:
//   cssA: regular, non-SVG properties
//   mozA: '-moz-' prefixed properties
//   svgA: SVG properties
//   customA: '--' prefixed custom properties

var list = cssA;
for (var i = 0, j = styleList.length; i < j; i++) {
  var prop = styleList.item(i);

  switch (list) {
    case cssA:
      if (isMozPrefixed(prop)) {
        list = mozA;
      // fall through
    case mozA:
      if (isWebkitPrefixed(prop)) {
        list = webkitA;
      // fall through
    case webkitA:
      // Assume that the first SVG property is 'clip-path'.
      if (prop == "clip-path") {
        list = svgA;
      // fall through
    case svgA:
      if (isCustom(prop)) {
        list = customA;
      // fall through


var cssB = cssA.slice(0).sort(),
    mozB = mozA.slice(0).sort(),
    webkitB = webkitA.slice(0).sort(),
    svgB = svgA.slice(0).sort();

is(cssA.toString(), cssB.toString(), 'CSS property list should be alphabetical');
is(mozA.toString(), mozB.toString(), 'Experimental -moz- CSS property list should be alphabetical');
is(webkitA.toString(), webkitB.toString(), 'Compatible -webkit- CSS property list should be alphabetical');
is(svgA.toString(), svgB.toString(), 'SVG property list should be alphabetical');

// We don't test that the custom property list is sorted, as the CSSOM
// specification does not yet require it, and we don't return them
// in sorted order.

ok(!cssA.find(isWebkitPrefixed), 'Compatible -webkit- CSS properties should not be in the mature CSS property list');
ok(!cssA.find(isMozPrefixed), 'Experimental -moz- CSS properties should not be in the mature CSS property list');
ok(!cssA.find(isCustom), 'Custom CSS properties should not be in the mature CSS property list');
ok(!mozA.find(isWebkitPrefixed), 'Compatible -webkit- CSS properties should not be in the experimental -moz- CSS '
                                  + 'property list');
ok(!mozA.find(isNotMozPrefixed), 'Experimental -moz- CSS property list should not contain non -moz- prefixed '
                                  + 'CSS properties');
ok(!mozA.find(isCustom), 'Custom CSS properties should not be in the experimental -moz- CSS property list');
ok(!webkitA.find(isNotWebkitPrefixed), 'Compatible -webkit- CSS properties should not contain non -webkit- prefixed '
                                        + 'CSS properties');
ok(!webkitA.find(isMozPrefixed), 'Experimental -moz- CSS properties should not be in the compatible -webkit- CSS '
                                  + 'property list');
ok(!webkitA.find(isCustom), 'Custom CSS properties should not be in the compatible -webkit- CSS property list');
ok(!svgA.find(isWebkitPrefixed), 'Compatible -webkit- CSS properties should not be in the SVG property list'); 
ok(!svgA.find(isMozPrefixed), 'Experimental -moz- CSS properties should not be in the SVG property list');
ok(!svgA.find(isCustom), 'Custom CSS properties should not be in the SVG property list');
ok(!customA.find(isNotCustom), 'Non-custom CSS properties should not be in the custom property list');
